path: root/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/PromptDelegateTest.kt
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1 files changed, 1084 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/PromptDelegateTest.kt b/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/PromptDelegateTest.kt
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+++ b/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/PromptDelegateTest.kt
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+/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+package org.mozilla.geckoview.test
+import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
+import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports
+import org.junit.Assert
+import org.junit.Ignore
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.AllowOrDeny
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.Autocomplete
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoResult
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.ProgressDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate.AuthPrompt
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PromptDelegate.PromptResponse
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.AssertCalled
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.WithDisplay
+class PromptDelegateTest : BaseSessionTest() {
+ @Test fun popupTestAllow() {
+ // Ensure popup blocking is enabled for this test.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to true))
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPopupPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.PopupPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", prompt.targetUri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", prompt.targetUri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.ALLOW))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", request.uri, endsWith(forEachCall(POPUP_HTML_PATH, HELLO_HTML_PATH)))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", uri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(POPUP_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(NavigationDelegate::class, "onNewSession")
+ }
+ @Test fun popupTestBlock() {
+ // Ensure popup blocking is enabled for this test.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to true))
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPopupPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.PopupPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", prompt.targetUri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", prompt.targetUri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.DENY))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", request.uri, endsWith(POPUP_HTML_PATH))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(POPUP_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.waitForRoundTrip()
+ }
+ @Ignore // TODO: Reenable when 1501574 is fixed.
+ @Test
+ fun alertTest() {
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("alert('Alert!');")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onAlertPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.AlertPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Message should match", "Alert!", equalTo(prompt.message))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // This test checks that saved logins are returned to the app when calling onAuthPrompt
+ @Test fun loginStorageHttpAuthWithPassword() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath("/basic-auth/foo/bar")
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : Autocomplete.StorageDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onLoginFetch(domain: String): GeckoResult<Array<Autocomplete.LoginEntry>>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(
+ arrayOf(
+ Autocomplete.LoginEntry.Builder()
+ .origin(GeckoSessionTestRule.TEST_ENDPOINT)
+ .formActionOrigin(GeckoSessionTestRule.TEST_ENDPOINT)
+ .httpRealm("Fake Realm")
+ .username("test-username")
+ .password("test-password")
+ .formActionOrigin(null)
+ .guid("test-guid")
+ .build(),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate, Autocomplete.StorageDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onAuthPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: AuthPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Saved login should appear here",
+ prompt.authOptions.username,
+ equalTo("test-username"),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Saved login should appear here",
+ prompt.authOptions.password,
+ equalTo("test-password"),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // This test checks that we store login information submitted through HTTP basic auth
+ // This also tests that the login save prompt gets automatically dismissed if
+ // the login information is incorrect.
+ @Test fun loginStorageHttpAuth() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(
+ mapOf(
+ "signon.rememberSignons" to true,
+ ),
+ )
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.BasePrompt>()
+ val promptInstanceDelegate = object : PromptDelegate.PromptInstanceDelegate {
+ var prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt? = null
+ override fun onPromptDismiss(prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt) {
+ result.complete(prompt)
+ }
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate, Autocomplete.StorageDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onAuthPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: AuthPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm("foo", "bar"))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onLoginFetch(domain: String): GeckoResult<Array<Autocomplete.LoginEntry>>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(arrayOf())
+ }
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onLoginSave(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: PromptDelegate.AutocompleteRequest<Autocomplete.LoginSaveOption>,
+ ): GeckoResult<PromptResponse>? {
+ val authInfo = request.options[0].value
+ assertThat("auth matches", authInfo.formActionOrigin, isEmptyOrNullString())
+ assertThat("auth matches", authInfo.httpRealm, equalTo("Fake Realm"))
+ assertThat("auth matches", authInfo.origin, equalTo(GeckoSessionTestRule.TEST_ENDPOINT))
+ assertThat("auth matches", authInfo.username, equalTo("foo"))
+ assertThat("auth matches", authInfo.password, equalTo("bar"))
+ promptInstanceDelegate.prompt = request
+ request.setDelegate(promptInstanceDelegate)
+ return GeckoResult()
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath("/basic-auth/foo/bar")
+ // The server we try to hit will always reject the login so we should
+ // get a request to reauth which should dismiss the prompt
+ val actualPrompt = sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ assertThat("Prompt object should match", actualPrompt, equalTo(promptInstanceDelegate.prompt))
+ }
+ @Test fun dismissAuthTest() {
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onAuthPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.AuthPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ // TODO: Figure out some better testing here.
