path: root/comm/mailnews/mime/src/mimemoz2.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mailnews/mime/src/mimemoz2.cpp b/comm/mailnews/mime/src/mimemoz2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5e4a6a644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mailnews/mime/src/mimemoz2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1862 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "prlog.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "modlmime.h"
+#include "mimeobj.h"
+#include "mimemsg.h"
+#include "mimetric.h" /* for MIME_RichtextConverter */
+#include "mimethtm.h"
+#include "mimemsig.h"
+#include "mimemrel.h"
+#include "mimemalt.h"
+#include "mimebuf.h"
+#include "mimemapl.h"
+#include "prprf.h"
+#include "mimei.h" /* for moved MimeDisplayData struct */
+#include "mimebuf.h"
+#include "prmem.h"
+#include "plstr.h"
+#include "prmem.h"
+#include "mimemoz2.h"
+#include "nsIPrefService.h"
+#include "nsIPrefBranch.h"
+#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsMimeStringResources.h"
+#include "nsStreamConverter.h"
+#include "nsIMsgMailNewsUrl.h"
+#include "mozITXTToHTMLConv.h"
+#include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h"
+#include "nsIMIMEService.h"
+#include "nsIImapUrl.h"
+#include "nsMsgI18N.h"
+#include "nsICharsetConverterManager.h"
+#include "nsMimeTypes.h"
+#include "nsIIOService.h"
+#include "nsIURI.h"
+#include "nsNetCID.h"
+#include "nsMsgUtils.h"
+#include "nsIChannel.h"
+#include "nsIMailChannel.h"
+#include "mimeebod.h"
+#include "mimeeobj.h"
+// <for functions="HTML2Plaintext,HTMLSantinize">
+#include "nsXPCOM.h"
+#include "nsLayoutCID.h"
+#include "nsIParserUtils.h"
+// </for>
+#include "mozilla/Components.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+void ValidateRealName(nsMsgAttachmentData* aAttach, MimeHeaders* aHdrs);
+static MimeHeadersState MIME_HeaderType;
+static bool MIME_WrapLongLines;
+static bool MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext;
+ : url_name(nullptr),
+ orig_url_name(nullptr),
+ pluginObj2(nullptr),
+ istream(nullptr),
+ obj(nullptr),
+ options(nullptr),
+ headers(nullptr),
+ output_emitter(nullptr) {}
+// Attachment handling routines
+MimeObject* mime_get_main_object(MimeObject* obj);
+// Appends a "filename" parameter with the attachment name to the object url.
+void AppendFilenameParameterToAttachmentDataUrl(
+ const nsMsgAttachmentData* attachmentData, nsCString& url) {
+ url.AppendLiteral("&filename=");
+ nsAutoCString aResult;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(MsgEscapeString(attachmentData->m_realName,
+ nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_XALPHAS, aResult))) {
+ url.Append(aResult);
+ } else {
+ url.Append(attachmentData->m_realName);
+ }
+ if (attachmentData->m_realType.EqualsLiteral("message/rfc822") &&
+ !StringEndsWith(url, ".eml"_ns, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) {
+ url.AppendLiteral(".eml");
+ }
+nsresult MimeGetSize(MimeObject* child, int32_t* size) {
+ bool isLeaf = mime_subclass_p(child->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeLeafClass);
+ bool isContainer =
+ mime_subclass_p(child->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeContainerClass);
+ bool isMsg =
+ mime_subclass_p(child->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMessageClass);
+ if (isLeaf) {
+ *size += ((MimeLeaf*)child)->sizeSoFar;
+ } else if (isMsg) {
+ *size += ((MimeMessage*)child)->sizeSoFar;
+ } else if (isContainer) {
+ int i;
+ MimeContainer* cont = (MimeContainer*)child;
+ for (i = 0; i < cont->nchildren; ++i) {
+ MimeGetSize(cont->children[i], size);
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult ProcessBodyAsAttachment(MimeObject* obj, nsMsgAttachmentData** data) {
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* tmp;
+ char* disp = nullptr;
+ char* charset = nullptr;
+ // Ok, this is the special case when somebody sends an "attachment" as the
+ // body of an RFC822 message...I really don't think this is the way this
+ // should be done. I believe this should really be a multipart/mixed message
+ // with an empty body part, but what can ya do...our friends to the North seem
+ // to do this.
+ MimeObject* child = obj;
+ *data = new nsMsgAttachmentData[2];
+ if (!*data) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ tmp = *data;
+ tmp->m_realType = child->content_type;
+ tmp->m_realEncoding = child->encoding;
+ disp =
+ MimeHeaders_get(child->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, false, false);
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "name", &charset, NULL));
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ char* fname = NULL;
+ fname = mime_decode_filename(tmp->m_realName.get(), charset, obj->options);
+ free(charset);
+ if (fname) tmp->m_realName.Adopt(fname);
+ } else {
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(MimeHeaders_get_name(child->headers, obj->options));
+ if (tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty() &&
+ tmp->m_realType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral(MESSAGE_RFC822)) {
+ // We haven't actually parsed the message "attachment", so just give it a
+ // generic name.
+ tmp->m_realName = "AttachedMessage.eml";
+ }
+ }
+ tmp->m_hasFilename = !tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty();
+ if (tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty() &&
+ StringBeginsWith(tmp->m_realType, "text"_ns,
+ nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator))
+ ValidateRealName(tmp, child->headers);
+ tmp->m_displayableInline =
+ obj->clazz->displayable_inline_p(obj->clazz, obj->headers);
+ char* tmpURL = nullptr;
+ char* id = nullptr;
+ char* id_imap = nullptr;
+ id = mime_part_address(obj);
+ if (obj->options->missing_parts) id_imap = mime_imap_part_address(obj);
+ tmp->m_isDownloaded = !id_imap;
+ if (!id) {
+ delete[] * data;
+ *data = nullptr;
+ PR_FREEIF(id_imap);
+ }
+ if (obj->options && obj->options->url) {
+ const char* url = obj->options->url;
+ nsresult rv;
+ if (id_imap && id) {
+ // if this is an IMAP part.
+ tmpURL = mime_set_url_imap_part(url, id_imap, id);
+ rv = nsMimeNewURI(getter_AddRefs(tmp->m_url), tmpURL, nullptr);
+ } else {
+ // This is just a normal MIME part as usual.
