path: root/comm/mail/components/extensions/parent/ext-cloudFile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 804 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/extensions/parent/ext-cloudFile.js b/comm/mail/components/extensions/parent/ext-cloudFile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74193d8d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/extensions/parent/ext-cloudFile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var { ExtensionParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs"
+var { cloudFileAccounts } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/cloudFileAccounts.jsm"
+// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/reject-importGlobalProperties
+Cu.importGlobalProperties(["File", "FileReader"]);
+async function promiseFileRead(nsifile) {
+ let blob = await File.createFromNsIFile(nsifile);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.addEventListener("loadend", event => {
+ if ( {
+ reject(;
+ } else {
+ resolve(;
+ }
+ });
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
+ });
+class CloudFileAccount {
+ constructor(accountKey, extension) {
+ this.accountKey = accountKey;
+ this.extension = extension;
+ this._configured = false;
+ this.lastError = "";
+ this.managementURL = this.extension.manifest.cloud_file.management_url;
+ this.reuseUploads = this.extension.manifest.cloud_file.reuse_uploads;
+ this.browserStyle = this.extension.manifest.cloud_file.browser_style;
+ this.quota = {
+ uploadSizeLimit: -1,
+ spaceRemaining: -1,
+ spaceUsed: -1,
+ };
+ this._nextId = 1;
+ this._uploads = new Map();
+ }
+ get type() {
+ return `ext-${}`;
+ }
+ get displayName() {
+ return Services.prefs.getCharPref(
+ `mail.cloud_files.accounts.${this.accountKey}.displayName`,
+ );
+ }
+ get iconURL() {
+ if (this.extension.manifest.icons) {
+ let { icon } = ExtensionParent.IconDetails.getPreferredIcon(
+ this.extension.manifest.icons,
+ this.extension,
+ 32
+ );
+ return this.extension.baseURI.resolve(icon);
+ }
+ return "chrome://messenger/content/extension.svg";
+ }
+ get fileUploadSizeLimit() {
+ return this.quota.uploadSizeLimit;
+ }
+ get remainingFileSpace() {
+ return this.quota.spaceRemaining;
+ }
+ get fileSpaceUsed() {
+ return this.quota.spaceUsed;
+ }
+ get configured() {
+ return this._configured;
+ }
+ set configured(value) {
+ value = !!value;
+ if (value != this._configured) {
+ this._configured = value;
+ cloudFileAccounts.emit("accountConfigured", this);
+ }
+ }
+ get createNewAccountUrl() {
+ return this.extension.manifest.cloud_file.new_account_url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @typedef CloudFileDate
+ * @property {integer} timestamp - milliseconds since epoch
+ * @property {DateTimeFormat} format - format object of Intl.DateTimeFormat
+ */
+ /**
+ * @typedef CloudFileUpload
+ * // Values used in the WebExtension CloudFile type.
+ * @property {string} id - uploadId of the file
+ * @property {string} name - name of the file
+ * @property {string} url - url of the uploaded file
+ * // Properties of the local file.
+ * @property {string} path - path of the local file
+ * @property {string} size - size of the local file
+ * // Template information.
+ * @property {string} serviceName - name of the upload service provider
+ * @property {string} serviceIcon - icon of the upload service provider
+ * @property {string} serviceUrl - web interface of the upload service provider
+ * @property {boolean} downloadPasswordProtected - link is password protected
+ * @property {integer} downloadLimit - download limit of the link
+ * @property {CloudFileDate} downloadExpiryDate - expiry date of the link
+ * // Usage tracking.
+ * @property {boolean} immutable - if the cloud file url may be changed
+ */
+ /**
+ * Marks the specified upload as immutable.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} id - id of the upload
+ */
+ markAsImmutable(id) {
+ if (this._uploads.has(id)) {
+ let upload = this._uploads.get(id);
+ upload.immutable = true;
+ this._uploads.set(id, upload);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a new upload entry, based on the provided file and data.
+ *
+ * @param {nsIFile} file
+ * @param {CloudFileUpload} data
+ * @returns {CloudFileUpload}
+ */
+ newUploadForFile(file, data = {}) {
+ let id = this._nextId++;
+ let upload = {
+ // Values used in the WebExtension CloudFile type.
+ id,
+ name: ?? file.leafName,
+ url: data.url ?? null,
+ // Properties of the local file.
+ path: file.path,
+ size: file.exists() ? file.fileSize : data.size || 0,
+ // Template information.
+ serviceName: data.serviceName ?? this.displayName,
+ serviceIcon: data.serviceIcon ?? this.iconURL,
+ serviceUrl: data.serviceUrl ?? "",
+ downloadPasswordProtected: data.downloadPasswordProtected ?? false,
+ downloadLimit: data.downloadLimit ?? 0,
+ downloadExpiryDate: data.downloadExpiryDate ?? null,
+ // Usage tracking.
