path: root/comm/calendar/base/content/widgets/calendar-item-summary.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/base/content/widgets/calendar-item-summary.js')
1 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/base/content/widgets/calendar-item-summary.js b/comm/calendar/base/content/widgets/calendar-item-summary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..747c5e1d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/base/content/widgets/calendar-item-summary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+/* global MozElements MozXULElement */
+/* import-globals-from ../../src/calApplicationUtils.js */
+/* import-globals-from ../dialogs/calendar-summary-dialog.js */
+// Wrap in a block to prevent leaking to window scope.
+ var { cal } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.jsm");
+ var { recurrenceStringFromItem } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/calendar/calRecurrenceUtils.jsm"
+ );
+ /**
+ * Represents a mostly read-only summary of a calendar item. Used in places
+ * like the calendar summary dialog and calendar import dialog. All instances
+ * should have an ID attribute.
+ */
+ class CalendarItemSummary extends MozXULElement {
+ static get markup() {
+ return `<vbox class="item-summary-box" flex="1">
+ <!-- General -->
+ <hbox class="calendar-caption" align="center">
+ <label value="&read.only.general.label;" class="header"/>
+ <separator class="groove" flex="1"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <html:table class="calendar-summary-table">
+ <html:tr>
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.title.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-title">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="calendar-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.calendar.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-calendar">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="item-date-row">
+ <html:th class="item-start-row-label"
+ taskStartLabel="&read.only.task.start.label;"
+ eventStartLabel="&read.only.event.start.label;">
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-date-row-start-date">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="item-date-row">
+ <html:th class="item-due-row-label"
+ taskDueLabel="&read.only.task.due.label;"
+ eventEndLabel="&read.only.event.end.label;">
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-date-row-end-date">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="repeat-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.repeat.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="repeat-details">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="location-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.location.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-location">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="category-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.category.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-category">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="item-organizer-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &read.only.organizer.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="item-organizer-cell">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="status-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th>
+ &task.status.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="status-row-td">
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="TENTATIVE">&newevent.status.tentative.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="CONFIRMED">&newevent.status.confirmed.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="CANCELLED">&newevent.eventStatus.cancelled.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="CANCELLED">&newevent.todoStatus.cancelled.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="NEEDS-ACTION">&newevent.status.needsaction.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="IN-PROCESS">&newevent.status.inprogress.label;</html:div>
+ <html:div hidden="true" status="COMPLETED">&newevent.status.completed.label;</html:div>
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <separator class="groove" flex="1" hidden="true"/>
+ <html:tr class="reminder-row" hidden="hidden">
+ <html:th class="reminder-label">
+ &read.only.reminder.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td class="reminder-details">
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ <html:tr class="attachments-row item-attachments-row" hidden="hidden" >
+ <html:th class="attachments-label">
+ &read.only.attachments.label;
+ </html:th>
+ <html:td>
+ <vbox class="item-attachment-cell">
+ <!-- attachment box template -->
+ <hbox class="attachment-template"
+ hidden="true"
+ align="center"
+ disable-on-readonly="true">
+ <html:img class="attachment-icon invisible-on-broken"
+ alt="" />
+ <label class="text-link item-attachment-cell-label"
+ crop="end"
+ flex="1" />
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </html:td>
+ </html:tr>
+ </html:table>
+ <!-- Attendees -->
+ <box class="item-attendees-description">
+ <box class="item-attendees" orient="vertical" hidden="true">
+ <spacer class="default-spacer"/>
+ <hbox class="calendar-caption" align="center">
+ <label value="&read.only.attendees.label;"
+ class="header"/>
+ <separator class="groove" flex="1"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <vbox class="item-attendees-list-container"
+ flex="1"
+ context="attendee-popup"
+ oncontextmenu="onAttendeeContextMenu(event)">
+ </vbox>
+ </box>
+ <splitter id="attendeeDescriptionSplitter"
