path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface')
17 files changed, 1564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-detached-execution-context.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-detached-execution-context.html
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index 0000000000..a83fa1dbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-detached-execution-context.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ Testing behavior of AudioContext after execution context is detached
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script id="layout-test-code">
+ const audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ audit.define('decoding-on-detached-iframe', (task, should) => {
+ const iframe =
+ document.createElementNS("", "iframe");
+ document.body.appendChild(iframe);
+ let context = new iframe.contentWindow.AudioContext();
+ document.body.removeChild(iframe);
+ should(context.decodeAudioData(new ArrayBuffer(1)),
+ 'decodeAudioData() upon a detached iframe')
+ .beRejectedWith('InvalidStateError')
+ .then(() => task.done());
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp-cross-realm.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp-cross-realm.html
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index 0000000000..5889faf7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp-cross-realm.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ Testing AudioContext.getOutputTimestamp() method (cross-realm)
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script id="layout-test-code">
+ const audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ audit.define("getoutputtimestamp-cross-realm", function(task, should) {
+ const mainContext = new AudioContext();
+ return task.timeout(() => {
+ const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
+ document.body.append(iframe);
+ const iframeContext = new iframe.contentWindow.AudioContext();
+ should(mainContext.getOutputTimestamp().performanceTime, "mainContext's performanceTime")
+ .beGreaterThan(iframeContext.getOutputTimestamp().performanceTime, "iframeContext's performanceTime");
+ should(, "mainContext's performanceTime (via iframeContext's method)")
+ .beCloseTo(mainContext.getOutputTimestamp().performanceTime, "mainContext's performanceTime", { threshold: 0.01 });
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp.html
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index 0000000000..952f38b1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-getoutputtimestamp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ Testing AudioContext.getOutputTimestamp() method
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script id="layout-test-code">
+ let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ audit.define('getoutputtimestamp-initial-values', function(task, should) {
+ let context = new AudioContext;
+ let timestamp = context.getOutputTimestamp();
+ should(timestamp.contextTime, 'timestamp.contextTime').exist();
+ should(timestamp.performanceTime, 'timestamp.performanceTime').exist();
+ should(timestamp.contextTime, 'timestamp.contextTime')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0);
+ should(timestamp.performanceTime, 'timestamp.performanceTime')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0);
+ task.done();
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-not-fully-active.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-not-fully-active.html
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index 0000000000..e4f6001eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-not-fully-active.html
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>Test AudioContext construction when document is not fully active</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
+const dir = location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/');
+const helper = dir + 'resources/not-fully-active-helper.sub.html?childsrc=';
+const remote_helper = get_host_info().HTTP_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN + helper;
+const blank_url = get_host_info().ORIGIN + '/common/blank.html';
+const load_content = (frame, src) => {
+ if (src == undefined) {
+ frame.srcdoc = '<html></html>';
+ } else {
+ frame.src = src;
+ }
+ return new Promise(resolve => frame.onload = () => resolve(frame));
+const append_iframe = (src) => {
+ const frame = document.createElement('iframe');
+ document.body.appendChild(frame);
+ return load_content(frame, src);
+const remote_op = (win, op) => {
+ win.postMessage(op, '*');
+ return new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = e => {
+ if ( == 'DONE ' + op) resolve();
+ });
+const test_constructor_throws = async (win, deactivate) => {
+ const {AudioContext, DOMException} = win;
+ await deactivate();
+ assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", DOMException,
+ () => new AudioContext());
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe();
+ return test_constructor_throws(frame.contentWindow, () => frame.remove());
+}, "removed frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe();
+ return test_constructor_throws(frame.contentWindow,
+ () => load_content(frame));
+}, "navigated frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe(helper + blank_url);
+ const inner = frame.contentWindow.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner, () => frame.remove());
+}, "frame in removed frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe(helper + blank_url);