+ tmpURL = mime_set_url_part(url, id, true);
+ nsCString urlString(tmpURL);
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ AppendFilenameParameterToAttachmentDataUrl(tmp, urlString);
+ }
+ rv = nsMimeNewURI(getter_AddRefs(tmp->m_url), urlString.get(), nullptr);
+ }
+ if (!tmp->m_url || NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ delete[] * data;
+ *data = nullptr;
+ PR_FREEIF(id);
+ PR_FREEIF(id_imap);
+ }
+ }
+ PR_FREEIF(id);
+ PR_FREEIF(id_imap);
+ tmp->m_description.Adopt(MimeHeaders_get(
+ child->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION, false, false));
+ tmp->m_size = 0;
+ MimeGetSize(child, &tmp->m_size);
+ return NS_OK;
+int32_t CountTotalMimeAttachments(MimeContainer* aObj) {
+ int32_t i;
+ int32_t rc = 0;
+ if ((!aObj) || (!aObj->children) || (aObj->nchildren <= 0)) return 0;
+ if (!mime_typep(((MimeObject*)aObj), (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeContainerClass))
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < aObj->nchildren; i++)
+ rc += CountTotalMimeAttachments((MimeContainer*)aObj->children[i]) + 1;
+ return rc;
+void ValidateRealName(nsMsgAttachmentData* aAttach, MimeHeaders* aHdrs) {
+ // Sanity.
+ if (!aAttach) return;
+ // Do we need to validate?
+ if (!aAttach->m_realName.IsEmpty()) return;
+ // Internal MIME structures need not be named!
+ if (aAttach->m_realType.IsEmpty() ||
+ StringBeginsWith(aAttach->m_realType, "multipart"_ns,
+ nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator))
+ return;
+ //
+ // Now validate any other name we have for the attachment!
+ //
+ if (aAttach->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ aAttach->m_realName = "attachment";
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ nsAutoCString contentType(aAttach->m_realType);
+ int32_t pos = contentType.FindChar(';');
+ if (pos > 0) contentType.SetLength(pos);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mimeFinder(
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsAutoCString fileExtension;
+ rv = mimeFinder->GetPrimaryExtension(contentType, EmptyCString(),
+ fileExtension);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !fileExtension.IsEmpty()) {
+ aAttach->m_realName.Append('.');
+ aAttach->m_realName.Append(fileExtension);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static int32_t attIndex = 0;
+nsresult GenerateAttachmentData(MimeObject* object, const char* aMessageURL,
+ MimeDisplayOptions* options,
+ bool isAnAppleDoublePart, int32_t attSize,
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* aAttachData) {
+ nsCString imappart;
+ nsCString part;
+ bool isExternalAttachment = false;
+ /* be sure the object has not be marked as Not to be an attachment */
+ if (object->dontShowAsAttachment) return NS_OK;
+ part.Adopt(mime_part_address(object));
+ if (part.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ if (options->missing_parts) imappart.Adopt(mime_imap_part_address(object));
+ char* urlSpec = nullptr;
+ if (!imappart.IsEmpty()) {
+ urlSpec = mime_set_url_imap_part(aMessageURL, imappart.get(), part.get());
+ } else {
+ char* no_part_url = nullptr;
+ if (options->part_to_load &&
+ options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay)
+ no_part_url = mime_get_base_url(aMessageURL);
+ if (no_part_url) {
+ urlSpec = mime_set_url_part(no_part_url, part.get(), true);
+ PR_Free(no_part_url);
+ } else {
+ // if the mime object contains an external attachment URL, then use it,
+ // otherwise fall back to creating an attachment url based on the message
+ // URI and the part number.
+ urlSpec = mime_external_attachment_url(object);
+ isExternalAttachment = urlSpec ? true : false;
+ if (!urlSpec) urlSpec = mime_set_url_part(aMessageURL, part.get(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!urlSpec) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ if ((options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay) &&
+ (PL_strncasecmp(aMessageURL, urlSpec, strlen(urlSpec)) == 0))
+ return NS_OK;
+ nsCString urlString(urlSpec);
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* tmp = &(aAttachData[attIndex++]);
+ tmp->m_realType = object->content_type;
+ tmp->m_realEncoding = object->encoding;
+ tmp->m_isExternalAttachment = isExternalAttachment;
+ tmp->m_isExternalLinkAttachment =
+ (isExternalAttachment &&
+ StringBeginsWith(urlString, "http"_ns,
+ nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator));
+ tmp->m_size = attSize;
+ tmp->m_sizeExternalStr = "-1";
+ tmp->m_disposition.Adopt(MimeHeaders_get(
+ object->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, true, false));
+ tmp->m_displayableInline =
+ object->clazz->displayable_inline_p(object->clazz, object->headers);
+ char* part_addr = mime_imap_part_address(object);
+ tmp->m_isDownloaded = !part_addr;
+ PR_FREEIF(part_addr);
+ int32_t i;
+ char* charset = nullptr;
+ char* disp = MimeHeaders_get(object->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION,
+ false, false);
+ if (disp) {
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "filename", &charset, nullptr));
+ if (isAnAppleDoublePart)
+ for (i = 0; i < 2 && tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty(); i++) {
+ PR_FREEIF(disp);
+ free(charset);
+ disp = MimeHeaders_get(((MimeContainer*)object)->children[i]->headers,
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "filename", &charset, nullptr));
+ }
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ // check encoded type
+ //
+ // The parameter of Content-Disposition must use RFC 2231.
+ // But old Netscape 4.x and Outlook Express etc. use RFC2047.
+ // So we should parse both types.
+ char* fname = nullptr;
+ fname = mime_decode_filename(tmp->m_realName.get(), charset, options);
+ free(charset);
+ if (fname) tmp->m_realName.Adopt(fname);
+ }
+ PR_FREEIF(disp);
+ }
+ disp = MimeHeaders_get(object->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, false, false);
+ if (disp) {
+ tmp->m_xMacType.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, PARAM_X_MAC_TYPE, nullptr, nullptr));
+ tmp->m_xMacCreator.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, PARAM_X_MAC_CREATOR, nullptr, nullptr));
+ if (tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "name", &charset, nullptr));
+ if (isAnAppleDoublePart)
+ // the data fork is the 2nd part, and we should ALWAYS look there first
+ // for the file name
+ for (i = 1; i >= 0 && tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty(); i--) {
+ PR_FREEIF(disp);
+ free(charset);
+ disp = MimeHeaders_get(((MimeContainer*)object)->children[i]->headers,
+ HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, false, false);
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "name", &charset, nullptr));
+ tmp->m_realType.Adopt(
+ MimeHeaders_get(((MimeContainer*)object)->children[i]->headers,
+ HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, true, false));
+ }
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ // check encoded type
+ //
+ // The parameter of Content-Disposition must use RFC 2231.
+ // But old Netscape 4.x and Outlook Express etc. use RFC2047.
+ // So we should parse both types.
+ char* fname = nullptr;
+ fname = mime_decode_filename(tmp->m_realName.get(), charset, options);
+ free(charset);
+ if (fname) tmp->m_realName.Adopt(fname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmp->m_isExternalLinkAttachment) {
+ // If an external link attachment part's Content-Type contains a
+ // |size| parm, store it in m_sizeExternalStr. Let the msgHeaderSink
+ // addAttachmentField() figure out if it's sane, and don't bother
+ // strtol'ing it to an int only to emit it as a string.
