path: root/comm/suite/components/helpviewer/content/help.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/suite/components/helpviewer/content/help.js')
1 files changed, 856 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/components/helpviewer/content/help.js b/comm/suite/components/helpviewer/content/help.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a7d0b1cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/components/helpviewer/content/help.js
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+var { AppConstants } =
+ ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
+// Global Variables
+var helpExternal;
+var helpBrowser;
+var helpSearchPanel;
+var emptySearch;
+var emptySearchText;
+var emptySearchLink = "about:blank";
+var helpTocPanel;
+var helpIndexPanel;
+var helpGlossaryPanel;
+var strBundle;
+var gTocDSList = "";
+// Namespaces
+const NC = "";
+const MAX_LEVEL = 40; // maximum depth of recursion in search datasources.
+const platform = getCurrentPlatform();
+// Resources
+const RDF = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIRDFService);
+const RDF_ROOT = RDF.GetResource("urn:root");
+const NC_PANELLIST = RDF.GetResource(NC + "panellist");
+const NC_PANELID = RDF.GetResource(NC + "panelid");
+const NC_EMPTY_SEARCH_TEXT = RDF.GetResource(NC + "emptysearchtext");
+const NC_EMPTY_SEARCH_LINK = RDF.GetResource(NC + "emptysearchlink");
+const NC_DATASOURCES = RDF.GetResource(NC + "datasources");
+const NC_PLATFORM = RDF.GetResource(NC + "platform");
+const NC_SUBHEADINGS = RDF.GetResource(NC + "subheadings");
+const NC_NAME = RDF.GetResource(NC + "name");
+const NC_CHILD = RDF.GetResource(NC + "child");
+const NC_LINK = RDF.GetResource(NC + "link");
+const NC_TITLE = RDF.GetResource(NC + "title");
+const NC_BASE = RDF.GetResource(NC + "base");
+const NC_DEFAULTTOPIC = RDF.GetResource(NC + "defaulttopic");
+var RDFContainer = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIRDFContainer);
+var RE;
+var helpFileURI;
+var helpFileDS;
+// Set from nc:base attribute on help rdf file. It may be used for prefix
+// reduction on all links within the current help set.
+var helpBaseURI;
+/* defaultTopic is either set
+ 1. in the openHelp() call, passed as an argument to the Help window and
+ evaluated in init(), or
+ 2. in nc:defaulttopic in the content pack (e.g. firebirdhelp.rdf),
+ evaluated in loadHelpRDF(), or
+ 3. "welcome" as a fallback, specified in loadHelpRDF() as well;
+ displayTopic() then uses defaultTopic because topic is null. */
+var defaultTopic;
+const NSRESULT_RDF_SYNTAX_ERROR = 0x804e03f7;
+// Translate the current application platform to one the
+// help viewer understands.
+function getCurrentPlatform() {
+ // The supported platforms are defined in
+ // suite/locales/en-US/chrome/common/help/suitehelp.rdf.
+ // We can't just return the current platform 1:1 because
+ // this would need l10n changes for all languages.
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
+ return "win";
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
+ return "mac";
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "linux") {
+ return "unix";
+ }
+ // We never end up here in official builds.
+ return "---";
+// This function is called by dialogs/windows that want to display
+// context-sensitive help
+// These dialogs/windows should include the script
+// chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js
+function displayTopic(topic) {
+ // Get the page to open.
+ var uri = getLink(topic);
+ // Use default topic if specified topic is not found.
+ if (!uri) {
+ uri = getLink(defaultTopic);
+ }
+ // Load the page.
+ if (uri)
+ loadURI(uri);
+// Initialize the Help window
+function init() {
+ // Cache panel references.
+ helpSearchPanel = document.getElementById("help-search-panel");
+ helpTocPanel = document.getElementById("help-toc-panel");
+ helpIndexPanel = document.getElementById("help-index-panel");
+ helpGlossaryPanel = document.getElementById("help-glossary-panel");
+ helpBrowser = document.getElementById("help-content");
+ // Turn off unnecessary features for security
+ helpBrowser.docShell.allowJavascript = false;
+ helpBrowser.docShell.allowPlugins = false;
+ helpBrowser.docShell.allowSubframes = false;
+ helpBrowser.docShell.allowMetaRedirects = false;
+ strBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_help");
+ emptySearchText = strBundle.getString("emptySearchText");
+ // Get the content pack, base URL, and help topic
+ var helpTopic = defaultTopic;
+ if ("arguments" in window &&
+ window.arguments[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDialogParamBlock) {
+ helpFileURI = window.arguments[0].GetString(0);
+ // trailing "/" included.