+ const inner = frame.contentWindow.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner, () => load_content(frame));
+}, "frame in navigated frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe(remote_helper + blank_url);
+ const inner = frame.contentWindow.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner, () => frame.remove());
+}, "frame in removed remote-site frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const frame = await append_iframe(remote_helper + blank_url);
+ const inner = frame.contentWindow.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner, () => load_content(frame));
+}, "frame in navigated remote-site frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const outer = (await append_iframe(remote_helper + blank_url)).contentWindow;
+ const inner = outer.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner,
+ () => remote_op(outer, 'REMOVE FRAME'));
+}, "removed frame in remote-site frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const outer = (await append_iframe(remote_helper + blank_url)).contentWindow;
+ const inner = outer.frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner,
+ () => remote_op(outer, 'NAVIGATE FRAME'));
+}, "navigated frame in remote-site frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const url = remote_helper + helper + blank_url;
+ const outer = (await append_iframe(url)).contentWindow;
+ const inner = outer.frames[0].frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner,
+ () => remote_op(outer, 'REMOVE FRAME'));
+}, "frame in removed remote-site frame in remote-site frame");
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const url = remote_helper + helper + blank_url;
+ const outer = (await append_iframe(url)).contentWindow;
+ const inner = outer.frames[0].frames[0];
+ return test_constructor_throws(inner,
+ () => remote_op(outer, 'NAVIGATE FRAME'));
+}, "frame in navigated remote-site frame in remote-site frame");
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-constructor.https.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-constructor.https.html
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index 0000000000..2dedd6cd36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-constructor.https.html
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>Test AudioContext constructor with sinkId options</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+"use strict";
+let outputDeviceList = null;
+let firstDeviceId = null;
+navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true}).then(() => {
+ navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then((deviceList) => {
+ outputDeviceList =
+ deviceList.filter(({kind}) => kind === 'audiooutput');
+ assert_greater_than(outputDeviceList.length, 1,
+ 'the system must have more than 1 device.');
+ firstDeviceId = outputDeviceList[1].deviceId;
+ // Run async tests concurrently.
+ async_test(t => testDefaultSinkId(t),
+ 'Setting sinkId to the empty string at construction should ' +
+ 'succeed.');
+ async_test(t => testValidSinkId(t),
+ 'Setting sinkId with a valid device identifier at ' +
+ 'construction should succeed.');
+ async_test(t => testAudioSinkOptions(t),
+ 'Setting sinkId with an AudioSinkOptions at construction ' +
+ 'should succeed.');
+ async_test(t => testExceptions(t),
+ 'Invalid sinkId arguments should throw an appropriate ' +
+ 'exception.')
+ });
+// 1.2.1. AudioContext constructor
+// Step 10.1.1. If sinkId is equal to [[sink ID]], abort these substeps.
+const testDefaultSinkId = (t) => {
+ // The initial `sinkId` is the empty string. This will cause the same value
+ // check.
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext({sinkId: ''});
+ audioContext.addEventListener('statechange', () => {
+ t.step(() => {
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId, '');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'running');
+ });
+ audioContext.close();
+ t.done();
+ }, {once: true});
+// Step 10.1.2~3: See "Validating sinkId" tests below.
+// Step 10.1.4. If sinkId is a type of DOMString, set [[sink ID]] to sinkId and
+// abort these substeps.
+const testValidSinkId = (t) => {
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext({sinkId: firstDeviceId});
+ audioContext.addEventListener('statechange', () => {
+ t.step(() => {
+ assert_true(audioContext.sinkId === firstDeviceId,
+ 'the context sinkId should match the given sinkId.');
+ });
+ audioContext.close();
+ t.done();
+ }, {once: true});
+ t.step_timeout(t.unreached_func('onstatechange not fired or assert failed'),
+ 100);
+// Step 10.1.5. If sinkId is a type of AudioSinkOptions, set [[sink ID]] to a
+// new instance of AudioSinkInfo created with the value of type of sinkId.
+const testAudioSinkOptions = (t) => {
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext({sinkId: {type: 'none'}});
+ // The only signal we can use for the sinkId change after construction is
+ // `statechange` event.
+ audioContext.addEventListener('statechange', () => {
+ t.step(() => {
+ assert_equals(typeof audioContext.sinkId, 'object');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId.type, 'none');
+ });
+ audioContext.close();
+ t.done();
+ }, {once: true});
+ t.step_timeout(t.unreached_func('onstatechange not fired or assert failed'),
+ 100);
+// 1.2.4. Validating sinkId
+// Step 3. If document is not allowed to use the feature identified by
+// "speaker-selection", return a new DOMException whose name is
+// "NotAllowedError".
+// TODO: Due to the lack of implementation, this step is not tested.