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath("/basic-auth/foo/bar")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ @Test fun buttonTest() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onButtonPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ButtonPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Message should match", "Confirm?", equalTo(prompt.message))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.ButtonPrompt.Type.POSITIVE))
+ }
+ })
+ assertThat(
+ "Result should match",
+ mainSession.waitForJS("confirm('Confirm?')") as Boolean,
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onButtonPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ButtonPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Message should match", "Confirm?", equalTo(prompt.message))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.ButtonPrompt.Type.NEGATIVE))
+ }
+ })
+ assertThat(
+ "Result should match",
+ mainSession.waitForJS("confirm('Confirm?')") as Boolean,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun onFormResubmissionPrompt() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(RESUBMIT_CONFIRM)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ "document.querySelector('#text').value = 'Some text';" +
+ "document.querySelector('#submit').click();",
+ )
+ // Submitting the form causes a navigation
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<Void>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("Only HELLO_HTML_PATH should load", url, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ result.complete(null)
+ }
+ })
+ val promptResult = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptResult2 = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onRepostConfirmPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.RepostConfirmPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ // We have to return something here because otherwise the delegate will be invoked
+ // before we have a chance to override it in the waitUntilCalled call below
+ return forEachCall(promptResult, promptResult2)
+ }
+ })
+ // This should trigger a confirm resubmit prompt
+ mainSession.reload()
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onRepostConfirmPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.RepostConfirmPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ promptResult.complete(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.DENY))
+ return promptResult
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(promptResult)
+ // Trigger it again, this time the load should go through
+ mainSession.reload()
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onRepostConfirmPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.RepostConfirmPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ promptResult2.complete(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.ALLOW))
+ return promptResult2
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(promptResult2)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ fun selectTestSimple() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(SELECT_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onChoicePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Should not be multiple", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt.Type.SINGLE))
+ assertThat("There should be two choices", prompt.choices.size, equalTo(2))
+ assertThat("First choice is correct", prompt.choices[0].label, equalTo("ABC"))
+ assertThat("Second choice is correct", prompt.choices[1].label, equalTo("DEF"))
+ result.complete(prompt.confirm(prompt.choices[1]))
+ return result
+ }
+ })
+ val promise = mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS(
+ """new Promise(function(resolve) {
+ let events = [];
+ // Record the events for testing purposes.
+ for (const t of ["change", "input"]) {
+ document.querySelector("select").addEventListener(t, function(e) {
+ events.push(e.type + "(composed=" + e.composed + ")");
+ if (events.length == 2) {
+ resolve(events.join(" "));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ })""",
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ assertThat(
+ "Events should be as expected",
+ promise.value as String,
+ equalTo("input(composed=true) change(composed=false)"),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ fun selectTestSize() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(SELECT_LISTBOX_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<Void>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onChoicePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Should not be multiple", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt.Type.SINGLE))
+ assertThat("There should be three choices", prompt.choices.size, equalTo(3))
+ assertThat("First choice is correct", prompt.choices[0].label, equalTo("ABC"))
+ assertThat("Second choice is correct", prompt.choices[1].label, equalTo("DEF"))
+ assertThat("Third choice is correct", prompt.choices[2].label, equalTo("GHI"))
+ result.complete(null)
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ fun selectTestMultiple() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(SELECT_MULTIPLE_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<Void>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onChoicePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Should be multiple", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt.Type.MULTIPLE))
+ assertThat("There should be three choices", prompt.choices.size, equalTo(3))
+ assertThat("First choice is correct", prompt.choices[0].label, equalTo("ABC"))
+ assertThat("Second choice is correct", prompt.choices[1].label, equalTo("DEF"))
+ assertThat("Third choice is correct", prompt.choices[2].label, equalTo("GHI"))
+ result.complete(null)
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ fun selectTestUpdate() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(SELECT_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptInstanceDelegate = object : PromptDelegate.PromptInstanceDelegate {
+ override fun onPromptUpdate(prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt) {
+ val newPrompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt = prompt as PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt
+ assertThat("First choice is correct", newPrompt.choices[0].label, equalTo("foo"))
+ assertThat("Second choice is correct", newPrompt.choices[1].label, equalTo("bar"))
+ assertThat("Third choice is correct", newPrompt.choices[2].label, equalTo("baz"))
+ result.complete(prompt.confirm(newPrompt.choices[2]))
+ }
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onChoicePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("There should be two choices", prompt.choices.size, equalTo(2))
+ prompt.setDelegate(promptInstanceDelegate)
+ return result
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.querySelector("select").addEventListener("focus", () => {
+ window.setTimeout(() => {
+ document.querySelector("select").innerHTML =
+ "<option>foo</option><option>bar</option><option>baz</option>";
+ }, 100);
+ }, { once: true })
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ val promise = mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS(
+ """
+ new Promise(resolve => {