+ char* sizeStr = MimeHeaders_get_parameter(disp, "size", nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (sizeStr) tmp->m_sizeExternalStr = sizeStr;
+ }
+ PR_FREEIF(disp);
+ }
+ tmp->m_description.Adopt(MimeHeaders_get(
+ object->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION, false, false));
+ // Now, do the right thing with the name!
+ if (tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty() &&
+ !(tmp->m_realType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral(MESSAGE_RFC822))) {
+ // Keep in mind that the name was provided by us and this is probably not a
+ // real attachment.
+ tmp->m_hasFilename = false;
+ /* If this attachment doesn't have a name, just give it one... */
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(MimeGetStringByID(MIME_MSG_DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_NAME));
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty()) {
+ char* newName = PR_smprintf(tmp->m_realName.get(), part.get());
+ if (newName) tmp->m_realName.Adopt(newName);
+ } else
+ tmp->m_realName.Adopt(mime_part_address(object));
+ } else {
+ tmp->m_hasFilename = true;
+ }
+ if (!tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty() && !tmp->m_isExternalAttachment) {
+ AppendFilenameParameterToAttachmentDataUrl(tmp, urlString);
+ } else if (tmp->m_isExternalAttachment) {
+ // Allows the JS mime emitter to figure out the part information.
+ urlString.AppendLiteral("?part=");
+ urlString.Append(part);
+ } else if (tmp->m_realType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral(MESSAGE_RFC822)) {
+ // Special case...if this is a enclosed RFC822 message, give it a nice
+ // name.
+ if (object->headers->munged_subject) {
+ nsCString subject;
+ subject.Assign(object->headers->munged_subject);
+ MimeHeaders_convert_header_value(options, subject, false);
+ tmp->m_realName.Assign(subject);
+ tmp->m_realName.AppendLiteral(".eml");
+ } else
+ tmp->m_realName = "ForwardedMessage.eml";
+ }
+ nsresult rv =
+ nsMimeNewURI(getter_AddRefs(tmp->m_url), urlString.get(), nullptr);
+ PR_FREEIF(urlSpec);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tmp->m_url) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ ValidateRealName(tmp, object->headers);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult BuildAttachmentList(MimeObject* anObject,
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* aAttachData,
+ const char* aMessageURL) {
+ nsresult rv;
+ int32_t i;
+ MimeContainer* cobj = (MimeContainer*)anObject;
+ bool found_output = false;
+ if ((!anObject) || (!cobj->children) || (!cobj->nchildren) ||
+ (mime_typep(anObject, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeExternalBodyClass)))
+ return NS_OK;
+ for (i = 0; i < cobj->nchildren; i++) {
+ MimeObject* child = cobj->children[i];
+ char* ct = child->content_type;
+ // We're going to ignore the output_p attribute because we want to output
+ // any part with a name to work around bug 674473
+ // Skip the first child that's being output if it's in fact a message body.
+ // Start by assuming that it is, until proven otherwise in the code below.
+ bool skip = true;
+ if (found_output)
+ // not first child being output
+ skip = false;
+ else if (!ct)
+ // no content type so can't be message body
+ skip = false;
+ else if (PL_strcasecmp(ct, TEXT_PLAIN) && PL_strcasecmp(ct, TEXT_HTML) &&
+ PL_strcasecmp(ct, TEXT_MDL))
+ // not a type we recognize as a message body
+ skip = false;
+ // we're displaying all body parts
+ if (child->options->html_as_p == 4) skip = false;
+ if (skip && child->headers) {
+ // If it has a filename, we don't skip it regardless of the
+ // content disposition which can be "inline" or "attachment".
+ // Inline parts are not shown when attachments aren't displayed
+ // inline, so the only chance to see the part is as attachment.
+ char* name = MimeHeaders_get_name(child->headers, nullptr);
+ if (name) skip = false;
+ PR_FREEIF(name);
+ }
+ found_output = true;
+ if (skip) continue;
+ // We should generate an attachment for leaf object only but...
+ bool isALeafObject =
+ mime_subclass_p(child->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeLeafClass);
+ // ...we will generate an attachment for inline message too.
+ bool isAnInlineMessage =
+ mime_typep(child, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMessageClass);
+ // AppleDouble part need special care: we need to fetch the part as well its
+ // two children for the needed info as they could be anywhere, eventually,
+ // they won't contain a name or file name. In any case we need to build only
+ // one attachment data
+ bool isAnAppleDoublePart =
+ mime_typep(child, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMultipartAppleDoubleClass) &&
+ ((MimeContainer*)child)->nchildren == 2;
+ // The function below does not necessarily set the size to something (I
+ // don't think it will work for external objects, for instance, since they
+ // are neither containers nor leafs).
+ int32_t attSize = 0;
+ MimeGetSize(child, &attSize);
+ if (isALeafObject || isAnInlineMessage || isAnAppleDoublePart) {
+ rv = GenerateAttachmentData(child, aMessageURL, anObject->options,
+ isAnAppleDoublePart, attSize, aAttachData);
+ }
+ // Now build the attachment list for the children of our object...
+ if (!isALeafObject && !isAnAppleDoublePart) {
+ rv = BuildAttachmentList((MimeObject*)child, aAttachData, aMessageURL);
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+extern "C" nsresult MimeGetAttachmentList(MimeObject* tobj,
+ const char* aMessageURL,
+ nsMsgAttachmentData** data) {
+ MimeObject* obj;
+ MimeContainer* cobj;
+ int32_t n;
+ bool isAnInlineMessage;
+ if (!data) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
+ *data = nullptr;
+ obj = mime_get_main_object(tobj);
+ if (!obj) return NS_OK;
+ if (!mime_subclass_p(obj->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeContainerClass))
+ return ProcessBodyAsAttachment(obj, data);
+ isAnInlineMessage = mime_typep(obj, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMessageClass);
+ cobj = (MimeContainer*)obj;
+ n = CountTotalMimeAttachments(cobj);
+ if (n <= 0)
+ // XXX n is a regular number here, not meaningful as an nsresult
+ return static_cast<nsresult>(n);
+ // in case of an inline message (as body), we need an extra slot for the
+ // message itself that we will fill later...
+ if (isAnInlineMessage) n++;
+ *data = new nsMsgAttachmentData[n + 1];
+ if (!*data) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ attIndex = 0;
+ // Now, build the list!
+ nsresult rv;
+ if (isAnInlineMessage) {
+ int32_t size = 0;
+ MimeGetSize(obj, &size);
+ rv = GenerateAttachmentData(obj, aMessageURL, obj->options, false, size,
+ *data);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ delete[] * data; // release data in case of error return.
+ *data = nullptr;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ rv = BuildAttachmentList((MimeObject*)cobj, *data, aMessageURL);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ delete[] * data; // release data in case of error return.
