path: root/comm/calendar/base/content/calendar-multiday-view.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/base/content/calendar-multiday-view.js')
1 files changed, 3512 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/base/content/calendar-multiday-view.js b/comm/calendar/base/content/calendar-multiday-view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..041c8ae335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/base/content/calendar-multiday-view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3512 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+/* import-globals-from widgets/mouseoverPreviews.js */
+/* import-globals-from calendar-ui-utils.js */
+/* global calendarNavigationBar, currentView, gCurrentMode, getSelectedCalendar,
+ invokeEventDragSession, MozElements, MozXULElement, timeIndicator */
+// Wrap in a block to prevent leaking to window scope.
+ const { cal } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.jsm");
+ const MINUTES_IN_DAY = 24 * 60;
+ /**
+ * Get the nearest or next snap point for the given minute. The set of snap
+ * points is given by `n * snapInterval`, where `n` is some integer.
+ *
+ * @param {number} minute - The minute to snap.
+ * @param {number} snapInterval - The integer number of minutes between snap
+ * points.
+ * @param {"nearest","forward","backward"} [direction="nearest"] - Where to
+ * find the snap point. "nearest" will return the closest snap point,
+ * "forward" will return the closest snap point that is greater (and not
+ * equal), and "backward" will return the closest snap point that is lower
+ * (and not equal).
+ *
+ * @returns {number} - The nearest snap point.
+ */
+ function snapMinute(minute, snapInterval, direction = "nearest") {
+ switch (direction) {
+ case "forward":
+ return Math.floor((minute + snapInterval) / snapInterval) * snapInterval;
+ case "backward":
+ return Math.ceil((minute - snapInterval) / snapInterval) * snapInterval;
+ case "nearest":
+ return Math.round(minute / snapInterval) * snapInterval;
+ default:
+ throw new RangeError(`"${direction}" is not one of the allowed values for the direction`);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine whether the given event item can be edited by the user.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} - Whether the given event can be edited by the user.
+ */
+ function canEditEventItem(eventItem) {
+ return (
+ cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(eventItem.calendar) &&
+ cal.acl.userCanModifyItem(eventItem) &&
+ !(
+ eventItem.calendar instanceof Ci.calISchedulingSupport &&
+ eventItem.calendar.isInvitation(eventItem)
+ ) &&
+ eventItem.calendar.getProperty("") !== false
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * The MozCalendarEventColumn widget used for displaying event boxes in one column per day.
+ * It is used to make the week view layout in the calendar. It manages the layout of the
+ * events given via add/deleteEvent.
+ */
+ class MozCalendarEventColumn extends MozXULElement {
+ static get inheritedAttributes() {
+ return {
+ ".multiday-events-list": "context",
+ ".timeIndicator": "orient",
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * The background hour box elements this event column owns, ordered and
+ * indexed by their starting hour.
+ *
+ * @type {Element[]}
+ */
+ hourBoxes = [];
+ /**
+ * The date of the day this event column represents.
+ *
+ * @type {calIDateTime}
+ */
+ date;
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasChildNodes()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.appendChild(
+ MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(`
+ <stack class="multiday-column-box-stack" flex="1">
+ <html:div class="multiday-hour-box-container"></html:div>
+ <html:ol class="multiday-events-list"></html:ol>
+ <box class="timeIndicator" hidden="true"/>
+ <box class="fgdragcontainer" flex="1">
+ <box class="fgdragspacer">
+ <spacer flex="1"/>
+ <label class="fgdragbox-label fgdragbox-startlabel"/>
+ </box>
+ <box class="fgdragbox"/>
+ <label class="fgdragbox-label fgdragbox-endlabel"/>
+ </box>
+ </stack>
+ <calendar-event-box hidden="true"/>
+ `)
+ );
+ this.hourBoxContainer = this.querySelector(".multiday-hour-box-container");
+ for (let hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
+ let hourBox = document.createElement("div");
+ hourBox.classList.add("multiday-hour-box");
+ this.hourBoxContainer.appendChild(hourBox);
+ this.hourBoxes.push(hourBox);
+ }
+ this.eventsListElement = this.querySelector(".multiday-events-list");
+ this.addEventListener("dblclick", event => {
+ if (event.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.calendarView.controller) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ this.calendarView.controller.createNewEvent(null, this.getMouseDateTime(event), null);
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("click", event => {
+ if (event.button != 0 || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.calendarView.setSelectedItems([]);
+ this.focus();
+ });
+ // Mouse down handler, in empty event column regions. Starts sweeping out a new event.
+ this.addEventListener("mousedown", event => {
+ // Select this column.
+ this.calendarView.selectedDay =;
+ // If the selected calendar is readOnly, we don't want any sweeping.
+ let calendar = getSelectedCalendar();
+ if (
+ !cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(calendar) ||
+ calendar.getProperty("") === false
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (event.button == 2) {
+ // Set a selected datetime for the context menu.
+ this.calendarView.selectedDateTime = this.getMouseDateTime(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only start sweeping out an event if the left button was clicked.
+ if (event.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.mDragState = {
+ origColumn: this,
+ dragType: "new",
+ mouseMinuteOffset: 0,
+ offset: null,
+ shadows: null,
+ limitStartMin: null,
+ limitEndMin: null,
+ jumpedColumns: 0,
+ };
+ // Snap interval: 15 minutes or 1 minute if modifier key is pressed.
+ this.mDragState.origMin = snapMinute(
+ this.getMouseMinute(event),
+ event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey ? 1 : 15
+ );
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical") {
+ this.mDragState.origLoc = event.clientY;
+ this.mDragState.limitEndMin = this.mDragState.origMin;
+ this.mDragState.limitStartMin = this.mDragState.origMin;
+ this.fgboxes.dragspacer.setAttribute(
+ "height",
+ this.mDragState.origMin * this.pixelsPerMinute
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.mDragState.origLoc = event.clientX;
+ this.fgboxes.dragspacer.setAttribute(
+ "width",
+ this.mDragState.origMin * this.pixelsPerMinute
+ );
+ }
+ document.calendarEventColumnDragging = this;
+ window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onEventSweepMouseMove);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onEventSweepMouseUp);
+ window.addEventListener("keypress", this.onEventSweepKeypress);
+ });
+ /**
+ * An internal collection of data for events.
+ *
+ * @typedef {object} EventData
+ * @property {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ * @property {Element} element - The displayed event in this column.
+ * @property {boolean} selected - Whether the event is selected.
+ * @property {boolean} needsUpdate - True whilst the eventItem has changed
+ * and we are still pending updating the 'element' property.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Event data for all the events displayed in this column.
+ *
+ * @type {Map<string, EventData} - A map from an event item's hashId to
+ * its data.
+ */
+ this.eventDataMap = new Map();
+ this.mCalendarView = null;
+ this.mDragState = null;
+ this.mLayoutBatchCount = 0;
+ // Since we'll often be getting many events in rapid succession, this
+ // timer helps ensure that we don't re-compute the event map too many
+ // times in a short interval, and therefore improves performance.
+ this.mEventMapTimeout = null;
+ // Whether the next added event should be created in the editing state.
+ this.newEventNeedsEditing = false;
+ // The hashId of the event we should set to editing in the next relayout.
+ this.eventToEdit = null;
+ this.mSelected = false;
+ this.mFgboxes = null;
+ this.initializeAttributeInheritance();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The number of pixels that a one minute duration should occupy in the
+ * column.
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ set pixelsPerMinute(val) {
+ this._pixelsPerMinute = val;
+ this.relayout();
+ }
+ get pixelsPerMinute() {
+ return this._pixelsPerMinute;
+ }
+ set calendarView(val) {
+ this.mCalendarView = val;
+ }
+ get calendarView() {
+ return this.mCalendarView;
+ }
+ get fgboxes() {
+ if (this.mFgboxes == null) {
+ this.mFgboxes = {
+ box: this.querySelector(".fgdragcontainer"),
+ dragbox: this.querySelector(".fgdragbox"),
+ dragspacer: this.querySelector(".fgdragspacer"),
+ startlabel: this.querySelector(".fgdragbox-startlabel"),
+ endlabel: this.querySelector(".fgdragbox-endlabel"),
+ };
+ }
+ return this.mFgboxes;
+ }
+ get timeIndicatorBox() {
+ return this.querySelector(".timeIndicator");
+ }
+ get events() {
+ return this.methods;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether the calendar-event-box element for the given event item
+ * should be displayed as selected or unselected.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ * @param {boolean} select - Whether to show the corresponding event element
+ * as selected.
+ */
+ selectEvent(eventItem, select) {
+ let data = this.eventDataMap.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ if (!data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ data.selected = select;
+ if (data.element) {
+ // There is a small window between an event item being added and it
+ // actually having an element. If it doesn't have an element yet, it
+ // will be selected on its creation instead.
+ data.element.selected = select;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the displayed calendar-event-box element for the given event item.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ *
+ * @returns {Element} - The corresponding element, or undefined if none.
+ */
+ findElementForEventItem(eventItem) {
+ return this.eventDataMap.get(eventItem.hashId)?.element;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return all the event items that are displayed in this columns.
+ *
+ * @returns {calItemBase[]} - An array of all the displayed event items.
+ */
+ getAllEventItems() {
+ return Array.from(this.eventDataMap.values(), data => data.eventItem);
+ }
+ startLayoutBatchChange() {
+ this.mLayoutBatchCount++;
+ }
+ endLayoutBatchChange() {
+ this.mLayoutBatchCount--;
+ if (this.mLayoutBatchCount == 0) {
+ this.relayout();
+ }
+ }
+ setAttribute(attr, val) {
+ // this should be done using lookupMethod(), see bug 286629
+ let ret = super.setAttribute(attr, val);
+ if (attr == "orient" && this.getAttribute("orient") != val) {
+ this.relayout();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create or update a displayed calendar-event-box element for the given
+ * event item.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item to create or update an
+ * element for.
+ */
+ addEvent(eventItem) {
+ let eventData = this.eventDataMap.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ if (!eventData) {
+ // New event with no pre-existing data.
+ eventData = { selected: false };
+ this.eventDataMap.set(eventItem.hashId, eventData);
+ }
+ eventData.needsUpdate = true;
+ // We set the eventItem property here, the rest will be updated in
+ // relayout().
+ // NOTE: If we already have an event with the given hashId, then the
+ // eventData.element will still refer to the previous display of the event
+ // until we call relayout().
+ eventData.eventItem = eventItem;
+ if (this.mEventMapTimeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this.mEventMapTimeout);
+ }
+ if (this.newEventNeedsEditing) {
+ this.eventToEdit = eventItem.hashId;
+ this.newEventNeedsEditing = false;
+ }
+ this.mEventMapTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.relayout(), 5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove the displayed calendar-event-box element for the given event item
+ * from this column
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item to remove the element of.
+ */
+ deleteEvent(eventItem) {
+ if (this.eventDataMap.delete(eventItem.hashId)) {
+ this.relayout();
+ }
+ }
+ _clearElements() {
+ while (this.eventsListElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.eventsListElement.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear the column of all events.
+ */
+ clear() {
+ this._clearElements();
+ this.eventDataMap.clear();
+ }
+ relayout() {
+ if (this.mLayoutBatchCount > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._clearElements();
+ let orient = this.getAttribute("orient");
+ let configBox = this.querySelector("calendar-event-box");
+ configBox.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let minSize = configBox.getOptimalMinSize(orient);
+ configBox.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ // The minimum event duration in minutes that would give at least the
+ // desired minSize in the layout.
+ let minDuration = Math.ceil(minSize / this.pixelsPerMinute);
+ let dayPx = `${MINUTES_IN_DAY * this.pixelsPerMinute}px`;
+ if (orient == "vertical") {
+ = dayPx;
+ = null;
+ } else {
+ = dayPx;
+ = null;
+ }
+ // 'fgbox' is used for dragging events.
+"orient", orient);
+ this.querySelector(".fgdragspacer").setAttribute("orient", orient);
+ for (let eventData of this.eventDataMap.values()) {
+ if (!eventData.needsUpdate) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ eventData.needsUpdate = false;
+ // Create a new wrapper.
+ let eventElement = document.createElement("li");
+ eventElement.classList.add("multiday-event-listitem");
+ // Set up the event box.
+ let eventBox = document.createXULElement("calendar-event-box");
+ eventElement.appendChild(eventBox);
+ // Trigger connectedCallback
+ this.eventsListElement.appendChild(eventElement);
+ eventBox.setAttribute(
+ "context",
+ this.getAttribute("item-context") || this.getAttribute("context")
+ );
+ eventBox.calendarView = this.calendarView;
+ eventBox.occurrence = eventData.eventItem;
+ eventBox.parentColumn = this;
+ // An event item can technically be 'selected' between a call to
+ // addEvent and this method (because of the setTimeout). E.g. clicking
+ // the event in the unifinder tree will select the item through
+ // selectEvent. If the element wasn't yet created in that method, we set
+ // the selected status here as well.
+ //
+ // Similarly, if an event has the same hashId, we maintain its
+ // selection.
+ // NOTE: In this latter case we are relying on the fact that
+ // eventData.element.selected is never out of sync with
+ // eventData.selected.
+ eventBox.selected = eventData.selected;
+ eventData.element = eventBox;
+ // Remove the element to be added again later.
+ eventElement.remove();
+ }
+ let eventLayoutList = this.computeEventLayoutInfo(minDuration);
+ for (let eventInfo of eventLayoutList) {
+ // Note that we store the calendar-event-box in the eventInfo, so we
+ // grab its parent to get the wrapper list item.