+ document.querySelector("select").addEventListener("change", e => {
+ resolve(;
+ });
+ })
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ assertThat(
+ "Selected item should be as expected",
+ promise.value as String,
+ equalTo("baz"),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ fun selectTestDismiss() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(SELECT_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptInstanceDelegate = object : PromptDelegate.PromptInstanceDelegate {
+ override fun onPromptDismiss(prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt) {
+ result.complete(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onChoicePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ChoicePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("There should be two choices", prompt.choices.size, equalTo(2))
+ prompt.setDelegate(promptInstanceDelegate)
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('select').blur()")
+ return result
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun onBeforeUnloadTest() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(
+ mapOf(
+ "dom.require_user_interaction_for_beforeunload" to false,
+ ),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(BEFORE_UNLOAD)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<Void>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("Only HELLO2_HTML_PATH should load", url, endsWith(HELLO2_HTML_PATH))
+ result.complete(null)
+ }
+ })
+ val promptResult = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptResult2 = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onBeforeUnloadPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.BeforeUnloadPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ // We have to return something here because otherwise the delegate will be invoked
+ // before we have a chance to override it in the waitUntilCalled call below
+ return forEachCall(promptResult, promptResult2)
+ }
+ })
+ // This will try to load "hello.html" but will be denied, if the request
+ // goes through anyway the onLoadRequest delegate above will throw an exception
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#navigateAway').click()")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onBeforeUnloadPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.BeforeUnloadPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ promptResult.complete(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.DENY))
+ return promptResult
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(promptResult)
+ // Although onBeforeUnloadPrompt is done, nsDocumentViewer might not clear
+ // mInPermitUnloadPrompt flag at this time yet. We need a wait to finish
+ // "nsDocumentViewer::PermitUnload" loop.
+ mainSession.waitForJS("new Promise(resolve => window.setTimeout(resolve, 100))")
+ // This request will go through and end the test. Doing the negative case first will
+ // ensure that if either of this tests fail the test will fail.
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#navigateAway2').click()")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onBeforeUnloadPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.BeforeUnloadPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ promptResult2.complete(prompt.confirm(AllowOrDeny.ALLOW))
+ return promptResult2
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(promptResult2)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test fun textTest() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onTextPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.TextPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Message should match", "Prompt:", equalTo(prompt.message))
+ assertThat("Default should match", "default", equalTo(prompt.defaultValue))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm("foo"))
+ }
+ })
+ assertThat(
+ "Result should match",
+ mainSession.waitForJS("prompt('Prompt:', 'default')") as String,
+ equalTo("foo"),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun colorTest() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onColorPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ColorPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Value should match", "#ffffff", equalTo(prompt.defaultValue))
+ assertThat("Predefined values size", 0, equalTo(prompt.predefinedValues!!.size))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm("#123456"))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ this.c = document.getElementById('colorexample');
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ val promise = mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS(
+ """
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.c.addEventListener(
+ 'change',
+ event => resolve(,
+ false
+ );
+ })
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(";")
+ assertThat(
+ "Value should match",
+ promise.value as String,
+ equalTo("#123456"),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun colorTestWithDatalist() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onColorPrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.ColorPrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Value should match", "#ffffff", equalTo(prompt.defaultValue))
+ assertThat("Predefined values size", 2, equalTo(prompt.predefinedValues!!.size))
+ assertThat("First predefined value", "#000000", equalTo(prompt.predefinedValues?.get(0)))
+ assertThat("Second predefined value", "#808080", equalTo(prompt.predefinedValues?.get(1)))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm("#123456"))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ this.c = document.getElementById('colorexample');
+ this.c.setAttribute('list', 'colorlist');
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ val promise = mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS(
+ """
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.c.addEventListener(
+ 'change',
+ event => resolve(,
+ );
+ })
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(";")
+ assertThat(
+ "Value should match",
+ promise.value as String,
+ equalTo("#123456"),
+ )
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun dateTest() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.body.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').showPicker();
+ });
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(1, 1) // Provides user activation.
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun dateTestByTap() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ // By removing first element in PROMPT_HTML_PATH, dateexample becomes first element.
+ //
+ // TODO: What better calculation of element bounds for synthesizeTap?
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.getElementById('selectexample').remove();
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').getBoundingClientRect();
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("<input type=date> is tapped", PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt.Type.DATE, equalTo(prompt.type))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun monthTestByTap() {
+ // Gecko doesn't have the widget for <input type=month>. But GeckoView can show the picker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ // TODO: What better calculation of element bounds for synthesizeTap?