+ *data = nullptr;
+ }
+ return rv;
+extern "C" void NotifyEmittersOfAttachmentList(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* data) {
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* tmp = data;
+ if (!tmp) return;
+ while (tmp->m_url) {
+ // The code below implements the following logic:
+ // - Always display the attachment if the Content-Disposition is
+ // "attachment" or if it can't be displayed inline.
+ // - If there's no name at all, just skip it (we don't know what to do with
+ // it then).
+ // - If the attachment has a "provided name" (i.e. not something like "Part
+ // 1.2"), display it.
+ // - If we're asking for all body parts and NOT asking for metadata only,
+ // display it.
+ // - Otherwise, skip it.
+ if (!tmp->m_disposition.EqualsLiteral("attachment") &&
+ tmp->m_displayableInline &&
+ (tmp->m_realName.IsEmpty() ||
+ (!tmp->m_hasFilename &&
+ (opt->html_as_p != 4 || opt->metadata_only)))) {
+ ++tmp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ nsAutoCString spec;
+ if (tmp->m_url) {
+ if (tmp->m_isExternalLinkAttachment)
+ mozilla::Unused << tmp->m_url->GetAsciiSpec(spec);
+ else
+ mozilla::Unused << tmp->m_url->GetSpec(spec);
+ }
+ nsAutoCString sizeStr;
+ if (tmp->m_isExternalLinkAttachment)
+ sizeStr.Append(tmp->m_sizeExternalStr);
+ else
+ sizeStr.AppendInt(tmp->m_size);
+ nsAutoCString downloadedStr;
+ downloadedStr.AppendInt(tmp->m_isDownloaded);
+ mimeEmitterStartAttachment(opt, tmp->m_realName.get(),
+ tmp->m_realType.get(), spec.get(),
+ tmp->m_isExternalAttachment);
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_X_MOZILLA_PART_URL, spec.get());
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_X_MOZILLA_PART_SIZE,
+ sizeStr.get());
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_X_MOZILLA_PART_DOWNLOADED,
+ downloadedStr.get());
+ if ((opt->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageQuoting) ||
+ (opt->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyQuoting) ||
+ (opt->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs) ||
+ (opt->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessagePrintOutput)) {
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION,
+ tmp->m_description.get());
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE,
+ tmp->m_realType.get());
+ mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(opt, HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING,
+ tmp->m_realEncoding.get());
+ }
+ mimeEmitterEndAttachment(opt);
+ ++tmp;
+ }
+ mimeEmitterEndAllAttachments(opt);
+// Utility to create a nsIURI object...
+extern "C" nsresult nsMimeNewURI(nsIURI** aInstancePtrResult, const char* aSpec,
+ nsIURI* aBase) {
+ if (nullptr == aInstancePtrResult) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> pService = mozilla::components::IO::Service();
+ return pService->NewURI(nsDependentCString(aSpec), nullptr, aBase,
+ aInstancePtrResult);
+extern "C" nsresult SetMailCharacterSetToMsgWindow(MimeObject* obj,
+ const char* aCharacterSet) {
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ if (obj && obj->options) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)(obj->options->stream_closure);
+ if (msd) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIMailChannel> mailChannel = do_QueryInterface(msd->channel);
+ if (mailChannel) {
+ if (!PL_strcasecmp(aCharacterSet, "us-ascii")) {
+ mailChannel->SetMailCharacterSet("ISO-8859-1"_ns);
+ } else {
+ mailChannel->SetMailCharacterSet(nsCString(aCharacterSet));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+static char* mime_file_type(const char* filename, void* stream_closure) {
+ char* retType = nullptr;
+ char* ext = nullptr;
+ nsresult rv;
+ ext = PL_strrchr(filename, '.');
+ if (ext) {
+ ext++;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mimeFinder(
+ if (mimeFinder) {
+ nsAutoCString type;
+ mimeFinder->GetTypeFromExtension(nsDependentCString(ext), type);
+ retType = ToNewCString(type);
+ }
+ }
+ return retType;
+int ConvertToUTF8(const char* stringToUse, int32_t inLength,
+ const char* input_charset, nsACString& outString) {
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ // Look up Thunderbird's special aliases from
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccm =
+ nsCString newCharset;
+ rv = ccm->GetCharsetAlias(input_charset, newCharset);
+ if (newCharset.Equals("UTF-7", nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) {
+ nsAutoString utf16;
+ rv = CopyUTF7toUTF16(nsDependentCSubstring(stringToUse, inLength), utf16);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return -1;
+ CopyUTF16toUTF8(utf16, outString);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto encoding = mozilla::Encoding::ForLabel(newCharset);
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(encoding,
+ -1); // Impossible since GetCharsetAlias() already checked.
+ rv = encoding->DecodeWithoutBOMHandling(
+ nsDependentCSubstring(stringToUse, inLength), outString);
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? 0 : -1;
+static int mime_convert_charset(const char* input_line, int32_t input_length,
+ const char* input_charset,
+ nsACString& convertedString,
+ void* stream_closure) {
+ return ConvertToUTF8(input_line, input_length, input_charset,
+ convertedString);
+static int mime_output_fn(const char* buf, int32_t size, void* stream_closure) {
+ uint32_t written = 0;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)stream_closure;
+ if ((!msd->pluginObj2) && (!msd->output_emitter)) return -1;
+ // Fire pending start request
+ ((nsStreamConverter*)msd->pluginObj2)->FirePendingStartRequest();
+ // Now, write to the WriteBody method if this is a message body and not
+ // a part retrevial
+ if (!msd->options->part_to_load ||
+ msd->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay) {
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ msd->output_emitter->WriteBody(Substring(buf, buf + size), &written);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ msd->output_emitter->Write(Substring(buf, buf + size), &written);
+ }
+ }
+ return written;
+extern "C" int mime_display_stream_write(nsMIMESession* stream, const char* buf,
+ int32_t size) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd =
+ (mime_stream_data*)((nsMIMESession*)stream)->data_object;
+ MimeObject* obj = (msd ? msd->obj : 0);
+ if (!obj) return -1;
+ return obj->clazz->parse_buffer((char*)buf, size, obj);
+extern "C" void mime_display_stream_complete(nsMIMESession* stream) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd =
+ (mime_stream_data*)((nsMIMESession*)stream)->data_object;
+ MimeObject* obj = (msd ? msd->obj : 0);
+ if (obj) {
+ int status;
+ bool abortNow = false;
+ if ((obj->options) && (obj->options->headers == MimeHeadersOnly))
+ abortNow = true;
+ status = obj->clazz->parse_eof(obj, abortNow);
+ obj->clazz->parse_end(obj, (status < 0 ? true : false));
+ //
+ // Ok, now we are going to process the attachment data by getting all
+ // of the attachment info and then driving the emitter with this data.
