path: root/comm/calendar/base/content/dialogs/calendar-properties-dialog.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/base/content/dialogs/calendar-properties-dialog.js b/comm/calendar/base/content/dialogs/calendar-properties-dialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8533b2d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/base/content/dialogs/calendar-properties-dialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* exported onLoad */
+/* import-globals-from ../../../../mail/base/content/utilityOverlay.js */
+/* import-globals-from ../calendar-ui-utils.js */
+/* import-globals-from calendar-identity-utils.js */
+var { cal } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.jsm");
+var { PluralForm } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.sys.mjs");
+ * The calendar to modify, is retrieved from window.arguments[0].calendar
+ */
+var gCalendar;
+window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad);
+ * Called when the calendar properties dialog gets opened. When opening the
+ * window, use an object as argument with a 'calendar' property for the
+ * calendar in question, and a `canDisable` property for whether to offer
+ * disabling/enabling the calendar.
+ */
+function onLoad() {
+ /** @type {{ calendar: calICalendar, canDisable: boolean}} */
+ let args = window.arguments[0];
+ gCalendar = args.calendar; // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign
+ // Some servers provide colors as an 8-character hex string, which the color
+ // picker can't handle. Strip the alpha component.
+ let calColor = gCalendar.getProperty("color");
+ let alphaHex = calColor?.match(/^(#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6})[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$/);
+ if (alphaHex) {
+ gCalendar.setProperty("color", alphaHex[1]);
+ calColor = alphaHex[1];
+ }
+ if (args.canDisable && !gCalendar.getProperty("force-disabled")) {
+ document.documentElement.setAttribute("canDisable", "true");
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-enabled-checkbox").hidden = true;
+ }
+ document.getElementById("calendar-name").value =;
+ document.getElementById("calendar-color").value = calColor || "#A8C2E1";
+ if (["memory", "storage"].includes(gCalendar.type)) {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-uri-row").hidden = true;
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-uri").value = gCalendar.uri.spec;
+ }
+ document.getElementById("read-only").checked = gCalendar.readOnly;
+ if (gCalendar.getProperty("capabilities.username.supported") === true) {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-username").value = gCalendar.getProperty("username");
+ document.getElementById("calendar-username-row").toggleAttribute("hidden", false);
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-username-row").toggleAttribute("hidden", true);
+ }
+ // Set up refresh interval
+ initRefreshInterval();
+ // Set up the cache field
+ let cacheBox = document.getElementById("cache");
+ let canCache = gCalendar.getProperty("cache.supported") !== false;
+ let alwaysCache = gCalendar.getProperty("cache.always");
+ if (!canCache || alwaysCache) {
+ cacheBox.setAttribute("disable-capability", "true");
+ cacheBox.hidden = true;
+ cacheBox.disabled = true;
+ }
+ cacheBox.checked = alwaysCache || (canCache && gCalendar.getProperty("cache.enabled"));
+ // Set up the show alarms row and checkbox
+ let suppressAlarmsRow = document.getElementById("calendar-suppressAlarms-row");
+ let suppressAlarms = gCalendar.getProperty("suppressAlarms");
+ document.getElementById("fire-alarms").checked = !suppressAlarms;
+ suppressAlarmsRow.toggleAttribute(
+ "hidden",
+ gCalendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.popup.supported") === false
+ );
+ // Set up the identity and scheduling rows.
+ initMailIdentitiesRow(gCalendar);
+ notifyOnIdentitySelection(gCalendar);
+ initForceEmailScheduling();
+ // Set up the disabled checkbox
+ let calendarDisabled = false;
+ if (gCalendar.getProperty("force-disabled")) {
+ document.getElementById("force-disabled-description").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("calendar-enabled-checkbox").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ } else {
+ calendarDisabled = gCalendar.getProperty("disabled");
+ document.getElementById("calendar-enabled-checkbox").checked = !calendarDisabled;
+ document.querySelector("dialog").getButton("extra1").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ }
+ setupEnabledCheckbox();
+ // start focus on title, unless we are disabled
+ if (!calendarDisabled) {
+ document.getElementById("calendar-name").focus();
+ }
+ let notificationsSetting = document.getElementById("calendar-notifications-setting");
+ notificationsSetting.value = gCalendar.getProperty("notifications.times");
+ * Called when the dialog is accepted, to save settings.