+ // NOTE: This may be a newly created element or a non-updated element
+ // that was removed from the eventsListElement in _clearElements. We
+ // still hold a reference to it, so we can re-add it in the new ordering
+ // and change its dimensions.
+ let eventElement = eventInfo.element.parentNode;
+ // FIXME: offset and length should be in % of parent's dimension, so we
+ // can avoid pixelsPerMinute.
+ let offset = `${eventInfo.start * this.pixelsPerMinute}px`;
+ let length = `${(eventInfo.end - eventInfo.start) * this.pixelsPerMinute}px`;
+ let secondaryOffset = `${eventInfo.secondaryOffset * 100}%`;
+ let secondaryLength = `${eventInfo.secondaryLength * 100}%`;
+ if (orient == "vertical") {
+ = length;
+ = secondaryLength;
+ = offset;
+ = secondaryOffset;
+ } else {
+ = length;
+ = secondaryLength;
+ = offset;
+ = secondaryOffset;
+ }
+ this.eventsListElement.appendChild(eventElement);
+ }
+ let boxToEdit = this.eventDataMap.get(this.eventToEdit)?.element;
+ if (boxToEdit) {
+ boxToEdit.startEditing();
+ }
+ this.eventToEdit = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Layout information for displaying an event in the calendar column. The
+ * calendar column has two dimensions: a primary-dimension, in minutes,
+ * that runs from the start of the day to the end of the day; and a
+ * secondary-dimension which runs from 0 to 1. This object describes how
+ * an event can be placed on these axes.
+ *
+ * @typedef {object} EventLayoutInfo
+ * @property {MozCalendarEventBox} element - The displayed event.
+ * @property {number} start - The number of minutes from the start of this
+ * column's day to when the event should start.
+ * @property {number} end - The number of minutes from the start of this
+ * column's day to when the event ends.
+ * @property {number} secondaryOffset - The position of the event on the
+ * secondary axis (between 0 and 1).
+ * @property {number} secondaryLength - The length of the event on the
+ * secondary axis (between 0 and 1).
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get an ordered list of events and their layout information. The list is
+ * ordered relative to the event's layout.
+ *
+ * @param {number} minDuration - The minimum number of minutes that an event
+ * should be *shown* to last. This should be large enough to ensure that
+ * events are readable in the layout.
+ *
+ * @returns {EventLayoutInfo[]} - An ordered list of event layout
+ * information.
+ */
+ computeEventLayoutInfo(minDuration) {
+ if (!this.eventDataMap.size) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ function sortByStart(aEventInfo, bEventInfo) {
+ // If you pass in tasks without both entry and due dates, I will
+ // kill you.
+ let startComparison =;
+ if (startComparison == 0) {
+ // If the items start at the same time, return the longer one
+ // first.
+ return;
+ }
+ return startComparison;
+ }
+ // Construct the ordered list of EventLayoutInfo objects that we will
+ // eventually return.
+ // To begin, we construct the objects with a 'startDate' and 'endDate'
+ // properties, as opposed to using minutes from the start of the day
+ // because we want to sort the events relative to their absolute start
+ // times.
+ let eventList = Array.from(this.eventDataMap.values(), eventData => {
+ let element = eventData.element;
+ let { startDate, endDate, startMinute, endMinute } = element.updateRelativeStartEndDates(
+ );
+ // If there is no startDate, we use the element's endDate for both the
+ // start and the end times. Similarly if there is no endDate. Such items
+ // will automatically have the minimum duration.
+ if (!startDate) {
+ startDate = endDate;
+ startMinute = endMinute;
+ } else if (!endDate) {
+ endDate = startDate;
+ endMinute = startMinute;
+ }
+ // Any events that start or end on a different day are clipped to the
+ // start/end minutes of this day instead.
+ let start = Math.max(startMinute, 0);
+ // NOTE: The end can overflow the end of the day due to the minDuration.
+ let end = Math.max(start + minDuration, Math.min(endMinute, MINUTES_IN_DAY));
+ return { element, startDate, endDate, start, end };
+ });
+ eventList.sort(sortByStart);
+ // Some Events in the calendar column will overlap in time. When they do,
+ // we want them to share the horizontal space (assuming the column is
+ // vertical).
+ //
+ // To do this, we split the events into Blocks, each of which contains a
+ // variable number of Columns, each of which contain non-overlapping
+ // Events.
+ //
+ // Note that the end time of one event is equal to the start time of
+ // another, we consider them non-overlapping.
+ //
+ // We choose each Block to form a continuous block of time in the
+ // calendar column. Specifically, two Events are in the same Block if and
+ // only if there exists some sequence of pairwise overlapping Events that
+ // includes them both. This ensures that no Block will overlap another
+ // Block, and each contains the least number of Events possible.
+ //
+ // Each Column will share the same horizontal width, and will be placed
+ // adjacent to each other.
+ //
+ // Note that each Block may have a different number of Columns, and then
+ // may not share a common factor, so the Columns may not line up in the
+ // view.
+ // All the event Blocks in this calendar column, ordered by their start
+ // time. Each Block will be an array of Columns, which will in turn be an
+ // array of Events.
+ let allEventBlocks = [];
+ // The current Block.
+ let blockColumns = [];
+ let blockEnd = eventList[0].end;
+ for (let eventInfo of eventList) {
+ let start = eventInfo.start;
+ if (blockColumns.length && start >= blockEnd) {
+ // There is a gap between this Event and the end of the Block. We also
+ // know from the ordering of eventList that all other Events start at
+ // the same time or later. So there are no more Events that can be
+ // added to this Block. So we finish it and start a new one.
+ allEventBlocks.push(blockColumns);
+ blockColumns = [];
+ }
+ if (eventInfo.end > blockEnd) {
+ blockEnd = eventInfo.end;
+ }
+ // Find the earliest Column that the Event fits in.
+ let foundCol = false;
+ for (let column of blockColumns) {
+ // We know from the ordering of eventList that all Events already in a
+ // Column have a start time that is equal to or earlier than this
+ // Event's start time. Therefore, in order for this Event to not
+ // overlap anything else in this Column, it must have a start time
+ // that is later than or equal to the end time of the last Event in
+ // this column.
+ let colEnd = column[column.length - 1].end;
+ if (start >= colEnd) {
+ // It fits in this Column, so we push it to the end (preserving the
+ // eventList ordering within the Column).
+ column.push(eventInfo);
+ foundCol = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundCol) {
+ // This Event doesn't fit in any column, so we create a new one.
+ blockColumns.push([eventInfo]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (blockColumns.length) {
+ allEventBlocks.push(blockColumns);
+ }
+ for (let blockColumns of allEventBlocks) {
+ let totalCols = blockColumns.length;
+ for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < totalCols; colIndex++) {
+ for (let eventInfo of blockColumns[colIndex]) {
+ if (eventInfo.processed) {
+ // Already processed this Event in an earlier Column.
+ continue;
+ }
+ let { start, end } = eventInfo;
+ let colSpan = 1;
+ // Currently, the Event is only contained in one Column. We want to
+ // first try and stretch it across several continuous columns.
+ // For this Event, we go through each later Column one by one and
+ // see if there is a gap in it that it can fit in.
+ // Note, we only look forward in the Columns because we already know
+ // that we did not fit in the previous Columns.
+ for (
+ let neighbourColIndex = colIndex + 1;
+ neighbourColIndex < totalCols;
+ neighbourColIndex++
+ ) {
+ let neighbourColumn = blockColumns[neighbourColIndex];
+ // Test if this Event overlaps any of the other Events in the
+ // neighbouring Column.
+ let overlapsCol = false;
+ let indexInCol;
+ for (indexInCol = 0; indexInCol < neighbourColumn.length; indexInCol++) {
+ let otherEventInfo = neighbourColumn[indexInCol];
+ if (end <= otherEventInfo.start) {
+ // The end of this Event is before or equal to the start of
+ // the other Event, so it cannot overlap.
+ // Moreover, the rest of the Events in this neighbouring
+ // Column have a later or equal start time, so we know that
+ // this Event cannot overlap any of them. So we can break
+ // early.
+ // We also know that indexInCol now points to the *first*
+ // Event in this neighbouring Column that starts after this
+ // Event.
+ break;
+ } else if (start < otherEventInfo.end) {
+ // The end of this Event is after the start of the other
+ // Event, and the start of this Event is before the end of
+ // the other Event. So they must overlap.
+ overlapsCol = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (overlapsCol) {
+ // An Event must span continuously across Columns, so we must
+ // break.
+ break;
+ }
+ colSpan++;
+ // Add this Event to the Column. Note that indexInCol points to
+ // the *first* other Event that is later than this Event, or
+ // points to the end of the Column. So we place ourselves there to
+ // preserve the ordering.
+ neighbourColumn.splice(indexInCol, 0, eventInfo);
+ }
+ eventInfo.processed = true;
+ eventInfo.secondaryOffset = colIndex / totalCols;
+ eventInfo.secondaryLength = colSpan / totalCols;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return eventList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get information about which columns, relative to this column, are
+ * covered by the given time interval.
+ *
+ * @param {number} start - The starting time of the interval, in minutes
+ * from the start of this column's day. Should be negative for times on
+ * previous days. This must be on this column's day or earlier.
+ * @param {number} end - The ending time of the interval, in minutes from
+ * the start of this column's day. This can go beyond the end of this day.
+ * This must be greater than 'start' and on this column's day or later.
+ *
+ * @returns {object} - Data determining which columns are covered by the
+ * interval. Each column that is in the given range is covered from the
+ * start of the day to the end, apart from the first and last columns.
+ * @property {number} shadows - The number of columns that have some cover.
+ * @property {number} offset - The number of columns before this column that
+ * have some cover. For example, if 'start' is the day before, this is 1.
+ * @property {number} startMin - The starting time of the time interval, in
+ * minutes relative to the start of the first column's day.
+ * @property {number} endMin - The ending time of the time interval, in
+ * minutes relative to the start of the last column's day.
+ */
+ getShadowElements(start, end) {
+ let shadows = 1;
+ let offset = 0;
+ let startMin;
+ if (start < 0) {
+ offset = Math.ceil(Math.abs(start) / MINUTES_IN_DAY);
+ shadows += offset;
+ let remainder = Math.abs(start) % MINUTES_IN_DAY;
+ startMin = remainder ? MINUTES_IN_DAY - remainder : 0;
+ } else {
+ startMin = start;
+ }
+ shadows += Math.floor(end / MINUTES_IN_DAY);
+ return { shadows, offset, startMin, endMin: end % MINUTES_IN_DAY };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear a dragging sequence that is owned by this column.
+ */
+ clearDragging() {
+ for (let col of this.calendarView.getEventColumns()) {
+ col.fgboxes.dragbox.removeAttribute("dragging");
+ // We remove the height and width attributes as well.
+ // In particular, this means we won't accidentally preserve the height
+ // attribute if we switch to the rotated view, or the width if we
+ // switch back.
+ col.fgboxes.dragbox.removeAttribute("width");
+ col.fgboxes.dragbox.removeAttribute("height");
+ col.fgboxes.dragspacer.removeAttribute("width");
+ col.fgboxes.dragspacer.removeAttribute("height");
+ }
+ window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onEventSweepMouseMove);
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onEventSweepMouseUp);
+ window.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onEventSweepKeypress);
+ document.calendarEventColumnDragging = null;
+ this.mDragState = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the shown drag state of all event columns in the same view using
+ * the mDragState of the current column.
+ */
+ updateColumnShadows() {
+ let startStr;
+ // Tasks without Entry or Due date have a string as first label
+ // instead of the time.
+ let item = this.mDragState.dragOccurrence;
+ if (item?.isTodo()) {
+ if (!item.dueDate) {
+ startStr = cal.l10n.getCalString("dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate");
+ } else if (!item.entryDate) {
+ startStr = cal.l10n.getCalString("dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate");
+ }
+ }
+ let { startMin, endMin, offset, shadows } = this.mDragState;
+ let jsTime = new Date();
+ let formatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
+ if (!startStr) {
+ jsTime.setHours(0, startMin, 0);
+ startStr = formatter.formatTime(cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(jsTime, cal.dtz.floating));
+ }
+ jsTime.setHours(0, endMin, 0);
+ let endStr = formatter.formatTime(cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(jsTime, cal.dtz.floating));
+ let allColumns = this.calendarView.getEventColumns();
+ let thisIndex = allColumns.indexOf(this);
+ // NOTE: startIndex and endIndex be before or after the start and end of
+ // the week, respectively, if the event spans multiple days.
+ let startIndex = thisIndex - offset;
+ let endIndex = startIndex + shadows - 1;
+ // All columns have the same orient and pixels per minutes.
