path: root/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_cardDAV_properties.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_cardDAV_properties.js b/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_cardDAV_properties.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0acd0b3540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_cardDAV_properties.js
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, you can obtain one at */
+ * Tests CardDAV properties dialog.
+ */
+const { CardDAVDirectory } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/CardDAVDirectory.jsm"
+const { CardDAVServer } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://testing-common/CardDAVServer.jsm"
+add_task(async () => {
+ const INTERVAL_PREF = "ldap_2.servers.props.carddav.syncinterval";
+ const TOKEN_PREF = "ldap_2.servers.props.carddav.token";
+ const TOKEN_VALUE = "http://mochi.test/sync/0";
+ const URL_PREF = "ldap_2.servers.props.carddav.url";
+ const URL_VALUE = "https://mochi.test/carddav/test";
+ let dirPrefId = MailServices.ab.newAddressBook(
+ "props",
+ undefined,
+ );
+ Assert.equal(dirPrefId, "ldap_2.servers.props");
+ Assert.equal([...MailServices.ab.directories].length, 3);
+ let directory = MailServices.ab.getDirectoryFromId(dirPrefId);
+ let davDirectory = CardDAVDirectory.forFile(directory.fileName);
+ registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._syncTimer, null, "sync timer cleaned up");
+ });
+ Assert.equal(directory.dirType, Ci.nsIAbManager.CARDDAV_DIRECTORY_TYPE);
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref(INTERVAL_PREF, 0);
+ Services.prefs.setStringPref(TOKEN_PREF, TOKEN_VALUE);
+ Services.prefs.setStringPref(URL_PREF, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.ok(davDirectory);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._syncToken, TOKEN_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._syncTimer, null, "no sync scheduled");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, false);
+ let abWindow = await openAddressBookWindow();
+ let abDocument = abWindow.document;
+ let booksList = abWindow.booksList;
+ openDirectory(directory);
+ Assert.equal(booksList.rowCount, 4);
+ Assert.equal(booksList.getIndexForUID(directory.UID), 2);
+ Assert.equal(booksList.selectedIndex, 2);
+ let menu = abDocument.getElementById("bookContext");
+ let menuItem = abDocument.getElementById("bookContextProperties");
+ let subtest = async function (expectedValues, newValues, buttonAction) {
+ Assert.equal(booksList.selectedIndex, 2);
+ let shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menu, "popupshown");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(
+ booksList.getRowAtIndex(2),
+ { type: "contextmenu" },
+ abWindow
+ );
+ await shownPromise;
+ Assert.ok(BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(menuItem));
+ let dialogPromise = promiseLoadSubDialog(
+ "chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/abCardDAVProperties.xhtml"
+ ).then(async function (dialogWindow) {
+ let dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
+ let nameInput = dialogDocument.getElementById("carddav-name");
+ Assert.equal(nameInput.value,;
+ if ("name" in newValues) {
+ nameInput.value =;
+ }
+ let urlInput = dialogDocument.getElementById("carddav-url");
+ Assert.equal(urlInput.value, expectedValues.url);
+ if ("url" in newValues) {
+ urlInput.value = newValues.url;
+ }
+ let refreshActiveInput = dialogDocument.getElementById(
+ "carddav-refreshActive"
+ );
+ let refreshIntervalInput = dialogDocument.getElementById(
+ "carddav-refreshInterval"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(refreshActiveInput.checked, expectedValues.refreshActive);
+ Assert.equal(
+ refreshIntervalInput.disabled,
+ !expectedValues.refreshActive
+ );
+ if (
+ "refreshActive" in newValues &&
+ newValues.refreshActive != expectedValues.refreshActive
+ ) {
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(
+ refreshActiveInput,
+ {},
+ dialogWindow
+ );
+ Assert.equal(refreshIntervalInput.disabled, !newValues.refreshActive);
+ }
+ Assert.equal(refreshIntervalInput.value, expectedValues.refreshInterval);
+ if ("refreshInterval" in newValues) {
+ refreshIntervalInput.value = newValues.refreshInterval;
+ }
+ let readOnlyInput = dialogDocument.getElementById("carddav-readOnly");
+ Assert.equal(readOnlyInput.checked, expectedValues.readOnly);
+ if ("readOnly" in newValues) {
+ readOnlyInput.checked = newValues.readOnly;
+ }
+ dialogDocument.querySelector("dialog").getButton(buttonAction).click();
+ });
+ menu.activateItem(menuItem);
+ await dialogPromise;
+ await new Promise(resolve => abWindow.setTimeout(resolve));
+ };
+ info("Open the dialog and cancel it. Nothing should change.");
+ await subtest(
+ {
+ name: "props",
+ url: URL_VALUE,
+ refreshActive: false,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: false,
+ },
+ {},
+ "cancel"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.dirName, "props");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.getIntValue("carddav.syncinterval", -1), 0);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._syncTimer, null, "no sync scheduled");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, false);
+ info("Open the dialog and accept it. Nothing should change.");
+ await subtest(
+ {
+ name: "props",
+ url: URL_VALUE,
+ refreshActive: false,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: false,
+ },
+ {},
+ "accept"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.dirName, "props");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.getIntValue("carddav.syncinterval", -1), 0);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._syncTimer, null, "no sync scheduled");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, false);
+ info("Open the dialog and change the values.");
+ await subtest(
+ {
+ name: "props",
+ url: URL_VALUE,
+ refreshActive: false,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "CardDAV Properties Test",
+ refreshActive: true,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: true,
+ },
+ "accept"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.dirName, "CardDAV Properties Test");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.getIntValue("carddav.syncinterval", -1), 30);
+ Assert.notEqual(davDirectory._syncTimer, null, "sync scheduled");
+ let currentSyncTimer = davDirectory._syncTimer;
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, true);
+ info("Open the dialog and accept it. Nothing should change.");
+ await subtest(
+ {
+ name: "CardDAV Properties Test",
+ url: URL_VALUE,
+ refreshActive: true,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: true,
+ },
+ {},
+ "accept"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.dirName, "CardDAV Properties Test");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.getIntValue("carddav.syncinterval", -1), 30);
+ Assert.equal(
+ davDirectory._syncTimer,
+ currentSyncTimer,
+ "same sync scheduled"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, true);
+ info("Open the dialog and change the interval.");
+ await subtest(
+ {
+ name: "CardDAV Properties Test",
+ url: URL_VALUE,
+ refreshActive: true,
+ refreshInterval: 30,
+ readOnly: true,
+ },
+ { refreshInterval: 60 },
+ "accept"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.dirName, "CardDAV Properties Test");
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory._serverURL, URL_VALUE);
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.getIntValue("carddav.syncinterval", -1), 60);
+ Assert.greater(
+ davDirectory._syncTimer,
+ currentSyncTimer,
+ "new sync scheduled"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(davDirectory.readOnly, true);
+ await promiseDirectoryRemoved(directory.URI);