+const testExceptions = (t) => {
+ t.step(() => {
+ // The wrong AudioSinkOption.type should cause a TypeError.
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext({sinkId: {type: 'something_else'}});
+ audioContext.close();
+ }, 'An invalid AudioSinkOptions.type value should throw a TypeError ' +
+ 'exception.');
+ });
+ t.step(() => {
+ // Step 4. If sinkIdArg is a type of DOMString but it is not equal to the
+ // empty string or it does not match any audio output device identified by
+ // the result that would be provided by enumerateDevices(), return a new
+ // DOMException whose name is "NotFoundError".
+ assert_throws_dom('NotFoundError', () => {
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext({sinkId: 'some_random_device_id'});
+ audioContext.close();
+ }, 'An invalid device identifier should throw a NotFoundError exception.');
+ });
+ t.done();
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-setsinkid.https.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-setsinkid.https.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61d2586bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-setsinkid.https.html
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>Test AudioContext.setSinkId() method</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+"use strict";
+const audioContext = new AudioContext();
+let outputDeviceList = null;
+let firstDeviceId = null;
+// Setup: Get permission via getUserMedia() and a list of audio output devices.
+promise_setup(async t => {
+ await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
+ const deviceList = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
+ outputDeviceList =
+ deviceList.filter(({kind}) => kind === 'audiooutput');
+ assert_greater_than(outputDeviceList.length, 1,
+ 'the system must have more than 1 device.');
+ firstDeviceId = outputDeviceList[1].deviceId;
+}, 'Get permission via getUserMedia() and a list of audio output devices.');
+// 1.2.3. AudioContext.setSinkId() method
+promise_test(async t => {
+ t.step(() => {
+ // The default value of `sinkId` is the empty string.
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId, '');
+ });
+ t.done();
+}, 'setSinkId() with a valid device identifier should succeeded.');
+promise_test(async t => {
+ // Change to the first non-default device in the list.
+ await audioContext.setSinkId(firstDeviceId);
+ t.step(() => {
+ // If both `sinkId` and [[sink ID]] are a type of DOMString, and they are
+ // equal to each other, resolve the promise immediately.
+ assert_equals(typeof audioContext.sinkId, 'string');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId, firstDeviceId);
+ });
+ return audioContext.setSinkId(firstDeviceId);
+}, 'setSinkId() with the same sink ID should resolve immediately.');
+promise_test(async t => {
+ // If sinkId is a type of AudioSinkOptions and [[sink ID]] is a type of
+ // AudioSinkInfo, and type in sinkId and type in [[sink ID]] are equal,
+ // resolve the promise immediately.
+ await audioContext.setSinkId({type: 'none'});
+ t.step(() => {
+ assert_equals(typeof audioContext.sinkId, 'object');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId.type, 'none');
+ });
+ return audioContext.setSinkId({type: 'none'});
+}, 'setSinkId() with the same AudioSinkOptions.type value should resolve ' +
+ 'immediately.');
+// 1.2.4. Validating sinkId
+// Step 3. If document is not allowed to use the feature identified by
+// "speaker-selection", return a new DOMException whose name is
+// "NotAllowedError".
+// TODO: Due to the lack of implementation, this step is not tested.
+// The wrong AudioSinkOption.type should cause a TypeError.
+promise_test(t =>
+ promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,
+ audioContext.setSinkId({type: 'something_else'})),
+ 'setSinkId() should fail with TypeError on an invalid ' +
+ 'AudioSinkOptions.type value.');
+// Step 4. If sinkId is a type of DOMString but it is not equal to the empty
+// string or it does not match any audio output device identified by the result
+// that would be provided by enumerateDevices(), return a new DOMException whose
+// name is "NotFoundError".
+promise_test(t =>
+ promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError',
+ audioContext.setSinkId('some_random_device_id')),
+ 'setSinkId() should fail with NotFoundError on an invalid device ' +
+ 'identifier.');
+// setSinkId invoked from closed AudioContext should throw InvalidStateError
+// DOMException.
+promise_test(async t => {
+ await audioContext.close();
+ t.step(() => {
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'closed');
+ });
+ promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ audioContext.setSinkId('some_random_device_id'))
+},'setSinkId() should fail with InvalidStateError when calling from a' +
+ 'stopped AudioContext');
+// setSinkId invoked from detached document should throw InvalidStateError
+// DOMException.
