path: root/comm/suite/chatzilla/xul/content/channels.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/suite/chatzilla/xul/content/channels.js')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/chatzilla/xul/content/channels.js b/comm/suite/chatzilla/xul/content/channels.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..912e62c14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/chatzilla/xul/content/channels.js
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var client;
+var network;
+var channels = new Array();
+var tree = { view: null, newItem: null, share: new Object() };
+var xul = new Object();
+// Create list of operations. These are handled by common code.
+const OPS = new Array();
+OPS.push({ key: "noop", ignore: true });
+OPS.push({ key: "list", canStop: false });
+OPS.push({ key: "load", canStop: true });
+OPS.push({ key: "filter", canStop: true });
+// Define constants for each operation.
+// JavaScript won't let you delete things declared with "var", workaround:
+// NOTE: This order MUST be the same as those above!
+window.s = 0;
+const OP_LIST = ++s; // A /list operation on the server.
+const OP_LOAD = ++s; // Loading the saved file.
+const OP_FILTER = ++s; // Filtering the loaded list.
+// Define constants for the valid states of each operation.
+// All states before STATE_START must be idle (stopped) states.
+// All states from STATE_START onwards must be busy (running) states.
+s = 0;
+const STATE_IDLE = ++s; // Not doing this operation.
+const STATE_ERROR = ++s; // Error occurred: don't try do to any more.
+const STATE_START = ++s; // Starting an operation.
+const STATE_RUN = ++s; // Running...
+const STATE_STOP = ++s; // Clean-up/ending operation.
+delete window.s;
+// Store all the operation data here.
+var data = {
+ list: { state: STATE_IDLE },
+ load: { state: STATE_IDLE },
+ filter: { state: STATE_IDLE }
+// This should keep things responsive enough, for the user to click buttons and
+// edit the filter text and options, without giving up too much time to letting
+// Gecko catch up.
+const PROCESS_TIME_MAX = 200;
+const PROCESS_DELAY = 50;
+const colIDToSortKey = { chanColName: "name",
+ chanColUsers: "users",
+ chanColTopic: "topic" };
+const sortKeyToColID = { name: "chanColName",
+ users: "chanColUsers",
+ topic: "chanColTopic" };
+function onLoad()
+ function ondblclick(event) { tree.view.onRouteDblClick(event); };
+ function onkeypress(event) { tree.view.onRouteKeyPress(event); };
+ function onfocus(event) { tree.view.onRouteFocus(event); };
+ function onblur(event) { tree.view.onRouteBlur(event); };
+ function doJoin()
+ {
+ if (joinChannel())
+ window.close();
+ };
+ client = window.arguments[0].client;
+ client.joinDialog = window;
+ window.dd = client.mainWindow.dd;
+ window.ASSERT = client.mainWindow.ASSERT;
+ window.toUnicode = client.mainWindow.toUnicode;
+ window.getMsg = client.mainWindow.getMsg;
+ window.MSG_CHANNEL_OPENED = client.mainWindow.MSG_CHANNEL_OPENED;
+ window.MT_INFO = client.mainWindow.MT_INFO;
+ // Import "MSG_CD_*"...
+ for (var m in client.mainWindow)
+ {
+ if (m.substr(0, 7) == "MSG_CD_")
+ window[m] = client.mainWindow[m];
+ }
+ // Cache all the XUL DOM elements.
+ var elements = ["network", "networks", "channel", "includeTopic",
+ "lastUpdated", "join", "minUsers", "maxUsers", "refresh",
+ "bottomPanel", "channels", "loadContainer", "loadLabel",
+ "loadBarDeck", "loadBar"];
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
+ xul[elements[i]] = document.getElementById(elements[i]);
+ // Set the <dialog>'s class so we can do platform-specific CSS.
+ var dialog = document.getElementById("chatzilla-window");
+ dialog.className = "platform-" + client.platform;
+ // Set up the channel tree view.
+ tree.view = new XULTreeView(tree.share);
+ tree.view.onRowCommand = doJoin;
+ tree.view.cycleHeader = changeSort;
+ xul.channels.treeBoxObject.view = tree.view;
+ // If the new "search" binding is not working (i.e. doesn't exist)...