+ class="item-summary-splitter"
+ collapse="after"
+ orient="vertical"
+ state="open"/>
+ <!-- Description -->
+ <box class="item-description-box" hidden="true" orient="vertical">
+ <hbox class="calendar-caption" align="center">
+ <label value="&read.only.description.label;"
+ class="header"/>
+ <separator class="groove" flex="1"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <iframe class="item-description"
+ type="content"
+ flex="1"
+ oncontextmenu="openDescriptionContextMenu(event);">
+ </iframe>
+ </box>
+ </box>
+ <!-- URL link -->
+ <box class="event-grid-link-row" hidden="true" orient="vertical">
+ <spacer class="default-spacer"/>
+ <hbox class="calendar-caption" align="center">
+ <label value="&;"
+ class="header"/>
+ <separator class="groove" flex="1"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <label class="url-link text-link default-indent"
+ crop="end"/>
+ </box>
+ </vbox>`;
+ }
+ static get entities() {
+ return [
+ "chrome://calendar/locale/global.dtd",
+ "chrome://calendar/locale/calendar.dtd",
+ "chrome://calendar/locale/calendar-event-dialog.dtd",
+ "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd",
+ ];
+ }
+ static get alarmMenulistFragment() {
+ let frag = document.importNode(
+ MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(
+ `<hbox align="center">
+ <menulist class="item-alarm"
+ disable-on-readonly="true">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.none.label;"
+ selected="true"
+ value="none"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.0minutes.before.label;"
+ length="0"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="minutes"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.5minutes.before.label;"
+ length="5"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="minutes"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.15minutes.before.label;"
+ length="15"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="minutes"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.30minutes.before.label;"
+ length="30"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="minutes"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.1hour.before.label;"
+ length="1"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="hours"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.2hours.before.label;"
+ length="2"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="hours"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.12hours.before.label;"
+ length="12"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="hours"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.1day.before.label;"
+ length="1"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="days"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.2days.before.label;"
+ length="2"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="days"/>
+ <menuitem label="&event.reminder.1week.before.label;"
+ length="7"
+ origin="before"
+ relation="START"
+ unit="days"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem class="reminder-custom-menuitem"
+ label="&event.reminder.custom.label;"
+ value="custom"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ <hbox class="reminder-details">
+ <hbox class="alarm-icons-box" align="center"/>
+ <!-- TODO oncommand? onkeypress? -->
+ <label class="reminder-multiple-alarms-label text-link"
+ hidden="true"
+ value="&event.reminder.multiple.label;"
+ disable-on-readonly="true"
+ flex="1"
+ hyperlink="true"/>
+ <label class="reminder-single-alarms-label text-link"
+ hidden="true"
+ disable-on-readonly="true"
+ flex="1"
+ hyperlink="true"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </hbox>`,
+ CalendarItemSummary.entities
+ ),
+ true
+ );
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "alarmMenulistFragment", { value: frag });
+ return frag;
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasConnected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.hasConnected = true;
+ this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
+ this.mItem = null;
+ this.mCalendar = null;
+ this.mReadOnly = true;
+ this.mIsInvitation = false;
+ this.mIsToDoItem = null;
+ let urlLink = this.querySelector(".url-link");
+ urlLink.addEventListener("click", event => {
+ launchBrowser(urlLink.getAttribute("href"), event);
+ });
+ urlLink.addEventListener("command", event => {
+ launchBrowser(urlLink.getAttribute("href"), event);
+ });
+ }
+ set item(item) {
+ this.mItem = item;
+ this.mIsToDoItem = item.isTodo();
+ // When used in places like the import dialog, there is no calendar (yet).
+ if (item.calendar) {
+ this.mCalendar = item.calendar;
+ this.mIsInvitation =
+ item.calendar.supportsScheduling &&
+ item.calendar.getSchedulingSupport()?.isInvitation(item);
+ this.mReadOnly = !(
+ cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(this.mCalendar) &&
+ (cal.acl.userCanModifyItem(item) ||
+ (this.mIsInvitation && cal.acl.userCanRespondToInvitation(item)))
+ );
+ }
+ if (!item.descriptionHTML || !item.getAttendees().length) {
+ // Hide the splitter when there is no description or attendees.
+ document.getElementById("attendeeDescriptionSplitter").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ get item() {
+ return this.mItem;
+ }
+ get calendar() {
+ return this.mCalendar;
+ }
+ get readOnly() {
+ return this.mReadOnly;
+ }
+ get isInvitation() {
+ return this.mIsInvitation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the item details in the UI. To be called when this element is
+ * first rendered and when the item changes.
+ */
+ updateItemDetails() {
+ if (!this.item) {
+ // Setup not complete, do nothing for now.
