path: root/dom/interfaces/base/nsIServiceWorkerManager.idl
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1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/interfaces/base/nsIServiceWorkerManager.idl b/dom/interfaces/base/nsIServiceWorkerManager.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d89da1ac9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/interfaces/base/nsIServiceWorkerManager.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "domstubs.idl"
+#include "nsIRequest.idl"
+interface mozIDOMWindow;
+interface nsPIDOMWindowInner;
+interface mozIDOMWindowProxy;
+interface nsIArray;
+interface nsIInterceptedChannel;
+interface nsIPrincipal;
+interface nsIRunnable;
+interface nsIURI;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+class ClientInfo;
+class ServiceWorkerDescriptor;
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla
+[ref] native const_ClientInfoRef(const mozilla::dom::ClientInfo);
+[ref] native const_ServiceWorkerDescriptorRef(const mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor);
+[scriptable, uuid(52ee2c9d-ee87-4caf-9588-23ae77ff8798)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback : nsISupports
+ // aState is true if the unregistration succeded.
+ // It's false if this ServiceWorkerRegistration doesn't exist.
+ void unregisterSucceeded(in bool aState);
+ void unregisterFailed();
+interface nsIWorkerDebugger;
+[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(76e357ed-208d-4e4c-9165-1c4059707879)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerInfo : nsISupports
+ // State values below should match the ServiceWorkerState enumeration.
+ const unsigned short STATE_PARSED = 0;
+ const unsigned short STATE_INSTALLING = 1;
+ const unsigned short STATE_INSTALLED = 2;
+ const unsigned short STATE_ACTIVATING = 3;
+ const unsigned short STATE_ACTIVATED = 4;
+ const unsigned short STATE_REDUNDANT = 5;
+ const unsigned short STATE_UNKNOWN = 6;
+ readonly attribute AString id;
+ readonly attribute AString scriptSpec;
+ readonly attribute AString cacheName;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short state;
+ readonly attribute nsIWorkerDebugger debugger;
+ // Return whether the ServiceWorker has a "fetch" event listener. Throws if
+ // this is unknown because the worker's main script hasn't finished executing
+ // (when exposed as evaluatingWorker).
+ readonly attribute bool handlesFetchEvents;
+ readonly attribute PRTime installedTime;
+ readonly attribute PRTime activatedTime;
+ readonly attribute PRTime redundantTime;
+ // Total number of navigation faults experienced by this ServiceWorker since
+ // it was loaded from disk at startup or was installed.
+ readonly attribute unsigned long navigationFaultCount;
+ // Testing mechanism to induce synthetic failure of fetch events. If set to
+ // something other than NS_OK, all fetch events dispatched will be propagated
+ // to the content process, but when it comes time to dispatch the fetch event,
+ // the cancellation control flow path will be triggered.
+ attribute nsresult testingInjectCancellation;
+ void attachDebugger();
+ void detachDebugger();
+[scriptable, uuid(87e63548-d440-4b8a-b158-65ad1de0211E)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener : nsISupports
+ void onChange();
+[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(ddbc1fd4-2f2e-4fca-a395-6e010bbedfe3)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo : nsISupports
+ // State values below should match the ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache enumeration.
+ const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_IMPORTS = 0;
+ const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_ALL = 1;
+ const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_NONE = 2;
+ readonly attribute nsIPrincipal principal;
+ readonly attribute boolean unregistered;
+ readonly attribute AString scope;
+ readonly attribute AString scriptSpec;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short updateViaCache;
+ readonly attribute PRTime lastUpdateTime;
+ readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo evaluatingWorker;
+ readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo installingWorker;
+ readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo waitingWorker;
+ readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo activeWorker;
+ // Exposes the number of times we have ever checked the usage of this origin
+ // for the purposes of mitigating ServiceWorker navigation faults that we
+ // suspect to be due to quota limit problems. This should start out 0 and
+ // max out at 1 for the time being.
+ //
+ // Note that the underlying value is tracked on our per-Principal data, but
+ // we don't currently expose that data directly via XPCOM so we're exposing
+ // this here as the next best thing and because most non-test consumers would
+ // work in terms of the registration anyways.
+ //
+ // This will return -1 if there is no longer any per-origin data because the
+ // last registration for the origin (principal) has been unregistered.
+ // (Retaining a reference to this interface does not impact anything the
+ // underlying scope-to-registration map that is implemented per spec.)
+ readonly attribute long quotaUsageCheckCount;
+ // Allows to get the related nsIServiceWorkerInfo for a given
+ // nsIWorkerDebugger. Over time we shouldn't need this anymore,
+ // and instead always control then nsIWorkerDebugger from
+ // nsIServiceWorkerInfo and not the other way around. Returns
+ // null if the service worker is no longer registered.
+ nsIServiceWorkerInfo getWorkerByID(in unsigned long long aID);
+ void addListener(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener listener);
+ void removeListener(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener listener);
+ // Terminate all the service worker relate to this registration.
+ // This is used by the WebExtensions framework to shutdown the extension's
+ // background service workers as part of shutdown, which happens when:
+ // - the extension has been disabled.
+ // - the extension is shutting down to be updated.
+ // - the extension is shutting down as part of the uninstall flow.
+ //
+ // All the service workers instances related to this registration are expected
+ // to be terminate immediately.
