path: root/comm/mail/components/preferences/test/browser/browser_sync.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/preferences/test/browser/browser_sync.js b/comm/mail/components/preferences/test/browser/browser_sync.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..108695ebb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/preferences/test/browser/browser_sync.js
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, you can obtain one at */
+const { MockRegistrar } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://testing-common/MockRegistrar.sys.mjs"
+const { FxAccounts } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.sys.mjs"
+FxAccounts.config.promiseConnectAccountURI = entryPoint =>
+ `${entryPoint}`;
+FxAccounts.config.promiseManageURI = entryPoint =>
+ `${entryPoint}`;
+FxAccounts.config.promiseChangeAvatarURI = entryPoint =>
+ `${entryPoint}`;
+const ALL_ENGINES = [
+ "accounts",
+ "identities",
+ "addressbooks",
+ "calendars",
+ "passwords",
+const PREF_PREFIX = "services.sync.engine";
+let prefsWindow, prefsDocument, tabmail;
+add_setup(async function () {
+ for (let engine of ALL_ENGINES) {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.${engine}`, true);
+ }
+ ({ prefsWindow, prefsDocument } = await openNewPrefsTab("paneSync"));
+ tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
+ /** @implements {nsIExternalProtocolService} */
+ let mockExternalProtocolService = {
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIExternalProtocolService"]),
+ externalProtocolHandlerExists(protocolScheme) {},
+ isExposedProtocol(protocolScheme) {},
+ loadURI(uri, windowContext) {
+ true,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ `should not be opening ${uri.spec} in an external browser`
+ );
+ },
+ };
+ let mockExternalProtocolServiceCID = MockRegistrar.register(
+ ";1",
+ mockExternalProtocolService
+ );
+ registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ MockRegistrar.unregister(mockExternalProtocolServiceCID);
+ });
+add_task(async function testSectionStates() {
+ let noFxaAccount = prefsDocument.getElementById("noFxaAccount");
+ let hasFxaAccount = prefsDocument.getElementById("hasFxaAccount");
+ let accountStates = [noFxaAccount, hasFxaAccount];
+ let fxaLoginUnverified = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaLoginUnverified");
+ let fxaLoginRejected = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaLoginRejected");
+ let fxaLoginVerified = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaLoginVerified");
+ let loginStates = [fxaLoginUnverified, fxaLoginRejected, fxaLoginVerified];
+ let fxaDeviceInfo = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaDeviceInfo");
+ let syncConnected = prefsDocument.getElementById("syncConnected");
+ let syncDisconnected = prefsDocument.getElementById("syncDisconnected");
+ let syncStates = [syncConnected, syncDisconnected];
+ function assertStateVisible(states, visibleState) {
+ for (let state of states) {
+ let visible = BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(state);
+ Assert.equal(
+ visible,
+ state == visibleState,
+ `${} should be ${state == visibleState ? "visible" : "hidden"}`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function checkStates({
+ accountState,
+ loginState = null,
+ deviceInfoVisible = false,
+ syncState = null,
+ }) {
+ prefsWindow.gSyncPane.updateWeavePrefs();
+ assertStateVisible(accountStates, accountState);
+ assertStateVisible(loginStates, loginState);
+ Assert.equal(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(fxaDeviceInfo),
+ deviceInfoVisible,
+ `fxaDeviceInfo should be ${deviceInfoVisible ? "visible" : "hidden"}`
+ );
+ assertStateVisible(syncStates, syncState);
+ }
+ async function assertTabOpens(target, expectedURL) {
+ if (typeof target == "string") {
+ target = prefsDocument.getElementById(target);
+ }
+ let tabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "TabOpen");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {}, prefsWindow);
+ await tabPromise;
+ let tab = tabmail.currentTabInfo;
+ await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.browser);
+ Assert.equal(
+ tab.browser.currentURI.spec,
+ `${expectedURL}`,
+ "a tab opened to the correct URL"
+ );
+ tabmail.closeTab(tab);
+ }
+ info("No account");
+ Assert.equal(prefsWindow.UIState.get().status, "not_configured");
+ checkStates({ accountState: noFxaAccount });
+ // Check clicking the Sign In button opens the connect page in a tab.