+ return;
+ }
+ let item = this.item;
+ let isToDoItem = this.mIsToDoItem;
+ this.querySelector(".item-title").textContent = item.title;
+ if (this.calendar) {
+ this.querySelector(".calendar-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ this.querySelector(".item-calendar").textContent =;
+ }
+ // Show start date.
+ let itemStartDate = item[cal.dtz.startDateProp(item)];
+ let itemStartRowLabel = this.querySelector(".item-start-row-label");
+ let itemDateRowStartDate = this.querySelector(".item-date-row-start-date");
+ = itemStartDate ? "visible" : "collapse";
+ = itemStartDate ? "visible" : "collapse";
+ if (itemStartDate) {
+ itemStartRowLabel.textContent = itemStartRowLabel.getAttribute(
+ isToDoItem ? "taskStartLabel" : "eventStartLabel"
+ );
+ itemDateRowStartDate.textContent = cal.dtz.getStringForDateTime(itemStartDate);
+ }
+ // Show due date / end date.
+ let itemDueDate = item[cal.dtz.endDateProp(item)];
+ let itemDueRowLabel = this.querySelector(".item-due-row-label");
+ let itemDateRowEndDate = this.querySelector(".item-date-row-end-date");
+ = itemDueDate ? "visible" : "collapse";
+ = itemDueDate ? "visible" : "collapse";
+ if (itemDueDate) {
+ // For all-day events, display the last day, not the finish time.
+ if (itemDueDate.isDate) {
+ itemDueDate = itemDueDate.clone();
+ }
+ itemDueRowLabel.textContent = itemDueRowLabel.getAttribute(
+ isToDoItem ? "taskDueLabel" : "eventEndLabel"
+ );
+ itemDateRowEndDate.textContent = cal.dtz.getStringForDateTime(itemDueDate);
+ }
+ let alarms = item.getAlarms();
+ let hasAlarms = alarms && alarms.length;
+ let canShowReadOnlyReminders = hasAlarms && item.calendar;
+ let shouldShowReminderMenu =
+ !this.readOnly &&
+ this.isInvitation &&
+ item.calendar &&
+ item.calendar.getProperty("capabilities.alarms.oninvitations.supported") !== false;
+ // For invitations where the reminders can be edited, show a menu to
+ // allow setting the reminder, because you can't edit an invitation in
+ // the edit item dialog. For all other cases, show a plain text
+ // representation of the reminders but only if there are any.
+ if (shouldShowReminderMenu) {
+ if (!this.mAlarmsMenu) {
+ // Attempt to vertically align the label. It's not perfect but it's the best we've got.
+ let reminderLabel = this.querySelector(".reminder-label");
+ = "middle";
+ let reminderCell = this.querySelector(".reminder-details");
+ while (reminderCell.lastChild) {
+ reminderCell.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+ // Add the menulist dynamically only if it's going to be used. This removes a
+ // significant performance penalty in most use cases.
+ reminderCell.append(this.constructor.alarmMenulistFragment.cloneNode(true));
+ this.mAlarmsMenu = this.querySelector(".item-alarm");
+ this.mLastAlarmSelection = 0;
+ this.mAlarmsMenu.addEventListener("command", () => {
+ this.updateReminder();
+ });
+ this.querySelector(".reminder-multiple-alarms-label").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.updateReminder();
+ });
+ this.querySelector(".reminder-single-alarms-label").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.updateReminder();
+ });
+ }
+ if (hasAlarms) {
+ this.mLastAlarmSelection = loadReminders(alarms, this.mAlarmsMenu, this.mItem.calendar);
+ }
+ this.updateReminder();
+ } else if (canShowReadOnlyReminders) {
+ this.updateReminderReadOnly(alarms);
+ }
+ if (shouldShowReminderMenu || canShowReadOnlyReminders) {
+ this.querySelector(".reminder-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ }
+ let recurrenceDetails = recurrenceStringFromItem(
+ item,
+ "calendar-event-dialog",
+ "ruleTooComplexSummary"
+ );
+ this.updateRecurrenceDetails(recurrenceDetails);
+ this.updateAttendees(item);
+ let url = item.getProperty("URL")?.trim() || "";
+ let link = this.querySelector(".url-link");
+ link.setAttribute("href", url);
+ link.setAttribute("value", url);
+ // Hide the row if there is no url.
