path: root/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_contact_sidebar.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_contact_sidebar.js b/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_contact_sidebar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fb0f70b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/addrbook/test/browser/browser_contact_sidebar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, you can obtain one at */
+var { mailTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://testing-common/mailnews/MailTestUtils.jsm"
+var dragService = Cc[";1"].getService(
+ Ci.nsIDragService
+add_task(async function () {
+ MailServices.accounts.createLocalMailAccount();
+ let account = MailServices.accounts.accounts[0];
+ account.addIdentity(MailServices.accounts.createIdentity());
+ let book1 = createAddressBook("Book 1");
+ book1.addCard(createContact("daniel", "test"));
+ book1.addCard(createContact("jonathan", "test"));
+ book1.addCard(createContact("năthån", "test"));
+ let book2 = createAddressBook("Book 2");
+ book2.addCard(createContact("danielle", "test"));
+ book2.addCard(createContact("katherine", "test"));
+ book2.addCard(createContact("natalie", "test"));
+ book2.addCard(createContact("sūsãnáh", "test"));
+ let list = createMailingList("pèóplë named tēst");
+ book2.addMailList(list);
+ registerCleanupFunction(async function () {
+ MailServices.accounts.removeAccount(account, true);
+ await promiseDirectoryRemoved(book1.URI);
+ await promiseDirectoryRemoved(book2.URI);
+ });
+ // Open a compose window.
+ let params = Cc[
+ ";1"
+ ].createInstance(Ci.nsIMsgComposeParams);
+ params.composeFields = Cc[
+ ";1"
+ ].createInstance(Ci.nsIMsgCompFields);
+ let composeWindowPromise = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowOpened();
+ MailServices.compose.OpenComposeWindowWithParams(null, params);
+ let composeWindow = await composeWindowPromise;
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(composeWindow, "compose-editor-ready");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => Services.focus.activeWindow == composeWindow
+ );
+ let composeDocument = composeWindow.document;
+ let toAddrInput = composeDocument.getElementById("toAddrInput");
+ let toAddrRow = composeDocument.getElementById("addressRowTo");
+ let ccAddrInput = composeDocument.getElementById("ccAddrInput");
+ let ccAddrRow = composeDocument.getElementById("addressRowCc");
+ let bccAddrInput = composeDocument.getElementById("bccAddrInput");
+ let bccAddrRow = composeDocument.getElementById("addressRowBcc");
+ // The compose window waits before deciding whether to open the sidebar.
+ // We must wait longer.
+ await new Promise(resolve => composeWindow.setTimeout(resolve, 100));
+ // Make sure the contacts sidebar is open.
+ let sidebar = composeDocument.getElementById("contactsSidebar");
+ if (BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(sidebar)) {
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_F9", {}, composeWindow);
+ }
+ let sidebarBrowser = composeDocument.getElementById("contactsBrowser");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () =>
+ sidebarBrowser.currentURI.spec.includes("abContactsPanel.xhtml") &&
+ sidebarBrowser.contentDocument.readyState == "complete"
+ );
+ let sidebarWindow = sidebarBrowser.contentWindow;
+ let sidebarDocument = sidebarBrowser.contentDocument;
+ let abList = sidebarDocument.getElementById("addressbookList");
+ let searchBox = sidebarDocument.getElementById("peopleSearchInput");
+ let cardsList = sidebarDocument.getElementById("abResultsTree");
+ let cardsContext = sidebarDocument.getElementById("cardProperties");
+ let toButton = sidebarDocument.getElementById("toButton");
+ let ccButton = sidebarDocument.getElementById("ccButton");
+ let bccButton = sidebarDocument.getElementById("bccButton");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 0);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "daniel test",
+ "danielle test",
+ "jonathan test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "năthån test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "all contacts are shown"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(cardsList.view.selection.count, 0, "no contact selected");
+ Assert.ok(toButton.disabled, "to button disabled with no contact selected");
+ Assert.ok(ccButton.disabled, "cc button disabled with no contact selected");
+ Assert.ok(bccButton.disabled, "bcc button disabled with no contact selected");
+ function clickOnRow(row, event) {
+ mailTestUtils.treeClick(
+ EventUtils,
+ sidebarWindow,
+ cardsList,
+ row,
+ 0,
+ event
+ );
+ }
+ async function doMenulist(value) {
+ let shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(abList, "popupshown");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(abList, {}, sidebarWindow);
+ await shownPromise;
+ let hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(abList, "popuphidden");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(
+ abList.querySelector(`[value="${value}"]`),
+ {},
+ sidebarWindow
+ );
+ await hiddenPromise;
+ }
+ async function doContextMenu(row, command) {
+ clickOnRow(row, {});
+ let shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
+ cardsContext,
+ "popupshown"
+ );
+ clickOnRow(row, { type: "contextmenu" });
+ await shownPromise;
