path: root/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
commit6bf0a5cb5034a7e684dcc3500e841785237ce2dd (patch)
treea68f146d7fa01f0134297619fbe7e33db084e0aa /thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:115.7.0.upstream/1%115.7.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki/pippki.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki/pippki.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbb52974a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/security/pippki/pippki.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+password-quality-meter = Pasahitz kalitatearen neurgailua
+## Change Password dialog
+change-device-password-window =
+ .title = Aldatu pasahitza
+# Variables:
+# $tokenName (String) - Security device of the change password dialog
+change-password-token = Segurtasun-gailua: { $tokenName }
+change-password-old = Uneko pasahitza:
+change-password-new = Pasahitz berria:
+change-password-reenter = Pasahitz berria (berriro):
+pippki-failed-pw-change = Ezin da pasahitza aldatu.
+pippki-incorrect-pw = Ez duzu uneko pasahitz zuzena sartu. Saiatu berriro.
+pippki-pw-change-ok = Pasahitza ondo aldatu da.
+pippki-pw-empty-warning = Gordetako zure pasahitz eta gako pribatuak ez dira babestuko.
+pippki-pw-erased-ok = Zure pasahitza ezabatu duzu. { pippki-pw-empty-warning }
+pippki-pw-not-wanted = Kontuz! Pasahitzik ez erabiltzea erabaki duzu. { pippki-pw-empty-warning }
+pippki-pw-change2empty-in-fips-mode = FIPS moduan zaude. Honek hutsa ez den pasahitza eskatzen du.
+## Reset Primary Password dialog
+reset-primary-password-window2 =
+ .title = Berrezarri pasahitz nagusia
+ .style = min-width: 40em
+reset-password-button-label =
+ .label = Berezarri
+reset-primary-password-text = Pasahitz nagusia berrezarriz gero, ahaztu egingo dira gordetako webeko eta posta elektronikoko pasahitzak, ziurtagiri pertsonalak eta gako pribatuak. Ziur zaude pasahitz nagusia berrezarri nahi duzula?
+pippki-reset-password-confirmation-title = Berrezarri pasahitz nagusia
+pippki-reset-password-confirmation-message = Zure pasahitz nagusia berrezarri egin da.
+## Downloading cert dialog
+download-cert-window2 =
+ .title = Ziurtagiria deskargatzen
+ .style = min-width: 46em
+download-cert-message = Autoritate ziurtagiri (AZ) berri batez fidatzeko eskatu zaizu.
+download-cert-trust-ssl =
+ .label = Fidatu AZ honetaz webguneak identifikatzeko.
+download-cert-trust-email =
+ .label = Fidatu AZ honetaz e-posta erabiltzaileak identifikatzeko.
+download-cert-message-desc = Edozein xedetarako AZ honetaz fidatu aurretik, bere ziurtagiria eta bere gidalerroak eta prozedurak (eskuragarri badaude) aztertu behar dituzu.
+download-cert-view-cert =
+ .label = Ikusi
+download-cert-view-text = Aztertu AZren ziurtagiriak
+## Client Authorization Ask dialog
+## Client Authentication Ask dialog
+client-auth-window =
+ .title = Erabiltzaile identifikazioaren eskaera
+client-auth-site-description = Gune honek zeure burua ziurtagiri batez identifikatzeko eskatu dizu:
+client-auth-choose-cert = Aukeratu ziurtagiri bat identifikazio gisa aurkezteko:
+client-auth-send-no-certificate =
+ .label = Ez bidali ziurtagiria
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (String) - The domain name of the site requesting the client authentication certificate
+client-auth-site-identification = "{ $hostname }" ostalariak zure burua ziurtagiri bidez identifikatzeko eskatu dizu:
+client-auth-cert-details = Hautatutako ziurtagiriaren xehetasunak:
+# Variables:
+# $issuedTo (String) - The subject common name of the currently-selected client authentication certificate
+client-auth-cert-details-issued-to = Honi emana: { $issuedTo }
+# Variables:
+# $serialNumber (String) - The serial number of the certificate (hexadecimal of the form "AA:BB:...")
+client-auth-cert-details-serial-number = Serie-zenbakia: { $serialNumber }
+# Variables:
+# $notBefore (String) - The date before which the certificate is not valid (e.g. Apr 21, 2023, 1:47:53 PM UTC)
+# $notAfter (String) - The date after which the certificate is not valid
+client-auth-cert-details-validity-period = Baliozkoa { $notBefore }(e)tik { $notAfter }(e)ra
+# Variables:
+# $keyUsages (String) - A list of already-localized key usages for which the certificate may be used
+client-auth-cert-details-key-usages = Gakoaren erabilera: { $keyUsages }
+# Variables:
+# $emailAddresses (String) - A list of email addresses present in the certificate
+client-auth-cert-details-email-addresses = Helbide elektronikoak: { $emailAddresses }
+# Variables:
+# $issuedBy (String) - The issuer common name of the certificate
+client-auth-cert-details-issued-by = Jaulkitzailea: { $issuedBy }
+# Variables:
+# $storedOn (String) - The name of the token holding the certificate (for example, "OS Client Cert Token (Modern)")
+client-auth-cert-details-stored-on = Hemen gordea: { $storedOn }
+client-auth-cert-remember-box =
+ .label = Gogoratu erabaki hau
+## Set password (p12) dialog
+set-password-window =
+ .title = Aukeratu ziurtagiri babeskopiaren pasahitza
+set-password-message = Hemen ezarritako ziurtagiriaren babeskopiak sortu behar duzun babeskopia babestuko du. Pasahitz hori ezarri behar duzu babeskopiarekin jarraitzeko.
+set-password-backup-pw =
+ .value = Ziurtagiri babeskopiaren pasahitza:
+set-password-repeat-backup-pw =
+ .value = Ziurtagiri babeskopiaren pasahitza (berriro):
+set-password-reminder = Garrantzizkoa: Ziurtagiri-babeskopiaren pasahitza ahazten bazaizu, ezin izango duzu geroago babeskopia hori berreskuratu. Gorde ezazu leku seguru batean.
+## Protected authentication alert
+# Variables:
+# $tokenName (String) - The name of the token to authenticate to (for example, "OS Client Cert Token (Modern)")
+protected-auth-alert = Mesedez autentifikatu "{ $tokenName }" tokenera. Hori nola egin behar den tokenaren araberakoa da (adibidez, hatz-marken irakurgailu bat erabiliz edo zenbakizko teklatu batekin kode bat sartuz).