+ this.querySelector(".event-grid-link-row").hidden = !url;
+ let location = item.getProperty("LOCATION");
+ if (location) {
+ this.updateLocation(location);
+ }
+ let categories = item.getCategories();
+ if (categories.length > 0) {
+ this.querySelector(".category-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ // TODO: this join is unfriendly for l10n (categories.join(", ")).
+ this.querySelector(".item-category").textContent = categories.join(", ");
+ }
+ if (item.organizer && {
+ this.updateOrganizer(item);
+ }
+ let status = item.getProperty("STATUS");
+ if (status && status.length) {
+ this.updateStatus(status, isToDoItem);
+ }
+ let descriptionText = item.descriptionText?.trim();
+ if (descriptionText) {
+ this.updateDescription(descriptionText, item.descriptionHTML);
+ }
+ let attachments = item.getAttachments();
+ if (attachments.length) {
+ this.updateAttachments(attachments);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the reminder, called when a reminder has been selected in the
+ * menulist.
+ */
+ updateReminder() {
+ this.mLastAlarmSelection = commonUpdateReminder(
+ this.mAlarmsMenu,
+ this.mItem,
+ this.mLastAlarmSelection,
+ this.mItem.calendar,
+ this.querySelector(".reminder-details"),
+ null,
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the reminder to display the set reminders as read-only text.
+ * Depends on updateReminder() to get the text to display.
+ */
+ updateReminderReadOnly(alarms) {
+ let reminderLabel = this.querySelector(".reminder-label");
+ = null;
+ let reminderCell = this.querySelector(".reminder-details");
+ while (reminderCell.lastChild) {
+ reminderCell.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+ delete this.mAlarmsMenu;
+ switch (alarms.length) {
+ case 0:
+ reminderCell.textContent = "";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ reminderCell.textContent = alarms[0].toString(this.item);
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (let a of alarms) {
+ reminderCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a.toString(this.item)));
+ reminderCell.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the item's recurrence details, i.e. shows text describing them,
+ * or hides the recurrence row if the item does not recur.
+ *
+ * @param {string | null} details - Recurrence details as a string or null.
+ * Passing null hides the recurrence row.
+ */
+ updateRecurrenceDetails(details) {
+ let repeatRow = this.querySelector(".repeat-row");
+ let repeatDetails = repeatRow.querySelector(".repeat-details");
+ repeatRow.toggleAttribute("hidden", !details);
+ repeatDetails.textContent = details ? details.replace(/\n/g, " ") : "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the attendee listbox, displaying all attendees invited to the item.
+ */
+ updateAttendees(item) {
+ let attendees = item.getAttendees();
+ if (attendees && attendees.length) {
+ this.querySelector(".item-attendees").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ this.querySelector(".item-attendees-list-container").appendChild(
+ cal.invitation.createAttendeesList(document, attendees)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the location, creating a link if the value is a URL.
+ *
+ * @param {string} location - The value of the location property.
+ */
+ updateLocation(location) {
+ this.querySelector(".location-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let urlMatch = location.match(/(https?:\/\/[^ ]*)/);
+ let url = urlMatch && urlMatch[1];
+ let itemLocation = this.querySelector(".item-location");
+ if (url) {
+ let link = document.createElementNS("", "a");
+ link.setAttribute("class", "item-location-link text-link");
+ link.setAttribute("href", url);
+ link.title = url;
+ link.setAttribute("onclick", "launchBrowser(this.getAttribute('href'), event)");
+ link.setAttribute("oncommand", "launchBrowser(this.getAttribute('href'), event)");
+ let label = document.createXULElement("label");
+ label.setAttribute("context", "location-link-context-menu");
+ label.textContent = location;
+ link.appendChild(label);
+ itemLocation.replaceChildren(link);
+ } else {
+ itemLocation.textContent = location;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the organizer part of the UI.
+ *
+ * @param {calIItemBase} item - The calendar item.
+ */
+ updateOrganizer(item) {
+ this.querySelector(".item-organizer-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let organizerLabel = cal.invitation.createAttendeeLabel(
+ document,
+ item.organizer,
+ item.getAttendees()
+ );
+ let organizerName = organizerLabel.querySelector(".attendee-name");
+ organizerName.classList.add("text-link");
+ organizerName.addEventListener("click", () => sendMailToOrganizer(this.mItem));
+ this.querySelector(".item-organizer-cell").appendChild(organizerLabel);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the status part of the UI.