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const iframe = document.createElementNS("", "iframe");
+ document.body.appendChild(iframe);
+ let iframeAudioContext = new iframe.contentWindow.AudioContext();
+ document.body.removeChild(iframe);
+ promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ iframeAudioContext.setSinkId('some_random_device_id'));
+},'setSinkId() should fail with InvalidStateError when calling from a' +
+ 'detached document');
+// Pending setSinkId() promises should be rejected with a
+// DOMException of InvalidStateError when the context is closed.
+// See:
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const audioContext = new AudioContext();
+ promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ audioContext.setSinkId('some_random_device_id'));
+ await audioContext.close();
+},'pending setSinkId() should be rejected with InvalidStateError when' +
+ 'AudioContext is closed');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-state-change.https.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-state-change.https.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c22f69c18d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-sinkid-state-change.https.html
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>Test AudioContext.setSinkId() state change</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+"use strict";
+const audioContext = new AudioContext();
+let outputDeviceList = null;
+let firstDeviceId = null;
+// Setup: Get permission via getUserMedia() and a list of audio output devices.
+promise_setup(async t => {
+ await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
+ const deviceList = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
+ outputDeviceList =
+ deviceList.filter(({kind}) => kind === 'audiooutput');
+ assert_greater_than(outputDeviceList.length, 1,
+ 'the system must have more than 1 device.');
+ firstDeviceId = outputDeviceList[1].deviceId;
+}, 'Get permission via getUserMedia() and a list of audio output devices.');
+// Test the sink change when from a suspended context.
+promise_test(async t => {
+ let events = [];
+ await audioContext.suspend();
+ // Step 6. Set wasRunning to false if the [[rendering thread state]] on the
+ // AudioContext is "suspended".
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'suspended');
+ // Step 11.5. Fire an event named sinkchange at the associated AudioContext.
+ audioContext.onsinkchange = t.step_func(() => {
+ events.push('sinkchange');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId, firstDeviceId);
+ });
+ await audioContext.setSinkId(firstDeviceId);
+ assert_equals(events[0], 'sinkchange');
+ t.done();
+}, 'Calling setSinkId() on a suspended AudioContext should fire only sink ' +
+ 'change events.');
+// Test the sink change when from a running context.
+promise_test(async t => {
+ let events = [];
+ await audioContext.resume();
+ // Step 9. If wasRunning is true:
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'running');
+ // Step 9.2.1. Set the state attribute of the AudioContext to "suspended".
+ // Fire an event named statechange at the associated AudioContext.
+ audioContext.onstatechange = t.step_func(() => {
+ events.push('statechange:suspended');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'suspended');
+ });
+ // Step 11.5. Fire an event named sinkchange at the associated AudioContext.
+ audioContext.onsinkchange = t.step_func(() => {
+ events.push('sinkchange');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.sinkId, firstDeviceId);
+ });
+ // Step 12.2. Set the state attribute of the AudioContext to "running".
+ // Fire an event named statechange at the associated AudioContext.
+ audioContext.onstatechange = t.step_func(() => {
+ events.push('statechange:running');
+ assert_equals(audioContext.state, 'running');
+ });
+ await audioContext.setSinkId(firstDeviceId);
+ assert_equals(events.length, 3);
+ assert_equals(events[0], 'statechange:suspended');
+ assert_equals(events[1], 'sinkchange');
+ assert_equals(events[2], 'statechange:running');
+ t.done();
+}, 'Calling setSinkId() on a running AudioContext should fire both state ' +
+ 'and sink change events.');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume-close.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume-close.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..192317dda2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume-close.html
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8" />
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script type="module">
