path: root/devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxController.js
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1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxController.js b/devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxController.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17d0c8a278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const {
+ Component,
+ createFactory,
+} = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js");
+const ToolboxToolbar = createFactory(
+ require("resource://devtools/client/framework/components/ToolboxToolbar.js")
+const ELEMENT_PICKER_ID = "command-button-pick";
+ * This component serves as a state controller for the toolbox React component. It's a
+ * thin layer for translating events and state of the outside world into the React update
+ * cycle. This solution was used to keep the amount of code changes to a minimimum while
+ * adapting the existing codebase to start using React.
+ */
+class ToolboxController extends Component {
+ constructor(props, context) {
+ super(props, context);
+ // See the ToolboxToolbar propTypes for documentation on each of these items in
+ // state, and for the definitions of the props that are expected to be passed in.
+ this.state = {
+ focusedButton: ELEMENT_PICKER_ID,
+ toolboxButtons: [],
+ visibleToolboxButtonCount: 0,
+ currentToolId: null,
+ highlightedTools: new Set(),
+ panelDefinitions: [],
+ hostTypes: [],
+ currentHostType: undefined,
+ areDockOptionsEnabled: true,
+ canCloseToolbox: true,
+ isSplitConsoleActive: false,
+ disableAutohide: undefined,
+ alwaysOnTop: undefined,
+ pseudoLocale: undefined,
+ canRender: false,
+ buttonIds: [],
+ checkedButtonsUpdated: () => {
+ this.forceUpdate();
+ },
+ };
+ this.setFocusedButton = this.setFocusedButton.bind(this);
+ this.setToolboxButtons = this.setToolboxButtons.bind(this);
+ this.setCurrentToolId = this.setCurrentToolId.bind(this);
+ this.highlightTool = this.highlightTool.bind(this);
+ this.unhighlightTool = this.unhighlightTool.bind(this);
+ this.setHostTypes = this.setHostTypes.bind(this);
+ this.setCurrentHostType = this.setCurrentHostType.bind(this);
+ this.setDockOptionsEnabled = this.setDockOptionsEnabled.bind(this);
+ this.setCanCloseToolbox = this.setCanCloseToolbox.bind(this);
+ this.setIsSplitConsoleActive = this.setIsSplitConsoleActive.bind(this);
+ this.setDisableAutohide = this.setDisableAutohide.bind(this);
+ this.setCanRender = this.setCanRender.bind(this);
+ this.setPanelDefinitions = this.setPanelDefinitions.bind(this);
+ this.updateButtonIds = this.updateButtonIds.bind(this);
+ this.updateFocusedButton = this.updateFocusedButton.bind(this);
+ this.setDebugTargetData = this.setDebugTargetData.bind(this);
+ }
+ shouldComponentUpdate() {
+ return this.state.canRender;
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.state.toolboxButtons.forEach(button => {
+"updatechecked", this.state.checkedButtonsUpdated);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * The button and tab ids must be known in order to be able to focus left and right
+ * using the arrow keys.
+ */
+ updateButtonIds() {
+ const { toolboxButtons, panelDefinitions, canCloseToolbox } = this.state;
+ // This is a little gnarly, but go through all of the state and extract the IDs.
+ this.setState({
+ buttonIds: [
+ ...toolboxButtons
+ .filter(btn => btn.isInStartContainer)
+ .map(({ id }) => id),
+{ id }) => id),
+ ...toolboxButtons
+ .filter(btn => !btn.isInStartContainer)
+ .map(({ id }) => id),
+ canCloseToolbox ? "toolbox-close" : null,
+ ].filter(id => id),
+ });
+ this.updateFocusedButton();
+ }
+ updateFocusedButton() {
+ this.setFocusedButton(this.state.focusedButton);
+ }
+ setFocusedButton(focusedButton) {
+ const { buttonIds } = this.state;
+ focusedButton =
+ focusedButton && buttonIds.includes(focusedButton)
+ ? focusedButton
+ : buttonIds[0];
+ if (this.state.focusedButton !== focusedButton) {
+ this.setState({
+ focusedButton,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ setCurrentToolId(currentToolId) {
+ this.setState({ currentToolId }, () => {
+ // Also set the currently focused button to this tool.
+ this.setFocusedButton(currentToolId);
+ });
+ }
+ setCanRender() {
+ this.setState({ canRender: true }, this.updateButtonIds);
+ }
+ highlightTool(highlightedTool) {
+ const { highlightedTools } = this.state;
+ highlightedTools.add(highlightedTool);
+ this.setState({ highlightedTools });
+ }
+ unhighlightTool(id) {
+ const { highlightedTools } = this.state;
+ if (highlightedTools.has(id)) {
+ highlightedTools.delete(id);
+ this.setState({ highlightedTools });
+ }
+ }
+ setDockOptionsEnabled(areDockOptionsEnabled) {
+ this.setState({ areDockOptionsEnabled });
+ }
+ setHostTypes(hostTypes) {
+ this.setState({ hostTypes });
+ }
+ setCurrentHostType(currentHostType) {
+ this.setState({ currentHostType });
+ }
+ setCanCloseToolbox(canCloseToolbox) {
+ this.setState({ canCloseToolbox }, this.updateButtonIds);
+ }
+ setIsSplitConsoleActive(isSplitConsoleActive) {
+ this.setState({ isSplitConsoleActive });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {bool | undefined} disableAutohide
+ */
+ setDisableAutohide(disableAutohide) {
+ this.setState({ disableAutohide });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {bool | undefined} alwaysOnTop
+ */
+ setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop) {
+ this.setState({ alwaysOnTop });
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {bool} focusedState
+ */
+ setFocusedState(focusedState) {
+ // We only care about the focused state when the toolbox is always on top
+ if (this.state.alwaysOnTop) {
+ this.setState({ focusedState });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {"bidi" | "accented" | "none" | undefined} pseudoLocale
+ */
+ setPseudoLocale(pseudoLocale) {
+ this.setState({ pseudoLocale });
+ }
+ setPanelDefinitions(panelDefinitions) {
+ this.setState({ panelDefinitions }, this.updateButtonIds);
+ }
+ get panelDefinitions() {
+ return this.state.panelDefinitions;
+ }
+ setToolboxButtons(toolboxButtons) {
+ // Listen for updates of the checked attribute.
+ this.state.toolboxButtons.forEach(button => {
+"updatechecked", this.state.checkedButtonsUpdated);
+ });
+ toolboxButtons.forEach(button => {
+ button.on("updatechecked", this.state.checkedButtonsUpdated);
+ });
+ const visibleToolboxButtonCount = toolboxButtons.filter(
+ button => button.isVisible
+ ).length;
+ this.setState(
+ { toolboxButtons, visibleToolboxButtonCount },
+ this.updateButtonIds
+ );
+ }
+ setDebugTargetData(data) {
+ this.setState({ debugTargetData: data });
+ }
+ render() {
+ return ToolboxToolbar(Object.assign({}, this.props, this.state));
+ }
+module.exports = ToolboxController;