+ //
+ if (!msd->options->part_to_load ||
+ msd->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay) {
+ nsMsgAttachmentData* attachments;
+ nsresult rv = MimeGetAttachmentList(obj, msd->url_name, &attachments);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ NotifyEmittersOfAttachmentList(msd->options, attachments);
+ }
+ delete[] attachments;
+ }
+ // Release the conversion object - this has to be done after
+ // we finish processing data.
+ if (obj->options) {
+ NS_IF_RELEASE(obj->options->conv);
+ }
+ // Destroy the object now.
+ PR_ASSERT(msd->options == obj->options);
+ mime_free(obj);
+ obj = NULL;
+ if (msd->options) {
+ delete msd->options;
+ msd->options = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msd->headers) MimeHeaders_free(msd->headers);
+ if (msd->url_name) free(msd->url_name);
+ if (msd->orig_url_name) free(msd->orig_url_name);
+ delete msd;
+extern "C" void mime_display_stream_abort(nsMIMESession* stream, int status) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd =
+ (mime_stream_data*)((nsMIMESession*)stream)->data_object;
+ MimeObject* obj = (msd ? msd->obj : 0);
+ if (obj) {
+ if (!obj->closed_p) obj->clazz->parse_eof(obj, true);
+ if (!obj->parsed_p) obj->clazz->parse_end(obj, true);
+ // Destroy code....
+ PR_ASSERT(msd->options == obj->options);
+ mime_free(obj);
+ if (msd->options) {
+ delete msd->options;
+ msd->options = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msd->headers) MimeHeaders_free(msd->headers);
+ if (msd->url_name) free(msd->url_name);
+ if (msd->orig_url_name) free(msd->orig_url_name);
+ delete msd;
+static int mime_output_init_fn(const char* type, const char* charset,
+ const char* name, const char* x_mac_type,
+ const char* x_mac_creator,
+ void* stream_closure) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)stream_closure;
+ // Now, all of this stream creation is done outside of libmime, so this
+ // is just a check of the pluginObj member and returning accordingly.
+ if (!msd->pluginObj2)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static void* mime_image_begin(const char* image_url, const char* content_type,
+ void* stream_closure);
+static void mime_image_end(void* image_closure, int status);
+static char* mime_image_make_image_html(void* image_data);
+static int mime_image_write_buffer(const char* buf, int32_t size,
+ void* image_closure);
+/* Interface between libmime and inline display of images: the abomination
+ that is known as "internal-external-reconnect".
+ */
+class mime_image_stream_data {
+ public:
+ mime_image_stream_data();
+ mime_stream_data* msd;
+ char* url;
+ nsMIMESession* istream;
+mime_image_stream_data::mime_image_stream_data() {
+ url = nullptr;
+ istream = nullptr;
+ msd = nullptr;
+static void* mime_image_begin(const char* image_url, const char* content_type,
+ void* stream_closure) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)stream_closure;
+ class mime_image_stream_data* mid;
+ mid = new mime_image_stream_data;
+ if (!mid) return nullptr;
+ mid->msd = msd;
+ mid->url = (char*)strdup(image_url);
+ if (!mid->url) {
+ PR_Free(mid);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ mid->istream = (nsMIMESession*)msd->pluginObj2;
+ return mid;
+static void mime_image_end(void* image_closure, int status) {
+ mime_image_stream_data* mid = (mime_image_stream_data*)image_closure;
+ PR_ASSERT(mid);
+ if (!mid) return;
+ PR_FREEIF(mid->url);
+ delete mid;
+static char* mime_image_make_image_html(void* image_closure) {
+ mime_image_stream_data* mid = (mime_image_stream_data*)image_closure;
+ PR_ASSERT(mid);
+ if (!mid) return 0;
+ /* Internal-external-reconnect only works when going to the screen. */
+ if (!mid->istream)
+ return strdup(
+ "<DIV CLASS=\"moz-attached-image-container\"><IMG "
+ "SRC=\"resource://gre-resources/loading-image.png\" "
+ "ALT=\"[Image]\"></DIV>");
+ const char* prefix;
+ const char* url;
+ char* buf;
+ /* Wouldn't it be nice if attributes were case-sensitive? */
+ const char* scaledPrefix =
+ "<DIV CLASS=\"moz-attached-image-container\"><IMG "
+ "CLASS=\"moz-attached-image\" shrinktofit=\"yes\" SRC=\"";
+ const char* suffix = "\"></DIV>";
+ // Thunderbird doesn't have this pref.
+#ifdef MOZ_SUITE
+ const char* unscaledPrefix =
+ "<DIV CLASS=\"moz-attached-image-container\"><IMG "
+ "CLASS=\"moz-attached-image\" SRC=\"";
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefService> prefSvc(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID));
+ bool resize = true;
+ if (prefSvc) prefSvc->GetBranch("", getter_AddRefs(prefBranch));
+ if (prefBranch)
+ prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mail.enable_automatic_image_resizing",
+ &resize); // ignore return value
+ prefix = resize ? scaledPrefix : unscaledPrefix;
+ prefix = scaledPrefix;
+ if ((!mid->url) || (!(*mid->url)))
+ url = "";
+ else
+ url = mid->url;
+ uint32_t buflen = strlen(prefix) + strlen(suffix) + strlen(url) + 20;
+ buf = (char*)PR_MALLOC(buflen);
+ if (!buf) return 0;
+ *buf = 0;
+ PL_strcatn(buf, buflen, prefix);
+ PL_strcatn(buf, buflen, url);
+ PL_strcatn(buf, buflen, suffix);
+ return buf;
+static int mime_image_write_buffer(const char* buf, int32_t size,
+ void* image_closure) {
+ mime_image_stream_data* mid = (mime_image_stream_data*)image_closure;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = mid->msd;
+ if (((!msd->output_emitter)) && ((!msd->pluginObj2))) return -1;
+ return size;
+MimeObject* mime_get_main_object(MimeObject* obj) {
+ MimeContainer* cobj;
+ if (!(mime_subclass_p(obj->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMessageClass))) {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ cobj = (MimeContainer*)obj;
+ if (cobj->nchildren != 1) return obj;
+ obj = cobj->children[0];
+ while (obj) {
+ if ((!mime_subclass_p(obj->clazz,
+ (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMultipartSignedClass)) &&
+ (PL_strcasecmp(obj->content_type, MULTIPART_SIGNED) != 0)) {
+ return obj;
+ } else {
+ if (mime_subclass_p(obj->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeContainerClass)) {
+ // We don't care about a signed/smime object; Go inside to the
+ // thing that we signed or smime'ed
+ //
+ cobj = (MimeContainer*)obj;
+ if (cobj->nchildren > 0)
+ obj = cobj->children[0];
+ else
+ obj = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ // we received a message with a child object that looks like a signed
+ // object, but it is not a subclass of mimeContainer, so let's
+ // return the given child object.