+ //
+ // TODO - Bug 1638099: This method should also allow the WebExtension framework
+ // to mark the registration as disabled (e.g. through an additional parameter),
+ // to avoid it to be started again until the WebExtensions framework does explicitly
+ // mark it back to enabled.
+ void forceShutdown();
+[scriptable, uuid(9e523e7c-ad6f-4df0-8077-c74aebbc679d)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener : nsISupports
+ void onRegister(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo);
+ void onUnregister(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo);
+ /**
+ * Called by ServiceWorker bypass mitigations when checking whether an
+ * origin's quota usage is sufficiently full that we need to clear the origin
+ * (and possibly group's) data as part of our mitigation.
+ * This notification is provided primarily for testing code that needs to wait
+ * for this check to happen but has no other mechanism for knowing it's
+ * completed. Probably not relevant to devtools.
+ */
+ void onQuotaUsageCheckFinish(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo);
+[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(7404c8e8-4d47-4449-8ed1-47d1261d4e33)]
+interface nsIServiceWorkerManager : nsISupports
+ /**
+ * A testing helper that is meant to only be used in xpcshell-test to test behaviors
+ * that would need a browser restart to re-initialize the ServiceWorkerManager from
+ * the service worker registration dumped on disk (the one listed in the serviceworker.txt
+ * file part of the Firefox profile directory).
+ *
+ * NOTE: this test helper does
+ * - fail if "dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled" is not set to true
+ * - fail if there are controlled clients (the test case is responsible of making sure that
+ * there is none when this method is being called)
+ * - shutdown and clear all service worker registrations (but without removing them from
+ * the registration stored in serviceworker.txt)
+ * - force reload the registration data stored in serviceworker.txt (but the test case using
+ * this helper is responsible to be sure that the registrations have been already written
+ * on disk)
+ */
+ void reloadRegistrationsForTest();
+ /**
+ * A testing helper that registers a service worker for testing purpose (e.g. used to test
+ * a remote worker that has to spawn a new process to be launched).
+ * This method can only be used when "dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled" is true and
+ * it doesn't support all the registration options (e.g. updateViaCache is set automatically
+ * to "imports").
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext]
+ Promise registerForTest(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
+ in AString aScope,
+ in AString aScriptURL);
+ /**
+ * Register an extension background service worker for a given
+ * extension principal and return a promise that resolves to the
+ * nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo (or rejects if there was one
+ * already registered).
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext]
+ Promise registerForAddonPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal);
+ /**
+ * Get an extension background service worker registration for a
+ * given extension principal, return an nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo
+ * if one exists (or null if no registration has been found).
+ */
+ void getRegistrationForAddonPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
+ [optional, retval] out nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo regInfo);
+ /**
+ * Wake up the extension background service worker given its extension base url,
+ * for an API event identified by the namespace and event name strings.
+ *
+ * Returns a Promise which is resolved to true if a listener has been subscribed
+ * during the synchronous worker script execution for the expected WebExtensions
+ * API event.
+ *
+ * NOTE: ExtensionBrowser and ExtensionEventManager interfaces are keeping track
+ * of these listeners. These are WebExtensions API event listeners and they do not
+ * involve any functional events at all.
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext]
+ Promise wakeForExtensionAPIEvent(in AString aExtensionBaseURL,
+ in AString aAPINamespace,
+ in AString aAPIEventName);
+ /**
+ * Unregister an existing ServiceWorker registration for `aScope`.
+ * It keeps aCallback alive until the operation is concluded.
+ */
+ void unregister(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
+ in nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback aCallback,
+ in AString aScope);
+ nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo getRegistrationByPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
+ in AString aScope);
+ [notxpcom, nostdcall] bool StartControlling(in const_ClientInfoRef aClientInfo,
+ in const_ServiceWorkerDescriptorRef aServiceWorker);
+ // Testing
+ AString getScopeForUrl(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in AString aPath);
+ // It returns an array of nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfos.
+ nsIArray getAllRegistrations();
+ // For clear-origin-attributes-data
+ void removeRegistrationsByOriginAttributes(in AString aOriginAttributes);
+ // It calls unregister() in each child process. The callback is used to
+ // inform when unregister() is completed on the current process.
+ void propagateUnregister(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
+ in nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback aCallback,
+ in AString aScope);
+ void sendNotificationClickEvent(in ACString aOriginSuffix,
+ in ACString scope,
+ in AString aID,
+ in AString aTitle,
+ in AString aDir,
+ in AString aLang,
+ in AString aBody,
+ in AString aTag,
+ in AString aIcon,
+ in AString aData,
+ in AString aBehavior);
+ void sendNotificationCloseEvent(in ACString aOriginSuffix,
+ in ACString scope,
+ in AString aID,
+ in AString aTitle,
+ in AString aDir,
+ in AString aLang,
+ in AString aBody,
+ in AString aTag,
+ in AString aIcon,
+ in AString aData,
+ in AString aBehavior);
+ [optional_argc] void sendPushEvent(in ACString aOriginAttributes,
+ in ACString aScope,
+ [optional] in Array<uint8_t> aDataBytes);
+ void sendPushSubscriptionChangeEvent(in ACString aOriginAttributes,
+ in ACString scope);
+ void addListener(in nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener aListener);
+ void removeListener(in nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener aListener);
+%{ C++