+ helpBaseURI = helpFileURI.substring(0, helpFileURI.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
+ helpTopic = window.arguments[0].GetString(1);
+ }
+ loadHelpRDF();
+ displayTopic(helpTopic);
+ // Move to Center of Screen
+ const width = document.documentElement.getAttribute("width");
+ const height = document.documentElement.getAttribute("height");
+ window.moveTo((screen.availWidth - width) / 2, (screen.availHeight - height) / 2);
+ // Initialize history.
+ getWebNavigation().sessionHistory =
+ Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISHistory);
+ window.XULBrowserWindow = new nsHelpStatusHandler();
+ //Start the status handler.
+ window.XULBrowserWindow.init();
+ // Hook up UI through Progress Listener
+ const interfaceRequestor = helpBrowser.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
+ const webProgress = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress);
+ webProgress.addProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL);
+ var searchBox = document.getElementById("findText");
+ searchBox.clickSelectsAll = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll", true);
+ setTimeout(focusSearch, 0);
+ helpExternal = document.getElementById("help-external");
+ helpExternal.docShell.useErrorPages = false;
+ helpExternal
+ .docShell
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(Ci.nsIURIContentListener)
+ .parentContentListener = helpContentListener;
+ helpExternal.addProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL);
+function contentClick(event) {
+ // is this a left click on a link?
+ if (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || event.button != 0)
+ return true;
+ // is this a link?
+ var target =;
+ while (!(target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement))
+ if (!(target = target.parentNode))
+ return true;
+ // is this an internal link?
+ if (target.href.lastIndexOf("chrome:", 0) == 0)
+ return true;
+ var uri = target.href;
+ if (/^x-moz-url-link:/.test(uri))
+ uri = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(RegExp.rightContext);
+ try {
+ helpExternal.webNavigation
+ .loadURI(uri,
+ Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_IS_LINK,
+ null, null, null,
+ Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return false;
+function showSidebar() {
+ document.getElementById("help-sidebar-splitter").setAttribute("state", "open");
+// needed by findUtils.js
+var gFindInstData;
+function getFindInstData()
+ if (!gFindInstData) {
+ gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData();
+ gFindInstData.browser = getBrowser();
+ // defaults for rootSearchWindow and currentSearchWindow are fine here
+ }
+ return gFindInstData;
+function showSearchSidebar() {
+ // if you tab too quickly, you end up with stuck focus, revert focus to the searchbar
+ var searchTree = document.getElementById("help-toc-panel");
+ if (searchTree.treeBoxObject.focused) {
+ focusSearch();
+ }
+ var tableOfContents = document.getElementById("help-toc-sidebar");
+ tableOfContents.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ var sidebar = document.getElementById("help-search-sidebar");
+ sidebar.removeAttribute("hidden");
+function hideSearchSidebar(aEvent) {
+ // if we're focused in the search results, focus content
+ var searchTree = document.getElementById("help-search-tree");
+ if (searchTree.treeBoxObject.focused) {
+ content.focus();
+ }
+ var sidebar = document.getElementById("help-search-sidebar");
+ sidebar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ var tableOfContents = document.getElementById("help-toc-sidebar");
+ tableOfContents.removeAttribute("hidden");
+// loadHelpRDF
+// Parse the provided help content pack RDF file, and use it to
+// populate the datasources attached to the trees in the viewer.
+// Filter out any information not applicable to the user's platform.