+ if (!("searchButton" in
+ {
+ // ...restore the text boxes to their former selves.
+"timeout", "500");
+"type", "timed");
+ xul.minUsers.setAttribute("timeout", "500");
+ xul.minUsers.setAttribute("type", "timed");
+ xul.maxUsers.setAttribute("timeout", "500");
+ xul.maxUsers.setAttribute("type", "timed");
+ }
+ // Sort by user count, descending.
+ changeSort("chanColUsers");
+ xul.channels.addEventListener("dblclick", ondblclick, false);
+ xul.channels.addEventListener("keypress", onkeypress, false);
+ xul.channels.addEventListener("focus", onfocus, false);
+ xul.channels.addEventListener("blur", onblur, false);
+ tree.newItem = new ChannelEntry("", "", MSG_CD_CREATE);
+ tree.newItem.first = true;
+ tree.view.childData.appendChild(tree.newItem);
+ var opener = window.arguments[0].opener;
+ if (opener)
+ {
+ // Force the window to be the right size now, not later.
+ window.sizeToContent();
+ // Position it centered over, but never up or left of parent.
+ var sx = Math.max((opener.outerWidth - window.outerWidth ) / 2, 0);
+ var sy = Math.max((opener.outerHeight - window.outerHeight) / 2, 0);
+ window.moveTo(opener.screenX + sx, opener.screenY + sy);
+ }
+ setNetwork(window.arguments[0].network);
+ setTimeout(updateOperations, PROCESS_DELAY);
+ if (network)
+ else
+function onUnload()
+ delete client.joinDialog;
+function onKeyPress(event)
+ if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_RETURN)
+ {
+ if (joinChannel())
+ window.close();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_UP)
+ {
+ if (tree.view.selectedIndex > 0)
+ {
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = tree.view.selectedIndex - 1;
+ ensureRowIsVisible();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_DOWN)
+ {
+ if (tree.view.selectedIndex < tree.view.rowCount - 1)
+ {
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = tree.view.selectedIndex + 1;
+ ensureRowIsVisible();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+function onShowingNetworks()
+ while (xul.networks.lastChild)
+ xul.networks.removeChild(xul.networks.lastChild);
+ /* Show any network meeting at least 1 requirement:
+ * - Non-temporary (i.e. real network).
+ * - Currently connected.
+ * - Has visible tab in main window.
+ */
+ var networks = new Array();
+ for (var n in client.networks)
+ {
+ if (!client.networks[n].temporary
+ || client.networks[n].isConnected()
+ || client.mainWindow.getTabForObject(client.networks[n]))
+ {
+ networks.push(client.networks[n].unicodeName);
+ }
+ }
+ networks.sort();
+ for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++)
+ {
+ var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ menuitem.setAttribute("label", networks[i]);
+ xul.networks.appendChild(menuitem);
+ }
+function onSelectionChange()
+ update();
+function onFilter()
+ update();
+ if (network)
+ startOperation(OP_FILTER);
+function setNetwork(newNetwork, noUpdate)
+ = newNetwork ? newNetwork.unicodeName : "";
+ update();
+function update()
+ let newNetwork = client.getNetwork(;
+ if (network != newNetwork)
+ {
+ network = newNetwork;
+ if (network)
+ startOperation(OP_LOAD);
+ }
+ if (network)
+ {
+ var index = tree.view.selectedIndex;
+ var rows = tree.view.childData;
+ var row = index == -1 ? null : rows.locateChildByVisualRow(index);
+ var listFile = getListFile();
+ var listMod = 0;
+ if (listFile.exists() && (listFile.fileSize > 0))
+ listMod = listFile.lastModifiedTime;
+ xul.join.disabled = network.isConnected() && (!row || !;
+ xul.lastUpdated.value = listMod ? getMsg(MSG_CD_UPDATED, [strftime(MSG_CD_UPDATED_FORMAT, new Date(listMod))]) : MSG_CD_UPDATED_NEVER;
+ xul.refresh.disabled = !network.isConnected() ||
+ (getOperationState(OP_LIST) == STATE_START) ||
+ (getOperationState(OP_LIST) == STATE_RUN);
+ xul.bottomPanel.selectedIndex = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xul.join.disabled = !;
+ xul.lastUpdated.value = "";
+ xul.refresh.disabled = true;
+ xul.bottomPanel.selectedIndex = 0;
+ }
+function joinChannel()
+ update();
+ if (xul.join.disabled)
+ return false;
+ /* Calculate the row index AS IF the 'create' row is visible. We're going
+ * to use this so that the index chosen by the user is always consistent,
+ * whatever the visibility of the 'create' row - an index of 0 is ALWAYS
+ * the 'create' row, and >= 1 is ALWAYS the searched rows.
