path: root/comm/suite/components/bindings/textbox.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/suite/components/bindings/textbox.xml')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/components/bindings/textbox.xml b/comm/suite/components/bindings/textbox.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74893c29a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/components/bindings/textbox.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- This files relies on these specific Chrome/XBL globals -->
+<!-- globals ChromeWindow -->
+<!DOCTYPE bindings [
+ <!ENTITY % textcontextDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/textcontext.dtd" >
+ %textcontextDTD;
+<bindings id="textboxBindings"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:html=""
+ xmlns:xul=""
+ xmlns:xbl="">
+ <binding id="textbox">
+ <content>
+ <children/>
+ <xul:moz-input-box class="textbox-input-box" flex="1"
+ xbl:inherits="context,spellcheck">
+ <html:input class="textbox-input" anonid="input"
+ xbl:inherits="value,type,maxlength,disabled,size,readonly,placeholder,tabindex,accesskey,noinitialfocus,mozactionhint,spellcheck"/>
+ </xul:moz-input-box>
+ </content>
+ <implementation implements="nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement">
+ <!-- nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement -->
+ <field name="crop">""</field>
+ <field name="image">""</field>
+ <field name="command">""</field>
+ <field name="accessKey">""</field>
+ <field name="mInputField">null</field>
+ <field name="mIgnoreClick">false</field>
+ <field name="mIgnoreFocus">false</field>
+ <field name="mEditor">null</field>
+ <property name="inputField" readonly="true">
+ <getter><![CDATA[
+ if (!this.mInputField)
+ this.mInputField = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "input");
+ return this.mInputField;
+ ]]></getter>
+ </property>
+ <property name="value" onset="this.inputField.value = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.value;"/>
+ <property name="defaultValue" onset="this.inputField.defaultValue = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.defaultValue;"/>
+ <property name="label" onset="this.setAttribute('label', val); return val;"
+ onget="return this.getAttribute('label') ||
+ (this.labelElement ? this.labelElement.value :
+ this.placeholder);"/>
+ <property name="placeholder" onset="this.inputField.placeholder = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.placeholder;"/>
+ <property name="emptyText" onset="this.placeholder = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.placeholder;"/>
+ <property name="type" onset="if (val) this.setAttribute('type', val);
+ else this.removeAttribute('type'); return val;"
+ onget="return this.getAttribute('type');"/>
+ <property name="maxLength" onset="this.inputField.maxLength = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.maxLength;"/>
+ <property name="disabled" onset="this.inputField.disabled = val;
+ if (val) this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
+ else this.removeAttribute('disabled'); return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.disabled;"/>
+ <property name="tabIndex" onget="return parseInt(this.getAttribute('tabindex'));"
+ onset="this.inputField.tabIndex = val;
+ if (val) this.setAttribute('tabindex', val);
+ else this.removeAttribute('tabindex'); return val;"/>
+ <property name="size" onset="this.inputField.size = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.size;"/>
+ <property name="readOnly" onset="this.inputField.readOnly = val;
+ if (val) this.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');
+ else this.removeAttribute('readonly'); return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.readOnly;"/>
+ <property name="clickSelectsAll"
+ onget="return this.getAttribute('clickSelectsAll') == 'true';"
+ onset="if (val) this.setAttribute('clickSelectsAll', 'true');
+ else this.removeAttribute('clickSelectsAll'); return val;" />
+ <property name="editor" readonly="true">
+ <getter><![CDATA[
+ if (!this.mEditor) {
+ this.mEditor = this.inputField.editor;
+ }
+ return this.mEditor;
+ ]]></getter>
+ </property>
+ <method name="reset">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ this.value = this.defaultValue;
+ if (!this.editor) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.editor.clearUndoRedo();
+ return true;
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="select">
+ <body>
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ <property name="controllers" readonly="true" onget="return this.inputField.controllers"/>
+ <property name="textLength" readonly="true"
+ onget="return this.inputField.textLength;"/>
+ <property name="selectionStart" onset="this.inputField.selectionStart = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.selectionStart;"/>
+ <property name="selectionEnd" onset="this.inputField.selectionEnd = val; return val;"
+ onget="return this.inputField.selectionEnd;"/>
+ <method name="setSelectionRange">
+ <parameter name="aSelectionStart"/>
+ <parameter name="aSelectionEnd"/>
+ <body>
+ this.inputField.setSelectionRange(aSelectionStart, aSelectionEnd);
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="_setNewlineHandling">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var str = this.getAttribute("newlines");
+ if (str && this.editor) {
+ for (let x in Ci.nsIEditor) {
+ if (/^eNewlines/.test(x)) {
+ if (str == RegExp.rightContext.toLowerCase()) {
+ this.editor.newlineHandling = Ci.nsIEditor[x];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="_maybeSelectAll">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (!this.mIgnoreClick && this.clickSelectsAll &&
+ document.activeElement == this.inputField &&
+ this.inputField.selectionStart == this.inputField.selectionEnd)
+ this.editor.selectAll();
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <constructor><![CDATA[
+ var str = this.boxObject.getProperty("value");
+ if (str) {
+ this.inputField.value = str;
+ this.boxObject.removeProperty("value");
+ }
+ this._setNewlineHandling();
+ if (this.hasAttribute("emptytext"))
+ this.placeholder = this.getAttribute("emptytext");
+ ]]></constructor>
+ <destructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ var field = this.inputField;
+ if (field && field.value)
+ this.boxObject.setProperty("value", field.value);
+ this.mInputField = null;
+ ]]>
+ </destructor>
+ </implementation>
+ <handlers>
+ <handler event="focus" phase="capturing">
+ <![CDATA[
+ if (this.hasAttribute("focused"))
+ return;
+ switch (event.originalTarget) {
+ case this:
+ // Forward focus to actual HTML input
+ this.inputField.focus();
+ break;
+ case this.inputField:
+ if (this.mIgnoreFocus) {
+ this.mIgnoreFocus = false;
+ } else if (this.clickSelectsAll) {
+ try {
+ if (!this.editor || !this.editor.composing)
+ this.editor.selectAll();
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Allow other children (e.g. URL bar buttons) to get focus
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setAttribute("focused", "true");
+ ]]>
+ </handler>
+ <handler event="blur" phase="capturing">
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.removeAttribute("focused");
+ // don't trigger clickSelectsAll when switching application windows
+ if (window == &&
+ window.isChromeWindow &&
+ document.activeElement == this.inputField)
+ this.mIgnoreFocus = true;
+ ]]>
+ </handler>
+ <handler event="mousedown">
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.mIgnoreClick = this.hasAttribute("focused");
+ if (!this.mIgnoreClick) {
+ this.mIgnoreFocus = true;
+ this.inputField.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
+ if (event.originalTarget == this ||
+ event.originalTarget == this.inputField.parentNode)
+ this.inputField.focus();
+ }
+ ]]>
+ </handler>
+ <handler event="click" action="this._maybeSelectAll();"/>
+#ifndef XP_WIN
+ <handler event="contextmenu">
+ // Only care about context clicks on the textbox itself.
+ if ( != this)
+ return;
+ if (!event.button) // context menu opened via keyboard shortcut
+ return;
+ this._maybeSelectAll();
+ // see bug 576135 comment 4
+ let box = this.inputField.parentNode;
+ box._doPopupItemEnabling(box.menupopup);
+ </handler>
+ </handlers>
+ </binding>