+ let sizeProp = this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical" ? "height" : "width";
+ let pixPerMin = this.pixelsPerMinute;
+ for (let i = 0; i < allColumns.length; i++) {
+ let fgboxes = allColumns[i].fgboxes;
+ if (i == startIndex) {
+ fgboxes.dragbox.setAttribute("dragging", "true");
+"dragging", "true");
+[sizeProp] = `${startMin * pixPerMin}px`;
+[sizeProp] = `${
+ ((i == endIndex ? endMin : MINUTES_IN_DAY) - startMin) * pixPerMin
+ }px`;
+ fgboxes.startlabel.value = startStr;
+ fgboxes.endlabel.value = i == endIndex ? endStr : "";
+ } else if (i == endIndex) {
+ fgboxes.dragbox.setAttribute("dragging", "true");
+"dragging", "true");
+[sizeProp] = "0";
+[sizeProp] = `${endMin * pixPerMin}px`;
+ fgboxes.startlabel.value = "";
+ fgboxes.endlabel.value = endStr;
+ } else if (i > startIndex && i < endIndex) {
+ fgboxes.dragbox.setAttribute("dragging", "true");
+"dragging", "true");
+[sizeProp] = "0";
+[sizeProp] = `${MINUTES_IN_DAY * pixPerMin}px`;
+ fgboxes.startlabel.value = "";
+ fgboxes.endlabel.value = "";
+ } else {
+ fgboxes.dragbox.removeAttribute("dragging");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onEventSweepKeypress(event) {
+ let col = document.calendarEventColumnDragging;
+ if (col && event.key == "Escape") {
+ col.clearDragging();
+ }
+ }
+ // Event sweep handlers.
+ onEventSweepMouseMove(event) {
+ let col = document.calendarEventColumnDragging;
+ if (!col) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let dragState = col.mDragState;
+ // FIXME: Use mouseenter and mouseleave to detect column changes since
+ // they fire when scrolling changes the mouse target, but mousemove does
+ // not.
+ let newcol = col.calendarView.findEventColumnThatContains(;
+ // If we leave the view, then stop our internal sweeping and start a
+ // real drag session. Someday we need to fix the sweep to soely be a
+ // drag session, no sweeping.
+ if (dragState.dragType == "move" && !newcol) {
+ // Remove the drag state.
+ col.clearDragging();
+ let item = dragState.dragOccurrence;
+ // The multiday view currently exhibits a less than optimal strategy
+ // in terms of item selection. items don't get automatically selected
+ // when clicked and dragged, as to differentiate inline editing from
+ // the act of selecting an event. but the application internal drop
+ // targets will ask for selected items in order to pull the data from
+ // the packets. that's why we need to make sure at least the currently
+ // dragged event is contained in the set of selected items.
+ let selectedItems = this.getSelectedItems();
+ if (!selectedItems.some(aItem => aItem.hashId == item.hashId)) {
+ col.calendarView.setSelectedItems([event.ctrlKey ? item.parentItem : item]);
+ }
+ // NOTE: Dragging to the allday header will fail (bug 1675056).
+ invokeEventDragSession(dragState.dragOccurrence, col);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Snap interval: 15 minutes or 1 minute if modifier key is pressed.
+ dragState.snapIntMin =
+ event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey ? 1 : 15;
+ // Check if we need to jump a column.
+ if (newcol && newcol != col) {
+ // Find how many columns we are jumping by subtracting the dates.
+ let dur =;
+ let jumpedColumns = dur.isNegative ? -dur.days : dur.days;
+ if (dragState.dragType == "modify-start") {
+ // Prevent dragging the start date after the end date in a new column.
+ let limitEndMin = dragState.limitEndMin - MINUTES_IN_DAY * jumpedColumns;
+ if (limitEndMin < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dragState.limitEndMin = limitEndMin;
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "modify-end") {
+ let limitStartMin = dragState.limitStartMin - MINUTES_IN_DAY * jumpedColumns;
+ // Prevent dragging the end date before the start date in a new column.
+ if (limitStartMin > MINUTES_IN_DAY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dragState.limitStartMin = limitStartMin;
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "new") {
+ dragState.limitEndMin -= MINUTES_IN_DAY * jumpedColumns;
+ dragState.limitStartMin -= MINUTES_IN_DAY * jumpedColumns;
+ dragState.jumpedColumns += jumpedColumns;
+ }
+ // Move drag state to the new column.
+ col.mDragState = null;
+ newcol.mDragState = dragState;
+ document.calendarEventColumnDragging = newcol;
+ // The same event handlers are still valid,
+ // because they use document.calendarEventColumnDragging.
+ }
+ col.updateDragPosition(event.clientX, event.clientY);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the drag position to point to the given client position.
+ *
+ * Note, this method will not switch the drag state between columns.
+ *
+ * @param {number} clientX - The x position.
+ * @param {number} clientY - The y position.
+ */
+ updateDragPosition(clientX, clientY) {
+ let col = document.calendarEventColumnDragging;
+ if (!col) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we scroll, we call this method again using the same mouse positions.
+ // NOTE: if the magic scroll makes the mouse move over a different column,
+ // this won't be updated until another mousemove.
+ this.calendarView.setupMagicScroll(clientX, clientY, () =>
+ this.updateDragPosition(clientX, clientY)
+ );
+ let dragState = col.mDragState;
+ let mouseMinute = this.getMouseMinute({ clientX, clientY });
+ if (mouseMinute < 0) {
+ mouseMinute = 0;
+ } else if (mouseMinute > MINUTES_IN_DAY) {
+ mouseMinute = MINUTES_IN_DAY;
+ }
+ let snappedMouseMinute = snapMinute(
+ mouseMinute - dragState.mouseMinuteOffset,
+ dragState.snapIntMin
+ );
+ let deltamin = snappedMouseMinute - dragState.origMin;
+ let shadowElements;
+ if (dragState.dragType == "new") {
+ // Extend deltamin in a linear way over the columns.
+ deltamin += MINUTES_IN_DAY * dragState.jumpedColumns;
+ if (deltamin < 0) {
+ // Create a new event modifying the start. End time is fixed.
+ shadowElements = {
+ shadows: 1 - dragState.jumpedColumns,
+ offset: 0,
+ startMin: snappedMouseMinute,
+ endMin: dragState.origMin,
+ };
+ } else {
+ // Create a new event modifying the end. Start time is fixed.
+ shadowElements = {
+ shadows: dragState.jumpedColumns + 1,
+ offset: dragState.jumpedColumns,
+ startMin: dragState.origMin,
+ endMin: snappedMouseMinute,
+ };
+ }
+ dragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ dragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "move") {
+ // If we're moving, we modify startMin and endMin of the shadow.
+ shadowElements = col.getShadowElements(
+ dragState.origMinStart + deltamin,
+ dragState.origMinEnd + deltamin
+ );
+ dragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ dragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ // Keep track of the last start position because it will help to
+ // build the event at the end of the drag session.
+ dragState.lastStart = dragState.origMinStart + deltamin;
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "modify-start") {
+ // If we're modifying the start, the end time is fixed.
+ shadowElements = col.getShadowElements(dragState.origMin + deltamin, dragState.limitEndMin);
+ dragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ dragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ // But we need to not go past the end; if we hit
+ // the end, then we'll clamp to the previous snap interval minute.
+ if (dragState.startMin >= dragState.limitEndMin) {
+ dragState.startMin = snapMinute(dragState.limitEndMin, dragState.snapIntMin, "backward");
+ }
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "modify-end") {
+ // If we're modifying the end, the start time is fixed.
+ shadowElements = col.getShadowElements(
+ dragState.limitStartMin,
+ dragState.origMin + deltamin
+ );
+ dragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ dragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ // But we need to not go past the start; if we hit
+ // the start, then we'll clamp to the next snap interval minute.
+ if (dragState.endMin <= dragState.limitStartMin) {
+ dragState.endMin = snapMinute(dragState.limitStartMin, dragState.snapIntMin, "forward");
+ }
+ }
+ dragState.offset = shadowElements.offset;
+ dragState.shadows = shadowElements.shadows;
+ // Now we can update the shadow boxes position and size.
+ col.updateColumnShadows();
+ }
+ onEventSweepMouseUp(event) {
+ let col = document.calendarEventColumnDragging;
+ if (!col) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let dragState = col.mDragState;
+ col.clearDragging();
+ col.calendarView.clearMagicScroll();
+ // If the user didn't sweep out at least a few pixels, ignore
+ // unless we're in a different column.
+ if (dragState.origColumn == col) {
+ let position = col.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical" ? event.clientY : event.clientX;
+ if (Math.abs(position - dragState.origLoc) < 3) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let newStart;
+ let newEnd;
+ let startTZ;
+ let endTZ;
+ let dragDay =;
+ if (dragState.dragType != "new") {
+ let oldStart =
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.startDate ||
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.entryDate ||
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.dueDate;
+ let oldEnd =
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.endDate ||
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.dueDate ||
+ dragState.dragOccurrence.entryDate;
+ newStart = oldStart.clone();
+ newEnd = oldEnd.clone();
+ // Our views are pegged to the default timezone. If the event
+ // isn't also in the timezone, we're going to need to do some
+ // tweaking. We could just do this for every event but
+ // getInTimezone is slow, so it's much better to only do this
+ // when the timezones actually differ from the view's.
+ if ( != newStart.timezone || != newEnd.timezone) {
+ startTZ = newStart.timezone;
+ endTZ = newEnd.timezone;
+ newStart = newStart.getInTimezone(;
+ newEnd = newEnd.getInTimezone(;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dragState.dragType == "modify-start") {
+ newStart.resetTo(
+ dragDay.year,
+ dragDay.month,
+ 0,
+ dragState.startMin,
+ 0,
+ newStart.timezone
+ );
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "modify-end") {
+ newEnd.resetTo(
+ dragDay.year,
+ dragDay.month,
+ 0,
+ dragState.endMin,
+ 0,
+ newEnd.timezone
+ );
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "new") {
+ let startDay =;
+ let draggedForward = > 0;
+ newStart = draggedForward ? startDay.clone() : dragDay.clone();
+ newEnd = draggedForward ? dragDay.clone() : startDay.clone();
+ newStart.isDate = false;
+ newEnd.isDate = false;
+ newStart.resetTo(
+ newStart.year,
+ newStart.month,
+ 0,
+ dragState.startMin,
+ 0,
+ newStart.timezone
+ );
+ newEnd.resetTo(
+ newEnd.year,
+ newEnd.month,
+ 0,
+ dragState.endMin,
+ 0,
+ newEnd.timezone
+ );
+ // Edit the event title on the first of the new event's occurrences
+ // FIXME: This newEventNeedsEditing flag is read and unset in addEvent,
+ // but this is only called after some delay: after the event creation
+ // transaction completes. So there is a race between this creation and
+ // other actions that call addEvent.
+ // Bug 1710985 would be a way to address this: i.e. at this point we
+ // immediately create an element that the user can type a title into
+ // without creating a calendar item until they submit the title. Then
+ // we won't need any special flag for addEvent.
+ if (draggedForward) {
+ dragState.origColumn.newEventNeedsEditing = true;
+ } else {
+ col.newEventNeedsEditing = true;
+ }
+ } else if (dragState.dragType == "move") {
+ // Figure out the new date-times of the event by adding the duration
+ // of the total movement (days and minutes) to the old dates.
+ let duration = dragDay.subtractDate(;
+ let minutes = dragState.lastStart - dragState.realStart;
+ // Since both boxDate and beginMove are dates (note datetimes),
+ // subtractDate will only give us a non-zero number of hours on
+ // DST changes. While strictly speaking, subtractDate's behavior
+ // is correct, we need to move the event a discrete number of
+ // days here. There is no need for normalization here, since
+ // addDuration does the job for us. Also note, the duration used
+ // here is only used to move over multiple days. Moving on the
+ // same day uses the minutes from the dragState.
+ if (duration.hours == 23) {
+ // Entering DST.
+ duration.hours++;
+ } else if (duration.hours == 1) {
+ // Leaving DST.
+ duration.hours--;
+ }
+ if (duration.isNegative) {
+ // Adding negative minutes to a negative duration makes the
+ // duration more positive, but we want more negative, and
+ // vice versa.
+ minutes *= -1;
+ }
+ duration.minutes = minutes;
+ duration.normalize();
+ newStart.addDuration(duration);
+ newEnd.addDuration(duration);
+ }
+ // If we tweaked tzs, put times back in their original ones.
+ if (startTZ) {
+ newStart = newStart.getInTimezone(startTZ);
+ }
+ if (endTZ) {
+ newEnd = newEnd.getInTimezone(endTZ);
+ }
+ if (dragState.dragType == "new") {
+ // We won't pass a calendar, since the display calendar is the
+ // composite anyway. createNewEvent() will use the selected
+ // calendar.
+ col.calendarView.controller.createNewEvent(null, newStart, newEnd);
+ } else if (
+ dragState.dragType == "move" ||
+ dragState.dragType == "modify-start" ||
+ dragState.dragType == "modify-end"
+ ) {
+ col.calendarView.controller.modifyOccurrence(dragState.dragOccurrence, newStart, newEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start modifying an item through a mouse motion.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item to start modifying.
+ * @param {"start"|"end"|"middle"} where - Whether to modify the starting
+ * time, ending time, or moving the entire event (modify the start and
+ * end, but preserve the duration).
+ * @param {object} position - The mouse position of the event that
+ * initialized* the motion.
+ * @param {number} position.clientX - The client x position.
+ * @param {number} position.clientY - The client y position.
+ * @param {number} position.offsetStartMinute - The minute offset of the
+ * mouse relative to the event item's starting time edge.
+ * @param {number} [snapIntMin=15] - The snapping interval to apply to the
+ * mouse position, in minutes.
+ */
+ startSweepingToModifyEvent(eventItem, where, position, snapIntMin = 15) {
+ if (!canEditEventItem(eventItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.mDragState = {
+ origColumn: this,
+ dragOccurrence: eventItem,
+ mouseMinuteOffset: 0,
+ offset: null,
+ shadows: null,
+ limitStartMin: null,
+ lastStart: 0,
+ jumpedColumns: 0,
+ };
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical") {
+ this.mDragState.origLoc = position.clientY;
+ } else {
+ this.mDragState.origLoc = position.clientX;
+ }
+ let stdate = eventItem.startDate || eventItem.entryDate || eventItem.dueDate;
+ let enddate = eventItem.endDate || eventItem.dueDate || eventItem.entryDate;
+ // Get the start and end times in minutes, relative to the start of the
+ // day. This may be negative or exceed the length of the day if the event
+ // spans more than one day.
