path: root/comm/suite/browser/pageinfo/pageInfo.xul
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/browser/pageinfo/pageInfo.xul b/comm/suite/browser/pageinfo/pageInfo.xul
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f4dc2ae96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/browser/pageinfo/pageInfo.xul
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
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+ <!--
+ The richlist below is generated by permissions.js.
+ The labels point to the radio groups to give the radio buttons
+ an accessible context. The accessible context for the preceeding
+ checkbox is already taken care of through the richlistitem grouping.
+ -->
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+ <!-- Security & Privacy -->
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+ <!-- Identity Section -->
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+ value="&securityView.identity.owner;"/>
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+ class="fieldLabel"
+ value="&securityView.identity.verifier;"/>
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+ <!-- Certificate Validity -->
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+ class="fieldLabel"
+ value="&securityView.identity.validity;"
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+ <button id="security-view-cert" label="&securityView.certView;"
+ accesskey="&securityView.accesskey;"
+ oncommand="security.viewCert();"/>
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+ <!-- Privacy & History section -->
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+ <caption id="security-privacy" label="&securityView.privacy.header;" />
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+ <row align="center"><!-- History -->
+ <label id="security-privacy-history-label"
+ control="security-privacy-history-value"
+ class="fieldLabel">&securityView.privacy.history;</label>
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+ class="fieldValue"
+ value="&securityView.unknown;"
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+ <row align="center"><!-- Cookies -->
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+ control="security-privacy-cookies-value"
+ class="fieldLabel">&securityView.privacy.cookies;</label>
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+ oncommand="security.viewCookies();"/>
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+ <row align="center"><!-- Passwords -->
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+ control="security-privacy-passwords-value"
+ class="fieldLabel">&securityView.privacy.passwords;</label>
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+ accesskey="&securityView.privacy.viewPasswords.accessKey;"
+ oncommand="security.viewPasswords();"/>
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+ <!-- Technical Details section -->
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