+"use strict";
+function tryToCreateNodeOnClosedContext(ctx) {
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, "closed", "The context is in closed state");
+ [
+ { name: "createBufferSource" },
+ {
+ name: "createMediaStreamDestination",
+ onOfflineAudioContext: false,
+ },
+ { name: "createScriptProcessor" },
+ { name: "createStereoPanner" },
+ { name: "createAnalyser" },
+ { name: "createGain" },
+ { name: "createDelay" },
+ { name: "createBiquadFilter" },
+ { name: "createWaveShaper" },
+ { name: "createPanner" },
+ { name: "createConvolver" },
+ { name: "createChannelSplitter" },
+ { name: "createChannelMerger" },
+ { name: "createDynamicsCompressor" },
+ { name: "createOscillator" },
+ {
+ name: "createMediaElementSource",
+ args: [new Audio()],
+ onOfflineAudioContext: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "createMediaStreamSource",
+ args: [new AudioContext().createMediaStreamDestination().stream],
+ onOfflineAudioContext: false,
+ },
+ ].forEach(function (e) {
+ if (
+ e.onOfflineAudioContext == false &&
+ ctx instanceof OfflineAudioContext
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ ctx[].apply(ctx, e.args);
+ } catch (err) {
+ assert_true(false, "unexpected exception thrown for " +;
+ }
+ });
+function loadFile(url, callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", url, true);
+ xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
+ xhr.onload = function () {
+ resolve(xhr.response);
+ };
+ xhr.send();
+ });
+// createBuffer, createPeriodicWave and decodeAudioData should work on a context
+// that has `state` == "closed"
+async function tryLegalOpeerationsOnClosedContext(ctx) {
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, "closed", "The context is in closed state");
+ [
+ { name: "createBuffer", args: [1, 44100, 44100] },
+ {
+ name: "createPeriodicWave",
+ args: [new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(10)],
+ },
+ ].forEach(function (e) {
+ try {
+ ctx[].apply(ctx, e.args);
+ } catch (err) {
+ assert_true(false, "unexpected exception thrown");
+ }
+ });
+ var buf = await loadFile("/webaudio/resources/sin_440Hz_-6dBFS_1s.wav");
+ return ctx
+ .decodeAudioData(buf)
+ .then(function (decodedBuf) {
+ assert_true(
+ true,
+ "decodeAudioData on a closed context should work, it did."
+ );
+ })
+ .catch(function (e) {
+ assert_true(
+ false,
+ "decodeAudioData on a closed context should work, it did not"
+ );
+ });
+// Test that MediaStreams that are the output of a suspended AudioContext are
+// producing silence
+// ac1 produce a sine fed to a MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
+// ac2 is connected to ac1 with a MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, and check that
+// there is silence when ac1 is suspended
+async function testMultiContextOutput() {
+ var ac1 = new AudioContext(),
+ ac2 = new AudioContext();
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (ac1.onstatechange = resolve));
+ ac1.onstatechange = null;
+ await ac1.suspend();
+ assert_equals(ac1.state, "suspended", "ac1 is suspended");
+ var osc1 = ac1.createOscillator(),
+ mediaStreamDestination1 = ac1.createMediaStreamDestination();
+ var mediaStreamAudioSourceNode2 = ac2.createMediaStreamSource(
+ ),
+ sp2 = ac2.createScriptProcessor(),
+ silentBuffersInARow = 0;
+ osc1.connect(mediaStreamDestination1);
+ mediaStreamAudioSourceNode2.connect(sp2);
+ osc1.start();
+ let e = await new Promise((resolve) => (sp2.onaudioprocess = resolve));
+ while (true) {
+ let e = await new Promise(
+ (resolve) => (sp2.onaudioprocess = resolve)
+ );
+ var input = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+ var silent = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
+ if (input[i] != 0.0) {
+ silent = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (silent) {
+ silentBuffersInARow++;
+ if (silentBuffersInARow == 10) {
+ assert_true(
+ true,
+ "MediaStreams produce silence when their input is blocked."
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert_equals(
+ silentBuffersInARow,
+ 0,
+ "No non silent buffer inbetween silent buffers."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ sp2.onaudioprocess = null;
+ ac1.close();
+ ac2.close();
+// Test that there is no buffering between contexts when connecting a running
+// AudioContext to a suspended AudioContext. Gecko's ScriptProcessorNode does some
+// buffering internally, so we ensure this by using a very very low frequency
+// on a sine, and oberve that the phase has changed by a big enough margin.