+ let realStart = Math.floor(stdate.subtractDate( / 60);
+ let realEnd = Math.floor(enddate.subtractDate( / 60);
+ if (where == "start") {
+ this.mDragState.dragType = "modify-start";
+ // We have to use "realEnd" as fixed end value.
+ this.mDragState.limitEndMin = realEnd;
+ // Snap start.
+ // Since we are modifying the start, we know the event starts on this
+ // day, so realStart is not negative.
+ this.mDragState.origMin = snapMinute(realStart, snapIntMin);
+ // Show the shadows and drag labels when clicking on gripbars.
+ let shadowElements = this.getShadowElements(
+ this.mDragState.origMin,
+ this.mDragState.limitEndMin
+ );
+ this.mDragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ this.mDragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ this.mDragState.shadows = shadowElements.shadows;
+ this.mDragState.offset = shadowElements.offset;
+ this.updateColumnShadows();
+ } else if (where == "end") {
+ this.mDragState.dragType = "modify-end";
+ // We have to use "realStart" as fixed end value.
+ this.mDragState.limitStartMin = realStart;
+ // Snap end.
+ // Since we are modifying the end, we know the event end on this day,
+ // so realEnd is before midnight on this day.
+ this.mDragState.origMin = snapMinute(realEnd, snapIntMin);
+ // Show the shadows and drag labels when clicking on gripbars.
+ let shadowElements = this.getShadowElements(
+ this.mDragState.limitStartMin,
+ this.mDragState.origMin
+ );
+ this.mDragState.startMin = shadowElements.startMin;
+ this.mDragState.endMin = shadowElements.endMin;
+ this.mDragState.shadows = shadowElements.shadows;
+ this.mDragState.offset = shadowElements.offset;
+ this.updateColumnShadows();
+ } else if (where == "middle") {
+ this.mDragState.dragType = "move";
+ // In a move, origMin will be the start minute of the element where
+ // the drag occurs. Along with mouseMinuteOffset, it allows to track the
+ // shadow position. origMinStart and origMinEnd allow to figure out
+ // the real shadow size.
+ this.mDragState.mouseMinuteOffset = position.offsetStartMinute;
+ // We use origMin to get the number of minutes since the start of *this*
+ // day, which is 0 if realStart is negative.
+ this.mDragState.origMin = Math.max(0, snapMinute(realStart, snapIntMin));
+ // We snap to the start and add the real duration to find the end.
+ this.mDragState.origMinStart = snapMinute(realStart, snapIntMin);
+ this.mDragState.origMinEnd = realEnd + this.mDragState.origMinStart - realStart;
+ // Keep also track of the real Start, it will be used at the end
+ // of the drag session to calculate the new start and end datetimes.
+ this.mDragState.realStart = realStart;
+ let shadowElements = this.getShadowElements(
+ this.mDragState.origMinStart,
+ this.mDragState.origMinEnd
+ );
+ this.mDragState.shadows = shadowElements.shadows;
+ this.mDragState.offset = shadowElements.offset;
+ // Do not show the shadow yet.
+ } else {
+ // Invalid grabbed element.
+ }
+ document.calendarEventColumnDragging = this;
+ window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onEventSweepMouseMove);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onEventSweepMouseUp);
+ window.addEventListener("keypress", this.onEventSweepKeypress);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the hours when the day starts and ends.
+ *
+ * @param {number} dayStartHour - Hour at which the day starts.
+ * @param {number} dayEndHour - Hour at which the day ends.
+ */
+ setDayStartEndHours(dayStartHour, dayEndHour) {
+ if (dayStartHour < 0 || dayStartHour > dayEndHour || dayEndHour > 24) {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
+ }
+ for (let [hour, hourBox] of this.hourBoxes.entries()) {
+ hourBox.classList.toggle(
+ "multiday-hour-box-off-time",
+ hour < dayStartHour || hour >= dayEndHour
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the minute since the starting edge of the given element that a mouse
+ * event points to.
+ *
+ * @param {{clientX: number, clientY: number}} mouseEvent - The pointer
+ * position in the viewport.
+ * @param {Element} [element] - The element to use the starting edge of as
+ * reference. Defaults to using the starting edge of the column itself,
+ * such that the returned minute is the number of minutes since the start
+ * of the day.
+ *
+ * @returns {number} - The number of minutes since the starting edge of
+ * 'element' that this event points to.
+ */
+ getMouseMinute(mouseEvent, element = this) {
+ let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let pos;
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical") {
+ pos = mouseEvent.clientY -;
+ } else if (document.dir == "rtl") {
+ pos = rect.right - mouseEvent.clientX;
+ } else {
+ pos = mouseEvent.clientX - rect.left;
+ }
+ return pos / this.pixelsPerMinute;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the datetime that the mouse event points to, snapped to the nearest
+ * 15 minutes.
+ *
+ * @param {MouseEvent} mouseEvent - The pointer event.
+ *
+ * @returns {calDateTime} - A new datetime that the mouseEvent points to.
+ */
+ getMouseDateTime(mouseEvent) {
+ let clickMinute = this.getMouseMinute(mouseEvent);
+ let newStart =;
+ newStart.isDate = false;
+ newStart.hour = 0;
+ // Round to nearest 15 minutes.
+ newStart.minute = snapMinute(clickMinute, 15);
+ return newStart;
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define("calendar-event-column", MozCalendarEventColumn);
+ /**
+ * Implements the Drag and Drop class for the Calendar Header Container.
+ *
+ * @augments {MozElements.CalendarDnDContainer}
+ */
+ class CalendarHeaderContainer extends MozElements.CalendarDnDContainer {
+ /**
+ * The date of the day this header represents.
+ *
+ * @type {calIDateTime}
+ */
+ date;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.addEventListener("dblclick", this.onDblClick);
+ this.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMouseDown);
+ this.addEventListener("click", this.onClick);
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasConnected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // this.hasConnected is set to true in super.connectedCallback.
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ // Map from an event item's hashId to its calendar-editable-item.
+ this.eventElements = new Map();
+ this.eventsListElement = document.createElement("ol");
+ this.eventsListElement.classList.add("allday-events-list");
+ this.appendChild(this.eventsListElement);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the displayed calendar-editable-item element for the given event
+ * item.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ *
+ * @returns {Element} - The corresponding element, or undefined if none.
+ */
+ findElementForEventItem(eventItem) {
+ return this.eventElements.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return all the event items that are displayed in this columns.
+ *
+ * @returns {calItemBase[]} - An array of all the displayed event items.
+ */
+ getAllEventItems() {
+ return Array.from(this.eventElements.values(), element => element.occurrence);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create or update a displayed calendar-editable-item element for the given
+ * event item.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item to create or update an
+ * element for.
+ */
+ addEvent(eventItem) {
+ let existing = this.eventElements.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ if (existing) {
+ // Remove the wrapper list item. We'll insert a replacement below.
+ existing.parentNode.remove();
+ }
+ let itemBox = document.createXULElement("calendar-editable-item");
+ let listItemWrapper = document.createElement("li");
+ listItemWrapper.classList.add("allday-event-listitem");
+ listItemWrapper.appendChild(itemBox);
+ this.eventsListElement,
+ listItemWrapper,
+ eventItem,
+ cal.view.compareItems,
+ false,
+ wrapper => wrapper.firstChild.occurrence
+ );
+ itemBox.calendarView = this.calendarView;
+ itemBox.occurrence = eventItem;
+ itemBox.setAttribute(
+ "context",
+ this.calendarView.getAttribute("item-context") || this.calendarView.getAttribute("context")
+ );
+ if (eventItem.hashId in this.calendarView.mFlashingEvents) {
+ itemBox.setAttribute("flashing", "true");
+ }
+ this.eventElements.set(eventItem.hashId, itemBox);
+ itemBox.parentBox = this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove the displayed calendar-editable-item element for the given event
+ * item from this column
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item to remove the element of.
+ */
+ deleteEvent(eventItem) {
+ let current = this.eventElements.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ if (current) {
+ // Need to remove the wrapper list item.
+ current.parentNode.remove();
+ this.eventElements.delete(eventItem.hashId);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear the header of all events.
+ */
+ clear() {
+ this.eventElements.clear();
+ while (this.eventsListElement.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.eventsListElement.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether to show a drop shadow in the event list.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} on - True to show the drop shadow, otherwise hides the
+ * drop shadow.
+ */
+ setDropShadow(on) {
+ // NOTE: Adding or removing drop shadows may change our size, but we won't
+ // let the calendar view know about these since they are temporary and we
+ // don't want the view to be re-adjusting on every hover.
+ let existing = this.eventsListElement.querySelector(".dropshadow");
+ if (on) {
+ if (!existing) {
+ // Insert an empty list item.
+ let dropshadow = document.createElement("li");
+ dropshadow.classList.add("dropshadow", "allday-event-listitem");
+ this.eventsListElement.insertBefore(dropshadow, this.eventsListElement.firstElementChild);
+ }
+ } else if (existing) {
+ existing.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ onDropItem(aItem) {
+ let newItem = cal.item.moveToDate(aItem,;
+ newItem = cal.item.setToAllDay(newItem, true);
+ return newItem;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether the calendar-editable-item element for the given event item
+ * should be displayed as selected or unselected.
+ *
+ * @param {calItemBase} eventItem - The event item.
+ * @param {boolean} select - Whether to show the corresponding event element
+ * as selected.
+ */
+ selectEvent(eventItem, select) {
+ let element = this.eventElements.get(eventItem.hashId);
+ if (!element) {
+ return;
+ }
+ element.selected = select;
+ }
+ onDblClick(event) {
+ if (event.button == 0) {
+ this.calendarView.controller.createNewEvent(null,, null, true);
+ }
+ }
+ onMouseDown(event) {
+ this.calendarView.selectedDay =;
+ }
+ onClick(event) {
+ if (event.button == 0) {
+ if (!(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
+ this.calendarView.setSelectedItems([]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (event.button == 2) {
+ let newStart = this.calendarView.selectedDay.clone();
+ newStart.isDate = true;
+ this.calendarView.selectedDateTime = newStart;
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine whether the given wheel event is above a scrollable area and
+ * matches the scroll direction.
+ *
+ * @param {WheelEvent} - The wheel event.
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} - True if this event is above a scrollable area and
+ * matches its scroll direction.
+ */
+ wheelOnScrollableArea(event) {
+ let scrollArea = this.eventsListElement;
+ return (
+ event.deltaY &&
+ scrollArea.contains( &&
+ scrollArea.scrollHeight != scrollArea.clientHeight
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define("calendar-header-container", CalendarHeaderContainer);
+ /**
+ * The MozCalendarMonthDayBoxItem widget is used as event item in the
+ * Day and Week views of the calendar. It displays the event name,
+ * alarm icon and the category type color. It also displays the gripbar
+ * components on hovering over the event. It is used to change the event
+ * timings.
+ *
+ * @augments {MozElements.MozCalendarEditableItem}
+ */
+ class MozCalendarEventBox extends MozElements.MozCalendarEditableItem {
+ static get inheritedAttributes() {
+ return {
+ ".alarm-icons-box": "flashing",
+ };
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.addEventListener("mousedown", event => {
+ if (event.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ if (this.mEditing) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.parentColumn.calendarView.selectedDay =;
+ this.mouseDownPosition = {
+ clientX: event.clientX,
+ clientY: event.clientY,
+ // We calculate the offsetStartMinute here because the clientX and
+ // clientY coordinates might become 'stale' by the time we actually
+ // call startItemDrag. E.g. if we scroll the view.
+ offsetStartMinute: this.parentColumn.getMouseMinute(
+ event,
+ // We use the listitem wrapper, since that is positioned relative to
+ // the event's start time.
+ this.closest(".multiday-event-listitem")
+ ),
+ };
+ let side;
+ if (this.startGripbar.contains( {
+ side = "start";
+ } else if (this.endGripbar.contains( {
+ side = "end";
+ }
+ if (side) {
+ this.calendarView.setSelectedItems([
+ event.ctrlKey ? this.mOccurrence.parentItem : this.mOccurrence,
+ ]);
+ // Start edge resize drag
+ this.parentColumn.startSweepingToModifyEvent(
+ this.mOccurrence,
+ side,
+ this.mouseDownPosition,
+ event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey ? 1 : 15
+ );
+ } else {
+ // May be click or drag,
+ // So wait for mousemove (or mouseout if fast) to start item move drag.
+ this.mInMouseDown = true;
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("mousemove", event => {
+ if (!this.mInMouseDown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let deltaX = Math.abs(event.clientX - this.mouseDownPosition.clientX);
+ let deltaY = Math.abs(event.clientY - this.mouseDownPosition.clientY);
+ // More than a 3 pixel move?
+ const movedMoreThan3Pixels = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY > 9;
+ if (movedMoreThan3Pixels && this.parentColumn) {
+ this.startItemDrag();
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("mouseout", event => {
+ if (!this.mEditing && this.mInMouseDown && this.parentColumn) {
+ this.startItemDrag();
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("mouseup", event => {
+ if (!this.mEditing) {
+ this.mInMouseDown = false;
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("mouseover", event => {
+ if (this.calendarView && this.calendarView.controller) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ onMouseOverItem(event);
+ }
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("mouseenter", event => {
+ // Update the event-readonly class to determine whether to show the
+ // gripbars, which are otherwise shown on hover.