+ let hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
+ cardsContext,
+ "popuphidden"
+ );
+ cardsContext.activateItem(
+ cardsContext.querySelector(`[command="${command}"]`)
+ );
+ await hiddenPromise;
+ }
+ function checkListNames(expectedNames, message) {
+ let actualNames = [];
+ for (let row = 0; row < cardsList.view.rowCount; row++) {
+ actualNames.push(
+ cardsList.view.getCellText(row, cardsList.columns.GeneratedName)
+ );
+ }
+ Assert.deepEqual(actualNames, expectedNames, message);
+ }
+ function checkPills(row, expectedPills) {
+ let actualPills = Array.from(
+ row.querySelectorAll("mail-address-pill"),
+ p => p.label
+ );
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ actualPills,
+ expectedPills,
+ "message recipients match expected"
+ );
+ }
+ function clearPills() {
+ for (let input of [toAddrInput, ccAddrInput, bccAddrInput]) {
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, {}, composeWindow);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(
+ "a",
+ {
+ accelKey: AppConstants.platform == "macosx",
+ ctrlKey: AppConstants.platform != "macosx",
+ },
+ composeWindow
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Delete", {}, composeWindow);
+ }
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, []);
+ checkPills(ccAddrRow, []);
+ checkPills(bccAddrRow, []);
+ }
+ async function inABEditingMode() {
+ let topWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane");
+ let abWindow = await topWindow.toAddressBook();
+ await new Promise(resolve => abWindow.setTimeout(resolve));
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => abWindow.detailsPane.isEditing,
+ "entering editing mode"
+ );
+ let tabmail = topWindow.document.getElementById("tabmail");
+ let tab = tabmail.tabInfo.find(
+ t => t.browser?.currentURI.spec == "about:addressbook"
+ );
+ tabmail.closeTab(tab);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure the "edit contact" menuitem only shows up for the correct
+ * contacts, and it properly opens the address book tab.
+ *
+ * @param {int} row - The row index to activate.
+ * @param {boolean} isEditable - If the selected contact should be editable.
+ */
+ async function checkEditContact(row, isEditable) {
+ clickOnRow(row, {});
+ let shownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
+ cardsContext,
+ "popupshown"
+ );
+ clickOnRow(row, { type: "contextmenu" });
+ await shownPromise;
+ let hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
+ cardsContext,
+ "popuphidden"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ cardsContext.querySelector("#abContextBeforeEditContact").hidden,
+ !isEditable
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ cardsContext.querySelector("#abContextEditContact").hidden,
+ !isEditable
+ );
+ // If it's an editable row, we should see the edit contact menu items.
+ if (isEditable) {
+ cardsContext.activateItem(
+ cardsContext.querySelector("#abContextEditContact")
+ );
+ await hiddenPromise;
+ await inABEditingMode();
+ composeWindow.focus();
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => Services.focus.activeWindow == composeWindow
+ );
+ } else {
+ cardsContext.activateItem(
+ cardsContext.querySelector(`[command="cmd_addrBcc"]`)
+ );
+ await hiddenPromise;
+ }
+ }
+ // Click on a contact and make sure is editable.
+ await checkEditContact(2, true);
+ // Click on a mailing list and make sure is NOT editable.
+ await checkEditContact(6, false);
+ // Check that the address book picker works.
+ await doMenulist(book1.URI);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 0);
+ checkListNames(
+ ["daniel test", "jonathan test", "năthån test"],
+ "book1 contacts are shown"
+ );
+ await doMenulist(book2.URI);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 3);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "danielle test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "book2 contacts are shown"
+ );
+ await doMenulist("moz-abdirectory://?");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 5);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "daniel test",
+ "danielle test",
+ "jonathan test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "năthån test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "all contacts are shown"
+ );
+ // Check that the search works.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchBox, {}, sidebarWindow);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", { accelKey: true }, sidebarWindow);
+ EventUtils.sendString("dan", sidebarWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 8);
+ checkListNames(
+ ["daniel test", "danielle test"],
+ "matching contacts are shown"
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", { accelKey: true }, sidebarWindow);
+ EventUtils.sendString("kat", sidebarWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 2);
+ checkListNames(["katherine test"], "matching contacts are shown");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", { accelKey: true }, sidebarWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 1);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "daniel test",
+ "danielle test",
+ "jonathan test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "năthån test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "all contacts are shown"
+ );
+ // Check that double-clicking works.