+ */
+ var index = tree.view.selectedIndex;
+ var row = tree.view.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(index);
+ var realIndex = index + (tree.newItem.isHidden ? 1 : 0);
+ client.dispatch("attach", { ircUrl: + "/" + });
+ return true;
+function focusSearch()
+function refreshList()
+ startOperation(OP_LIST);
+function updateProgress(label, pro)
+ if (label)
+ {
+ xul.loadLabel.value = label;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var msg = getMsg(MSG_CD_SHOWING,
+ [(tree.view.rowCount - (tree.newItem.isHidden ? 0 : 1)),
+ channels.length]);
+ xul.loadLabel.value = msg;
+ }
+ xul.loadBarDeck.selectedIndex = (typeof pro == "undefined") ? 1 : 0;
+ if ((typeof pro == "undefined") || (pro == -1))
+ {
+ xul.loadBar.mode = "undetermined";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xul.loadBar.mode = "determined";
+ xul.loadBar.value = pro;
+ }
+function changeSort(col)
+ if (typeof col == "object")
+ col =;
+ col = colIDToSortKey[col];
+ // Users default to descending, others ascending.
+ var dir = (col == "users" ? -1 : 1);
+ if (col == tree.share.sortColumn)
+ dir = -tree.share.sortDirection;
+ var colID = sortKeyToColID[tree.share.sortColumn];
+ var colNode = document.getElementById(colID);
+ if (colNode)
+ {
+ colNode.removeAttribute("sortActive");
+ colNode.removeAttribute("sortDirection");
+ }
+ tree.view.childData.setSortColumn(col, dir);
+ colID = sortKeyToColID[tree.share.sortColumn];
+ colNode = document.getElementById(colID);
+ if (colNode)
+ {
+ colNode.setAttribute("sortActive", "true");
+ var sortDir = (dir > 0 ? "ascending" : "descending");
+ colNode.setAttribute("sortDirection", sortDir);
+ }
+/* Return the static data about an operation (e.g. whether it can be
+ * stopped, etc.). The data returned is always the same for a given op code.
+ */
+function getOperation(op)
+ ASSERT(op in OPS, "Invalid op-code: " + op);
+ return OPS[op];
+/* Returns the live data about an operation (e.g. current state). Accepts
+ * either the op ID or the static data (as returned from getOperation(op)).
+ */
+function getOperationData(op)
+ if (typeof op == "object")
+ return data[op.key];
+ return data[getOperation(op).key];
+// Returns the current state of an operation; accepts same as getOperationData.
+function getOperationState(op)
+ return getOperationData(op).state;
+function startOperation(op)
+ var ops = getOperation(op);
+ if (ops.ignore)
+ return;
+ var dbg = "startOperation(" + ops.key + ")";
+ var opData = getOperationData(ops);
+ // STATE_ERROR operations must not do anything. Assert and bail.
+ if (!ASSERT(opData.state != STATE_ERROR, dbg + " in STATE_ERROR"))
+ return;
+ // Check we can stop a non-idle operation.
+ if (!ASSERT((opData.state == STATE_IDLE) || ops.canStop,
+ dbg + " not in STATE_IDLE and can't stop"))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Stop the current operation.
+ if (opData.state != STATE_IDLE)
+ stopOperation(op);
+ // Begin!