+ this.classList.toggle("event-readonly", !canEditEventItem(this.occurrence));
+ });
+ // We have two event listeners for dragstart. This event listener is for the capturing phase
+ // where we are setting up the document.monthDragEvent which will be used in the event listener
+ // in the bubbling phase which is set up in the calendar-editable-item.
+ this.addEventListener(
+ "dragstart",
+ event => {
+ document.monthDragEvent = this;
+ },
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasChildNodes()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.appendChild(
+ MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(`
+ <!-- NOTE: The following div is the same markup as EditableItem. -->
+ <html:div class="calendar-item-container">
+ <html:div class="calendar-item-flex">
+ <html:img class="item-type-icon" alt="" />
+ <html:div class="event-name-label"></html:div>
+ <html:input class="plain event-name-input"
+ hidden="hidden"
+ placeholder='${cal.l10n.getCalString("newEvent")}'/>
+ <html:div class="alarm-icons-box"></html:div>
+ <html:img class="item-classification-icon" />
+ <html:img class="item-recurrence-icon" />
+ </html:div>
+ <html:div class="location-desc"></html:div>
+ <html:div class="calendar-category-box"></html:div>
+ </html:div>
+ `)
+ );
+ this.startGripbar = this.createGripbar("start");
+ this.endGripbar = this.createGripbar("end");
+ this.appendChild(this.startGripbar);
+ this.appendChild(this.endGripbar);
+ this.classList.add("calendar-color-box");
+ = "auto";
+ this.setAttribute("tooltip", "itemTooltip");
+ this.addEventNameTextboxListener();
+ this.initializeAttributeInheritance();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create one of the box's gripbars that can be dragged to resize the event.
+ *
+ * @param {"start"|"end"} side - The side the gripbar controls.
+ *
+ * @returns {Element} - A newly created gripbar.
+ */
+ createGripbar(side) {
+ let gripbar = document.createElement("div");
+ gripbar.classList.add(side == "start" ? "gripbar-start" : "gripbar-end");
+ let img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.setAttribute("src", "chrome://calendar/skin/shared/event-grippy.png");
+ /* Make sure the img doesn't interfere with dragging the gripbar to
+ * resize. */
+ img.setAttribute("draggable", "false");
+ img.setAttribute("alt", "");
+ gripbar.appendChild(img);
+ return gripbar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update and retrieve the event's start and end dates relative to the given
+ * day. This updates the gripbars.
+ *
+ * @param {calIDateTime} day - The day that this event is shown on.
+ *
+ * @returns {object} - The start and end time information.
+ * @property {calIDateTime|undefined} startDate - The start date-time of the
+ * event in the timezone of the given day. Or the entry date-time for
+ * tasks, if they have one.
+ * @property {calIDateTime|undefined} endDate - The end date-time of the
+ * event in the timezone of the given day. Or the due date-time for
+ * tasks, if they have one.
+ * @property {number} startMinute - The number of minutes since the start of
+ * the given day that the event starts.
+ * @property {number} endMinute - The number of minutes since the end of the
+ * given day that the event ends.
+ */
+ updateRelativeStartEndDates(day) {
+ let item = this.occurrence;
+ // Get closed bounds for the day. I.e. inclusive of midnight the next day.
+ let closedDayStart = day.clone();
+ closedDayStart.isDate = false;
+ let closedDayEnd = day.clone();
+ closedDayEnd.isDate = false;
+ function relativeTime(date) {
+ if (!date) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ date = date.getInTimezone(day.timezone);
+ return {
+ date,
+ minute: date.subtractDate(closedDayStart).inSeconds / 60,
+ withinClosedDay: >= 0 && <= 0,
+ };
+ }
+ let start;
+ let end;
+ if (item.isEvent()) {
+ start = relativeTime(item.startDate);
+ end = relativeTime(item.endDate);
+ } else {
+ start = relativeTime(item.entryDate);
+ end = relativeTime(item.dueDate);
+ }
+ this.startGripbar.hidden = !(end && start?.withinClosedDay);
+ this.endGripbar.hidden = !(start && end?.withinClosedDay);
+ return {
+ startDate: start?.date,
+ endDate: end?.date,
+ startMinute: start?.minute,
+ endMinute: end?.minute,
+ };
+ }
+ getOptimalMinSize(orient) {
+ let label = this.querySelector(".event-name-label");
+ if (orient == "vertical") {
+ let minHeight =
+ getOptimalMinimumHeight(label) +
+ getSummarizedStyleValues(label.parentNode, ["padding-bottom", "padding-top"]) +
+ getSummarizedStyleValues(this, ["border-bottom-width", "border-top-width"]);
+ = minHeight + "px";
+ = "1px";
+ return minHeight;
+ }
+ = "2em";
+ let minWidth = getOptimalMinimumWidth(this.eventNameLabel);
+ = minWidth + "px";
+ = "1px";
+ return minWidth;
+ }
+ startItemDrag() {
+ if (this.editingTimer) {
+ clearTimeout(this.editingTimer);
+ this.editingTimer = null;
+ }
+ this.calendarView.setSelectedItems([this.mOccurrence]);
+ this.mEditing = false;
+ this.parentColumn.startSweepingToModifyEvent(
+ this.mOccurrence,
+ "middle",
+ this.mouseDownPosition
+ );
+ this.mInMouseDown = false;
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define("calendar-event-box", MozCalendarEventBox);
+ /**
+ * Abstract class used for the day and week calendar view elements. (Not month or multiweek.)
+ *
+ * @implements {calICalendarView}
+ * @augments {MozElements.CalendarBaseView}
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ class CalendarMultidayBaseView extends MozElements.CalendarBaseView {
+ // mDateList will always be sorted before being set.
+ mDateList = null;
+ /**
+ * A column in the view representing a particular date.
+ *
+ * @typedef {object} DayColumn
+ * @property {calIDateTime} date - The day's date.
+ * @property {Element} container - The container that holds the other
+ * elements.
+ * @property {Element} headingContainer - The day heading. This holds both
+ * the short and long headings, with only one being visible at any given
+ * time.
+ * @property {Element} longHeading - The day heading that uses the full
+ * day of the week. For example, "Monday".
+ * @property {Element} shortHeading - The day heading that uses an
+ * abbreviation for the day of the week. For example, "Mon".
+ * @property {number} longHeadingContentAreaWidth - The content area width
+ * of the headingContainer when the long heading is shown.
+ * @property {Element} column - A calendar-event-column where regular
+ * (not "all day") events appear.
+ * @property {Element} header - A calendar-header-container where allday
+ * events appear.
+ */
+ /**
+ * An ordered list of the shown day columns.
+ *
+ * @type {DayColumn[]}
+ */
+ dayColumns = [];
+ /**
+ * Whether the number of headings, or the heading dates have changed, and
+ * the view still needs to be adjusted accordingly.
+ *
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ headingDatesChanged = true;
+ /**
+ * Whether the view has been rotated and the view still needs to be fully
+ * adjusted.
+ *
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ rotationChanged = true;
+ mSelectedDayCol = null;
+ mSelectedDay = null;
+ /**
+ * The hour that a 'day' starts. Any time before this is considered
+ * off-time.
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ dayStartHour = 0;
+ /**
+ * The hour that a 'day' ends. Any time equal to or after this is
+ * considered off-time.
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ dayEndHour = 0;
+ /**
+ * How many hours to show in the scrollable area.
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ visibleHours = 9;
+ /**
+ * The number of pixels that a one minute duration should occupy in the
+ * view.
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ pixelsPerMinute;
+ /**
+ * The timebar hour box elements in this view, ordered and indexed by their
+ * starting hour.
+ *
+ * @type {Element[]}
+ */
+ hourBoxes = [];
+ mClickedTime = null;
+ mTimeIndicatorInterval = 15;
+ mTimeIndicatorMinutes = 0;
+ mModeHandler = null;
+ scrollMinute = 0;
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasConnected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ // Get day start/end hour from prefs and set on the view.
+ // This happens here to keep tests happy.
+ this.setDayStartEndHours(
+ Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.daystarthour", 8),
+ Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.dayendhour", 17)
+ );
+ // We set the scrollMinute, so that when onResize is eventually triggered
+ // by refresh, we will scroll to this.
+ // FIXME: Find a cleaner solution.
+ this.scrollMinute = this.dayStartHour * 60;
+ }
+ ensureInitialized() {
+ if (this.isInitialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.grid = document.createElement("div");
+ this.grid.classList.add("multiday-grid");
+ this.appendChild(this.grid);
+ this.headerCorner = document.createElement("div");
+ this.headerCorner.classList.add("multiday-header-corner");
+ this.grid.appendChild(this.headerCorner);
+ this.timebar = document.createElement("div");
+ this.timebar.classList.add("multiday-timebar", "multiday-hour-box-container");
+ this.nowIndicator = document.createElement("div");
+ this.nowIndicator.classList.add("multiday-timebar-now-indicator");
+ this.nowIndicator.hidden = true;
+ this.timebar.appendChild(this.nowIndicator);
+ let formatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
+ let jsTime = new Date();
+ for (let hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
+ let hourBox = document.createElement("div");
+ hourBox.classList.add("multiday-hour-box", "multiday-timebar-time");
+ // Set the time label.
+ jsTime.setHours(hour, 0, 0);
+ hourBox.textContent = formatter.formatTime(
+ cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(jsTime, cal.dtz.floating)
+ );
+ this.timebar.appendChild(hourBox);
+ this.hourBoxes.push(hourBox);
+ }
+ this.grid.appendChild(this.timebar);
+ this.endBorder = document.createElement("div");
+ this.endBorder.classList.add("multiday-end-border");
+ this.grid.appendChild(this.endBorder);
+ this.initializeAttributeInheritance();
+ // super.connectedCallback has to be called after the time bar is added to the DOM.
+ super.ensureInitialized();
+ this.addEventListener("click", event => {
+ if (event.button != 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.selectedDateTime = null;
+ });
+ this.addEventListener("wheel", event => {
+ // Only shift hours if no modifier is pressed.
+ if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let deltaTime = this.getAttribute("orient") == "horizontal" ? event.deltaX : event.deltaY;
+ if (!deltaTime) {
+ // Scroll is not in the same direction as the time axis, so just do
+ // the default scroll (if any).
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ this.headerCorner.contains( ||
+ this.dayColumns.some(col => col.headingContainer.contains(
+ ) {
+ // Prevent any scrolling in these sticky headers.
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ let header = this.dayColumns.find(col => col.header.contains(;
+ if (header) {
+ if (!header.wheelOnScrollableArea(event)) {
+ // Prevent any scrolling in this header.
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // Otherwise, we let the default wheel handler scroll the header.
+ // NOTE: We have the CSS overscroll-behavior set to "none", to stop
+ // the default wheel handler from scrolling the parent if the header
+ // is already at its scrolling edge.
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let minute = this.scrollMinute;
+ if (event.deltaMode == event.DOM_DELTA_LINE) {
+ // We snap from the current hour to the next one.
+ let scrollHour = deltaTime < 0 ? Math.floor(minute / 60) : Math.ceil(minute / 60);
+ if (Math.abs(scrollHour * 60 - minute) < 10) {
+ // If the change in minutes would be less than 10 minutes, go to the
+ // next hour. This means that anything in the close neighbourhood of
+ // the hour line will scroll to the same hour.
+ scrollHour += Math.sign(deltaTime);
+ }
+ minute = scrollHour * 60;
+ } else if (event.deltaMode == event.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) {
+ let minDiff = deltaTime / this.pixelsPerMinute;
+ minute += minDiff < 0 ? Math.floor(minDiff) : Math.ceil(minDiff);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.scrollToMinute(minute);
+ });
+ this.grid.addEventListener("scroll", event => {
+ if (!this.clientHeight) {
+ // Hidden, so don't store the scroll position.
+ // FIXME: We don't expect scrolling whilst we are hidden, so we should
+ // try and remove. This is only seems to happen in mochitests.
+ return;
+ }
+ let scrollPx;
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "horizontal") {
+ scrollPx = document.dir == "rtl" ? -this.grid.scrollLeft : this.grid.scrollLeft;
+ } else {
+ scrollPx = this.grid.scrollTop;
+ }
+ this.scrollMinute = Math.round(scrollPx / this.pixelsPerMinute);
+ });
+ // Get visible hours from prefs and set on the view.
+ this.setVisibleHours(Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", 9));
+ }
+ // calICalendarView Properties
+ get supportsZoom() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ get supportsRotation() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ get supportsDisjointDates() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ get hasDisjointDates() {
+ return this.mDateList != null;
+ }
+ set selectedDay(day) {
+ // Ignore if just 1 visible, it's always selected, but we don't indicate it.
+ if (this.numVisibleDates == 1) {
+ this.fireEvent("dayselect", day);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.mSelectedDayCol) {
+ this.mSelectedDayCol.container.classList.remove("day-column-selected");
+ }
+ if (day) {
+ this.mSelectedDayCol = this.findColumnForDate(day);
+ if (this.mSelectedDayCol) {
+ this.mSelectedDay =;
+ this.mSelectedDayCol.container.classList.add("day-column-selected");
+ } else {
+ this.mSelectedDay = day;
+ }
+ }
+ this.fireEvent("dayselect", day);
+ }
+ get selectedDay() {
+ let selected;
+ if (this.numVisibleDates == 1) {
+ selected = this.dayColumns[0].date;
+ } else if (this.mSelectedDay) {
+ selected = this.mSelectedDay;
+ } else if (this.mSelectedDayCol) {
+ selected =;
+ }
+ // TODO Make sure the selected day is valid.
