path: root/comm/calendar/base/public/calIItemBase.idl
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1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/base/public/calIItemBase.idl b/comm/calendar/base/public/calIItemBase.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f87935b297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/base/public/calIItemBase.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "nsISupports.idl"
+interface nsIVariant;
+interface calIItemACLEntry;
+interface calIAlarm;
+interface calIAttachment;
+interface calIAttendee;
+interface calICalendar;
+interface calIDateTime;
+interface calIDuration;
+interface calIIcalComponent;
+interface calIRecurrenceInfo;
+interface calIRelation;
+// calIItemBase
+// Base for Events, Todos, Journals, etc.
+[scriptable, uuid(9c988b8d-af45-4046-b05e-34417bba9058)]
+interface calIItemBase : nsISupports
+ // returns true if this thing is able to be modified;
+ // if the item is not mutable, attempts to modify
+ // any data will throw CAL_ERROR_ITEM_IS_IMMUTABLE
+ readonly attribute boolean isMutable;
+ // makes this item immutable
+ void makeImmutable();
+ // clone always returns a mutable event
+ calIItemBase clone();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this item is an instance of calIEvent.
+ */
+ boolean isEvent();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this item is an instance of calITodo.
+ */
+ boolean isTodo();
+ /**
+ * Hash Id that incorporates the item's UID, RECURRENCE-ID and
+ * to be used for lookup of items that come from different calendars.
+ * Setting either id, recurrenceId or the calendar attribute leads to
+ * a recomputation of hashId.
+ *
+ * @attention Individual implementors of calIItemBase must stick to the
+ * same algorithm that base/src/calItemBase.js uses.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String hashId;
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the argument object refers the same calendar item as
+ * this one, by testing both the id and recurrenceId property. This
+ *
+ * @arg aItem the item to compare against this one
+ *
+ * @return true if both ids match, false otherwise
+ */
+ boolean hasSameIds(in calIItemBase aItem);
+ /**
+ * Returns the acl entry associated to the item.
+ */
+ readonly attribute calIItemACLEntry aclEntry;
+ //
+ // the generation number of this item
+ //
+ attribute uint32_t generation;
+ // the time when this item was created
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime creationDate;
+ // last time any attribute was modified on this item, in UTC
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime lastModifiedTime;
+ // last time a "significant change" was made to this item
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime stampTime;
+ // the calICalendar to which this event belongs
+ attribute calICalendar calendar;
+ // the ID of this event
+ attribute AUTF8String id;
+ // event title
+ attribute AUTF8String title;
+ /**
+ * The event's description in plain text.
+ *
+ * Setting this will reset descriptionHTML.
+ */
+ attribute AUTF8String descriptionText;
+ /**
+ * The event's description, as HTML.
+ *
+ * The text content MUST match descriptionText but the HTML can contain
+ * formatting, links etc.
+ *
+ * Getter: If HTML was not set, the plain text will be upconverted to HTML.
+ *
+ * Setter: Setting HTML data will set descriptionText to the
+ * downconverted pretty-printed plain text.
+ */
+ attribute AUTF8String descriptionHTML;
+ // event priority
+ attribute short priority;
+ attribute AUTF8String privacy;
+ // status of the event
+ attribute AUTF8String status;
+ // ical interop; writing this means parsing
+ // the ical string into this event
+ attribute AUTF8String icalString;
+ // an icalComponent for this item, suitable for serialization.
+ // the icalComponent returned is not live: changes in it or this
+ // item will not be reflected in the other.
+ attribute calIIcalComponent icalComponent;
+ //
+ // alarms
+ //
+ /**
+ * Get all alarms assigned to this item
+ *
+ * @param aAlarms The array of calIAlarms
+ */
+ Array<calIAlarm> getAlarms();
+ /**
+ * Add an alarm to the item
+ *
+ * @param aAlarm The calIAlarm to add
+ */
+ void addAlarm(in calIAlarm aAlarm);
+ /**
+ * Delete an alarm from the item
+ *
+ * @param aAlarm The calIAlarm to delete
+ */
+ void deleteAlarm(in calIAlarm aAlarm);
+ /**
+ * Clear all alarms from the item
+ */
+ void clearAlarms();
+ // The last time this alarm was fired and acknowledged by the user; coerced to UTC.
+ attribute calIDateTime alarmLastAck;
+ //
+ // recurrence
+ //
+ attribute calIRecurrenceInfo recurrenceInfo;
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime recurrenceStartDate;
+ //
+ // All event properties are stored in a property bag;
+ // some number of these are "promoted" to top-level
+ // accessor attributes. For example, "SUMMARY" is
+ // promoted to the top-level "title" attribute.
+ //
+ // If you use the has/get/set/deleteProperty
+ // methods, property names are case-insensitive.
+ //
+ // For purposes of ICS serialization, all property names in
+ // the hashbag are in uppercase.
+ //
+ // The isPropertyPromoted() attribute can will indicate
+ // if a particular property is promoted or not, for
+ // serialization purposes.
+ //
+ // Note that if this item is a proxy, then any requests for
+ // non-existent properties will be forward to the parent item.