+ clickOnRow(1, { clickCount: 2 });
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, ["danielle test <danielle.test@invalid>"]);
+ clickOnRow(3, { clickCount: 2 });
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, [
+ "danielle test <danielle.test@invalid>",
+ "katherine test <katherine.test@invalid>",
+ ]);
+ clickOnRow(6, { clickCount: 2 });
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, [
+ "danielle test <danielle.test@invalid>",
+ "katherine test <katherine.test@invalid>",
+ "pèóplë named tēst <pèóplë named tēst>",
+ ]);
+ clearPills();
+ // Check that drag and drop to the recipients section works.
+ clickOnRow(5, {});
+ dragService.startDragSessionForTests(Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_NONE);
+ let [result, dataTransfer] = EventUtils.synthesizeDragOver(
+ cardsList,
+ toAddrInput,
+ null,
+ null,
+ sidebarWindow,
+ composeWindow
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeDropAfterDragOver(
+ result,
+ dataTransfer,
+ toAddrInput,
+ composeWindow
+ );
+ dragService.endDragSession(true);
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, ["năthån test <năthån.test@invalid>"]);
+ clearPills();
+ // Check that the "Add to" buttons work.
+ clickOnRow(7, {});
+ Assert.ok(!toButton.disabled, "to button enabled with a contact selected");
+ Assert.ok(!ccButton.disabled, "cc button enabled with a contact selected");
+ Assert.ok(!bccButton.disabled, "bcc button enabled with a contact selected");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toButton, {}, sidebarWindow);
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, ["sūsãnáh test <sūsãnáh.test@invalid>"]);
+ clickOnRow(0, {});
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(ccButton, {}, sidebarWindow);
+ Assert.ok(BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(ccAddrRow), "cc row visible");
+ checkPills(ccAddrRow, ["daniel test <daniel.test@invalid>"]);
+ clickOnRow(2, {});
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(bccButton, {}, sidebarWindow);
+ Assert.ok(BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(bccAddrRow), "bcc row visible");
+ checkPills(bccAddrRow, ["jonathan test <jonathan.test@invalid>"]);
+ clearPills();
+ // Check that the context menu works.
+ await doContextMenu(7, "cmd_addrTo");
+ checkPills(toAddrRow, ["sūsãnáh test <sūsãnáh.test@invalid>"]);
+ await doContextMenu(4, "cmd_addrCc");
+ checkPills(ccAddrRow, ["natalie test <natalie.test@invalid>"]);
+ await doContextMenu(2, "cmd_addrBcc");
+ checkPills(bccAddrRow, ["jonathan test <jonathan.test@invalid>"]);
+ clearPills();
+ let promptPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog("accept");
+ let deletedPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved(
+ "addrbook-contact-deleted",
+ c => c.displayName == "daniel test"
+ );
+ doContextMenu(0, "cmd_delete");
+ await promptPromise;
+ await deletedPromise;
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 8);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "danielle test",
+ "jonathan test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "năthån test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "all contacts are shown"
+ );
+ // Check that the keyboard commands work.
+ promptPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog("accept");
+ deletedPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved(
+ "addrbook-contact-deleted",
+ c => c.displayName == "danielle test"
+ );
+ clickOnRow(0, {});
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Delete", {}, sidebarWindow);
+ await promptPromise;
+ await deletedPromise;
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => cardsList.view.rowCount != 7);
+ checkListNames(
+ [
+ "jonathan test",
+ "katherine test",
+ "natalie test",
+ "năthån test",
+ "pèóplë named tēst",
+ "sūsãnáh test",
+ ],
+ "all contacts are shown"
+ );
+ // TODO sidebar context menu
+ // Close the compose window and clean up.
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_F9", {}, composeWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(sidebar));
+ promptPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialog("extra1");
+ let closePromise = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(composeWindow);
+ composeWindow.goDoCommand("cmd_close");
+ await promptPromise;
+ await closePromise;