path: root/comm/mail/components/compose/content/dialogs/EdListProps.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/compose/content/dialogs/EdListProps.js b/comm/mail/components/compose/content/dialogs/EdListProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c33efc9bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/compose/content/dialogs/EdListProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* import-globals-from ../editorUtilities.js */
+/* import-globals-from EdDialogCommon.js */
+// Cancel() is in EdDialogCommon.js
+var gBulletStyleType = "";
+var gNumberStyleType = "";
+var gListElement;
+var gOriginalListType = "";
+var gListType = "";
+var gMixedListSelection = false;
+var gStyleType = "";
+var gOriginalStyleType = "";
+const gOnesArray = ["", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"];
+const gTensArray = ["", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC"];
+const gHundredsArray = [
+ "",
+ "C",
+ "CC",
+ "CCC",
+ "CD",
+ "D",
+ "DC",
+ "DCC",
+ "DCCC",
+ "CM",
+const gThousandsArray = [
+ "",
+ "M",
+ "MM",
+ "MMM",
+ "MMMM",
+ "MMMMM",
+const gRomanDigits = { I: 1, V: 5, X: 10, L: 50, C: 100, D: 500, M: 1000 };
+const A = "A".charCodeAt(0);
+const gArabic = "1";
+const gUpperRoman = "I";
+const gLowerRoman = "i";
+const gUpperLetters = "A";
+const gLowerLetters = "a";
+const gDecimalCSS = "decimal";
+const gUpperRomanCSS = "upper-roman";
+const gLowerRomanCSS = "lower-roman";
+const gUpperAlphaCSS = "upper-alpha";
+const gLowerAlphaCSS = "lower-alpha";
+// dialog initialization code
+document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", onAccept);
+document.addEventListener("dialogcancel", onCancel);
+function Startup() {
+ var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
+ if (!editor) {
+ window.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ gDialog.ListTypeList = document.getElementById("ListType");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList = document.getElementById("BulletStyle");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleLabel = document.getElementById("BulletStyleLabel");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput = document.getElementById("StartingNumber");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberLabel = document.getElementById("StartingNumberLabel");
+ gDialog.AdvancedEditButton = document.getElementById("AdvancedEditButton1");
+ gDialog.RadioGroup = document.getElementById("RadioGroup");
+ gDialog.ChangeAllRadio = document.getElementById("ChangeAll");
+ gDialog.ChangeSelectedRadio = document.getElementById("ChangeSelected");
+ // Try to get an existing list(s)
+ var mixedObj = { value: null };
+ try {
+ gListType = editor.getListState(mixedObj, {}, {}, {});
+ // We may have mixed list and non-list, or > 1 list type in selection
+ gMixedListSelection = mixedObj.value;
+ // Get the list element at the anchor node
+ gListElement = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName("list", null);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ // The copy to use in AdvancedEdit
+ if (gListElement) {
+ globalElement = gListElement.cloneNode(false);
+ }
+ // Show extra options for changing entire list if we have one already.