+function loadHelpRDF() {
+ if (!helpFileDS) {
+ try {
+ helpFileDS = RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(helpFileURI);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e.result == NSRESULT_RDF_SYNTAX_ERROR) {
+ log("Help file: " + helpFileURI + " contains a syntax error.");
+ } else {
+ log("Help file: " + helpFileURI + " was not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ document.title = getAttribute(helpFileDS, RDF_ROOT, NC_TITLE, "");
+ helpBaseURI = getAttribute(helpFileDS, RDF_ROOT, NC_BASE, helpBaseURI);
+ // if there's no nc:defaulttopic in the content pack, set "welcome"
+ // as the default topic
+ defaultTopic = getAttribute(helpFileDS,
+ var panelDefs = helpFileDS.GetTarget(RDF_ROOT, NC_PANELLIST, true);
+ RDFContainer.Init(helpFileDS, panelDefs);
+ var iterator = RDFContainer.GetElements();
+ while (iterator.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var panelDef = iterator.getNext();
+ var panelID = getAttribute(helpFileDS, panelDef, NC_PANELID, null);
+ var datasources = getAttribute(helpFileDS, panelDef, NC_DATASOURCES, "");
+ var panelPlatforms = getAttribute(helpFileDS, panelDef, NC_PLATFORM, null);
+ if (panelPlatforms && !panelPlatforms.split(/\s+/).includes(platform))
+ continue; // ignore datasources for other platforms
+ // empty datasources are valid on search panel definitions
+ // convert them to "rdf:null" which can be filtered and ignored
+ if (!datasources)
+ datasources = "rdf:null";
+ datasources = normalizeLinks(helpBaseURI, datasources);
+ var datasourceArray = datasources.split(/\s+/)
+ .filter(function(x) { return x != "rdf:null"; })
+ .map(RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking);
+ // Cache Additional Datasources to Augment Search Datasources.
+ if (panelID == "search") {
+ emptySearchText = getAttribute(helpFileDS, panelDef, NC_EMPTY_SEARCH_TEXT, emptySearchText);
+ emptySearchLink = getAttribute(helpFileDS, panelDef, NC_EMPTY_SEARCH_LINK, emptySearchLink);
+ datasourceArray.forEach(helpSearchPanel.database.AddDataSource,
+ helpSearchPanel.database);
+ if (!panelPlatforms)
+ filterDatasourceByPlatform(helpSearchPanel.database);
+ continue; // to next panel definition
+ }
+ // cache toc datasources list for use in getLink()
+ if (panelID == "toc")
+ gTocDSList += " " + datasources;
+ var tree = document.getElementById("help-" + panelID + "-panel");
+ // add each datasource to the current tree
+ datasourceArray.forEach(tree.database.AddDataSource,
+ tree.database);
+ // filter and display the current tree
+ if (!panelPlatforms)
+ filterDatasourceByPlatform(tree.database);
+ tree.builder.rebuild();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ log(e + "");
+ }
+ }
+// filterDatasourceByPlatform
+// Remove statements for other platforms from a datasource.
+function filterDatasourceByPlatform(aDatasource) {
+ filterNodeByPlatform(aDatasource, RDF_ROOT, 0);
+// filterNodeByPlatform
+// Remove statements for other platforms from the provided datasource.
+function filterNodeByPlatform(aDatasource, aCurrentResource, aCurrentLevel) {
+ if (aCurrentLevel > MAX_LEVEL) {
+ log("Datasources over " + MAX_LEVEL + " levels deep are unsupported.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the subheadings under aCurrentResource and filter them
+ var nodes = aDatasource.GetTargets(aCurrentResource, NC_SUBHEADINGS, true);
+ while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var node = nodes.getNext();
+ node = node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource);
+ // should we test for rdf:Seq here? see also doFindOnDatasource
+ filterSeqByPlatform(aDatasource, node, aCurrentLevel+1);
+ }
+// filterSeqByPlatform
+// Go through the children of aNode, if any, removing statements applicable
+// only on other platforms.