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.getElementById('selectexample').remove();
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').remove();
+ document.getElementById('weekexample').getBoundingClientRect();
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("<input type=month> is tapped", PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt.Type.MONTH, equalTo(prompt.type))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun dateTestParameters() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.getElementById('selectexample').remove();
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').min = "2022-01-01";
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').max = "2022-12-31";
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').step = "10";
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').getBoundingClientRect();
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("<input type=date> is tapped", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt.Type.DATE))
+ assertThat("min value is exported", prompt.minValue, equalTo("2022-01-01"))
+ assertThat("max value is exported", prompt.maxValue, equalTo("2022-12-31"))
+ assertThat("step value is exported", prompt.stepValue, equalTo("10"))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun dateTestDismiss() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptInstanceDelegate = object : PromptDelegate.PromptInstanceDelegate {
+ override fun onPromptDismiss(prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt) {
+ result.complete(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("<input type=date> is tapped", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt.Type.DATE))
+ prompt.setDelegate(promptInstanceDelegate)
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.getElementById('dateexample').blur()")
+ return result
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.getElementById('selectexample').remove()")
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun monthTestDismiss() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val result = GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>()
+ val promptInstanceDelegate = object : PromptDelegate.PromptInstanceDelegate {
+ override fun onPromptDismiss(prompt: PromptDelegate.BasePrompt) {
+ result.complete(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onDateTimePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("<input type=month> is tapped", prompt.type, equalTo(PromptDelegate.DateTimePrompt.Type.MONTH))
+ prompt.setDelegate(promptInstanceDelegate)
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.getElementById('monthexample').blur()")
+ return result
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.getElementById('selectexample').remove();
+ document.getElementById('dateexample').remove();
+ """.trimIndent(),
+ )
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(10, 10)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(result)
+ }
+ @Test fun fileTest() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(PROMPT_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.getElementById('fileexample').click();")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onFilePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.FilePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse> {
+ assertThat("Length of mimeTypes should match", 2, equalTo(prompt.mimeTypes!!.size))
+ assertThat("First accept attribute should match", "image/*", equalTo(prompt.mimeTypes?.get(0)))
+ assertThat("Second accept attribute should match", ".pdf", equalTo(prompt.mimeTypes?.get(1)))
+ assertThat("Capture attribute should match", PromptDelegate.FilePrompt.Capture.USER, equalTo(prompt.capture))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun shareTextSucceeds() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareText = "Example share text"
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Text field is not null", prompt.text, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Title field is null", prompt.title, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Url field is null", prompt.uri, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Text field contains correct value", prompt.text, equalTo(shareText))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.SharePrompt.Result.SUCCESS))
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({text: "$shareText"})""")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+"Share must succeed." + e.reason as String)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun shareUrlSucceeds() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Text field is null", prompt.text, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Title field is null", prompt.title, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Url field is not null", prompt.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Text field contains correct value", prompt.uri, equalTo(shareUrl))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.SharePrompt.Result.SUCCESS))
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+"Share must succeed." + e.reason as String)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun shareTitleSucceeds() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareTitle = "Title!"
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ assertThat("Text field is null", prompt.text, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Title field is not null", prompt.title, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Url field is null", prompt.uri, nullValue())
+ assertThat("Text field contains correct value", prompt.title, equalTo(shareTitle))
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.SharePrompt.Result.SUCCESS))
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({title: "$shareTitle"})""")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+"Share must succeed." + e.reason as String)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun failedShareReturnsDataError() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.SharePrompt.Result.FAILURE))
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("DataError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun abortedShareReturnsAbortError() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.confirm(PromptDelegate.SharePrompt.Result.ABORT))
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("AbortError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun dismissedShareReturnsAbortError() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("AbortError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun emptyShareReturnsTypeError() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("TypeError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun invalidShareUrlReturnsTypeError() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ // Invalid port should cause URL parser to fail.
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("TypeError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Test fun shareRequiresUserInteraction() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.webshare.requireinteraction" to true))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val shareUrl = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onSharePrompt(session: GeckoSession, prompt: PromptDelegate.SharePrompt): GeckoResult<PromptDelegate.PromptResponse>? {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(prompt.dismiss())
+ }
+ })
+ try {
+ mainSession.waitForJS("""window.navigator.share({url: "$shareUrl"})""")
+"Request should have failed")
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error should be correct",
+ e.reason as String,
+ containsString("NotAllowedError"),
+ )
+ }
+ }