path: root/comm/mail/installer/windows/msi/installer.wxs
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/installer/windows/msi/installer.wxs b/comm/mail/installer/windows/msi/installer.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..255bd81e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/installer/windows/msi/installer.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Wix xmlns="">
+<Product Name="Mozilla Thunderbird $(var.Version) $(var.Architecture) $(var.AB_CD)"
+ Manufacturer="*" Language="0" Codepage="1252"
+ Version="$(var.EmbeddedVersionCode)" Id="18d4d2f4-b394-48a2-8886-9c68180cead5"
+ UpgradeCode="53ba97bb-f0fb-476d-baf5-e2d649f39a31" >
+ <Package Id="*" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes"
+ Platform="$(var.Architecture)" InstallScope ="perMachine"/>
+ <!-- We need a CAB to avoid failing an ICE, even though we have no payload. -->
+ <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
+ <!-- We need a component and feature, or msiexec will refuse to load us. -->
+ <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
+ <Directory Id="TempFolder">
+ <Component Id="EmptyComponent" Guid="d7fd8e89-04a4-4dd4-affc-35d8695a50a2">
+ <CreateFolder />
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- Setting the feature to level 0 marks it hidden, so it can't be installed.
+ That prevents getting this MSI registered as an installed product,
+ because it has no features of its own to install. -->
+ <Feature Id="EmptyFeature" Level="0">
+ <ComponentRef Id="EmptyComponent" />
+ </Feature>
+ <!-- Embed the installer we want to run directly into the MSI database. -->
+ <Binary Id="WrappedExe" SourceFile="$(var.ExeSourcePath)" />
+ <!-- User-configurable properties. One of these corresponds to each documented
+ command-line parameter. Properties cannot be present without a value,
+ so use a conspicuous and difficult to mistake string for the parameters
+ that have no real default values. -->
+ <Property Id="INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH" Value="__DEFAULT__" />
+ <Property Id="INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME" Value="__DEFAULT__" />
+ <Property Id="TASKBAR_SHORTCUT" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="DESKTOP_SHORTCUT" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="START_MENU_SHORTCUT" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED" Value="false" />
+ <Property Id="OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS" Value="true" />
+ <Property Id="EXTRACT_DIR" Value="__DEFAULT__" />
+ <!-- Always include all of the boolean options on the command line, so we don't
+ have to conditionally decide when to include each one of them. For the
+ directory settings though, we can't put them on the command line with the
+ default values those properties have, so we need a separate action for
+ each possible configuration of those settings, and conditions to select
+ the right action to use based on which properties are configured.
+ WiX throws warning LGHT1076 complaining that these command strings are
+ too long, but they actually work just fine, the warning is spurious. -->
+ <CustomAction Id="RunInstallNoDir" Return="check" Execute="deferred"
+ HideTarget="no" Impersonate="no" BinaryKey="WrappedExe"
+ ExeCommand="/S /TaskbarShortcut=[TASKBAR_SHORTCUT] /DesktopShortcut=[DESKTOP_SHORTCUT] /StartMenuShortcut=[START_MENU_SHORTCUT] /MaintenanceService=[INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE] /RemoveDistributionDir=[REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR] /PreventRebootRequired=[PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED] /OptionalExtensions=[OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS] /LaunchedFromMSI" />
+ <CustomAction Id="RunInstallDirPath" Return="check" Execute="deferred"
+ HideTarget="no" Impersonate="no" BinaryKey="WrappedExe"
+ ExeCommand="/S /InstallDirectoryPath=[INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH] /TaskbarShortcut=[TASKBAR_SHORTCUT] /DesktopShortcut=[DESKTOP_SHORTCUT] /StartMenuShortcut=[START_MENU_SHORTCUT] /MaintenanceService=[INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE] /RemoveDistributionDir=[REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR] /PreventRebootRequired=[PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED] /OptionalExtensions=[OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS] /LaunchedFromMSI" />
+ <CustomAction Id="RunInstallDirName" Return="check" Execute="deferred"
+ HideTarget="no" Impersonate="no" BinaryKey="WrappedExe"
+ ExeCommand="/S /InstallDirectoryName=[INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME] /TaskbarShortcut=[TASKBAR_SHORTCUT] /DesktopShortcut=[DESKTOP_SHORTCUT] /StartMenuShortcut=[START_MENU_SHORTCUT] /MaintenanceService=[INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE] /RemoveDistributionDir=[REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR] /PreventRebootRequired=[PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED] /OptionalExtensions=[OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS] /LaunchedFromMSI" />
+ <CustomAction Id="RunExtractOnly" Return="check" Execute="deferred"
+ HideTarget="no" Impersonate="no" BinaryKey="WrappedExe"
+ ExeCommand="/ExtractDir=[EXTRACT_DIR]" />
+ <!-- When we run the custom actions is kind of arbitrary; this sequencing gets
+ us the least confusing message showing in the MSI progress dialog while
+ the installer runs. Our actions don't need to be sequenced relative
+ to one another because only one will ever run. -->
+ <InstallExecuteSequence>
+ <Custom Action="RunInstallNoDir" After="ProcessComponents">
+ <![CDATA[
+ ]]>
+ </Custom>
+ <Custom Action="RunInstallDirPath" After="ProcessComponents">
+ <![CDATA[
+ ]]>
+ </Custom>
+ <Custom Action="RunInstallDirName" After="ProcessComponents">
+ <![CDATA[
+ ]]>
+ </Custom>
+ <Custom Action="RunExtractOnly" After="ProcessComponents">
+ <![CDATA[
+ ]]>
+ </Custom>
+ </InstallExecuteSequence>