+ return obj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+static bool MimeObjectIsMessageBodyNoClimb(MimeObject* parent,
+ MimeObject* looking_for,
+ bool* stop) {
+ MimeContainer* container = (MimeContainer*)parent;
+ int32_t i;
+ char* disp;
+ NS_ASSERTION(stop, "NULL stop to MimeObjectIsMessageBodyNoClimb");
+ for (i = 0; i < container->nchildren; i++) {
+ MimeObject* child = container->children[i];
+ bool is_body = true;
+ // The body can't be something we're not displaying.
+ if (!child->output_p)
+ is_body = false;
+ else if ((disp = MimeHeaders_get(child->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION,
+ true, false))) {
+ PR_Free(disp);
+ is_body = false;
+ } else if (PL_strcasecmp(child->content_type, TEXT_PLAIN) &&
+ PL_strcasecmp(child->content_type, TEXT_HTML) &&
+ PL_strcasecmp(child->content_type, TEXT_MDL) &&
+ PL_strcasecmp(child->content_type, MESSAGE_NEWS) &&
+ PL_strcasecmp(child->content_type, MESSAGE_RFC822))
+ is_body = false;
+ if (is_body || child == looking_for) {
+ *stop = true;
+ return child == looking_for;
+ }
+ // The body could be down inside a multipart child, so search recursively.
+ if (mime_subclass_p(child->clazz, (MimeObjectClass*)&mimeContainerClass)) {
+ is_body = MimeObjectIsMessageBodyNoClimb(child, looking_for, stop);
+ if (is_body || *stop) return is_body;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+/* Should this be static in mimemult.cpp? */
+bool MimeObjectIsMessageBody(MimeObject* looking_for) {
+ bool stop = false;
+ MimeObject* root = looking_for;
+ while (root->parent) root = root->parent;
+ return MimeObjectIsMessageBodyNoClimb(root, looking_for, &stop);
+// New Stream Converter Interface
+// Get the connection to prefs service manager
+nsIPrefBranch* GetPrefBranch(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ if (!opt) return nullptr;
+ return opt->m_prefBranch;
+// Get the text converter...
+mozITXTToHTMLConv* GetTextConverter(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ if (!opt) return nullptr;
+ return opt->conv;
+MimeDisplayOptions::MimeDisplayOptions() {
+ conv = nullptr; // For text conversion...
+ format_out = 0; // The format out type
+ url = nullptr;
+ memset(&headers, 0, sizeof(headers));
+ fancy_headers_p = false;
+ output_vcard_buttons_p = false;
+ variable_width_plaintext_p = false;
+ wrap_long_lines_p = false;
+ rot13_p = false;
+ part_to_load = nullptr;
+ no_output_p = false;
+ write_html_p = false;
+ decrypt_p = false;
+ whattodo = 0;
+ default_charset = nullptr;
+ override_charset = false;
+ force_user_charset = false;
+ stream_closure = nullptr;
+ /* For setting up the display stream, so that the MIME parser can inform
+ the caller of the type of the data it will be getting. */
+ output_init_fn = nullptr;
+ output_fn = nullptr;
+ output_closure = nullptr;
+ charset_conversion_fn = nullptr;
+ rfc1522_conversion_p = false;
+ file_type_fn = nullptr;
+ passwd_prompt_fn = nullptr;
+ html_closure = nullptr;
+ generate_header_html_fn = nullptr;
+ generate_post_header_html_fn = nullptr;
+ generate_footer_html_fn = nullptr;
+ generate_reference_url_fn = nullptr;
+ generate_mailto_url_fn = nullptr;
+ generate_news_url_fn = nullptr;
+ image_begin = nullptr;
+ image_end = nullptr;
+ image_write_buffer = nullptr;
+ make_image_html = nullptr;
+ state = nullptr;
+ decompose_file_p = false;
+ done_parsing_outer_headers = false;
+ is_multipart_msg = false;
+ decompose_init_count = 0;
+ signed_p = false;
+ caller_need_root_headers = false;
+ decompose_headers_info_fn = nullptr;
+ decompose_file_init_fn = nullptr;
+ decompose_file_output_fn = nullptr;
+ decompose_file_close_fn = nullptr;
+#endif /* MIME_DRAFTS */
+ attachment_icon_layer_id = 0;
+ missing_parts = false;
+ show_attachment_inline_p = false;
+ show_attachment_inline_text = false;
+ quote_attachment_inline_p = false;
+ notify_nested_bodies = false;
+ write_pure_bodies = false;
+ metadata_only = false;
+MimeDisplayOptions::~MimeDisplayOptions() {
+ PR_FREEIF(part_to_load);
+ PR_FREEIF(default_charset);
+// Bridge routines for new stream converter XP-COM interface
+extern "C" void* mime_bridge_create_display_stream(
+ nsIMimeEmitter* newEmitter, nsStreamConverter* newPluginObj2, nsIURI* uri,
+ nsMimeOutputType format_out, uint32_t whattodo, nsIChannel* aChannel) {
+ int status = 0;
+ MimeObject* obj;
+ mime_stream_data* msd;
+ nsMIMESession* stream = 0;
+ if (!uri) return nullptr;
+ msd = new mime_stream_data;
+ if (!msd) return NULL;
+ // Assign the new mime emitter - will handle output operations
+ msd->output_emitter = newEmitter;
+ // Store the URL string for this decode operation
+ nsAutoCString urlString;
+ nsresult rv;
+ // Keep a hold of the channel...
+ msd->channel = aChannel;
+ rv = uri->GetSpec(urlString);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ if (!urlString.IsEmpty()) {
+ msd->url_name = ToNewCString(urlString);
+ if (!(msd->url_name)) {
+ delete msd;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgMessageUrl> msgUrl = do_QueryInterface(uri);
+ if (msgUrl) {
+ nsAutoCString orgSpec;
+ msgUrl->GetOriginalSpec(orgSpec);
+ msd->orig_url_name = ToNewCString(orgSpec);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ msd->format_out = format_out; // output format
+ msd->pluginObj2 = newPluginObj2; // the plugin object pointer
+ msd->options = new MimeDisplayOptions;
+ if (!msd->options) {
+ delete msd;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // memset(msd->options, 0, sizeof(*msd->options));
+ msd->options->format_out = format_out; // output format
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ delete msd;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Need the text converter...
+ rv = CallCreateInstance(MOZ_TXTTOHTMLCONV_CONTRACTID, &(msd->options->conv));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch = nullptr;
+ delete msd;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the defaults, based on the context, and the output-type.