+ var opData = getOperationData(op);
+ opData.state = STATE_START;
+ processOperation(op);
+ ASSERT(opData.state == STATE_RUN, dbg + " didn't enter STATE_RUN");
+function updateOperations()
+ for (var i = 1; i < OPS.length; i++)
+ {
+ var state = getOperationState(i);
+ if ((state == STATE_RUN) || (state == STATE_STOP))
+ processOperation(i);
+ }
+ setTimeout(updateOperations, PROCESS_DELAY);
+function processOperation(op)
+ var ops = getOperation(op);
+ if (ops.ignore)
+ return;
+ var dbg = "processOperation(" + ops.key + ")";
+ var opData = getOperationData(ops);
+ var fn = "processOp";
+ fn += ops.key[0].toUpperCase() + ops.key.substr(1);
+ if (opData.state == STATE_START)
+ fn += "Start";
+ else if (opData.state == STATE_RUN)
+ fn += "Run";
+ else if (opData.state == STATE_STOP)
+ fn += "Stop";
+ // assert and return if we're in a different state:
+ else if (!ASSERT(false, dbg + " invalid state: " + opData.state))
+ return;
+ try
+ {
+ var newState = window[fn](opData);
+ if (typeof newState != "undefined")
+ opData.state = newState;
+ }
+ catch(ex)
+ {
+ /* If an error has occurred, we display it (updateProgress) and then
+ * halt our operations to prevent further damage.
+ */
+ dd("Exception in channels.js: " + dbg + ": " + fn + ": " + formatException(ex));
+ updateProgress(formatException(ex));
+ opData.state = STATE_ERROR;
+ }
+function stopOperation(op)
+ var ops = getOperation(op);
+ if (ops.ignore)
+ return;
+ var dbg = "stopOperation(" + ops.key + ")";
+ var opData = getOperationData(ops);
+ // STATE_ERROR operations must not do anything. Assert and bail.
+ if (!ASSERT(opData.state != STATE_ERROR, dbg + " in STATE_ERROR"))
+ return;
+ // Nothing to do for STATE_IDLE. We shouldn't really be here, so assert.
+ if (!ASSERT(opData.state != STATE_IDLE, dbg + " in STATE_IDLE"))
+ return;
+ // Force the end and process synchronously.
+ opData.state = STATE_STOP;
+ processOperation(op);
+ ASSERT(opData.state == STATE_IDLE, dbg + " didn't enter STATE_IDLE");
+// ***** END OPERATIONS CODE *****
+function processOpListStart(opData)
+ ASSERT(network, "No network");
+ ASSERT(network.isConnected(), "Network is disconnected");
+ // Updates the refresh button.
+ update();
+ // Show a general message until we get some data.
+ updateProgress(MSG_CD_FETCHING, -1);
+ // Get the file we're going to save to, and start the /list.
+ var file = getListFile();
+ network.list("", file.path);
+ return STATE_RUN;
+function processOpListRun(opData)
+ // Update the progress and end if /list done for "list only" state.
+ updateProgress(getMsg(MSG_CD_FETCHED, network._list.count), -1);
+ // Stop if the network's /list has finished.
+ return (network._list.done ? STATE_STOP : STATE_RUN);
+function processOpListStop(opData)
+ // Updates the refresh button.
+ update();
+ // Check that /list finished okay if we're just doing a list.
+ if ("error" in network._list)
+ {
+ updateProgress(MSG_CD_ERROR_LIST);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ updateProgress();
+ if (getOperationState(OP_LOAD) == STATE_IDLE)
+ startOperation(OP_LOAD);
+ }
+ return STATE_IDLE;
+function processOpLoadStart(opData)
+ ASSERT(network, "No network");
+ // Nuke contents.
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = -1;
+ if (tree.view.childData.childData.length > 1)
+ tree.view.childData.removeChildrenAtIndex(1, tree.view.childData.childData.length - 1);
+ var file = getListFile();
+ if (!file.exists())
+ {
+ // We tried to do a load, but the file does not exist. Start a list to
+ // fill up the file.
+ startOperation(OP_LIST);
+ // File still doesn't exist, just give up.
+ if (!file.exists())
+ return STATE_IDLE;
+ }
+ // Nuke more stuff.
+ channels = new Array();
+ // And... here we go.