+ gDialog.RadioGroup.collapsed = !gListElement;
+ if (gListElement) {
+ // Radio button index is persistent
+ if (gDialog.RadioGroup.getAttribute("index") == "1") {
+ gDialog.RadioGroup.selectedItem = gDialog.ChangeSelectedRadio;
+ } else {
+ gDialog.RadioGroup.selectedItem = gDialog.ChangeAllRadio;
+ }
+ }
+ InitDialog();
+ gOriginalListType = gListType;
+ gDialog.ListTypeList.focus();
+ SetWindowLocation();
+function InitDialog() {
+ // Note that if mixed, we we pay attention
+ // only to the anchor node's list type
+ // (i.e., don't confuse user with "mixed" designation)
+ if (gListElement) {
+ gListType = gListElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ } else {
+ gListType = "";
+ }
+ gDialog.ListTypeList.value = gListType;
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.value = "";
+ // Last param = true means attribute value is case-sensitive
+ var type = globalElement
+ ? GetHTMLOrCSSStyleValue(globalElement, "type", "list-style-type")
+ : null;
+ if (gListType == "ul") {
+ if (type) {
+ type = type.toLowerCase();
+ gBulletStyleType = type;
+ gOriginalStyleType = type;
+ }
+ } else if (gListType == "ol") {
+ // Translate CSS property strings
+ switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
+ case gDecimalCSS:
+ type = gArabic;
+ break;
+ case gUpperRomanCSS:
+ type = gUpperRoman;
+ break;
+ case gLowerRomanCSS:
+ type = gLowerRoman;
+ break;
+ case gUpperAlphaCSS:
+ type = gUpperLetters;
+ break;
+ case gLowerAlphaCSS:
+ type = gLowerLetters;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (type) {
+ gNumberStyleType = type;
+ gOriginalStyleType = type;
+ }
+ // Convert attribute number to appropriate letter or roman numeral
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.value = ConvertStartAttrToUserString(
+ globalElement.getAttribute("start"),
+ type
+ );
+ }
+ BuildBulletStyleList();
+// Convert attribute number to appropriate letter or roman numeral
+function ConvertStartAttrToUserString(startAttr, type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case gUpperRoman:
+ startAttr = ConvertArabicToRoman(startAttr);
+ break;
+ case gLowerRoman:
+ startAttr = ConvertArabicToRoman(startAttr).toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ case gUpperLetters:
+ startAttr = ConvertArabicToLetters(startAttr);
+ break;
+ case gLowerLetters:
+ startAttr = ConvertArabicToLetters(startAttr).toLowerCase();
+ break;
+ }
+ return startAttr;
+function BuildBulletStyleList() {
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.removeAllItems();
+ var label;
+ if (gListType == "ul") {
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleLabel.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberLabel.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ label = GetString("BulletStyle");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Automatic"), "");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("SolidCircle"), "disc");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("OpenCircle"), "circle");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("SolidSquare"), "square");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.value = gBulletStyleType;
+ } else if (gListType == "ol") {
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleLabel.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberLabel.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ label = GetString("NumberStyle");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Automatic"), "");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Style_1"), gArabic);
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Style_I"), gUpperRoman);
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Style_i"), gLowerRoman);
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Style_A"), gUpperLetters);
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.appendItem(GetString("Style_a"), gLowerLetters);
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.value = gNumberStyleType;
+ } else {
+ gDialog.BulletStyleList.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ gDialog.BulletStyleLabel.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ gDialog.StartingNumberLabel.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ // Disable advanced edit button if changing to "normal"
+ if (gListType) {
+ gDialog.AdvancedEditButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ } else {
+ gDialog.AdvancedEditButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ if (label) {
+ gDialog.BulletStyleLabel.textContent = label;
+ }
+function SelectListType() {
+ // Each list type is stored in the "value" of each menuitem
+ var NewType = gDialog.ListTypeList.value;
+ if (NewType == "ol") {
+ SetTextboxFocus(gDialog.StartingNumberInput);
+ }
+ if (gListType != NewType) {
+ gListType = NewType;
+ // Create a newlist object for Advanced Editing
+ try {
+ if (gListType) {
+ globalElement = GetCurrentEditor().createElementWithDefaults(gListType);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ BuildBulletStyleList();
+ }
+function SelectBulletStyle() {
+ // Save the selected index so when user changes
+ // list style, restore index to associated list
+ // Each bullet or number type is stored in the "value" of each menuitem
+ if (gListType == "ul") {
+ gBulletStyleType = gDialog.BulletStyleList.value;
+ } else if (gListType == "ol") {
+ var type = gDialog.BulletStyleList.value;
+ if (gNumberStyleType != type) {
+ // Convert existing input value to attr number first,
+ // then convert to the appropriate format for the newly-selected
+ gDialog.StartingNumberInput.value = ConvertStartAttrToUserString(
+ ConvertUserStringToStartAttr(gNumberStyleType),
+ type
+ );
+ gNumberStyleType = type;
+ SetTextboxFocus(gDialog.StartingNumberInput);
+ }
+ }
+function ValidateData() {
+ gBulletStyleType = gDialog.BulletStyleList.value;
+ // globalElement should already be of the correct type
+ if (globalElement) {
+ var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
+ if (gListType == "ul") {
+ if (gBulletStyleType && gDialog.ChangeAllRadio.selected) {
+ globalElement.setAttribute("type", gBulletStyleType);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(globalElement, "type", true);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ } else if (gListType == "ol") {
+ if (gBulletStyleType) {
+ globalElement.setAttribute("type", gBulletStyleType);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ editor.removeAttributeOrEquivalent(globalElement, "type", true);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ var startingNumber = ConvertUserStringToStartAttr(gBulletStyleType);
+ if (startingNumber) {
+ globalElement.setAttribute("start", startingNumber);
+ } else {
+ globalElement.removeAttribute("start");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function ConvertUserStringToStartAttr(type) {
+ var startingNumber = TrimString(gDialog.StartingNumberInput.value);
+ switch (type) {
+ case gUpperRoman:
+ case gLowerRoman:
+ // If the input isn't an integer, assume it's a roman numeral. Convert it.