+ await assertTabOpens("noFxaSignIn", "?page=connect&entryPoint=");
+ // Override the window's UIState object with mock values.
+ let baseState = {
+ email: "test@invalid",
+ displayName: "Testy McTest",
+ avatarURL:
+ "",
+ avatarIsDefault: false,
+ };
+ let mockState;
+ prefsWindow.UIState = {
+ ON_UPDATE: "sync-ui-state:update",
+ STATUS_LOGIN_FAILED: "login_failed",
+ STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED: "not_configured",
+ STATUS_NOT_VERIFIED: "not_verified",
+ STATUS_SIGNED_IN: "signed_in",
+ get() {
+ return mockState;
+ },
+ };
+ info("Login not verified");
+ mockState = { ...baseState, status: "not_verified" };
+ checkStates({
+ accountState: hasFxaAccount,
+ loginState: fxaLoginUnverified,
+ deviceInfoVisible: true,
+ });
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ await prefsDocument.l10n.getAttributes(
+ prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaAccountMailNotVerified")
+ ),
+ {
+ id: "sync-pane-email-not-verified",
+ args: { userEmail: "test@invalid" },
+ },
+ "email address set correctly"
+ );
+ // Untested: Resend and remove account buttons.
+ info("Login rejected");
+ mockState = { ...baseState, status: "login_failed" };
+ checkStates({
+ accountState: hasFxaAccount,
+ loginState: fxaLoginRejected,
+ deviceInfoVisible: true,
+ });
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ await prefsDocument.l10n.getAttributes(
+ prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaAccountLoginRejected")
+ ),
+ {
+ id: "sync-signedin-login-failure",
+ args: { userEmail: "test@invalid" },
+ },
+ "email address set correctly"
+ );
+ // Untested: Sign in and remove account buttons.
+ info("Logged in, sync disabled");
+ mockState = { ...baseState, status: "verified", syncEnabled: false };
+ checkStates({
+ accountState: hasFxaAccount,
+ loginState: fxaLoginVerified,
+ deviceInfoVisible: true,
+ syncState: syncDisconnected,
+ });
+ let photo = fxaLoginVerified.querySelector(".contact-photo");
+ Assert.equal(
+ photo.src,
+ "",
+ "avatar image set correctly"
+ );
+ // Check clicking the avatar image opens the avatar page in a tab.
+ await assertTabOpens(photo, "?page=avatar&entryPoint=preferences");
+ Assert.equal(
+ prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaDisplayName").textContent,
+ "Testy McTest",
+ "display name set correctly"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaEmailAddress").textContent,
+ "test@invalid",
+ "email address set correctly"
+ );
+ // Check clicking the management link opens the management page in a tab.
+ await assertTabOpens("verifiedManage", "?page=manage&entryPoint=preferences");
+ // Untested: Sign out button.
+ info("Device name section");
+ let deviceNameInput = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaDeviceNameInput");
+ let deviceNameCancel = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaDeviceNameCancel");
+ let deviceNameSave = prefsDocument.getElementById("fxaDeviceNameSave");
+ let deviceNameChange = prefsDocument.getElementById(
+ "fxaDeviceNameChangeDeviceName"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(deviceNameInput.readOnly, "input is read-only");
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(deviceNameCancel),
+ "cancel button is hidden"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(deviceNameSave),
+ "save button is hidden"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(deviceNameChange),
+ "change button is visible"
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(deviceNameChange, {}, prefsWindow);
+ Assert.ok(!deviceNameInput.readOnly, "input is writeable");
+ Assert.equal(prefsDocument.activeElement, deviceNameInput, "input is active");
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(deviceNameCancel),
+ "cancel button is visible"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(deviceNameSave),
+ "save button is visible"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(deviceNameChange),
+ "change button is hidden"
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(deviceNameCancel, {}, prefsWindow);
+ Assert.ok(deviceNameInput.readOnly, "input is read-only");
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(deviceNameCancel),
+ "cancel button is hidden"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(deviceNameSave),
+ "save button is hidden"
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(deviceNameChange),
+ "change button is visible"
+ );
+ // Check the turn on sync button works.