+ opData.loadFile = new LocalFile(file, "<");
+ opData.loadPendingData = "";
+ opData.loadChunk = 10000;
+ opData.loadedSoFar = 0;
+ return STATE_RUN;
+function processOpLoadRun(opData)
+ // All states before STATE_START are "not running" states.
+ var opListRunning = (getOperationState(OP_LIST) >= STATE_START);
+ var end = Number(new Date()) + PROCESS_TIME_MAX;
+ while (Number(new Date()) < end)
+ {
+ var nlIndex = opData.loadPendingData.indexOf("\n");
+ if (nlIndex == -1)
+ {
+ opData.loadedSoFar += opData.loadChunk;
+ var newChunk =;
+ if (newChunk)
+ opData.loadPendingData += newChunk;
+ nlIndex = opData.loadPendingData.indexOf("\n");
+ if (nlIndex == -1)
+ break;
+ }
+ var line = opData.loadPendingData.substr(0, nlIndex);
+ opData.loadPendingData = opData.loadPendingData.substr(nlIndex + 1);
+ line = toUnicode(line, "UTF-8");
+ var ary = line.match(/^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)$/);
+ if (ary)
+ {
+ var chan = new ChannelEntry(ary[1], ary[2], ary[3]);
+ channels.push(chan);
+ }
+ }
+ var dataLeft = opData.loadFile.inputStream.available();
+ // We shouldn't update the display when listing as well, as we're not
+ // going to show anything useful (always 100% or near to it, and
+ // replaces the 'fetching' message).
+ if (!opListRunning)
+ {
+ var pro = opData.loadedSoFar / (opData.loadedSoFar + dataLeft);
+ pro = Math.round(100 * pro);
+ updateProgress(getMsg(MSG_CD_LOADED, channels.length), pro);
+ }
+ // Done if there is no more data, and we're not *expecting* any more.
+ if ((dataLeft == 0) && !opListRunning)
+ return STATE_STOP;
+ return STATE_RUN;
+function processOpLoadStop(opData)
+ if (channels.length > 0)
+ tree.view.childData.appendChildren(channels);
+ opData.loadFile.close();
+ delete opData.loadFile;
+ delete opData.loadPendingData;
+ delete opData.loadChunk;
+ delete opData.loadedSoFar;
+ delete opData.loadNeverComplete;
+ updateProgress();
+ startOperation(OP_FILTER);
+ return STATE_IDLE;
+function processOpFilterStart(opData)
+ // Catch filtering with the same options on the same channels:
+ var newOptions = {network:,
+ text:,
+ min: xul.minUsers.value * 1,
+ max: xul.maxUsers.value * 1,
+ listLen: channels.length,
+ searchTopics: xul.includeTopic.checked};
+ if (("filterOptions" in window) &&
+ equalsObject(window.filterOptions, newOptions))
+ {
+ return STATE_IDLE;
+ }
+ window.filterOptions = newOptions;
+ opData.text = newOptions.text;
+ opData.searchTopics = newOptions.searchTopics;
+ opData.minUsers = newOptions.min;
+ opData.maxUsers = newOptions.max;
+ opData.exactMatch = null;
+ opData.currentIndex = 0;
+ opData.channelText = opData.text;
+ // Log the filter, indicating which features the user is using.
+ var filters = new Array();
+ if (opData.channelText)
+ filters.push("name");
+ if (opData.searchTopics)
+ filters.push("topics");
+ if (opData.minUsers)
+ filters.push("min-users");
+ if (opData.maxUsers)
+ filters.push("max-users");
+ if (opData.channelText &&
+ (arrayIndexOf(["#", "&", "+", "!"], opData.channelText[0]) == -1))
+ {
+ opData.channelText = "#" + opData.channelText;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Log that user has specified an explicit prefix.
+ filters.push("prefix");
+ }
+ // Update special "create channel" row, and select it.
+ = opData.channelText;
+ tree.newItem.unHide();
+ // Scroll to the top and select the "create channel" row.