+ *
+ * @param {string} status - The status of the calendar item.
+ * @param {boolean} isToDoItem - True if the calendar item is a todo, false if an event.
+ */
+ updateStatus(status, isToDoItem) {
+ let statusRow = this.querySelector(".status-row");
+ let statusRowData = this.querySelector(".status-row-td");
+ for (let i = 0; i < statusRowData.children.length; i++) {
+ if (statusRowData.children[i].getAttribute("status") == status) {
+ statusRow.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ if (status == "CANCELLED" && isToDoItem) {
+ // There are two status elements for CANCELLED, the second one is for
+ // todo items. Increment the counter here.
+ i++;
+ }
+ statusRowData.children[i].removeAttribute("hidden");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the description part of the UI.
+ *
+ * @param {string} descriptionText - The value of the DESCRIPTION property.
+ * @param {string} descriptionHTML - HTML description if available.
+ */
+ async updateDescription(descriptionText, descriptionHTML) {
+ this.querySelector(".item-description-box").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let itemDescription = this.querySelector(".item-description");
+ if (itemDescription.contentDocument.readyState != "complete") {
+ // The iframe's document hasn't loaded yet. If we add to it now, what we add will be
+ // overwritten. Wait for the initial document to load.
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ itemDescription._listener = {
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([
+ "nsIWebProgressListener",
+ "nsISupportsWeakReference",
+ ]),
+ onStateChange(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) {
+ if (stateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) {
+ itemDescription.browsingContext.webProgress.removeProgressListener(this);
+ delete itemDescription._listener;
+ resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ itemDescription.browsingContext.webProgress.addProgressListener(
+ itemDescription._listener,
+ Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_ALL
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ let docFragment = cal.view.textToHtmlDocumentFragment(
+ descriptionText,
+ itemDescription.contentDocument,
+ descriptionHTML
+ );
+ // Make any links open in the user's default browser, not in Thunderbird.
+ for (let anchor of docFragment.querySelectorAll("a")) {
+ anchor.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.isTrusted) {
+ launchBrowser(anchor.getAttribute("href"), event);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ itemDescription.contentDocument.body.appendChild(docFragment);
+ const link = itemDescription.contentDocument.createElement("link");
+ link.rel = "stylesheet";
+ link.href = "chrome://messenger/skin/shared/editorContent.css";
+ itemDescription.contentDocument.head.appendChild(link);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the attachments part of the UI.
+ *
+ * @param {calIAttachment[]} attachments - Array of attachment objects.
+ */
+ updateAttachments(attachments) {
+ // We only want to display URI type attachments and no ones received inline with the
+ // invitation message (having a CID: prefix results in about:blank) here.
+ let attCounter = 0;
+ attachments.forEach(aAttachment => {
+ if (aAttachment.uri && aAttachment.uri.spec != "about:blank") {
+ let attachment = this.querySelector(".attachment-template").cloneNode(true);
+ attachment.removeAttribute("id");
+ attachment.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let label = attachment.querySelector("label");
+ label.setAttribute("value", aAttachment.uri.spec);
+ label.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ openAttachmentFromItemSummary(aAttachment.hashId, this.mItem);
+ });
+ let icon = attachment.querySelector("img");
+ let iconSrc = aAttachment.uri.spec.length ? aAttachment.uri.spec : "dummy.html";
+ if (aAttachment.uri && !aAttachment.uri.schemeIs("file")) {
+ // Using an uri directly, with e.g. a http scheme, wouldn't render any icon.
+ if (aAttachment.formatType) {
+ iconSrc = "goat?contentType=" + aAttachment.formatType;
+ } else {
+ // Let's try to auto-detect.
+ let parts = iconSrc.substr(aAttachment.uri.scheme.length + 2).split("/");
+ if (parts.length) {
+ iconSrc = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ icon.setAttribute("src", "moz-icon://" + iconSrc);
+ this.querySelector(".item-attachment-cell").appendChild(attachment);
+ attCounter++;
+ }
+ });
+ if (attCounter > 0) {
+ this.querySelector(".attachments-row").removeAttribute("hidden");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define("calendar-item-summary", CalendarItemSummary);