+ immutable: data.immutable ?? false,
+ };
+ this._uploads.set(id, upload);
+ return upload;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initiate a WebExtension cloudFile upload by preparing a CloudFile object &
+ * and triggering an onFileUpload event.
+ *
+ * @param {object} window Window object of the window, where the upload has
+ * been initiated. Must be null, if the window is not supported by the
+ * WebExtension windows/tabs API. Currently, this should only be set by the
+ * compose window.
+ * @param {nsIFile} file File to be uploaded.
+ * @param {string} [name] Name of the file after it has been uploaded. Defaults
+ * to the original filename of the uploaded file.
+ * @param {CloudFileUpload} relatedCloudFileUpload Information about an already
+ * uploaded file this upload is related to, e.g. renaming a repeatedly used
+ * cloud file or updating the content of a cloud file.
+ * @returns {CloudFileUpload} Information about the uploaded file.
+ */
+ async uploadFile(window, file, name = file.leafName, relatedCloudFileUpload) {
+ let data = await File.createFromNsIFile(file);
+ if (
+ this.remainingFileSpace != -1 &&
+ file.fileSize > this.remainingFileSpace
+ ) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Quota error: Can't upload file. Only ${this.remainingFileSpace}KB left of quota.`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadWouldExceedQuota
+ );
+ }
+ if (
+ this.fileUploadSizeLimit != -1 &&
+ file.fileSize > this.fileUploadSizeLimit
+ ) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Upload error: File size is ${file.fileSize}KB and exceeds the file size limit of ${this.fileUploadSizeLimit}KB`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadExceedsFileLimit
+ );
+ }
+ let upload = this.newUploadForFile(file, { name });
+ let id =;
+ let relatedFileInfo;
+ if (relatedCloudFileUpload) {
+ relatedFileInfo = {
+ id:,
+ name:,
+ url: relatedCloudFileUpload.url,
+ templateInfo: relatedCloudFileUpload.templateInfo,
+ dataChanged: relatedCloudFileUpload.path != upload.path,
+ };
+ }
+ let results;
+ try {
+ results = await this.extension.emit(
+ "uploadFile",
+ this,
+ { id, name, data },
+ window,
+ relatedFileInfo
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ this._uploads.delete(id);
+ if (ex.result == 0x80530014) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ "Upload cancelled.",
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadCancelled
+ );
+ } else {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Upload error: ${ex.message}`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadErr
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ results &&
+ results.length > 0 &&
+ results[0] &&
+ (results[0].aborted || results[0].url || results[0].error)
+ ) {
+ if (results[0].error) {
+ this._uploads.delete(id);
+ if (typeof results[0].error == "boolean") {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ "Upload error.",
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadErr
+ );
+ } else {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ results[0].error,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadErrWithCustomMessage
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (results[0].aborted) {
+ this._uploads.delete(id);
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ "Upload cancelled.",
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadCancelled
+ );
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo) {
+ upload.templateInfo = results[0].templateInfo;
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.service_name) {
+ upload.serviceName = results[0].templateInfo.service_name;
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.service_icon) {
+ upload.serviceIcon = this.extension.baseURI.resolve(
+ results[0].templateInfo.service_icon
+ );
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.service_url) {
+ upload.serviceUrl = results[0].templateInfo.service_url;
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.download_password_protected) {
+ upload.downloadPasswordProtected =
+ results[0].templateInfo.download_password_protected;
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.download_limit) {
+ upload.downloadLimit = results[0].templateInfo.download_limit;
+ }
+ if (results[0].templateInfo.download_expiry_date) {
+ // Event return value types are not checked by the WebExtension framework,
+ // manual verification is required.
+ if (
+ results[0].templateInfo.download_expiry_date.timestamp &&
+ Number.isInteger(
+ results[0].templateInfo.download_expiry_date.timestamp
+ )
+ ) {
+ upload.downloadExpiryDate =
+ results[0].templateInfo.download_expiry_date;
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ "Invalid CloudFileTemplateInfo.download_expiry_date object, the timestamp property is required and it must be of type integer."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ upload.url = results[0].url;
+ return { ...upload };
+ }
+ this._uploads.delete(id);
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Upload error: Missing cloudFile.onFileUpload listener for ${} (or it is not returning url or aborted)`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.uploadErr
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the url of the given upload has been used already.
+ *
+ * @param {CloudFileUpload} cloudFileUpload
+ */
+ isReusedUpload(cloudFileUpload) {
+ if (!cloudFileUpload) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Find matching url in known uploads and check if it is immutable.
+ let isImmutableUrl = url => {
+ return [...this._uploads.values()].some(u => u.immutable && u.url == url);
+ };
+ // Check all open windows if the url is used elsewhere.