+async function testMultiContextInput() {
+ var ac1 = new AudioContext(),
+ ac2 = new AudioContext();
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (ac1.onstatechange = resolve));
+ ac1.onstatechange = null;
+ var osc1 = ac1.createOscillator(),
+ mediaStreamDestination1 = ac1.createMediaStreamDestination(),
+ sp1 = ac1.createScriptProcessor();
+ var mediaStreamAudioSourceNode2 = ac2.createMediaStreamSource(
+ ),
+ sp2 = ac2.createScriptProcessor(),
+ eventReceived = 0;
+ osc1.frequency.value = 0.0001;
+ osc1.connect(mediaStreamDestination1);
+ osc1.connect(sp1);
+ mediaStreamAudioSourceNode2.connect(sp2);
+ osc1.start();
+ var e = await new Promise((resolve) => (sp2.onaudioprocess = resolve));
+ var inputBuffer1 = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+ sp2.value = inputBuffer1[inputBuffer1.length - 1];
+ await ac2.suspend();
+ await ac2.resume();
+ while (true) {
+ var e = await new Promise(
+ (resolve) => (sp2.onaudioprocess = resolve)
+ );
+ var inputBuffer = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+ if (eventReceived++ == 3) {
+ var delta = Math.abs(inputBuffer[1] - sp2.value),
+ theoreticalIncrement =
+ (2048 * 3 * Math.PI * 2 * osc1.frequency.value) /
+ ac1.sampleRate;
+ assert_true(
+ delta >= theoreticalIncrement,
+ "Buffering did not occur when the context was suspended (delta:" +
+ delta +
+ " increment: " +
+ theoreticalIncrement +
+ ")"
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ac1.close();
+ ac2.close();
+ sp1.onaudioprocess = null;
+ sp2.onaudioprocess = null;
+// Take an AudioContext, make sure it switches to running when the audio starts
+// flowing, and then, call suspend, resume and close on it, tracking its state.
+async function testAudioContext() {
+ var ac = new AudioContext();
+ assert_equals(
+ ac.state,
+ "suspended",
+ "AudioContext should start in suspended state."
+ );
+ var stateTracker = {
+ previous: ac.state,
+ // no promise for the initial suspended -> running
+ initial: { handler: false },
+ suspend: { promise: false, handler: false },
+ resume: { promise: false, handler: false },
+ close: { promise: false, handler: false },
+ };
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (ac.onstatechange = resolve));
+ assert_true(
+ stateTracker.previous == "suspended" && ac.state == "running",
+ 'AudioContext should switch to "running" when the audio hardware is' +
+ " ready."
+ );
+ stateTracker.previous = ac.state;
+ stateTracker.initial.handler = true;
+ let promise_statechange_suspend = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ ac.onstatechange = resolve;
+ }).then(() => {
+ stateTracker.suspend.handler = true;
+ });
+ await ac.suspend();
+ assert_true(
+ !stateTracker.suspend.handler,
+ "Promise should be resolved before the callback."
+ );
+ assert_equals(
+ ac.state,
+ "suspended",
+ 'AudioContext should switch to "suspended" when the audio stream is ' +
+ "suspended."
+ );
+ await promise_statechange_suspend;
+ stateTracker.previous = ac.state;
+ let promise_statechange_resume = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ ac.onstatechange = resolve;
+ }).then(() => {
+ stateTracker.resume.handler = true;
+ });
+ await ac.resume();
+ assert_true(
+ !stateTracker.resume.handler,
+ "Promise should be resolved before the callback."
+ );
+ assert_equals(
+ ac.state,
+ "running",
+ 'AudioContext should switch to "running" when the audio stream is ' +
+ "resumed."
+ );
+ await promise_statechange_resume;
+ stateTracker.previous = ac.state;
+ let promise_statechange_close = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ ac.onstatechange = resolve;
+ }).then(() => {
+ stateTracker.close.handler = true;
+ });
+ await ac.close();
+ assert_true(
+ !stateTracker.close.handler,
+ "Promise should be resolved before the callback."
+ );
+ assert_equals(
+ ac.state,
+ "closed",
+ 'AudioContext should switch to "closed" when the audio stream is ' +
+ "closed."
+ );
+ await promise_statechange_close;
+ stateTracker.previous = ac.state;
+ tryToCreateNodeOnClosedContext(ac);
+ await tryLegalOpeerationsOnClosedContext(ac);
+async function testOfflineAudioContext() {
+ var o = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 44100, 44100);
+ assert_equals(
+ o.state,
+ "suspended",
+ "OfflineAudioContext should start in suspended state."