+ await openEngineDialog({ expectEngines: ALL_ENGINES, button: "syncSetup" });
+ info("Logged in, sync enabled");
+ mockState = { ...baseState, status: "verified", syncEnabled: true };
+ checkStates({
+ accountState: hasFxaAccount,
+ loginState: fxaLoginVerified,
+ deviceInfoVisible: true,
+ syncState: syncConnected,
+ });
+ // Untested: Sync now button.
+ // Check the learn more link opens a tab.
+ await assertTabOpens("enginesLearnMore", "?page=learnMore");
+ // Untested: Disconnect button.
+add_task(async function testEngines() {
+ function assertEnginesEnabled(...expectedEnabled) {
+ for (let engine of ALL_ENGINES) {
+ let enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.${engine}`);
+ Assert.equal(
+ enabled,
+ expectedEnabled.includes(engine),
+ `${engine} should be ${
+ expectedEnabled.includes(engine) ? "enabled" : "disabled"
+ }`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function assertEnginesShown(...expectEngines) {
+ accounts: "showSyncAccount",
+ identities: "showSyncIdentity",
+ addressbooks: "showSyncAddress",
+ calendars: "showSyncCalendar",
+ passwords: "showSyncPasswords",
+ };
+ let expectItems = => ENGINES_TO_ITEMS[engine]);
+ let items = Array.from(
+ prefsDocument.querySelectorAll("#showSyncedList > li:not([hidden])"),
+ li =>
+ );
+ Assert.deepEqual(items, expectItems, "enabled engines shown correctly");
+ }
+ assertEnginesShown(...ALL_ENGINES);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.accounts`, false);
+ assertEnginesShown("identities", "addressbooks", "calendars", "passwords");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.identities`, false);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.addressbooks`, false);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.calendars`, false);
+ assertEnginesShown("passwords");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.passwords`, false);
+ assertEnginesShown();
+ info("Checking the engine selection dialog");
+ await openEngineDialog({
+ toggleEngines: ["accounts", "identities", "passwords"],
+ });
+ assertEnginesEnabled("accounts", "identities", "passwords");
+ assertEnginesShown("accounts", "identities", "passwords");
+ await openEngineDialog({
+ expectEngines: ["accounts", "identities", "passwords"],
+ toggleEngines: ["calendars", "passwords"],
+ action: "cancel",
+ });
+ assertEnginesEnabled("accounts", "identities", "passwords");
+ assertEnginesShown("accounts", "identities", "passwords");
+ await openEngineDialog({
+ expectEngines: ["accounts", "identities", "passwords"],
+ toggleEngines: ["calendars", "passwords"],
+ action: "accept",
+ });
+ assertEnginesEnabled("accounts", "identities", "calendars");
+ assertEnginesShown("accounts", "identities", "calendars");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.addressbooks`, true);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(`${PREF_PREFIX}.passwords`, true);
+ assertEnginesShown(...ALL_ENGINES);
+async function openEngineDialog({
+ expectEngines = [],
+ toggleEngines = [],
+ action = "accept",
+ button = "syncChangeOptions",
+}) {
+ accounts: "configSyncAccount",
+ identities: "configSyncIdentity",
+ addressbooks: "configSyncAddress",
+ calendars: "configSyncCalendar",
+ passwords: "configSyncPasswords",
+ };
+ let dialogPromise = BrowserTestUtils.promiseAlertDialogOpen(
+ undefined,
+ "chrome://messenger/content/preferences/syncDialog.xhtml",
+ { isSubDialog: true }
+ );
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(
+ prefsDocument.getElementById(button),
+ {},
+ prefsWindow
+ );
+ let dialogWindow = await dialogPromise;
+ let dialogDocument = dialogWindow.document;
+ await new Promise(resolve => dialogWindow.setTimeout(resolve));
+ let expectItems = => ENGINES_TO_CHECKBOXES[engine]);
+ let checkedItems = Array.from(
+ dialogDocument.querySelectorAll(`input[type="checkbox"]`)
+ )
+ .filter(cb => cb.checked)
+ .map(cb =>;
+ Assert.deepEqual(
+ checkedItems,
+ expectItems,
+ "enabled engines checked correctly"
+ );
+ for (let toggleItem of toggleEngines) {
+ let checkbox = dialogDocument.getElementById(
+ );
+ checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;
+ }
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(
+ dialogDocument.querySelector("dialog").getButton(action),
+ {},
+ dialogWindow
+ );