+function filterSeqByPlatform(aDatasource, aNode, aCurrentLevel) {
+ // get nc:subheading children into an enumerator
+ var RDFC = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIRDFContainer);
+ RDFC.Init(aDatasource, aNode);
+ var targets = RDFC.GetElements();
+ // process items in the rdf:Seq
+ while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var currentTarget = targets.getNext();
+ // find out on which platforms this node is meaningful
+ var nodePlatforms = getAttribute(aDatasource,
+ currentTarget.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource),
+ platform);
+ if (!nodePlatforms.split(/\s+/).includes(platform)) { // node is for another platform
+ var currentNode = currentTarget.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFNode);
+ // "false" because we don't want to renumber elements in the container
+ RDFC.RemoveElement(currentNode, false);
+ // move to next node - ignore the children, because 1) they might be
+ // needed elsewhere and 2) nodes not connected to RDF_ROOT are ignored
+ continue;
+ }
+ // filter any children
+ filterNodeByPlatform(aDatasource, currentTarget, aCurrentLevel+1);
+ }
+// Prepend helpBaseURI to list of space separated links if they don't start with
+// "chrome:"
+function normalizeLinks(helpBaseURI, links) {
+ if (!helpBaseURI) {
+ return links;
+ }
+ var ls = links.split(/\s+/);
+ if (ls.length == 0) {
+ return links;
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i < ls.length; ++i) {
+ if (ls[i] == "")
+ continue;
+ if (ls[i].substr(0,7) != "chrome:" && ls[i].substr(0,4) != "rdf:")
+ ls[i] = helpBaseURI + ls[i];
+ }
+ return ls.join(" ");
+function getLink(ID) {
+ if (!ID)
+ return null;
+ var tocDS = document.getElementById("help-toc-panel").database;
+ if (!tocDS)
+ return null;
+ // URIs include both the ID part and the base file name,
+ // so we need to check for a matching ID in each datasource
+ var tocDSArray = gTocDSList.split(/\s+/)
+ .filter(function(x) { return x != "rdf:null"; });
+ for (var i = 0; i < tocDSArray.length; i++) {
+ var resource = RDF.GetResource(tocDSArray[i] + "#" + ID);
+ var link = tocDS.GetTarget(resource, NC_LINK, true);
+ if (!link) // no such rdf:ID found
+ continue;
+ return link.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
+ }
+ return null;
+// Called by contextHelp.js to determine if this window is displaying the
+// requested help file.
+function getHelpFileURI() {
+ return helpFileURI;
+function getBrowser() {
+ return helpBrowser;
+function getWebNavigation() {
+ try {
+ return helpBrowser.webNavigation;
+ } catch (e)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+function loadURI(uri) {
+ if (uri.substr(0,7) != "chrome:") {
+ uri = helpBaseURI + uri;
+ }
+ getWebNavigation().loadURI(uri,
+ Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE,
+ null, null, null,
+ Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
+function goBack() {
+ try
+ {
+ getWebNavigation().goBack();
+ } catch (e)
+ {
+ }
+function goForward() {
+ try
+ {
+ getWebNavigation().goForward();
+ } catch(e)
+ {
+ }
+function goHome() {
+ // Load "Welcome" page
+ displayTopic(defaultTopic);
+function print() {
+ try {
+ _content.print();
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+function FillHistoryMenu(aParent, aMenu)
+ {
+ // Remove old entries if any
+ deleteHistoryItems(aParent);
+ var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory;
+ var count = sessionHistory.count;
+ var index = sessionHistory.index;
+ var end;
+ var j;
+ var entry;
+ switch (aMenu)
+ {
+ case "back":
+ end = (index > MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS) ? index - MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS : 0;
+ if ((index - 1) < end) return false;
+ for (j = index - 1; j >= end; j--)
+ {
+ entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j);
+ if (entry)
+ createMenuItem(aParent, j, entry.title);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "forward":
+ end = ((count-index) > MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS) ? index + MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS : count - 1;
+ if ((index + 1) > end) return false;
+ for (j = index + 1; j <= end; j++)
+ {
+ entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j);
+ if (entry)
+ createMenuItem(aParent, j, entry.title);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+function createMenuItem( aParent, aIndex, aLabel)
+ {
+ var menuitem = document.createElement( "menuitem" );
+ menuitem.setAttribute( "label", aLabel );
+ menuitem.setAttribute( "index", aIndex );
+ aParent.appendChild( menuitem );
+ }
+function deleteHistoryItems(aParent)
+ var children = aParent.childNodes;
+ for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ var index = children[i].getAttribute("index");
+ if (index)
+ aParent.removeChild(children[i]);
+ }
+function createBackMenu(event) {
+ return FillHistoryMenu(, "back");
+function createForwardMenu(event) {
+ return FillHistoryMenu(, "forward");
+function gotoHistoryIndex(aEvent) {
+ var index ="index");
+ if (!index) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ getWebNavigation().gotoIndex(index);
+ } catch(ex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function nsHelpStatusHandler() {
+ this.init();
+nsHelpStatusHandler.prototype = {
+ onStateChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) {},
+ onProgressChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress,
+ aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress) {},
+ onStatusChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage) {},
+ onSecurityChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, state) {},
+ onLocationChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation, aFlags) {
+ UpdateBackForwardButtons();
+ },
+ QueryInterface : function(aIID) {
+ if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
+ aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
+ aIID.equals(Ci.nsIXULBrowserWindow) ||
+ aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ init : function() {},
+ destroy : function() {},
+ setJSStatus : function(status) {},
+ setOverLink : function(link, context) {},
+ onBeforeLinkTraversal: function(originalTarget, linkURI, linkNode, isAppTab) {}
+function UpdateBackForwardButtons() {
+ var backBroadcaster = document.getElementById("canGoBack");
+ var forwardBroadcaster = document.getElementById("canGoForward");
+ var webNavigation = getWebNavigation();
+ // Avoid setting attributes on broadcasters if the value hasn't changed!