+ // some other properties that may exist:
+ //
+ // 'description' - description (string)
+ // 'location' - location (string)
+ // 'categories' - categories (string)
+ // 'syncId' - sync id (string)
+ // 'inviteEmailAddress' - string
+ // alarmLength/alarmUnits/alarmEmailAddress/lastAlarmAck
+ // recurInterval/recurCount/recurWeekdays/recurWeeknumber
+ // these forward to an internal property bag; implemented here, so we can
+ // do access control on set/delete to have control over mutability.
+ // Each inner array has two elements: a string and a nsIVariant.
+ readonly attribute Array<Array<jsval> > properties;
+ boolean hasProperty(in AString name);
+ /**
+ * Gets a particular property.
+ * Objects passed back are still owned by the item, e.g. if callers need to
+ * store or modify a calIDateTime they must clone it.
+ */
+ nsIVariant getProperty(in AString name);
+ /**
+ * Sets a particular property.
+ * Ownership of objects gets passed to the item, e.g. callers must not
+ * modify a calIDateTime after it's been passed to an item.
+ *
+ * @warning this reflects the current implementation
+ * xxx todo: rethink whether it's more sensible to store
+ * clones in calItemBase.
+ */
+ void setProperty(in AString name, in nsIVariant value);
+ // will not throw an error if you delete a property that doesn't exist
+ void deleteProperty(in AString name);
+ // returns true if the given property is promoted to some
+ // top-level attribute (e.g. id or title)
+ boolean isPropertyPromoted(in AString name);
+ /**
+ * Returns a particular parameter value for a property, or null if the
+ * parameter does not exist. If the property does not exist, throws.
+ *
+ * @param aPropertyName the name of the property
+ * @param aParameterName the name of the parameter on the property
+ */
+ AString getPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
+ in AString aParameterName);
+ /**
+ * Checks if the given property has the given parameter.
+ *
+ * @param aPropertyName The name of the property.
+ * @param aParameterName The name of the parameter on the property.
+ * @return True, if the parameter exists on the property
+ */
+ boolean hasPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
+ in AString aParameterName);
+ /**
+ * Sets a particular parameter value for a property, or unsets if null is
+ * passed. If the property does not exist, throws.
+ *
+ * @param aPropertyName The name of the property
+ * @param aParameterName The name of the parameter on the property
+ * @param aParameterValue The value of the parameter to set
+ */
+ void setPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
+ in AString aParameterName,
+ in AUTF8String aParameterValue);
+ /**
+ * Returns the names of all the parameters set on the given property.
+ *
+ * @param aPropertyName {AString} The name of the property.
+ * @return {Array<AString} The parameter names.
+ */
+ Array<AString> getParameterNames(in AString aPropertyName);
+ /**
+ * The organizer (originator) of the item. We will likely not
+ * honour or preserve all fields in the calIAttendee passed around here.
+ * A base class like calIPerson might be more appropriate here, if we ever
+ * grow one.
+ */
+ attribute calIAttendee organizer;
+ //
+ // Attendees
+ //
+ // The array returned here is not live; it will not reflect calls to
+ // removeAttendee/addAttendee that follow the call to getAttendees.
+ Array<calIAttendee> getAttendees();
+ /**
+ * getAttendeeById's matching is done in a case-insensitive manner to handle
+ * places where "MAILTO:" or similar properties are capitalized arbitrarily
+ * by different calendar clients.
+ */
+ calIAttendee getAttendeeById(in AUTF8String id);
+ void addAttendee(in calIAttendee attendee);
+ void removeAttendee(in calIAttendee attendee);
+ void removeAllAttendees();
+ //
+ // Attachments
+ //
+ Array<calIAttachment> getAttachments();
+ void addAttachment(in calIAttachment attachment);
+ void removeAttachment(in calIAttachment attachment);
+ void removeAllAttachments();
+ //
+ // Categories
+ //
+ /**
+ * Gets the array of categories this item belongs to.
+ */
+ Array<AString> getCategories();
+ /**
+ * Sets the array of categories this item belongs to.
+ */
+ void setCategories(in Array<AString> aCategories);
+ //
+ // Relations
+ //
+ /**
+ * This gives back every relation where the item is neither the owner of the
+ * relation nor the referred relation
+ */
+ Array<calIRelation> getRelations();
+ /**
+ * Adds a relation to the item
+ */
+ void addRelation(in calIRelation relation);
+ /**
+ * Removes the relation for this item and the referred item
+ */
+ void removeRelation(in calIRelation relation);
+ /**
+ * Removes every relation for this item (in this items and also where it is referred
+ */
+ void removeAllRelations();
+ // Occurrence querying
+ //
+ /**
+ * Return a list of occurrences of this item between the given dates. The items
+ * returned are the same type as this one, as proxies.
+ */
+ Array<calIItemBase> getOccurrencesBetween(in calIDateTime aStartDate, in calIDateTime aEndDate);
+ /**
+ * If this item is a proxy or overridden item, parentItem will point upwards
+ * to our parent. Otherwise, it will point to this.
+ * parentItem can thus always be used for modifyItem() calls
+ * to providers.
+ */
+ attribute calIItemBase parentItem;
+ /**
+ * The recurrence ID, a.k.a. DTSTART-of-calculated-occurrence,
+ * or null if this isn't an occurrence.
+ * Be conservative about setting this. It isn't marked as such, but
+ * consider it as readonly.
+ */
+ attribute calIDateTime recurrenceId;