path: root/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/suite/components/sanitize/content')
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.js b/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aadc73ad10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+var { Sanitizer } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/Sanitizer.jsm");
+var gSanitizePromptDialog = {
+ get bundleSanitize() {
+ if (!this._bundleSanitize)
+ this._bundleSanitize = document.getElementById("bundleSanitize");
+ return this._bundleSanitize;
+ },
+ get selectedTimespan() {
+ var durList = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationChoice");
+ return parseInt(durList.value);
+ },
+ get sanitizePreferences() {
+ if (!this._sanitizePreferences) {
+ this._sanitizePreferences =
+ document.getElementById("sanitizePreferences");
+ }
+ return this._sanitizePreferences;
+ },
+ init() {
+ document.documentElement.getButton("accept").label =
+ this.bundleSanitize.getString("sanitizeButtonOK");
+ },
+ sanitize() {
+ // Update pref values before handing off to the sanitizer.
+ this.updatePrefs();
+ // As the sanitize is async, we disable the buttons, update the label on
+ // the 'accept' button to indicate things are happening and return false.
+ // Once the async operation completes (either with or without errors)
+ // we close the window.
+ let docElt = document.documentElement;
+ let acceptButton = docElt.getButton("accept");
+ acceptButton.disabled = true;
+ acceptButton.setAttribute("label",
+ this.bundleSanitize
+ .getString("sanitizeButtonClearing"));
+ docElt.getButton("cancel").disabled = true;
+ try {
+ let range = Sanitizer.getClearRange(this.selectedTimespan);
+ let options = {
+ ignoreTimespan: !range,
+ range,
+ };
+ Sanitizer.sanitize(null, options)
+ .catch(Cu.reportError)
+ .then(() => window.close())
+ .catch(Cu.reportError);
+ return false;
+ } catch (er) {
+ Cu.reportError("Exception during sanitize: " + er);
+ return true; // We *do* want to close immediately on error.
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Called when the value of a preference element is synced from the actual
+ * pref. Enables or disables the OK button appropriately.
+ */
+ onReadGeneric() {
+ var found = false;
+ // Find any other pref that's checked and enabled.
+ var i = 0;
+ while (!found && i < this.sanitizePreferences.childNodes.length) {
+ var preference = this.sanitizePreferences.childNodes[i];
+ found = !!preference.value &&
+ !preference.disabled;
+ i++;
+ }
+ try {
+ document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = !found;
+ } catch (e) { }
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sanitizer.prototype.sanitize() requires the prefs to be up-to-date.
+ * Because the type of this prefwindow is "child" -- and that's needed
+ * because without it the dialog has no OK and Cancel buttons -- the
+ * prefs are not updated on dialogaccept on platforms that don't support
+ * instant-apply (i.e., Windows). We must therefore manually set the prefs
+ * from their corresponding preference elements.
+ */
+ updatePrefs() {
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref(Sanitizer.PREF_TIMESPAN, this.selectedTimespan);
+ // Now manually set the prefs from their corresponding preference
+ // elements.
+ var prefs = this.sanitizePreferences.rootBranch;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.sanitizePreferences.childNodes.length; ++i) {
+ var p = this.sanitizePreferences.childNodes[i];
+ prefs.setBoolPref(, p.value);
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.xul b/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.xul
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86c641751c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/components/sanitize/content/sanitizeDialog.xul
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://communicator/skin/sanitizeDialog.css"?>
+<!DOCTYPE prefwindow [
+ <!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
+ %brandDTD;
+ <!ENTITY % sanitizeDTD SYSTEM "chrome://communicator/locale/sanitize.dtd">
+ %sanitizeDTD;
+<dialog id="SanitizeDialog"
+ xmlns=""
+ title="&sanitizeDialog.title;"
+ dlgbuttons="accept,cancel"
+ style="width: &sanitizeDialog.width;;"
+ onload="gSanitizePromptDialog.init();"
+ ondialogaccept="return gSanitizePromptDialog.sanitize();">
+ <script src="chrome://communicator/content/sanitizeDialog.js"/>
+ <stringbundle id="bundleSanitize"
+ src="chrome://communicator/locale/"/>
+ <prefpane id="SanitizeDialogPane">
+ <preferences id="sanitizePreferences">
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.history"
+ name="privacy.cpd.history"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.urlbar"
+ name="privacy.cpd.urlbar"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.downloads"
+ name="privacy.cpd.downloads"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.formdata"
+ name="privacy.cpd.formdata"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.cache"
+ name="privacy.cpd.cache"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.cookies"
+ name="privacy.cpd.cookies"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.offlineApps"
+ name="privacy.cpd.offlineApps"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.passwords"
+ name="privacy.cpd.passwords"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.sessions"
+ name="privacy.cpd.sessions"
+ type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="privacy.cpd.siteSettings"
+ name="privacy.cpd.siteSettings"
+ type="bool"/>
+ </preferences>
+ <preferences id="nonItemPreferences">
+ <preference id="privacy.sanitize.timeSpan"
+ name="privacy.sanitize.timeSpan"
+ type="int"/>
+ </preferences>
+ <vbox id="sanitizeWarningBox">
+ <spacer flex="1"/>
+ <hbox align="center">
+ <image id="sanitizeWarningIcon"/>
+ <vbox id="sanitizeWarningDescBox" flex="1">
+ <description id="sanitizeSelectedWarning">
+ &sanitizeSelectedWarning;
+ </description>
+ <description id="sanitizeUndoWarning">
+ &sanitizeUndoWarning;
+ </description>
+ </vbox>
+ </hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1"/>
+ </vbox>
+ <separator class="thin"/>
+ <hbox id="SanitizeDurationBox" align="center">
+ <label id="sanitizeDurationLabel"
+ value="&clearTimeDuration.label;"
+ accesskey="&clearTimeDuration.accesskey;"
+ control="sanitizeDurationChoice"/>
+ <menulist id="sanitizeDurationChoice"
+ preference="privacy.sanitize.timeSpan"
+ flex="1">
+ <menupopup id="sanitizeDurationPopup">
+ <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.lastHour;" value="1"/>
+ <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.last2Hours;" value="2"/>
+ <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.last4Hours;" value="3"/>
+ <menuitem label="&;" value="4"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.everything;" value="0"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ <label id="sanitizeDurationSuffixLabel"
+ value="&clearTimeDuration.suffix;"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <separator class="thin"/>
+ <groupbox id="itemList" flex="1">
+ <caption label="&sanitizeItems.label;"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemHistory.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemHistory.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.history"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemUrlBar.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemUrlBar.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.urlbar"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemDownloads.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemDownloads.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.downloads"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemFormSearchHistory.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemFormSearchHistory.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.formdata"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemCache.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemCache.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.cache"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemCookies.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemCookies.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.cookies"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemOfflineApps.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemOfflineApps.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.offlineApps"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemPasswords.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemPasswords.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.passwords"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemSessions.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemSessions.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.sessions"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ <checkbox label="&itemSitePreferences.label;"
+ accesskey="&itemSitePreferences.accesskey;"
+ preference="privacy.cpd.siteSettings"
+ onsyncfrompreference="return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();"/>
+ </groupbox>
+ </prefpane>