+ // TODO Select now if it is in the range?
+ return selected;
+ }
+ // End calICalendarView Properties
+ set selectedDateTime(dateTime) {
+ this.mClickedTime = dateTime;
+ }
+ get selectedDateTime() {
+ return this.mClickedTime;
+ }
+ // Private
+ get numVisibleDates() {
+ if (this.mDateList) {
+ return this.mDateList.length;
+ }
+ let count = 0;
+ if (!this.mStartDate || !this.mEndDate) {
+ // The view has not been initialized, so there are 0 visible dates.
+ return count;
+ }
+ const date = this.mStartDate.clone();
+ while ( <= 0) {
+ count++;
+ += 1;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the position of the time indicator.
+ */
+ updateTimeIndicatorPosition() {
+ // Calculate the position of the indicator based on how far into the day
+ // it is and the size of the current view.
+ const now =;
+ const nowMinutes = now.hour * 60 + now.minute;
+ let position = `${this.pixelsPerMinute * nowMinutes - 1}px`;
+ let isVertical = this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical";
+ // Control the position of the dot in the time bar, which is present even
+ // when the view does not show the current day. Inline start controls
+ // horizontal position of the dot, block controls vertical.
+ = isVertical ? null : position;
+ = isVertical ? position : null;
+ // Control the position of the bar, which should be visible only for the
+ // current day.
+ const todayIndicator = this.findColumnForDate(;
+ if (todayIndicator) {
+ = isVertical ? null : position;
+ = isVertical ? position : null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle preference changes. Typically called by a preference observer.
+ *
+ * @param {object} subject - The subject, a prefs object.
+ * @param {string} topic - The notification topic.
+ * @param {string} preference - The preference to handle.
+ */
+ handlePreference(subject, topic, preference) {
+ subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
+ switch (preference) {
+ case "calendar.view.daystarthour":
+ this.setDayStartEndHours(subject.getIntPref(preference), this.dayEndHour);
+ break;
+ case "calendar.view.dayendhour":
+ this.setDayStartEndHours(this.dayStartHour, subject.getIntPref(preference));
+ break;
+ case "calendar.view.visiblehours":
+ this.setVisibleHours(subject.getIntPref(preference));
+ this.readjustView(true, true, this.scrollMinute);
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.handleCommonPreference(subject, topic, preference);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle resizing by adjusting the view to the new size.
+ */
+ onResize() {
+ // Assume resize in both directions.
+ this.readjustView(true, true, this.scrollMinute);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform an operation on the header that may cause it to resize, such that
+ * the view can adjust itself accordingly.
+ *
+ * @param {Element} header - The header that may resize.
+ * @param {Function} operation - An operation to run.
+ */
+ doResizingHeaderOperation(header, operation) {
+ // Capture scrollMinute before we potentially change the size of the view.
+ let scrollMinute = this.scrollMinute;
+ let beforeRect = header.getBoundingClientRect();
+ operation();
+ let afterRect = header.getBoundingClientRect();
+ this.readjustView(
+ beforeRect.height != afterRect.height,
+ beforeRect.width != afterRect.width,
+ scrollMinute
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adjust the view based an a change in rotation, layout, view size, or
+ * header size.
+ *
+ * Note, this method will do nothing whilst the view is hidden, so must be
+ * called again once it is shown.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} verticalResize - There may have been a change in the
+ * vertical direction.
+ * @param {boolean} horizontalResize - There may have been a change in the
+ * horizontal direction.
+ * @param {number} scrollMinute - The minute we should scroll after
+ * adjusting the view in the time-direction.
+ */
+ readjustView(verticalResize, horizontalResize, scrollMinute) {
+ if (!this.clientHeight || !this.clientWidth) {
+ // Do nothing if we have zero width or height since we cannot measure
+ // elements. Should be called again once we can.
+ return;
+ }
+ let isHorizontal = this.getAttribute("orient") == "horizontal";
+ // Adjust the headings. We do this before measuring the pixels per minute
+ // because this may adjust the size of the headings.
+ if (this.headingDatesChanged) {
+ this.shortHeadingContentWidth = 0;
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ // Make sure both headings are visible for measuring.
+ // We will hide one of them again further below.
+ dayCol.shortHeading.hidden = false;
+ dayCol.longHeading.hidden = false;
+ // We can safely measure the widths of the short and long headings
+ // because their headingContainer does not grow or shrink them.
+ let longHeadingRect = dayCol.longHeading.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (!this.headingContentHeight) {
+ // We assume this is constant and the same for each heading.
+ this.headingContentHeight = longHeadingRect.height;
+ }
+ dayCol.longHeadingContentAreaWidth = longHeadingRect.width;
+ this.shortHeadingContentWidth = Math.max(
+ this.shortHeadingContentWidth,
+ dayCol.shortHeading.getBoundingClientRect().width
+ );
+ }
+ // Unset the other properties that use these values.
+ // NOTE: We do not calculate new values for these properties here
+ // because they can only be measured in one of the rotated or
+ // non-rotated states. So we will calculate them as needed.
+ delete this.rotatedHeadingWidth;
+ delete this.minHeadingWidth;
+ }
+ // Whether the headings need readjusting.
+ let adjustHeadingPositioning = this.headingDatesChanged || this.rotationChanged;
+ // Position headers.
+ if (isHorizontal) {
+ // We're in the rotated state, so we can measure the corresponding
+ // header dimensions.
+ // NOTE: we always use short headings in the rotated view.
+ if (!this.rotatedHeadingWidth) {
+ // Width is shared by all headings in the rotated view, so we set it
+ // so that its large enough to fit the text of each heading.
+ if (!this.rotatedHeadingContentToBorderWidthOffset) {
+ // We cache the value since we assume it is constant within the
+ // rotated view.
+ this.rotatedHeadingContentToBorderOffset = this.measureHeadingContentToBorderOffset();
+ }
+ this.rotatedHeadingWidth =
+ this.shortHeadingContentWidth + this.rotatedHeadingContentToBorderOffset.inline;
+ adjustHeadingPositioning = true;
+ }
+ if (adjustHeadingPositioning) {
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ // The header is sticky, so we need to position it. We want a constant
+ // position, so we offset the header by the heading width.
+ // NOTE: We assume there is no margin between the two.
+ = null;
+ = `${this.rotatedHeadingWidth}px`;
+ // NOTE: The heading must have its box-sizing set to border-box for
+ // this to work properly.
+ = `${this.rotatedHeadingWidth}px`;
+ = null;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We're in the non-rotated state, so we can measure the corresponding
+ // header dimensions.
+ if (!this.headingContentToBorderOffset) {
+ // We cache the value since we assume it is constant within the
+ // non-rotated view.
+ this.headingContentToBorderOffset = this.measureHeadingContentToBorderOffset();
+ }
+ if (!this.headingHeight) {
+ this.headingHeight = this.headingContentHeight + this.headingContentToBorderOffset.block;
+ }
+ if (!this.minHeadingWidth) {
+ // Make the minimum width large enough to fit the short heading.
+ this.minHeadingWidth =
+ this.shortHeadingContentWidth + this.headingContentToBorderOffset.inline;
+ adjustHeadingPositioning = true;
+ }
+ if (adjustHeadingPositioning) {
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ // We offset the header by the heading height.
+ = `${this.headingHeight}px`;
+ = null;
+ = `${this.minHeadingWidth}px`;
+ = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the view is horizontal, we always use the short headings.
+ // We do this before calculating the pixelsPerMinute since the width of
+ // the heading is important to determining the size of the scroll area.
+ // We only need to do this when the view has been rotated, or when new
+ // headings have been added. adjustHeadingPosition covers both of these.
+ if (isHorizontal && adjustHeadingPositioning) {
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.shortHeading.hidden = false;
+ dayCol.longHeading.hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, if the view is vertical, we determine whether to use short
+ // or long headings after changing the pixelsPerMinute, which can change
+ // the amount of horizontal space.
+ // NOTE: when the view is vertical, both the short and long headings
+ // should take up the same vertical space, so this shouldn't effect the
+ // pixelsPerMinute calculation.
+ if (this.rotationChanged) {
+ // Clear the set widths/heights or positions before calculating the
+ // scroll area. Otherwise they will remain extended in the wrong
+ // direction, and keep the grid content larger than necessary, which can
+ // cause the grid content to overflow, which in turn shrinks the
+ // calculated scroll area due to extra scrollbars.
+ // The timebar will be corrected when the pixelsPerMinute is calculated.
+ = null;
+ = null;
+ // The time indicators will be corrected in updateTimeIndicatorPosition.
+ = null;
+ = null;
+ let todayIndicator = this.findColumnForDate(;
+ if (todayIndicator) {
+ = null;
+ = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Adjust pixels per minute.
+ let ppmHasChanged = false;
+ if (
+ adjustHeadingPositioning ||
+ (isHorizontal && horizontalResize) ||
+ (!isHorizontal && verticalResize)
+ ) {
+ if (isHorizontal && !this.timebarMinWidth) {
+ // Measure the minimum width such that the time labels do not overflow
+ // and are equal width.
+ = null;
+ = "min-content";
+ let maxWidth = 0;
+ for (let hourBox of this.hourBoxes) {
+ maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, hourBox.getBoundingClientRect().width);
+ }
+ // NOTE: We assume no margin between the boxes.
+ this.timebarMinWidth = maxWidth * this.hourBoxes.length;
+ // width should be set to the correct value below when the
+ // pixelsPerMinute changes.
+ } else if (!isHorizontal && !this.timebarMinHeight) {
+ // Measure the minimum height such that the time labels do not
+ // overflow and are equal height.
+ = null;
+ = "min-content";
+ let maxHeight = 0;
+ for (let hourBox of this.hourBoxes) {
+ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, hourBox.getBoundingClientRect().height);
+ }
+ // NOTE: We assume no margin between the boxes.
+ this.timebarMinHeight = maxHeight * this.hourBoxes.length;
+ // height should be set to the correct value below when the
+ // pixelsPerMinute changes.
+ }
+ // We want to know how much visible space is available in the
+ // "time-direction" of this view's scrollable area, which will be used
+ // to show 'this.visibleHour' hours in the timebar.
+ // NOTE: The area returned by getScrollAreaRect is the *current*
+ // scrollable area. We are working with the assumption that the length
+ // in the time-direction will not change when we change the pixels per
+ // minute. This assumption is broken if the changes cause the
+ // non-time-direction to switch from overflowing to not, or vis versa,
+ // which adds or removes a scrollbar. Since we are only changing the
+ // content length in the time-direction, this should only happen in edge
+ // cases (e.g. scrollbar being added from a time-direction overflow also
+ // causes the non-time-direction to overflow).
+ let scrollArea = this.getScrollAreaRect();
+ let dayScale = 24 / this.visibleHours;
+ let dayPixels = isHorizontal
+ ? Math.max((scrollArea.right - scrollArea.left) * dayScale, this.timebarMinWidth)
+ : Math.max((scrollArea.bottom - * dayScale, this.timebarMinHeight);
+ let pixelsPerMinute = dayPixels / MINUTES_IN_DAY;
+ if (this.rotationChanged || pixelsPerMinute != this.pixelsPerMinute) {
+ ppmHasChanged = true;
+ this.pixelsPerMinute = pixelsPerMinute;
+ // Use the same calculation as in the event columns.
+ let dayPx = `${MINUTES_IN_DAY * pixelsPerMinute}px`;
+ if (isHorizontal) {
+ = dayPx;
+ = null;
+ } else {
+ = dayPx;
+ = null;
+ }
+ for (const col of this.dayColumns) {
+ col.column.pixelsPerMinute = pixelsPerMinute;
+ }
+ }
+ // Scroll to the given minute.
+ this.scrollToMinute(scrollMinute);
+ // A change in pixels per minute can cause a scrollbar to appear or
+ // disappear, which can change the available space for headers.
+ if (ppmHasChanged) {
+ verticalResize = true;
+ horizontalResize = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Decide whether to use short headings.
+ if (!isHorizontal && (horizontalResize || adjustHeadingPositioning)) {
+ // Use short headings if *any* heading would horizontally overflow with
+ // a long heading.
+ let widthOffset = this.headingContentToBorderOffset.inline;
+ let useShortHeadings = this.dayColumns.some(
+ col =>
+ col.headingContainer.getBoundingClientRect().width <
+ col.longHeadingContentAreaWidth + widthOffset
+ );
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.shortHeading.hidden = !useShortHeadings;
+ dayCol.longHeading.hidden = useShortHeadings;
+ }
+ }
+ this.updateTimeIndicatorPosition();
+ // The changes have now been handled.
+ this.headingDatesChanged = false;
+ this.rotationChanged = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Measure the total offset between the content width and border width of
+ * the day headings.
+ *
+ * @returns {{inline: number, block: number}} - The offsets in their
+ * respective directions.
+ */
+ measureHeadingContentToBorderOffset() {
+ if (!this.dayColumns.length) {
+ // undefined properties.
+ return {};
+ }
+ // We cache the offset. We expect these styles to differ between the
+ // rotated and non-rotated views, but to otherwise be constant.