+ //
+ MIME_HeaderType = MimeHeadersAll;
+ msd->options->write_html_p = true;
+ switch (format_out) {
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSplitDisplay: // the wrapper HTML output to
+ // produce the split
+ // header/body display
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageHeaderDisplay: // the split header/body
+ // display
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay: // the split header/body
+ // display
+ msd->options->fancy_headers_p = true;
+ msd->options->output_vcard_buttons_p = true;
+ break;
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs: // Save As operations
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageQuoting: // all HTML quoted/printed output
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessagePrintOutput:
+ msd->options->fancy_headers_p = true;
+ break;
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyQuoting: // only HTML body quoted
+ // output
+ MIME_HeaderType = MimeHeadersNone;
+ break;
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageAttach: // handling attachment storage
+ msd->options->write_html_p = false;
+ break;
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageRaw: // the raw RFC822 data (view source)
+ // and attachments
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageDraftOrTemplate: // Loading drafts &
+ // templates
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageEditorTemplate: // Loading templates into
+ // editor
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageFilterSniffer: // generating an output that
+ // can be scan by a message
+ // filter
+ break;
+ case nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageDecrypt:
+ msd->options->decrypt_p = true;
+ msd->options->write_html_p = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Now, get the libmime prefs...
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ MIME_WrapLongLines = true;
+ MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext = true;
+ msd->options->force_user_charset = false;
+ if (msd->options->m_prefBranch) {
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mail.wrap_long_lines",
+ &MIME_WrapLongLines);
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mail.fixed_width_messages",
+ &MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext);
+ //
+ // Charset overrides takes place here
+ //
+ // We have a bool pref (mail.force_user_charset) to deal with attachments.
+ // 1) If true - libmime does NO conversion and just passes it through to
+ // raptor
+ // 2) If false, then we try to use the charset of the part and if not
+ // available, the charset of the root message
+ //
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref(
+ "mail.force_user_charset", &(msd->options->force_user_charset));
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref(
+ "mail.inline_attachments", &(msd->options->show_attachment_inline_p));
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref(
+ "mail.inline_attachments.text",
+ &(msd->options->show_attachment_inline_text));
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetBoolPref(
+ "mail.reply_quote_inline", &(msd->options->quote_attachment_inline_p));
+ msd->options->m_prefBranch->GetIntPref("mailnews.display.html_as",
+ &(msd->options->html_as_p));
+ }
+ /* This pref is written down in with the
+ opposite sense of what we like to use... */
+ MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext = !MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext;
+ msd->options->wrap_long_lines_p = MIME_WrapLongLines;
+ msd->options->headers = MIME_HeaderType;
+ // We need to have the URL to be able to support the various
+ // arguments
+ status = mime_parse_url_options(msd->url_name, msd->options);
+ if (status < 0) {
+ PR_FREEIF(msd->options->part_to_load);
+ PR_Free(msd->options);
+ delete msd;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (msd->options->headers == MimeHeadersMicro &&
+ (msd->url_name == NULL || (strncmp(msd->url_name, "news:", 5) != 0 &&
+ strncmp(msd->url_name, "snews:", 6) != 0)))
+ msd->options->headers = MimeHeadersMicroPlus;
+ msd->options->url = msd->url_name;
+ msd->options->output_init_fn = mime_output_init_fn;
+ msd->options->output_fn = mime_output_fn;
+ msd->options->whattodo = whattodo;
+ msd->options->charset_conversion_fn = mime_convert_charset;
+ msd->options->rfc1522_conversion_p = true;
+ msd->options->file_type_fn = mime_file_type;
+ msd->options->stream_closure = msd;
+ msd->options->passwd_prompt_fn = 0;
+ msd->options->image_begin = mime_image_begin;
+ msd->options->image_end = mime_image_end;
+ msd->options->make_image_html = mime_image_make_image_html;
+ msd->options->image_write_buffer = mime_image_write_buffer;
+ msd->options->variable_width_plaintext_p = MIME_VariableWidthPlaintext;
+ // If this is a part, then we should emit the HTML to render the data
+ // (i.e. embedded images)
+ if (msd->options->part_to_load &&
+ msd->options->format_out != nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay)
+ msd->options->write_html_p = false;
+ obj = mime_new((MimeObjectClass*)&mimeMessageClass, (MimeHeaders*)NULL,
+ if (!obj) {
+ delete msd->options;
+ delete msd;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ obj->options = msd->options;
+ msd->obj = obj;
+ /* Both of these better not be true at the same time. */
+ PR_ASSERT(!(obj->options->decrypt_p && obj->options->write_html_p));
+ stream = PR_NEW(nsMIMESession);
+ if (!stream) {
+ delete msd->options;
+ delete msd;
+ PR_Free(obj);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(stream, 0, sizeof(*stream));
+ stream->name = "MIME Conversion Stream";
+ stream->complete = mime_display_stream_complete;
+ stream->abort = mime_display_stream_abort;
+ stream->put_block = mime_display_stream_write;
+ stream->data_object = msd;
+ status = obj->clazz->initialize(obj);
+ if (status >= 0) status = obj->clazz->parse_begin(obj);
+ if (status < 0) {
+ PR_Free(stream);
+ delete msd->options;
+ delete msd;
+ PR_Free(obj);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return stream;
+// Emitter Wrapper Routines!
+nsIMimeEmitter* GetMimeEmitter(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)opt->stream_closure;
+ if (!msd) return NULL;
+ nsIMimeEmitter* ptr = (nsIMimeEmitter*)(msd->output_emitter);
+ return ptr;
+mime_stream_data* GetMSD(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ if (!opt) return nullptr;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)opt->stream_closure;
+ return msd;
+bool NoEmitterProcessing(nsMimeOutputType format_out) {
+ if (format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageDraftOrTemplate ||
+ format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageEditorTemplate ||
+ format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageQuoting ||
+ format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyQuoting)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterAddAttachmentField(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ const char* field,
+ const char* value) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->AddAttachmentField(field, value);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterAddHeaderField(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ const char* field,
+ const char* value) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->AddHeaderField(field, value);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterAddAllHeaders(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ const char* allheaders,
+ const int32_t allheadersize) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->AddAllHeaders(
+ Substring(allheaders, allheaders + allheadersize));
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterStartAttachment(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ const char* name,
+ const char* contentType,
+ const char* url,
+ bool aIsExternalAttachment) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->StartAttachment(nsDependentCString(name), contentType, url,
+ aIsExternalAttachment);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterEndAttachment(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ if (emitter)
+ return emitter->EndAttachment();
+ else
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterEndAllAttachments(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ if (emitter)
+ return emitter->EndAllAttachments();
+ else
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterStartBody(MimeDisplayOptions* opt, bool bodyOnly,
+ const char* msgID,
+ const char* outCharset) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->StartBody(bodyOnly, msgID, outCharset);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterEndBody(MimeDisplayOptions* opt) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->EndBody();
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterEndHeader(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ MimeObject* obj) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ nsCString name;
+ if (msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSplitDisplay ||
+ msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageHeaderDisplay ||
+ msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyDisplay ||
+ msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs ||
+ msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessagePrintOutput) {
+ if (obj->headers) {
+ nsMsgAttachmentData attachment;
+ attIndex = 0;
+ nsresult rv = GenerateAttachmentData(obj, msd->url_name, opt, false, 0,
+ &attachment);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) name.Assign(attachment.m_realName);
+ }
+ }
+ MimeHeaders_convert_header_value(opt, name, false);
+ return emitter->EndHeader(name);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterUpdateCharacterSet(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ const char* aCharset) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->UpdateCharacterSet(aCharset);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeEmitterStartHeader(MimeDisplayOptions* opt,
+ bool rootMailHeader, bool headerOnly,
+ const char* msgID,
+ const char* outCharset) {
+ // Check for draft processing...