+ );
+ var previousState = o.state,
+ finishedRendering = false;
+ o.startRendering().then(function (buffer) {
+ finishedRendering = true;
+ });
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (o.onstatechange = resolve));
+ assert_true(
+ previousState == "suspended" && o.state == "running",
+ "onstatechanged" +
+ "handler is called on state changed, and the new state is running"
+ );
+ previousState = o.state;
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (o.onstatechange = resolve));
+ assert_true(
+ previousState == "running" && o.state == "closed",
+ "onstatechanged handler is called when rendering finishes, " +
+ "and the new state is closed"
+ );
+ assert_true(
+ finishedRendering,
+ "The Promise that is resolved when the rendering is " +
+ "done should be resolved earlier than the state change."
+ );
+ previousState = o.state;
+ function afterRenderingFinished() {
+ assert_true(
+ false,
+ "There should be no transition out of the closed state."
+ );
+ }
+ o.onstatechange = afterRenderingFinished;
+ tryToCreateNodeOnClosedContext(o);
+ await tryLegalOpeerationsOnClosedContext(o);
+async function testSuspendResumeEventLoop() {
+ var ac = new AudioContext();
+ var source = ac.createBufferSource();
+ source.buffer = ac.createBuffer(1, 44100, 44100);
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (ac.onstatechange = resolve));
+ ac.onstatechange = null;
+ assert_true(ac.state == "running", "initial state is running");
+ await ac.suspend();
+ source.start();
+ ac.resume();
+ await new Promise((resolve) => (source.onended = resolve));
+ assert_true(true, "The AudioContext did resume");
+function testResumeInStateChangeForResumeCallback() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var ac = new AudioContext();
+ ac.onstatechange = function () {
+ ac.resume().then(() => {
+ assert_true(true, "resume promise resolved as expected.");
+ resolve();
+ });
+ };
+ });
+var tests = [
+ testOfflineAudioContext,
+ testMultiContextOutput,
+ testMultiContextInput,
+ testSuspendResumeEventLoop,
+ testResumeInStateChangeForResumeCallback,
+ testAudioContext,
+tests.forEach(function (f) {
+ promise_test(f,;
+ </script>
+ </head>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff3daebf39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontext-suspend-resume.html
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ Test AudioContext.suspend() and AudioContext.resume()
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script id="layout-test-code">
+ let offlineContext;
+ let osc;
+ let p1;
+ let p2;
+ let p3;
+ let sampleRate = 44100;
+ let durationInSeconds = 1;
+ let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ // Task: test suspend().
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-suspend',
+ description: 'Test suspend() for offline context'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ // Test suspend/resume. Ideally this test is best with a online
+ // AudioContext, but content shell doesn't really have a working
+ // online AudioContext. Hence, use an OfflineAudioContext. Not all
+ // possible scenarios can be easily checked with an offline context
+ // instead of an online context.
+ // Create an audio context with an oscillator.
+ should(
+ () => {
+ offlineContext = new OfflineAudioContext(
+ 1, durationInSeconds * sampleRate, sampleRate);
+ },
+ 'offlineContext = new OfflineAudioContext(1, ' +
+ (durationInSeconds * sampleRate) + ', ' + sampleRate + ')')
+ .notThrow();
+ osc = offlineContext.createOscillator();
+ osc.connect(offlineContext.destination);
+ // Verify the state.
+ should(offlineContext.state, 'offlineContext.state')
+ .beEqualTo('suspended');
+ // Multiple calls to suspend() should not be a problem. But we can't
+ // test that on an offline context. Thus, check that suspend() on
+ // an OfflineAudioContext rejects the promise.
+ should(
+ () => p1 = offlineContext.suspend(),
+ 'p1 = offlineContext.suspend()')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(p1 instanceof Promise, 'p1 instanceof Promise').beTrue();
+ should(p1, 'p1').beRejected().then(task.done.bind(task));
+ });
+ // Task: test resume().
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-resume',
+ description: 'Test resume() for offline context'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ // Multiple calls to resume should not be a problem. But we can't
+ // test that on an offline context. Thus, check that resume() on an
+ // OfflineAudioContext rejects the promise.
+ should(
+ () => p2 = offlineContext.resume(),
+ 'p2 = offlineContext.resume()')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(p2 instanceof Promise, 'p2 instanceof Promise').beTrue();
+ // Resume doesn't actually resume an offline context
+ should(offlineContext.state, 'After resume, offlineContext.state')
+ .beEqualTo('suspended');
+ should(p2, 'p2').beRejected().then(task.done.bind(task));
+ });
+ // Task: test the state after context closed.