+ let isDuplicateUrl = url => {
+ let composeWindows = [...Services.wm.getEnumerator("msgcompose")];
+ if (composeWindows.length == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let countsPerWindow = => {
+ let bucket = window.document.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
+ if (!bucket) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return [...bucket.childNodes].filter(
+ node => node.attachment.contentLocation == url
+ ).length;
+ });
+ return countsPerWindow.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr) > 1;
+ };
+ return (
+ isImmutableUrl(cloudFileUpload.url) || isDuplicateUrl(cloudFileUpload.url)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initiate a WebExtension cloudFile rename by triggering an onFileRename event.
+ *
+ * @param {object} window Window object of the window, where the upload has
+ * been initiated. Must be null, if the window is not supported by the
+ * WebExtension windows/tabs API. Currently, this should only be set by the
+ * compose window.
+ * @param {Integer} uploadId Id of the uploaded file.
+ * @param {string} newName The requested new name of the file.
+ * @returns {CloudFileUpload} Information about the renamed file.
+ */
+ async renameFile(window, uploadId, newName) {
+ if (!this._uploads.has(uploadId)) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ "Rename error.",
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.renameErr
+ );
+ }
+ let upload = this._uploads.get(uploadId);
+ let results;
+ try {
+ results = await this.extension.emit(
+ "renameFile",
+ this,
+ uploadId,
+ newName,
+ window
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Rename error: ${ex.message}`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.renameErr
+ );
+ }
+ if (!results || results.length == 0) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Rename error: Missing cloudFile.onFileRename listener for ${}`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.renameNotSupported
+ );
+ }
+ if (results[0]) {
+ if (results[0].error) {
+ if (typeof results[0].error == "boolean") {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ "Rename error.",
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.renameErr
+ );
+ } else {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ results[0].error,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.renameErrWithCustomMessage
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (results[0].url) {
+ upload.url = results[0].url;
+ }
+ }
+ = newName;
+ return upload;
+ }
+ urlForFile(uploadId) {
+ return this._uploads.get(uploadId).url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cancel a WebExtension cloudFile upload by triggering an onFileUploadAbort
+ * event.
+ *
+ * @param {object} window Window object of the window, where the upload has
+ * been initiated. Must be null, if the window is not supported by the
+ * WebExtension windows/tabs API. Currently, this should only be set by the
+ * compose window.
+ * @param {nsIFile} file File to be uploaded.
+ */
+ async cancelFileUpload(window, file) {
+ let path = file.path;
+ let uploadId = -1;
+ for (let upload of this._uploads.values()) {
+ if (!upload.url && upload.path == path) {
+ uploadId =;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (uploadId == -1) {
+ console.error(`No upload in progress for file ${file.path}`);
+ return false;
+ }
+ let result = await this.extension.emit(
+ "uploadAbort",
+ this,
+ uploadId,
+ window
+ );
+ if (result && result.length > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ console.error(
+ `Missing cloudFile.onFileUploadAbort listener for ${}`
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ getPreviousUploads() {
+ return [...this._uploads.values()].map(u => {
+ return { ...u };
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete a WebExtension cloudFile upload by triggering an onFileDeleted event.
+ *
+ * @param {object} window Window object of the window, where the upload has
+ * been initiated. Must be null, if the window is not supported by the
+ * WebExtension windows/tabs API. Currently, this should only be set by the
+ * compose window.
+ * @param {Integer} uploadId Id of the uploaded file.
+ */
+ async deleteFile(window, uploadId) {
+ if (!this.extension.emitter.has("deleteFile")) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Delete error: Missing cloudFile.onFileDeleted listener for ${}`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.deleteErr
+ );
+ }
+ try {
+ if (this._uploads.has(uploadId)) {
+ let upload = this._uploads.get(uploadId);
+ if (!this.isReusedUpload(upload)) {
+ await this.extension.emit("deleteFile", this, uploadId, window);
+ this._uploads.delete(uploadId);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ throw Components.Exception(
+ `Delete error: ${ex.message}`,
+ cloudFileAccounts.constants.deleteErr
+ );
+ }
+ }
+function convertCloudFileAccount(nativeAccount) {
+ return {
+ id: nativeAccount.accountKey,
+ name: nativeAccount.displayName,
+ configured: nativeAccount.configured,
+ uploadSizeLimit: nativeAccount.fileUploadSizeLimit,
+ spaceRemaining: nativeAccount.remainingFileSpace,
+ spaceUsed: nativeAccount.fileSpaceUsed,
+ managementUrl: nativeAccount.managementURL,
+ };
+this.cloudFile = class extends ExtensionAPIPersistent {
+ get providerType() {
+ return `ext-${}`;
+ }
+ onManifestEntry(entryName) {
+ if (entryName == "cloud_file") {
+ let { extension } = this;
+ cloudFileAccounts.registerProvider(this.providerType, {
+ type: this.providerType,
+ displayName:,
+ get iconURL() {
+ if (extension.manifest.icons) {
+ let { icon } = ExtensionParent.IconDetails.getPreferredIcon(
+ extension.manifest.icons,
+ extension,
+ 32
+ );
+ return extension.baseURI.resolve(icon);
+ }
+ return "chrome://messenger/content/extension.svg";
+ },
+ initAccount(accountKey) {
+ return new CloudFileAccount(accountKey, extension);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ onShutdown(isAppShutdown) {
+ if (isAppShutdown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ cloudFileAccounts.unregisterProvider(this.providerType);
+ }
+ // For primed persistent events (deactivated background), the context is only
+ // available after fire.wakeup() has fulfilled (ensuring the convert() function
+ // has been called).