+ if (!Number(startingNumber)) {
+ startingNumber = ConvertRomanToArabic(startingNumber);
+ }
+ break;
+ case gUpperLetters:
+ case gLowerLetters:
+ // Get the number equivalent of the letters
+ if (!Number(startingNumber)) {
+ startingNumber = ConvertLettersToArabic(startingNumber);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return startingNumber;
+function ConvertRomanToArabic(num) {
+ num = num.toUpperCase();
+ if (num && !/[^MDCLXVI]/i.test(num)) {
+ var Arabic = 0;
+ var last_digit = 1000;
+ for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) {
+ var digit = gRomanDigits[num.charAt(i)];
+ if (last_digit < digit) {
+ Arabic -= 2 * last_digit;
+ }
+ last_digit = digit;
+ Arabic += last_digit;
+ }
+ return Arabic;
+ }
+ return "";
+function ConvertArabicToRoman(num) {
+ if (/^\d{1,4}$/.test(num)) {
+ var digits = ("000" + num).substr(-4);
+ return (
+ gThousandsArray[digits.charAt(0)] +
+ gHundredsArray[digits.charAt(1)] +
+ gTensArray[digits.charAt(2)] +
+ gOnesArray[digits.charAt(3)]
+ );
+ }
+ return "";
+function ConvertLettersToArabic(letters) {
+ letters = letters.toUpperCase();
+ if (!letters || /[^A-Z]/.test(letters)) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ var num = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
+ num = num * 26 + letters.charCodeAt(i) - A + 1;
+ }
+ return num;
+function ConvertArabicToLetters(num) {
+ var letters = "";
+ while (num) {
+ num--;
+ letters = String.fromCharCode(A + (num % 26)) + letters;
+ num = Math.floor(num / 26);
+ }
+ return letters;
+function onAccept(event) {
+ if (ValidateData()) {
+ // Coalesce into one undo transaction
+ var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
+ editor.beginTransaction();
+ var changeEntireList =
+ gDialog.RadioGroup.selectedItem == gDialog.ChangeAllRadio;
+ // Remember which radio button was selected
+ if (gListElement) {
+ gDialog.RadioGroup.setAttribute("index", changeEntireList ? "0" : "1");
+ }
+ var changeList;
+ if (gListElement && gDialog.ChangeAllRadio.selected) {
+ changeList = true;
+ } else {
+ changeList =
+ gMixedListSelection ||
+ gListType != gOriginalListType ||
+ gBulletStyleType != gOriginalStyleType;
+ }
+ if (changeList) {
+ try {
+ if (gListType) {
+ editor.makeOrChangeList(
+ gListType,
+ changeEntireList,
+ gBulletStyleType != gOriginalStyleType ? gBulletStyleType : null
+ );
+ // Get the new list created:
+ gListElement = editor.getElementOrParentByTagName(gListType, null);
+ editor.cloneAttributes(gListElement, globalElement);
+ } else {
+ // Remove all existing lists
+ if (gListElement && changeEntireList) {
+ editor.selectElement(gListElement);
+ }
+ editor.removeList("ol");
+ editor.removeList("ul");
+ editor.removeList("dl");
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ editor.endTransaction();
+ SaveWindowLocation();
+ return;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();