+ */
+function onAcceptDialog() {
+ // Save calendar name
+ = document.getElementById("calendar-name").value;
+ // Save calendar color
+ gCalendar.setProperty("color", document.getElementById("calendar-color").value);
+ // Save calendar user
+ if (gCalendar.getProperty("capabilities.username.supported") === true) {
+ gCalendar.setProperty("username", document.getElementById("calendar-username").value);
+ }
+ // Save readonly state
+ gCalendar.readOnly = document.getElementById("read-only").checked;
+ // Save supressAlarms
+ gCalendar.setProperty("suppressAlarms", !document.getElementById("fire-alarms").checked);
+ // Save refresh interval
+ if (gCalendar.canRefresh) {
+ let value = document.getElementById("calendar-refreshInterval-menulist").value;
+ gCalendar.setProperty("refreshInterval", value);
+ }
+ // Save cache options
+ let alwaysCache = gCalendar.getProperty("cache.always");
+ if (!alwaysCache) {
+ gCalendar.setProperty("cache.enabled", document.getElementById("cache").checked);
+ }
+ // Save identity and scheduling options.
+ saveMailIdentitySelection(gCalendar);
+ saveForceEmailScheduling();
+ if (!gCalendar.getProperty("force-disabled")) {
+ // Save disabled option (should do this last), remove auto-enabled
+ gCalendar.setProperty(
+ "disabled",
+ !document.getElementById("calendar-enabled-checkbox").checked
+ );
+ gCalendar.deleteProperty("auto-enabled");
+ }
+ gCalendar.setProperty(
+ "notifications.times",
+ document.getElementById("calendar-notifications-setting").value
+ );
+// When this event fires, onAcceptDialog might not be the function defined
+// above, so call it indirectly.
+document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", () => onAcceptDialog());
+ * Called when an identity is selected.
+ */
+function onChangeIdentity(aEvent) {
+ notifyOnIdentitySelection(gCalendar);
+ updateForceEmailSchedulingControl();
+ * When the calendar is disabled, we need to disable a number of other elements
+ */
+function setupEnabledCheckbox() {
+ let isEnabled = document.getElementById("calendar-enabled-checkbox").checked;
+ let els = document.getElementsByAttribute("disable-with-calendar", "true");
+ for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
+ els[i].disabled = !isEnabled || els[i].getAttribute("disable-capability") == "true";
+ }
+ * Called to unsubscribe from a calendar. The button for this function is not
+ * shown unless the provider for the calendar is missing (i.e force-disabled)
+ */
+document.addEventListener("dialogextra1", () => {
+ cal.manager.unregisterCalendar(gCalendar);
+ window.close();
+function initRefreshInterval() {
+ function createMenuItem(minutes) {
+ let menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ menuitem.setAttribute("value", minutes);
+ let everyMinuteString = cal.l10n.getCalString("calendarPropertiesEveryMinute");
+ let label = PluralForm.get(minutes, everyMinuteString).replace("#1", minutes);
+ menuitem.setAttribute("label", label);
+ return menuitem;
+ }
+ document
+ .getElementById("calendar-refreshInterval-row")
+ .toggleAttribute("hidden", !gCalendar.canRefresh);
+ if (gCalendar.canRefresh) {
+ let refreshInterval = gCalendar.getProperty("refreshInterval");
+ if (refreshInterval === null) {
+ refreshInterval = 30;
+ }
+ let foundValue = false;
+ let separator = document.getElementById("calendar-refreshInterval-manual-separator");
+ let menulist = document.getElementById("calendar-refreshInterval-menulist");
+ for (let min of [1, 5, 15, 30, 60]) {
+ let menuitem = createMenuItem(min);
+ separator.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, separator);
+ if (refreshInterval == min) {
+ menulist.selectedItem = menuitem;
+ foundValue = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (refreshInterval == 0) {
+ menulist.selectedItem = document.getElementById("calendar-refreshInterval-manual");
+ foundValue = true;
+ }
+ if (!foundValue) {
+ // Special menuitem in case the user changed the value in the config editor.
+ let menuitem = createMenuItem(refreshInterval);
+ separator.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, separator.nextElementSibling);
+ menulist.selectedItem = menuitem;
+ }
+ }
+ * Open the Preferences tab with global notifications setting.
+ */
+function showGlobalNotificationsPref() {
+ openPreferencesTab("paneCalendar", "calendarNotificationCategory");