+ // Remember, guys, setting attributes on elements is expensive! They
+ // get inherited into anonymous content, broadcast to other widgets, etc.!
+ // Don't do it if the value hasn't changed! - dwh
+ var backDisabled = (backBroadcaster.getAttribute("disabled") == "true");
+ var forwardDisabled = (forwardBroadcaster.getAttribute("disabled") == "true");
+ if (backDisabled == webNavigation.canGoBack) {
+ if (backDisabled)
+ backBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ else
+ backBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+ }
+ if (forwardDisabled == webNavigation.canGoForward) {
+ if (forwardDisabled)
+ forwardBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ else
+ forwardBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+ }
+function onselect_loadURI(tree) {
+ try {
+ var resource = tree.view.getResourceAtIndex(tree.currentIndex);
+ var link = tree.database.GetTarget(resource, NC_LINK, true);
+ if (link) {
+ link = link.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFLiteral);
+ loadURI(link.Value);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ }// when switching between tabs a spurious row number is returned.
+function focusSearch() {
+ var searchBox = document.getElementById("findText");
+ searchBox.focus();
+// doFind - Searches the help files for what is located in findText and outputs into
+// the find search tree.
+function doFind() {
+ if (document.getElementById("help-search-sidebar").hidden)
+ showSearchSidebar();
+ var searchTree = document.getElementById("help-search-tree");
+ var findText = document.getElementById("findText");
+ // clear any previous results.
+ clearDatabases(searchTree.database);
+ // if the search string is empty or contains only whitespace, purge the results tree and return
+ RE = findText.value.match(/\S+/g);
+ if (!RE) {
+ searchTree.builder.rebuild();
+ hideSearchSidebar();
+ return;
+ }
+ // compile the search string, which has already been split up above, into regexps
+ for (var i=0; i < RE.length; ++i) {
+ RE[i] = new RegExp(RE[i], "i");
+ }
+ emptySearch = true;
+ // search TOC
+ var resultsDS = Cc[";1?name=in-memory-datasource"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIRDFDataSource);
+ var sourceDS = helpTocPanel.database;
+ doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, RDF_ROOT, 0);
+ // search glossary.
+ sourceDS = helpGlossaryPanel.database;
+ doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, RDF_ROOT, 0);
+ // search index
+ sourceDS = helpIndexPanel.database;
+ doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, RDF_ROOT, 0);
+ // search additional search datasources
+ sourceDS = helpSearchPanel.database;
+ doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, RDF_ROOT, 0);
+ if (emptySearch)
+ assertSearchEmpty(resultsDS);
+ // Add the datasource to the search tree
+ searchTree.database.AddDataSource(resultsDS);
+ searchTree.builder.rebuild();
+function clearDatabases(compositeDataSource) {
+ var enumDS = compositeDataSource.GetDataSources()
+ while (enumDS.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var ds = enumDS.getNext();
+ compositeDataSource.RemoveDataSource(ds);
+ }
+function doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, resource, level) {
+ if (level > MAX_LEVEL) {
+ try {
+ log("Recursive reference to resource: " + resource.Value + ".");
+ } catch (e) {
+ log("Recursive reference to unknown resource.");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // find all SUBHEADING children of current resource.