+ if (NoEmitterProcessing(opt->format_out)) return NS_OK;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = GetMSD(opt);
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ if (msd->output_emitter) {
+ nsIMimeEmitter* emitter = (nsIMimeEmitter*)msd->output_emitter;
+ return emitter->StartHeader(rootMailHeader, headerOnly, msgID, outCharset);
+ }
+extern "C" nsresult mimeSetNewURL(nsMIMESession* stream, char* url) {
+ if ((!stream) || (!url) || (!*url)) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)stream->data_object;
+ if (!msd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ char* tmpPtr = strdup(url);
+ if (!tmpPtr) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ PR_FREEIF(msd->url_name);
+ msd->url_name = tmpPtr;
+ return NS_OK;
+#define MIME_URL "chrome://messenger/locale/"
+extern "C" char* MimeGetStringByID(int32_t stringID) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> stringBundleService =
+ mozilla::components::StringBundle::Service();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> stringBundle;
+ stringBundleService->CreateBundle(MIME_URL, getter_AddRefs(stringBundle));
+ if (stringBundle) {
+ nsString v;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stringBundle->GetStringFromID(stringID, v)))
+ return ToNewUTF8String(v);
+ }
+ return strdup("???");
+extern "C" char* MimeGetStringByName(const char16_t* stringName) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> stringBundleService =
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> stringBundle;
+ stringBundleService->CreateBundle(MIME_URL, getter_AddRefs(stringBundle));
+ if (stringBundle) {
+ nsString v;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stringBundle->GetStringFromName(
+ NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(stringName).get(), v)))
+ return ToNewUTF8String(v);
+ }
+ return strdup("???");
+void ResetChannelCharset(MimeObject* obj) {
+ if (obj->options && obj->options->stream_closure &&
+ obj->options->default_charset && obj->headers) {
+ mime_stream_data* msd = (mime_stream_data*)(obj->options->stream_closure);
+ char* ct = MimeHeaders_get(obj->headers, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, false, false);
+ if (ct && msd && msd->channel) {
+ char* cSet = MimeHeaders_get_parameter(ct, "charset", nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (cSet) {
+ // The content-type does specify a charset. First, setup the channel.
+ msd->channel->SetContentType(nsDependentCString(ct));
+ // Second, if this is a Save As operation, then we need to convert
+ // to override the output charset.
+ if (msd->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs) {
+ // The previous version of this code would have entered an infinite
+ // loop. But it never showed up, so it's not clear that we ever get
+ // here... See bug #1597891.
+ PR_FREEIF(obj->options->default_charset);
+ obj->options->default_charset = cSet;
+ cSet = nullptr; // Ownership was transferred.
+ obj->options->override_charset = true;
+ false, "Ahh. So this code _is_ run after all! (see bug 1597891)");
+ }
+ PR_FREEIF(cSet);
+ }
+ }
+ PR_FREEIF(ct);
+ }
+// Function to get up mail/news fontlang
+nsresult GetMailNewsFont(MimeObject* obj, bool styleFixed,
+ int32_t* fontPixelSize, int32_t* fontSizePercentage,
+ nsCString& fontLang) {
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ nsIPrefBranch* prefBranch = GetPrefBranch(obj->options);
+ if (prefBranch) {
+ MimeInlineText* text = (MimeInlineText*)obj;
+ nsAutoCString charset;
+ // get a charset
+ if (!text->initializeCharset)
+ ((MimeInlineTextClass*)&mimeInlineTextClass)->initialize_charset(obj);
+ if (!text->charset || !(*text->charset))
+ charset.AssignLiteral("us-ascii");
+ else
+ charset.Assign(text->charset);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> charSetConverterManager2;
+ nsAutoCString prefStr;
+ ToLowerCase(charset);
+ charSetConverterManager2 =
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ // get a language, e.g. x-western, ja
+ rv = charSetConverterManager2->GetCharsetLangGroup(charset.get(), fontLang);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ // get a font size from pref
+ prefStr.Assign(!styleFixed ? "font.size.variable."
+ : "font.size.monospace.");
+ prefStr.Append(fontLang);
+ rv = prefBranch->GetIntPref(prefStr.get(), fontPixelSize);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefDefBranch;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefService> prefSvc(
+ if (prefSvc)
+ rv = prefSvc->GetDefaultBranch("", getter_AddRefs(prefDefBranch));
+ if (!prefDefBranch) return rv;
+ // get original font size
+ int32_t originalSize;
+ rv = prefDefBranch->GetIntPref(prefStr.get(), &originalSize);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ // calculate percentage
+ *fontSizePercentage =
+ originalSize
+ ? (int32_t)((float)*fontPixelSize / (float)originalSize * 100)
+ : 0;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ * This function synchronously converts an HTML document (as string)
+ * to plaintext (as string) using the Gecko converter.
+ *
+ * @param flags see nsIDocumentEncoder.h
+ */
+nsresult HTML2Plaintext(const nsString& inString, nsString& outString,
+ uint32_t flags, uint32_t wrapCol) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIParserUtils> utils = do_GetService(NS_PARSERUTILS_CONTRACTID);
+ return utils->ConvertToPlainText(inString, flags, wrapCol, outString);
+ * This function synchronously sanitizes an HTML document (string->string)
+ * using the Gecko nsTreeSanitizer.
+ */
+nsresult HTMLSanitize(const nsString& inString, nsString& outString) {
+ // If you want to add alternative sanitization, you can insert a conditional
+ // call to another sanitizer and an early return here.
+ uint32_t flags = nsIParserUtils::SanitizerCidEmbedsOnly |
+ nsIParserUtils::SanitizerDropForms;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID));
+ bool dropPresentational = true;
+ bool dropMedia = false;
+ prefs->GetBoolPref(
+ "mailnews.display.html_sanitizer.drop_non_css_presentation",
+ &dropPresentational);
+ prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.display.html_sanitizer.drop_media", &dropMedia);
+ if (dropPresentational)
+ flags |= nsIParserUtils::SanitizerDropNonCSSPresentation;
+ if (dropMedia) flags |= nsIParserUtils::SanitizerDropMedia;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIParserUtils> utils = do_GetService(NS_PARSERUTILS_CONTRACTID);
+ return utils->Sanitize(inString, flags, outString);