+ let style = getComputedStyle(this.dayColumns[0].headingContainer);
+ return {
+ inline:
+ parseFloat(style.paddingInlineStart) +
+ parseFloat(style.paddingInlineEnd) +
+ parseFloat(style.borderInlineStartWidth) +
+ parseFloat(style.borderInlineEndWidth),
+ block:
+ parseFloat(style.paddingBlockStart) +
+ parseFloat(style.paddingBlockEnd) +
+ parseFloat(style.borderBlockStartWidth) +
+ parseFloat(style.borderBlockEndWidth),
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make a calendar item flash or stop flashing. Called when the item's alarm fires.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} item - The calendar item.
+ * @param {boolean} stop - Whether to stop the item from flashing.
+ */
+ flashAlarm(item, stop) {
+ function setFlashingAttribute(box) {
+ if (stop) {
+ box.removeAttribute("flashing");
+ } else {
+ box.setAttribute("flashing", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ const showIndicator = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("", true);
+ const totaltime = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.alarms.indicator.totaltime", 3600);
+ if (!stop && (!showIndicator || totaltime < 1)) {
+ // No need to animate if the indicator should not be shown.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make sure the flashing attribute is set or reset on all visible boxes.
+ const columns = this.findColumnsForItem(item);
+ for (const col of columns) {
+ const colBox = col.column.findElementForEventItem(item);
+ const headerBox = col.header.findElementForEventItem(item);
+ if (colBox) {
+ setFlashingAttribute(colBox);
+ }
+ if (headerBox) {
+ setFlashingAttribute(headerBox);
+ }
+ }
+ if (stop) {
+ // We are done flashing, prevent newly created event boxes from flashing.
+ delete this.mFlashingEvents[item.hashId];
+ } else {
+ // Set up a timer to stop the flashing after the total time.
+ this.mFlashingEvents[item.hashId] = item;
+ setTimeout(() => this.flashAlarm(item, true), totaltime);
+ }
+ }
+ // calICalendarView Methods
+ showDate(date) {
+ const targetDate = date.getInTimezone(this.mTimezone);
+ targetDate.isDate = true;
+ if (this.mStartDate.timezone.tzid == date.timezone.tzid) {
+ if (this.mStartDate && this.mEndDate) {
+ if ( <= 0 && >= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (this.mDateList) {
+ for (const listDate of this.mDateList) {
+ // If date is already visible, nothing to do.
+ if ( == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're only showing one date, then continue
+ // to only show one date; otherwise, show the week.
+ if (this.numVisibleDates == 1) {
+ this.setDateRange(date, date);
+ } else {
+ this.setDateRange(date.startOfWeek, date.endOfWeek);
+ }
+ this.selectedDay = targetDate;
+ }
+ setDateRange(startDate, endDate) {
+ this.rangeStartDate = startDate;
+ this.rangeEndDate = endDate;
+ const viewStart = startDate.getInTimezone(this.mTimezone);
+ const viewEnd = endDate.getInTimezone(this.mTimezone);
+ viewStart.isDate = true;
+ viewStart.makeImmutable();
+ viewEnd.isDate = true;
+ viewEnd.makeImmutable();
+ this.mStartDate = viewStart;
+ this.mEndDate = viewEnd;
+ // The start and end dates to query calendars with (in CalendarFilteredViewMixin).
+ this.startDate = viewStart;
+ let viewEndPlusOne = viewEnd.clone();
+ this.endDate = viewEndPlusOne;
+ // First, check values of tasksInView, workdaysOnly, showCompleted.
+ // Their status will determine the value of toggleStatus, which is
+ // saved to this.mToggleStatus during last call to relayout()
+ let toggleStatus = 0;
+ if (this.mTasksInView) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.TasksInView;
+ }
+ if (this.mWorkdaysOnly) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.WorkdaysOnly;
+ }
+ if (this.mShowCompleted) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.ShowCompleted;
+ }
+ // Update the navigation bar only when changes are related to the current view.
+ if (this.isVisible()) {
+ calendarNavigationBar.setDateRange(viewStart, viewEnd);
+ }
+ // Check whether view range has been changed since last call to relayout().
+ if (
+ !this.mViewStart ||
+ !this.mViewEnd ||
+ this.mViewStart.timezone.tzid != viewStart.timezone.tzid ||
+ != 0 ||
+ != 0 ||
+ this.mToggleStatus != toggleStatus
+ ) {
+ this.relayout({ dates: true });
+ }
+ }
+ getDateList() {
+ const dates = [];
+ if (this.mStartDate && this.mEndDate) {
+ const date = this.mStartDate.clone();
+ while ( <= 0) {
+ dates.push(date.clone());
+ += 1;
+ }
+ } else if (this.mDateList) {
+ for (const date of this.mDateList) {
+ dates.push(date.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ return dates;
+ }
+ setSelectedItems(items, suppressEvent) {
+ if (this.mSelectedItems) {
+ for (const item of this.mSelectedItems) {
+ for (const occ of this.getItemOccurrencesInView(item)) {
+ const cols = this.findColumnsForItem(occ);
+ for (const col of cols) {
+ col.header.selectEvent(occ, false);
+ col.column.selectEvent(occ, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.mSelectedItems = items || [];
+ for (const item of this.mSelectedItems) {
+ for (const occ of this.getItemOccurrencesInView(item)) {
+ const cols = this.findColumnsForItem(occ);
+ if (cols.length == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const start = item.startDate || item.entryDate || item.dueDate;
+ for (const col of cols) {
+ if (start.isDate) {
+ col.header.selectEvent(occ, true);
+ } else {
+ col.column.selectEvent(occ, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!suppressEvent) {
+ this.fireEvent("itemselect", this.mSelectedItems);
+ }
+ }
+ centerSelectedItems() {
+ const displayTZ = cal.dtz.defaultTimezone;
+ let lowMinute = MINUTES_IN_DAY;
+ let highMinute = 0;
+ for (const item of this.mSelectedItems) {
+ const startDateProperty = cal.dtz.startDateProp(item);
+ const endDateProperty = cal.dtz.endDateProp(item);
+ let occs = [];
+ if (item.recurrenceInfo) {
+ // If selected a parent item, show occurrence(s) in view range.
+ occs = item.getOccurrencesBetween(this.startDate, this.queryEndDate);
+ } else {
+ occs = [item];
+ }
+ for (const occ of occs) {
+ let occStart = occ[startDateProperty];
+ let occEnd = occ[endDateProperty];
+ // Must have at least one of start or end.
+ if (!occStart && !occEnd) {
+ // Task with no dates.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If just has single datetime, treat as zero duration item
+ // (such as task with due datetime or start datetime only).
+ occStart = occStart || occEnd;
+ occEnd = occEnd || occStart;
+ // Now both occStart and occEnd are datetimes.
+ // Skip occurrence if all-day: it won't show in time view.
+ if (occStart.isDate || occEnd.isDate) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Trim dates to view. (Not mutated so just reuse view dates.)
+ if ( > 0) {
+ occStart = this.startDate;
+ }
+ if ( < 0) {
+ occEnd = this.queryEndDate;
+ }
+ // Convert to display timezone if different.
+ if (occStart.timezone != displayTZ) {
+ occStart = occStart.getInTimezone(displayTZ);
+ }
+ if (occEnd.timezone != displayTZ) {
+ occEnd = occEnd.getInTimezone(displayTZ);
+ }
+ // If crosses midnight in current TZ, set end just
+ // before midnight after start so start/title usually visible.
+ if (!cal.dtz.sameDay(occStart, occEnd)) {
+ occEnd = occStart.clone();
+ =;
+ occEnd.hour = 23;
+ occEnd.minute = 59;
+ }
+ // Ensure range shows occ.
+ lowMinute = Math.min(occStart.hour * 60 + occStart.minute, lowMinute);
+ highMinute = Math.max(occEnd.hour * 60 + occEnd.minute, highMinute);
+ }
+ }
+ let halfDurationMinutes = (highMinute - lowMinute) / 2;
+ if (this.mSelectedItems.length && halfDurationMinutes >= 0) {
+ let halfVisibleMinutes = this.visibleHours * 30;
+ if (halfDurationMinutes <= halfVisibleMinutes) {
+ // If the full duration fits in the view, then center the middle of
+ // the region.
+ this.scrollToMinute(lowMinute + halfDurationMinutes - halfVisibleMinutes);
+ } else if (this.mSelectedItems.length == 1) {
+ // Else, if only one event is selected, then center the start.
+ this.scrollToMinute(lowMinute - halfVisibleMinutes);
+ }
+ // Else, don't scroll.
+ }
+ }
+ zoomIn(level) {
+ let visibleHours = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", 9);
+ visibleHours += level || 1;
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", Math.min(visibleHours, 24));
+ }
+ zoomOut(level) {
+ let visibleHours = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", 9);
+ visibleHours -= level || 1;
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", Math.max(1, visibleHours));
+ }
+ zoomReset() {
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours", 9);
+ }
+ // End calICalendarView Methods
+ /**
+ * Return all the occurrences of a given item that are currently displayed in the view.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} item - A calendar item.
+ * @returns {calIItemBase[]} An array of occurrences.
+ */
+ getItemOccurrencesInView(item) {
+ if (item.recurrenceInfo && item.recurrenceStartDate) {
+ // If a parent item is selected, show occurrence(s) in view range.
+ return item.getOccurrencesBetween(this.startDate, this.queryEndDate);
+ } else if (item.recurrenceStartDate) {
+ return [item];
+ }
+ // Undated todo.
+ return [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set an attribute on the view element, and do re-orientation and re-layout if needed.
+ *
+ * @param {string} attr - The attribute to set.
+ * @param {string} value - The value to set.
+ */
+ setAttribute(attr, value) {
+ let rotated = attr == "orient" && this.getAttribute("orient") != value;
+ let context = attr == "context" || attr == "item-context";
+ // This should be done using lookupMethod(), see bug 286629.
+ const ret =, attr, value);
+ if (rotated || context) {
+ this.relayout({ rotated, context });
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Re-render the view based on the given changes.
+ *
+ * Note, changing the dates will wipe the columns of all events, otherwise
+ * the current events are kept in place.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [changes] - The relevant changes to the view. Defaults to
+ * all changes.
+ * @property {boolean} dates - A change in the column dates.
+ * @property {boolean} rotated - A change in the rotation.
+ * @property {boolean} context - A change in the context menu.
+ */
+ relayout(changes) {
+ if (!this.mStartDate || !this.mEndDate) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!changes) {
+ changes = { dates: true, rotated: true, context: true };
+ }
+ let scrollMinute = this.scrollMinute;
+ const orient = this.getAttribute("orient") || "vertical";
+ this.grid.classList.toggle("multiday-grid-rotated", orient == "horizontal");
+ let context = this.getAttribute("context");
+ let itemContext = this.getAttribute("item-context") || context;
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.startLayoutBatchChange();
+ }
+ if (changes.dates) {
+ const computedDateList = [];
+ const startDate = this.mStartDate.clone();
+ while ( <= 0) {
+ const workday = startDate.clone();
+ workday.makeImmutable();
+ if (this.mDisplayDaysOff || !this.mDaysOffArray.includes(startDate.weekday)) {
+ computedDateList.push(workday);
+ }
+ += 1;
+ }
+ this.mDateList = computedDateList;
+"--multiday-num-days", computedDateList.length);
+ // Deselect the previously selected event upon switching views,
+ // otherwise those events will stay selected forever, if other events
+ // are selected after changing the view.
+ this.setSelectedItems([], true);
+ // Get today's date.
+ let today =;
+ let dateFormatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
+ // Assume the heading widths are no longer valid because the displayed
+ // dates are likely to change.
+ // We do not measure them here since we may be hidden. Instead we do so
+ // in readjustView.
+ this.headingDatesChanged = true;
+ let colIndex;
+ for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < computedDateList.length; colIndex++) {
+ let dayDate = computedDateList[colIndex];
+ let dayCol = this.dayColumns[colIndex];
+ if (dayCol) {
+ dayCol.column.clear();
+ dayCol.header.clear();
+ } else {
+ dayCol = {};
+ dayCol.container = document.createElement("article");
+ dayCol.container.classList.add("day-column-container");
+ this.grid.insertBefore(dayCol.container, this.endBorder);
+ dayCol.headingContainer = document.createElement("h2");
+ dayCol.headingContainer.classList.add("day-column-heading");
+ dayCol.longHeading = document.createElement("span");
+ dayCol.shortHeading = document.createElement("span");
+ dayCol.headingContainer.appendChild(dayCol.longHeading);
+ dayCol.headingContainer.appendChild(dayCol.shortHeading);
+ dayCol.container.appendChild(dayCol.headingContainer);
+ dayCol.header = document.createXULElement("calendar-header-container");
+ dayCol.header.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");
+ dayCol.container.appendChild(dayCol.header);
+ dayCol.header.calendarView = this;
+ dayCol.column = document.createXULElement("calendar-event-column");
+ dayCol.container.appendChild(dayCol.column);
+ dayCol.column.calendarView = this;
+ dayCol.column.startLayoutBatchChange();
+ dayCol.column.pixelsPerMinute = this.pixelsPerMinute;
+ dayCol.column.setDayStartEndHours(this.dayStartHour, this.dayEndHour);
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("orient", orient);
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("context", context);
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("item-context", itemContext);
+ this.dayColumns[colIndex] = dayCol;
+ }
+ = dayDate.clone();
+ = true;
+ /* Set up day of the week headings. */
+ dayCol.shortHeading.textContent = cal.l10n.getCalString("dayHeaderLabel", [
+ dateFormatter.shortDayName(dayDate.weekday),
+ dateFormatter.formatDateWithoutYear(dayDate),
+ ]);
+ dayCol.longHeading.textContent = cal.l10n.getCalString("dayHeaderLabel", [
+ dateFormatter.dayName(dayDate.weekday),
+ dateFormatter.formatDateWithoutYear(dayDate),
+ ]);
+ /* Set up all-day header. */
+ = dayDate;
+ /* Set up event column. */
+ = dayDate;
+ /* Set up styling classes for day-off and today. */
+ dayCol.container.classList.toggle(
+ "day-column-weekend",
+ this.mDaysOffArray.includes(dayDate.weekday)
+ );
+ let isToday = == 0;
+ dayCol.column.timeIndicatorBox.hidden = !isToday;
+ dayCol.container.classList.toggle("day-column-today", isToday);
+ }
+ // Remove excess columns.
