path: root/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2')
3 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.cpp b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0280d0c8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+* BLAKE2b
+* (C) 2016 cynecx
+* (C) 2017 Jack Lloyd
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#include <botan/blake2b.h>
+#include <botan/exceptn.h>
+#include <botan/mem_ops.h>
+#include <botan/loadstor.h>
+#include <botan/rotate.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+enum blake2b_constant {
+const uint64_t blake2b_IV[BLAKE2B_IVU64COUNT] = {
+ 0x6a09e667f3bcc908, 0xbb67ae8584caa73b,
+ 0x3c6ef372fe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1,
+ 0x510e527fade682d1, 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f,
+ 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19137e2179
+BLAKE2b::BLAKE2b(size_t output_bits) :
+ m_output_bits(output_bits),
+ m_bufpos(0),
+ {
+ if(output_bits == 0 || output_bits > 512 || output_bits % 8 != 0)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Bad output bits size for BLAKE2b");
+ }
+ state_init();
+ }
+void BLAKE2b::state_init()
+ {
+ copy_mem(, blake2b_IV, BLAKE2B_IVU64COUNT);
+ m_H[0] ^= 0x01010000 ^ static_cast<uint8_t>(output_length());
+ m_T[0] = m_T[1] = 0;
+ m_F[0] = m_F[1] = 0;
+ m_bufpos = 0;
+ }
+namespace {
+BOTAN_FORCE_INLINE void G(uint64_t& a, uint64_t& b, uint64_t& c, uint64_t& d,
+ uint64_t M0, uint64_t M1)
+ {
+ a = a + b + M0;
+ d = rotr<32>(d ^ a);
+ c = c + d;
+ b = rotr<24>(b ^ c);
+ a = a + b + M1;
+ d = rotr<16>(d ^ a);
+ c = c + d;
+ b = rotr<63>(b ^ c);
+ }
+template<size_t i0, size_t i1, size_t i2, size_t i3, size_t i4, size_t i5, size_t i6, size_t i7,
+ size_t i8, size_t i9, size_t iA, size_t iB, size_t iC, size_t iD, size_t iE, size_t iF>
+BOTAN_FORCE_INLINE void ROUND(uint64_t* v, const uint64_t* M)
+ {
+ G(v[ 0], v[ 4], v[ 8], v[12], M[i0], M[i1]);
+ G(v[ 1], v[ 5], v[ 9], v[13], M[i2], M[i3]);
+ G(v[ 2], v[ 6], v[10], v[14], M[i4], M[i5]);
+ G(v[ 3], v[ 7], v[11], v[15], M[i6], M[i7]);
+ G(v[ 0], v[ 5], v[10], v[15], M[i8], M[i9]);
+ G(v[ 1], v[ 6], v[11], v[12], M[iA], M[iB]);
+ G(v[ 2], v[ 7], v[ 8], v[13], M[iC], M[iD]);
+ G(v[ 3], v[ 4], v[ 9], v[14], M[iE], M[iF]);
+ }
+void BLAKE2b::compress(const uint8_t* input, size_t blocks, uint64_t increment)
+ {
+ for(size_t b = 0; b != blocks; ++b)
+ {
+ m_T[0] += increment;
+ if(m_T[0] < increment)
+ {
+ m_T[1]++;
+ }
+ uint64_t M[16];
+ uint64_t v[16];
+ load_le(M, input, 16);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ v[i] = m_H[i];
+ for(size_t i = 0; i != 8; ++i)
+ v[i + 8] = blake2b_IV[i];
+ v[12] ^= m_T[0];
+ v[13] ^= m_T[1];
+ v[14] ^= m_F[0];
+ v[15] ^= m_F[1];
+ ROUND< 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15>(v, M);
+ ROUND<14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3>(v, M);
+ ROUND<11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4>(v, M);
+ ROUND< 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8>(v, M);
+ ROUND< 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13>(v, M);
+ ROUND< 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9>(v, M);
+ ROUND<12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11>(v, M);
+ ROUND<13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10>(v, M);
+ ROUND< 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5>(v, M);
+ ROUND<10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0>(v, M);
+ ROUND< 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15>(v, M);
+ ROUND<14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3>(v, M);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ m_H[i] ^= v[i] ^ v[i + 8];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void BLAKE2b::add_data(const uint8_t input[], size_t length)
+ {
+ if(length == 0)
+ return;
+ if(m_bufpos > 0)
+ {
+ if(m_bufpos < BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES)
+ {
+ const size_t take = std::min(BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES - m_bufpos, length);
+ copy_mem(&m_buffer[m_bufpos], input, take);
+ m_bufpos += take;
+ length -= take;
+ input += take;
+ }
+ if(m_bufpos == m_buffer.size() && length > 0)
+ {
+ compress(, 1, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES);
+ m_bufpos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(length > BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES)
+ {
+ const size_t full_blocks = ((length-1) / BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES);
+ compress(input, full_blocks, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES);
+ input += full_blocks * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
+ length -= full_blocks * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
+ }
+ if(length > 0)
+ {
+ copy_mem(&m_buffer[m_bufpos], input, length);
+ m_bufpos += length;
+ }
+ }
+void BLAKE2b::final_result(uint8_t output[])
+ {
+ if(m_bufpos != BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES)
+ clear_mem(&m_buffer[m_bufpos], BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES - m_bufpos);
+ compress(, 1, m_bufpos);
+ copy_out_vec_le(output, output_length(), m_H);
+ state_init();
+ }
+std::string BLAKE2b::name() const
+ {
+ return "BLAKE2b(" + std::to_string(m_output_bits) + ")";
+ }
+HashFunction* BLAKE2b::clone() const
+ {
+ return new BLAKE2b(m_output_bits);
+ }
+std::unique_ptr<HashFunction> BLAKE2b::copy_state() const
+ {
+ return std::unique_ptr<HashFunction>(new BLAKE2b(*this));
+ }
+void BLAKE2b::clear()
+ {
+ zeroise(m_H);
+ zeroise(m_buffer);
+ m_bufpos = 0;
+ state_init();
+ }
diff --git a/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.h b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b0b655f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/blake2b.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+* BLAKE2b
+* (C) 2016 cynecx
+* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
+#ifndef BOTAN_BLAKE2B_H_
+#define BOTAN_BLAKE2B_H_
+#include <botan/hash.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) BLAKE2b final : public HashFunction
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @param output_bits the output size of BLAKE2b in bits
+ */
+ explicit BLAKE2b(size_t output_bits = 512);
+ size_t hash_block_size() const override { return 128; }
+ size_t output_length() const override { return m_output_bits / 8; }
+ HashFunction* clone() const override;
+ std::string name() const override;
+ void clear() override;
+ std::unique_ptr<HashFunction> copy_state() const override;
+ private:
+ void add_data(const uint8_t input[], size_t length) override;
+ void final_result(uint8_t out[]) override;
+ void state_init();
+ void compress(const uint8_t* data, size_t blocks, uint64_t increment);
+ const size_t m_output_bits;
+ secure_vector<uint8_t> m_buffer;
+ size_t m_bufpos;
+ secure_vector<uint64_t> m_H;
+ uint64_t m_T[2];
+ uint64_t m_F[2];
+ };
+typedef BLAKE2b Blake2b;
diff --git a/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/info.txt b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b99be46015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/third_party/botan/src/lib/hash/blake2/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+BLAKE2B -> 20130131