+ onFileUpload({ context, fire }) {
+ const { extension } = this;
+ const { tabManager } = extension;
+ async function listener(
+ _event,
+ account,
+ { id, name, data },
+ tab,
+ relatedFileInfo
+ ) {
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ tab = tab ? tabManager.convert(tab) : null;
+ account = convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ return fire.async(account, { id, name, data }, tab, relatedFileInfo);
+ }
+ extension.on("uploadFile", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"uploadFile", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ onFileUploadAbort({ context, fire }) {
+ const { extension } = this;
+ const { tabManager } = extension;
+ async function listener(_event, account, id, tab) {
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ tab = tab ? tabManager.convert(tab) : null;
+ account = convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ return fire.async(account, id, tab);
+ }
+ extension.on("uploadAbort", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"uploadAbort", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ onFileRename({ context, fire }) {
+ const { extension } = this;
+ const { tabManager } = extension;
+ async function listener(_event, account, id, newName, tab) {
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ tab = tab ? tabManager.convert(tab) : null;
+ account = convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ return fire.async(account, id, newName, tab);
+ }
+ extension.on("renameFile", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"renameFile", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ onFileDeleted({ context, fire }) {
+ const { extension } = this;
+ const { tabManager } = extension;
+ async function listener(_event, account, id, tab) {
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ tab = tab ? tabManager.convert(tab) : null;
+ account = convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ return fire.async(account, id, tab);
+ }
+ extension.on("deleteFile", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"deleteFile", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ onAccountAdded({ context, fire }) {
+ const self = this;
+ async function listener(_event, nativeAccount) {
+ if (nativeAccount.type != self.providerType) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ return fire.async(convertCloudFileAccount(nativeAccount));
+ }
+ cloudFileAccounts.on("accountAdded", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"accountAdded", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ onAccountDeleted({ context, fire }) {
+ const self = this;
+ async function listener(_event, key, type) {
+ if (self.providerType != type) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (fire.wakeup) {
+ await fire.wakeup();
+ }
+ return fire.async(key);
+ }
+ cloudFileAccounts.on("accountDeleted", listener);
+ return {
+ unregister: () => {
+"accountDeleted", listener);
+ },
+ convert(newFire, extContext) {
+ fire = newFire;
+ context = extContext;
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ };
+ getAPI(context) {
+ let self = this;
+ return {
+ cloudFile: {
+ onFileUpload: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onFileUpload",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ onFileUploadAbort: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onFileUploadAbort",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ onFileRename: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onFileRename",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ onFileDeleted: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onFileDeleted",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ onAccountAdded: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onAccountAdded",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ onAccountDeleted: new EventManager({
+ context,
+ module: "cloudFile",
+ event: "onAccountDeleted",
+ extensionApi: this,
+ }).api(),
+ async getAccount(accountId) {
+ let account = cloudFileAccounts.getAccount(accountId);
+ if (!account || account.type != self.providerType) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ },
+ async getAllAccounts() {
+ return cloudFileAccounts
+ .getAccountsForType(self.providerType)
+ .map(convertCloudFileAccount);
+ },
+ async updateAccount(accountId, updateProperties) {
+ let account = cloudFileAccounts.getAccount(accountId);
+ if (!account || account.type != self.providerType) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (updateProperties.configured !== null) {
+ account.configured = updateProperties.configured;
+ }
+ if (updateProperties.uploadSizeLimit !== null) {
+ account.quota.uploadSizeLimit = updateProperties.uploadSizeLimit;
+ }
+ if (updateProperties.spaceRemaining !== null) {
+ account.quota.spaceRemaining = updateProperties.spaceRemaining;
+ }
+ if (updateProperties.spaceUsed !== null) {
+ account.quota.spaceUsed = updateProperties.spaceUsed;
+ }
+ if (updateProperties.managementUrl !== null) {
+ account.managementURL = updateProperties.managementUrl;
+ }
+ return convertCloudFileAccount(account);
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ }