path: root/comm/chat/components/public/imIContactsService.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/chat/components/public/imIContactsService.idl')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/chat/components/public/imIContactsService.idl b/comm/chat/components/public/imIContactsService.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0f42dbac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/chat/components/public/imIContactsService.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "imIStatusInfo.idl"
+#include "imITagsService.idl"
+#include "nsISupports.idl"
+#include "nsIObserver.idl"
+interface imIContact;
+interface imIBuddy;
+interface prplIAccountBuddy;
+interface imIAccount;
+interface prplIProtocol;
+[scriptable, uuid(45ce33d9-d335-4cce-b904-44821987e048)]
+interface imIContactsService: nsISupports {
+ void initContacts();
+ void unInitContacts();
+ imIContact getContactById(in long aId);
+ // Get an array of all existing contacts.
+ Array<imIContact> getContacts();
+ imIBuddy getBuddyById(in long aId);
+ imIBuddy getBuddyByNameAndProtocol(in AUTF8String aNormalizedName,
+ in prplIProtocol aPrpl);
+ prplIAccountBuddy getAccountBuddyByNameAndAccount(in AUTF8String aNormalizedName,
+ in imIAccount aAccount);
+ // These 3 functions are called by the protocol plugins when
+ // synchronizing the buddy list with the server stored list,
+ // or after user operations have been performed.
+ void accountBuddyAdded(in prplIAccountBuddy aAccountBuddy);
+ void accountBuddyRemoved(in prplIAccountBuddy aAccountBuddy);
+ void accountBuddyMoved(in prplIAccountBuddy aAccountBuddy,
+ in imITag aOldTag, in imITag aNewTag);
+ // These methods are called by the imIAccountsService implementation
+ // to keep the accounts table in sync with accounts stored in the
+ // preferences.
+ // Called when an account is created or loaded to store the new
+ // account or ensure it doesn't conflict with an existing account
+ // (to detect database corruption).
+ // Will throw if a stored account has the id aId but a different
+ // username or prplId.
+ void storeAccount(in unsigned long aId, in AUTF8String aUserName,
+ in AUTF8String aPrplId);
+ // Check if an account id already exists in the database.
+ boolean accountIdExists(in unsigned long aId);
+ // Called when deleting an account to remove it from blist.sqlite.
+ void forgetAccount(in unsigned long aId);
+ * An imIContact represents a person, e.g. our friend Alice. This person might
+ * have multiple means of contacting them.
+ *
+ * Remember that an imIContact can have multiple buddies (imIBuddy instances),
+ * each imIBuddy can have multiple account-buddies (prplIAccountBuddy instances)
+ * referencing it. To be explicit, the difference is that an imIBuddy represents
+ * a contact's account on a network, while a prplIAccountBuddy represents the
+ * link between your account and your contact's account.
+ *
+ * Each of these implement imIStatusInfo: imIContact and imIBuddy should merge
+ * the status info based on the information available in their instances of
+ * imIBuddy and prplIAccountBuddy, respectively.
+ */
+[scriptable, uuid(f585b0df-f6ad-40d5-9de4-c58b14af13e4)]
+interface imIContact: imIStatusInfo {
+ // The id will be positive if the contact is real (stored in the
+ // SQLite database) and negative if the instance is a dummy contact
+ // holding only a single buddy without aliases or additional tags.
+ readonly attribute long id;
+ attribute AUTF8String alias;
+ Array<imITag> getTags();
+ // Will do nothing if the contact already has aTag.
+ void addTag(in imITag aTag);
+ // Will throw if the contact doesn't have aTag or doesn't have any other tag.
+ void removeTag(in imITag aTag);
+ readonly attribute imIBuddy preferredBuddy;
+ Array<imIBuddy> getBuddies();
+ // Move all the buddies of aContact into the current contact,
+ // and copy all its tags.
+ void mergeContact(in imIContact aContact);
+ // Change the position of aBuddy in the current contact.
+ // The new position is the current position of aBeforeBuddy if it is
+ // specified, or at the end otherwise.
+ void moveBuddyBefore(in imIBuddy aBuddy, [optional] in imIBuddy aBeforeBuddy);
+ // Remove aBuddy from its current contact and append it to the list
+ // of buddies of the current contact.
+ // aBuddy should not already be attached to the current contact.
+ void adoptBuddy(in imIBuddy aBuddy);
+ // Returns a new contact that contains only aBuddy, and has the same
+ // list of tags.
+ // Will throw if aBuddy is not a buddy of the contact.
+ imIContact detachBuddy(in imIBuddy aBuddy);
+ // remove the contact from the buddy list. Will also remove the
+ // associated buddies.
+ void remove();
+ void addObserver(in nsIObserver aObserver);
+ void removeObserver(in nsIObserver aObserver);
+ /* Observers will be notified of changes related to the contact.
+ * aSubject will point to the imIContact object
+ * (with some exceptions for contact-moved-* notifications).
+ *
+ * Fired notifications:
+ * contact-availability-changed
+ * when either statusType or availabilityDetails has changed.
+ * contact-signed-on
+ * contact-signed-off
+ * contact-status-changed
+ * when either statusType or statusText has changed.
+ * contact-display-name-changed
+ * when the alias (or serverAlias of the most available buddy if
+ * no alias is set) has changed.
+ * The old display name is provided in aData.
+ * contact-preferred-buddy-changed
+ * The buddy that would be favored to start a conversation has changed.
+ * contact-moved, contact-moved-in, contact-moved-out
+ * contact-moved is notified through the observer service
+ * contact-moved-in is notified to
+ * - the contact observers (aSubject is the new tag)
+ * - the new tag (aSubject is the contact instance)
+ * contact-moved-out is notified to
+ * - the contact observers (aSubject is the old tag)
+ * - the old tag (aSubject is the contact instance)
+ * contact-no-longer-dummy
+ * When a real contact is created to replace a dummy contact.
+ * The old (negative) id will be given in aData.
+ * See also the comment above the 'id' attribute.
+ * contact-icon-changed
+ *
+ * Observers will also receive all the (forwarded) notifications
+ * from the linked buddies (imIBuddy instances) and their account
+ * buddies (prplIAccountBuddy instances).
+ */
+ // Exposed for add-on authors. All internal calls will come from the
+ // imIContact implementation itself so it wasn't required to expose this.
+ // This can be used to dispatch custom notifications to the
+ // observers of the contact and its tags.
+ // The notification will also be forwarded to the observer service.
+ void notifyObservers(in nsISupports aObj, in string aEvent,
+ [optional] in wstring aData);
+ * An imIBuddy represents a person's account on a particular network. Note that
+ * what a network is depends on the implementation of the prpl, e.g. for AIM
+ * there is only a single network, but both GTalk and XMPP are the same network.
+ *
+ * E.g. Our contact Alice has two accounts on the Foo network: @lic4 and
+ * alice88; and she has a single account on the Bar network: _alice_. This would
+ * result in an imIBuddy instance for each of these: @lic4, alice88, and _alice_
+ * that would all exist as part of the same imIContact.
+ */
+[scriptable, uuid(c56520ba-d923-4b95-8416-ca6733c4a38e)]
+interface imIBuddy: imIStatusInfo {
+ readonly attribute long id;
+ readonly attribute prplIProtocol protocol;
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String userName; // may be formatted
+ // A name that can be used to check for duplicates and is the basis
+ // for the directory name for log storage.
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String normalizedName;
+ // The optional server alias is in displayName (inherited from imIStatusInfo)
+ // displayName = serverAlias || userName.
+ readonly attribute imIContact contact;
+ readonly attribute prplIAccountBuddy preferredAccountBuddy;
+ Array<prplIAccountBuddy> getAccountBuddies();
+ // remove the buddy from the buddy list. If the contact becomes empty, it will be removed too.
+ void remove();
+ void addObserver(in nsIObserver aObserver);
+ void removeObserver(in nsIObserver aObserver);
+ /* Observers will be notified of changes related to the buddy.
+ * aSubject will point to the imIBuddy object.
+ * Fired notifications:
+ * buddy-availability-changed
+ * when either statusType or availabilityDetails has changed.
+ * buddy-signed-on
+ * buddy-signed-off
+ * buddy-status-changed
+ * when either statusType or statusText has changed.
+ * buddy-display-name-changed
+ * when the serverAlias has changed.
+ * The old display name is provided in aData.
+ * buddy-preferred-account-changed
+ * The account that would be favored to start a conversation has changed.
+ * buddy-icon-changed
+ *
+ * Observers will also receive all the (forwarded) notifications
+ * from the linked account buddies (prplIAccountBuddy instances).
+ */
+ // Exposed for add-on authors. All internal calls will come from the
+ // imIBuddy implementation itself so it wasn't required to expose this.
+ // This can be used to dispatch custom notifications to the
+ // observers of the buddy, its contact and its tags.
+ // The contact will forward the notifications to the observer service.
+ void notifyObservers(in nsISupports aObj, in string aEvent,
+ [optional] in wstring aData);
+ // observe should only be called by the prplIAccountBuddy
+ // implementations to report changes.
+ void observe(in nsISupports aObj, in string aEvent,
+ [optional] in wstring aData);
+ * A prplIAccountBuddy represents the connection on a network between one of the
+ * current user's accounts and a persons's account. E.g. if we're logged into
+ * the Foo network as BobbyBoy91 and want to talk to Alice, there may be two
+ * prplIAccountBuddy instances: @lic4 as seen by BobbyBoy91 or alice88 as seen
+ * by BobbyBoy91. Additionally, if we also login as 8ob, there could be @lic4 as
+ * seen by 8ob and alice88 as seen by 8ob; but these (now four)
+ * prplIAccountBuddy instances would link to only TWO imIBuddy instances (one
+ * each for @lic4 and alice88). Note that the above uses "may be" and "could"
+ * because it depends on whether the contacts are on the contact list (and
+ * therefore have imIContact / imIBuddy instances).
+ *
+ * prplIAccountBuddy implementations send notifications to their buddy:
+ *
+ * For all of them, aSubject points to the prplIAccountBuddy object.
+ *
+ * Supported notifications:
+ * account-buddy-availability-changed
+ * when either statusType or availabilityDetails has changed.
+ * account-buddy-signed-on
+ * account-buddy-signed-off
+ * account-buddy-status-changed
+ * when either statusType or statusText has changed.
+ * account-buddy-display-name-changed
+ * when the serverAlias has changed.
+ * The old display name is provided in aData.
+ * account-buddy-icon-changed
+ *
+ * All notifications (even unsupported ones) will be forwarded to the contact,
+ * its tags and nsObserverService.
+ */
+[scriptable, uuid(0c5021ac-7acd-4118-bf4f-c0dd9cb3ddef)]
+interface prplIAccountBuddy: imIStatusInfo {
+ // The setter is for internal use only. buddy will be set by the
+ // Contacts service when accountBuddyAdded is called on this
+ // instance of prplIAccountBuddy.
+ attribute imIBuddy buddy;
+ readonly attribute imIAccount account;
+ // Setting the tag will move the buddy to a different group on the
+ // server-stored buddy list.
+ attribute imITag tag;
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String userName;
+ // A name that can be used to check for duplicates and is the basis
+ // for the directory name for log storage.
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String normalizedName;
+ attribute AUTF8String serverAlias;
+ /** Whether we can verify the identity of this buddy. */
+ readonly attribute boolean canVerifyIdentity;
+ /**
+ * True if we trust the encryption with this buddy in E2EE conversations. Can
+ * only be true if |canVerifyIdentity| is true.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean identityVerified;
+ /**
+ * Initialize identity verification with this buddy.
+ * @returns {Promise<imISessionVerification>}
+ */
+ Promise verifyIdentity();
+ // remove the buddy from the buddy list of this account.
+ void remove();
+ // Called by the contacts service during its uninitialization to
+ // notify that all references kept to imIBuddy or imIAccount
+ // instances should be released now.
+ void unInit();