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns.splice(colIndex)) {
+ dayCol.column.endLayoutBatchChange();
+ dayCol.container.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ if (changes.rotated) {
+ this.rotationChanged = true;
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("orient", orient);
+ }
+ }
+ if (changes.context) {
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("context", context);
+ dayCol.column.setAttribute("item-context", itemContext);
+ }
+ }
+ // Let the columns relayout themselves before we readjust the view.
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.endLayoutBatchChange();
+ }
+ if (changes.dates || changes.rotated) {
+ // Fix pixels-per-minute and headers, now or when next visible.
+ this.readjustView(false, false, scrollMinute);
+ }
+ // Store the start and end of current view. Next time when
+ // setDateRange is called, it will use mViewStart and mViewEnd to
+ // check if view range has been changed.
+ this.mViewStart = this.mStartDate;
+ this.mViewEnd = this.mEndDate;
+ let toggleStatus = 0;
+ if (this.mTasksInView) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.TasksInView;
+ }
+ if (this.mWorkdaysOnly) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.WorkdaysOnly;
+ }
+ if (this.mShowCompleted) {
+ toggleStatus |= this.mToggleStatusFlag.ShowCompleted;
+ }
+ this.mToggleStatus = toggleStatus;
+ if (changes.dates) {
+ // Fetch new items for the new dates.
+ this.refreshItems(true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the column object for a given date.
+ *
+ * @param {calIDateTime} date - A date.
+ * @returns {?DateColumn} A column object.
+ */
+ findColumnForDate(date) {
+ for (const col of this.dayColumns) {
+ if ( == 0) {
+ return col;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the day box (column header) for a given date.
+ *
+ * @param {calIDateTime} date - A date.
+ * @returns {Element} A `calendar-header-container` where "all day" events appear.
+ */
+ findDayBoxForDate(date) {
+ const col = this.findColumnForDate(date);
+ return col && col.header;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the column objects for a given calendar item.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} item - A calendar item.
+ * @returns {DateColumn[]} An array of column objects.
+ */
+ findColumnsForItem(item) {
+ const columns = [];
+ if (!this.dayColumns.length) {
+ return columns;
+ }
+ // Note that these may be dates or datetimes.
+ const startDate = item.startDate || item.entryDate || item.dueDate;
+ if (!startDate) {
+ return columns;
+ }
+ const timezone = this.dayColumns[0].date.timezone;
+ let targetDate = startDate.getInTimezone(timezone);
+ let finishDate = (item.endDate || item.dueDate || item.entryDate || startDate).getInTimezone(
+ timezone
+ );
+ if ( < 0) {
+ targetDate = this.mStartDate.clone();
+ }
+ if ( > 0) {
+ finishDate = this.mEndDate.clone();
+ }
+ // Set the time to 00:00 so that we get all the boxes.
+ targetDate.isDate = false;
+ targetDate.hour = 0;
+ targetDate.minute = 0;
+ targetDate.second = 0;
+ if ( == 0) {
+ // We have also to handle zero length events in particular for
+ // tasks without entry or due date.
+ const col = this.findColumnForDate(targetDate);
+ if (col) {
+ columns.push(col);
+ }
+ }
+ while ( == -1) {
+ const col = this.findColumnForDate(targetDate);
+ // This might not exist if the event spans the view start or end.
+ if (col) {
+ columns.push(col);
+ }
+ += 1;
+ }
+ return columns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get an ordered list of all the calendar-event-column elements in this
+ * view.
+ *
+ * @returns {MozCalendarEventColumn[]} - The columns in this view.
+ */
+ getEventColumns() {
+ return Array.from(this.dayColumns, col => col.column);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the calendar-event-column that contains the given node.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node - The node to search for.
+ *
+ * @returns {?MozCalendarEventColumn} - The column that contains the node, or
+ * null if none do.
+ */
+ findEventColumnThatContains(node) {
+ return this.dayColumns.find(col => col.column.contains(node))?.column;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display a calendar item.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} event - A calendar item.
+ */
+ doAddItem(event) {
+ const cols = this.findColumnsForItem(event);
+ if (!cols.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const col of cols) {
+ const estart = event.startDate || event.entryDate || event.dueDate;
+ if (estart.isDate) {
+ this.doResizingHeaderOperation(col.header, () => col.header.addEvent(event));
+ } else {
+ col.column.addEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a calendar item so it is no longer displayed.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} event - A calendar item.
+ */
+ doRemoveItem(event) {
+ const cols = this.findColumnsForItem(event);
+ if (!cols.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const oldLength = this.mSelectedItems.length;
+ this.mSelectedItems = this.mSelectedItems.filter(item => {
+ return item.hashId != event.hashId;
+ });
+ for (const col of cols) {
+ const estart = event.startDate || event.entryDate || event.dueDate;
+ if (estart.isDate) {
+ this.doResizingHeaderOperation(col.header, () => col.header.deleteEvent(event));
+ } else {
+ col.column.deleteEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ // If a deleted event was selected, we need to announce that the selection changed.
+ if (oldLength != this.mSelectedItems.length) {
+ this.fireEvent("itemselect", this.mSelectedItems);
+ }
+ }
+ // CalendarFilteredViewMixin implementation.
+ /**
+ * Removes all items so they are no longer displayed.
+ */
+ clearItems() {
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.clear();
+ dayCol.header.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove all items for a given calendar so they are no longer displayed.
+ *
+ * @param {string} calendarId - The ID of the calendar to remove items from.
+ */
+ removeItemsFromCalendar(calendarId) {
+ for (const col of this.dayColumns) {
+ // Get all-day events in column header and events within the column.
+ const colEvents = col.header.getAllEventItems().concat(col.column.getAllEventItems());
+ for (const event of colEvents) {
+ if ( == calendarId) {
+ this.doRemoveItem(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // End of CalendarFilteredViewMixin implementation.
+ /**
+ * Clear the pending magic scroll update method.
+ */
+ clearMagicScroll() {
+ if (this.magicScrollTimer) {
+ clearTimeout(this.magicScrollTimer);
+ this.magicScrollTimer = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the amount to scroll the view by.
+ *
+ * @param {number} startDiff - The number of pixels the mouse is from the
+ * starting edge.
+ * @param {number} endDiff - The number of pixels the mouse is from the
+ * ending edge.
+ * @param {number} scrollzone - The number of pixels from the edge at which
+ * point scrolling is triggered.
+ * @param {number} factor - The number of pixels to scroll by if touching
+ * the edge.
+ *
+ * @returns {number} - The number of pixels to scroll by scaled by the depth
+ * within the scrollzone. Zero if outside the scrollzone, negative if
+ * we're closer to the starting edge and positive if we're closer to the
+ * ending edge.
+ */
+ getScrollBy(startDiff, endDiff, scrollzone, factor) {
+ if (startDiff >= scrollzone && endDiff >= scrollzone) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (startDiff < endDiff) {
+ return Math.floor((-1 + startDiff / scrollzone) * factor);
+ }
+ return Math.ceil((1 - endDiff / scrollzone) * factor);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start scrolling the view if the given positions are close to or beyond
+ * its edge.
+ *
+ * Note, any pending updater sent to this method previously will be
+ * cancelled.
+ *
+ * @param {number} clientX - The horizontal viewport position.
+ * @param {number} clientY - The vertical viewport position.
+ * @param {Function} updater - A method to call, with some delay, if we
+ * scroll successfully.
+ */
+ setupMagicScroll(clientX, clientY, updater) {
+ this.clearMagicScroll();
+ // If we are at the bottom or top of the view (or left/right when
+ // rotated), calculate the difference and start accelerating the
+ // scrollbar.
+ let scrollArea = this.getScrollAreaRect();
+ // Distance the mouse is from the edge.
+ let diffTop = Math.max(clientY -, 0);
+ let diffBottom = Math.max(scrollArea.bottom - clientY, 0);
+ let diffLeft = Math.max(clientX - scrollArea.left, 0);
+ let diffRight = Math.max(scrollArea.right - clientX, 0);
+ // How close to the edge we need to be to trigger scrolling.
+ let primaryZone = 50;
+ let secondaryZone = 20;
+ // How many pixels to scroll by.
+ let primaryFactor = Math.max(4 * this.pixelsPerMinute, 8);
+ let secondaryFactor = 4;
+ let left;
+ let top;
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "horizontal") {
+ left = this.getScrollBy(diffLeft, diffRight, primaryZone, primaryFactor);
+ top = this.getScrollBy(diffTop, diffBottom, secondaryZone, secondaryFactor);
+ } else {
+ top = this.getScrollBy(diffTop, diffBottom, primaryZone, primaryFactor);
+ left = this.getScrollBy(diffLeft, diffRight, secondaryZone, secondaryFactor);
+ }
+ if (top || left) {
+ this.grid.scrollBy({ top, left, behaviour: "smooth" });
+ this.magicScrollTimer = setTimeout(updater, 20);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the position of the view's scrollable area (the padding area minus
+ * sticky headers and scrollbars) in the viewport.
+ *
+ * @returns {{top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number}} -
+ * The viewport positions of the respective scrollable area edges.
+ */
+ getScrollAreaRect() {
+ // We want the viewport coordinates of the view's scrollable area. This is
+ // the same as the padding area minus the sticky headers and scrollbars.
+ let scrollTop;
+ let scrollBottom;
+ let scrollLeft;
+ let scrollRight;
+ let view = this.grid;
+ let viewRect = view.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let headerRect = this.headerCorner.getBoundingClientRect();
+ // paddingTop is the top of the view's padding area. We translate from
+ // the border area of the view to the padding area by adding clientTop,
+ // which is the view's top border width.
+ let paddingTop = + view.clientTop;
+ // The top of the scroll area is the bottom of the sticky header.
+ scrollTop = headerRect.bottom;
+ // To get the bottom we add the clientHeight, which is the height of the
+ // padding area minus the scrollbar.
+ scrollBottom = paddingTop + view.clientHeight;
+ // paddingLeft is the left of the view's padding area. We translate from
+ // the border area to the padding area by adding clientLeft, which is the
+ // left border width (plus the scrollbar in right-to-left).
+ let paddingLeft = viewRect.left + view.clientLeft;
+ if (document.dir == "rtl") {
+ scrollLeft = paddingLeft;
+ // The right of the scroll area is the left of the sticky header.
+ scrollRight = headerRect.left;
+ } else {
+ // The left of the scroll area is the right of the sticky header.
+ scrollLeft = headerRect.right;
+ // To get the right we add the clientWidth, which is the width of the
+ // padding area minus the scrollbar.
+ scrollRight = paddingLeft + view.clientWidth;
+ }
+ return { top: scrollTop, bottom: scrollBottom, left: scrollLeft, right: scrollRight };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scroll the view to a given minute.
+ *
+ * @param {number} minute - The minute to scroll to.
+ */
+ scrollToMinute(minute) {
+ let pos = Math.round(Math.max(0, minute) * this.pixelsPerMinute);
+ if (this.getAttribute("orient") == "horizontal") {
+ this.grid.scrollLeft = document.dir == "rtl" ? -pos : pos;
+ } else {
+ this.grid.scrollTop = pos;
+ }
+ // NOTE: this.scrollMinute is set by the "scroll" callback.
+ // This means that if we tried to scroll further than possible, the
+ // scrollMinute will be capped.
+ // Also, if pixelsPerMinute < 1, then scrollMinute may differ from the
+ // given 'minute' due to rounding errors.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the hours when the day starts and ends.
+ *
+ * @param {number} dayStartHour - Hour at which the day starts.
+ * @param {number} dayEndHour - Hour at which the day ends.
+ */
+ setDayStartEndHours(dayStartHour, dayEndHour) {
+ if (dayStartHour < 0 || dayStartHour > dayEndHour || dayEndHour > 24) {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
+ }
+ this.dayStartHour = dayStartHour;
+ this.dayEndHour = dayEndHour;
+ // Also update on the timebar.
+ for (let [hour, hourBox] of this.hourBoxes.entries()) {
+ hourBox.classList.toggle(
+ "multiday-hour-box-off-time",
+ hour < dayStartHour || hour >= dayEndHour
+ );
+ }
+ for (let dayCol of this.dayColumns) {
+ dayCol.column.setDayStartEndHours(dayStartHour, dayEndHour);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set how many hours are visible in the scrollable area.
+ *
+ * @param {number} hours - The number of visible hours.
+ */
+ setVisibleHours(hours) {
+ if (hours <= 0 || hours > 24) {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
+ }
+ this.visibleHours = hours;
+ }
+ }
+ MozElements.CalendarMultidayBaseView = CalendarMultidayBaseView;