+ var targets = sourceDS.GetTargets(resource, NC_SUBHEADINGS, true);
+ while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var target = targets.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource);
+ // The first child of a rdf:subheading should (must) be a rdf:seq.
+ // Should we test for a SEQ here?
+ doFindOnSeq(resultsDS, sourceDS, target, level+1);
+ }
+function doFindOnSeq(resultsDS, sourceDS, resource, level) {
+ // load up an RDFContainer so we can access the contents of the current
+ // rdf:seq.
+ RDFContainer.Init(sourceDS, resource);
+ var targets = RDFContainer.GetElements();
+ while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
+ var target = targets.getNext();
+ var link = sourceDS.GetTarget(target, NC_LINK, true);
+ var name = sourceDS.GetTarget(target, NC_NAME, true);
+ if (link && name instanceof Ci.nsIRDFLiteral && isMatch(name.Value)) {
+ // we have found a search entry - add it to the results datasource.
+ var urn = RDF.GetAnonymousResource();
+ resultsDS.Assert(urn, NC_NAME, name, true);
+ resultsDS.Assert(urn, NC_LINK, link, true);
+ resultsDS.Assert(RDF_ROOT, NC_CHILD, urn, true);
+ emptySearch = false;
+ }
+ // process any nested rdf:seq elements.
+ doFindOnDatasource(resultsDS, sourceDS, target, level+1);
+ }
+function assertSearchEmpty(resultsDS) {
+ var resSearchEmpty = RDF.GetResource("urn:emptySearch");
+ resultsDS.Assert(RDF_ROOT,
+ resSearchEmpty,
+ true);
+ resultsDS.Assert(resSearchEmpty,
+ RDF.GetLiteral(emptySearchText),
+ true);
+ resultsDS.Assert(resSearchEmpty,
+ RDF.GetLiteral(emptySearchLink),
+ true);
+function isMatch(text) {
+ for (var i=0; i < RE.length; ++i ) {
+ if (!RE[i].test(text)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function getAttribute(datasource, resource, attributeResourceName,
+ defaultValue) {
+ var literal = datasource.GetTarget(resource, attributeResourceName, true);
+ if (!literal) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return getLiteralValue(literal, defaultValue);
+function getLiteralValue(literal, defaultValue) {
+ if (literal) {
+ literal = literal.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFLiteral);
+ if (literal) {
+ return literal.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defaultValue) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return null;
+// Write debug string to error console.
+function log(aText) {
+ Services.console.logStringMessage(aText);
+// getXulWin - Returns the current Help window as a nsIXULWindow.
+function getXulWin()
+ window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
+ var webnav = window.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
+ var dsti = webnav.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem);
+ var treeowner = dsti.treeOwner;
+ var ifreq = treeowner.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
+ return ifreq.getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow);
+// toggleZLevel - Toggles whether or not the window will always appear on top. Because
+// alwaysRaised is not supported on an OS other than Windows, this code will not
+// be used in those builds.
+// element - The DOM node that persists the checked state.
+function toggleZLevel(element)
+ if (AppConstants.platform != "win") {
+ return;
+ }
+ var xulwin = getXulWin();
+ // Now we can flip the zLevel, and set the attribute so that it persists correctly
+ if (xulwin.zLevel > xulwin.normalZ) {
+ xulwin.zLevel = xulwin.normalZ;
+ element.setAttribute("checked", "false");
+ } else {
+ xulwin.zLevel = xulwin.raisedZ;
+ element.setAttribute("checked", "true");
+ }
+var helpContentListener = {
+ doContent: function(aContentType, aIsContentPreferred, aRequest, aContentHandler) {
+ },
+ isPreferred: function(aContentType, aDesiredContentType) {
+ return false;
+ },
+ canHandleContent: function(aContentType, aIsContentPreferred, aDesiredContentType) {
+ return false;
+ },
+ loadCookie: null,
+ parentContentListener: null,
+ QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
+ if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIURIContentListener) ||
+ aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
+ aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
+ return this;
+ }