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = 0;
+ xul.channels.treeBoxObject.invalidateRow(0);
+ xul.channels.treeBoxObject.scrollToRow(0);
+ ensureRowIsVisible();
+ updateProgress(getMsg(MSG_CD_FILTERING, [0, channels.length]), 0);
+ return STATE_RUN;
+function processOpFilterRun(opData)
+ var end = Number(new Date()) + PROCESS_TIME_MAX;
+ var more = false;
+ // Save selection because freeze/thaw screws it up.
+ // Note that we only save the item if it isn't the "create channel" row.
+ var index = tree.view.selectedIndex;
+ var item = null;
+ if (index > 0)
+ item = tree.view.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(index);
+ tree.view.freeze();
+ for (var i = opData.currentIndex; i < channels.length; i++)
+ {
+ var c = channels[i];
+ var match = (c.nameLC.indexOf(opData.text) != -1) ||
+ (opData.searchTopics &&
+ (c.topicLC.indexOf(opData.text) != -1));
+ if (opData.minUsers && (c.users < opData.minUsers))
+ match = false;
+ if (opData.maxUsers && (c.users > opData.maxUsers))
+ match = false;
+ if (match)
+ c.unHide();
+ else
+ c.hide();
+ if (match && (c.nameLC == opData.channelText))
+ opData.exactMatch = c;
+ opData.currentIndex = i;
+ if ((new Date()) > end)
+ {
+ more = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tree.view.thaw();
+ // No item selected by user, so use our exact match instead.
+ if (!item && opData.exactMatch)
+ item = opData.exactMatch;
+ // Restore selected item.
+ if (item)
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = item.calculateVisualRow();
+ else
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = 0;
+ ensureRowIsVisible();
+ updateProgress(getMsg(MSG_CD_FILTERING,
+ [opData.currentIndex, channels.length]),
+ 100 * opData.currentIndex / channels.length);
+ return (more ? STATE_RUN : STATE_STOP);
+function processOpFilterStop(opData)
+ if (opData.exactMatch)
+ {
+ tree.newItem.hide();
+ }
+ // If nothing is selected, select the "create channel" row.
+ else if (tree.view.selectedIndex < 0)
+ {
+ tree.view.selectedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ ensureRowIsVisible();
+ delete opData.text;
+ delete opData.searchTopics;
+ delete opData.minUsers;
+ delete opData.maxUsers;
+ delete opData.exactMatch;
+ delete opData.currentIndex;
+ delete opData.channelText;
+ updateProgress();
+ return STATE_IDLE;
+function ensureRowIsVisible()
+ if (tree.view.selectedIndex >= 0)
+ xul.channels.treeBoxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(tree.view.selectedIndex);
+ else
+ xul.channels.treeBoxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(0);
+function getListFile(temp)
+ ASSERT(network, "No network");
+ var file = new LocalFile(network.prefs["logFileName"]);
+ if (temp)
+ file.localFile.leafName = "list.temp";
+ else
+ file.localFile.leafName = "list.txt";
+ return file.localFile;
+// Tree ChannelEntry objects //
+function ChannelEntry(name, users, topic)
+ this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColName", "name");
+ this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColUsers", "users");
+ this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColTopic", "topic");
+ // Nuke color codes and bold etc.
+ topic = topic.replace(/[\x1F\x02\x0F\x16]/g, "");
+ topic = topic.replace(/\x03\d{1,2}(?:,\d{1,2})?/g, "");
+ = name;
+ this.users = users;
+ this.topic = topic;
+ this.nameLC =;
+ this.topicLC = this.topic.toLowerCase();
+ChannelEntry.prototype = new XULTreeViewRecord(tree.share);
+ChannelEntry.prototype.sortCompare =
+function chanentry_sortcmp(a, b)
+ var sc = a._share.sortColumn;
+ var sd = a._share.sortDirection;
+ // Make sure the special 'first' row is always first.
+ if ("first" in a)
+ return -1;
+ if ("first" in b)
+ return 1;
+ if (sc == "users")
+ {
+ // Force a numeric comparison.
+ a = 1 * a[sc];
+ b = 1 * b[sc];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Case-insensitive, please.
+ a = a[sc].toLowerCase();
+ b = b[sc].toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if (a < b)
+ return -1 * sd;
+ if (a > b)
+ return 1 * sd;
+ return 0;