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-after-close',
+ description: 'Test state after context closed'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ // Render the offline context.
+ osc.start();
+ // Test suspend/resume in tested promise pattern. We don't care
+ // about the actual result of the offline rendering.
+ should(
+ () => p3 = offlineContext.startRendering(),
+ 'p3 = offlineContext.startRendering()')
+ .notThrow();
+ p3.then(() => {
+ should(offlineContext.state, 'After close, offlineContext.state')
+ .beEqualTo('closed');
+ // suspend() should be rejected on a closed context.
+ should(offlineContext.suspend(), 'offlineContext.suspend()')
+ .beRejected()
+ .then(() => {
+ // resume() should be rejected on closed context.
+ should(offlineContext.resume(), 'offlineContext.resume()')
+ .beRejected()
+ .then(task.done.bind(task));
+ })
+ });
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'resume-running-context',
+ description: 'Test resuming a running context'
+ },
+ (task, should) => {
+ let context;
+ should(() => context = new AudioContext(), 'Create online context')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(context.state, 'context.state').beEqualTo('suspended');
+ should(context.resume(), 'context.resume')
+ .beResolved()
+ .then(() => {
+ should(context.state, 'context.state after resume')
+ .beEqualTo('running');
+ })
+ .then(() => task.done());
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontextoptions.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontextoptions.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..136abedaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/audiocontextoptions.html
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ Test AudioContextOptions
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script id="layout-test-code">
+ let context;
+ let defaultLatency;
+ let interactiveLatency;
+ let balancedLatency;
+ let playbackLatency;
+ let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-audiocontextoptions-latencyHint-basic',
+ description: 'Test creating contexts with basic latencyHint types.'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ let closingPromises = [];
+ // Verify that an AudioContext can be created with default options.
+ should(function() {
+ context = new AudioContext()
+ }, 'context = new AudioContext()').notThrow();
+ should(context.sampleRate,
+ `context.sampleRate (${context.sampleRate} Hz)`).beGreaterThan(0);
+ defaultLatency = context.baseLatency;
+ should(defaultLatency, 'default baseLatency').beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0);
+ // Verify that an AudioContext can be created with the expected
+ // latency types.
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext({'latencyHint': 'interactive'})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': \'interactive\'})')
+ .notThrow();
+ interactiveLatency = context.baseLatency;
+ should(interactiveLatency, 'interactive baseLatency')
+ .beEqualTo(defaultLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context.close());
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext({'latencyHint': 'balanced'})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': \'balanced\'})')
+ .notThrow();
+ balancedLatency = context.baseLatency;
+ should(balancedLatency, 'balanced baseLatency')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(interactiveLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context.close());
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext({'latencyHint': 'playback'})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': \'playback\'})')
+ .notThrow();
+ playbackLatency = context.baseLatency;
+ should(playbackLatency, 'playback baseLatency')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(balancedLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context.close());
+ Promise.all(closingPromises).then(function() {
+ task.done();
+ });
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-audiocontextoptions-latencyHint-double',
+ description:
+ 'Test creating contexts with explicit latencyHint values.'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ let closingPromises = [];
+ // Verify too small exact latency clamped to 'interactive'
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context =
+ new AudioContext({'latencyHint': interactiveLatency / 2})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': ' +
+ 'interactiveLatency/2})')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(context.baseLatency, 'double-constructor baseLatency small')
+ .beLessThanOrEqualTo(interactiveLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context.close());
+ // Verify that exact latency in range works as expected
+ let validLatency = (interactiveLatency + playbackLatency) / 2;
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext({'latencyHint': validLatency})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': validLatency})')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ context.baseLatency, 'double-constructor baseLatency inrange 1')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(interactiveLatency);
+ should(
+ context.baseLatency, 'double-constructor baseLatency inrange 2')
+ .beLessThanOrEqualTo(playbackLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context.close());
+ // Verify too big exact latency clamped to some value
+ let context1;
+ let context2;
+ should(function() {
+ context1 =
+ new AudioContext({'latencyHint': playbackLatency * 10});
+ context2 =
+ new AudioContext({'latencyHint': playbackLatency * 20});
+ }, 'creating two high latency contexts').notThrow();
+ should(context1.baseLatency, 'high latency context baseLatency')
+ .beEqualTo(context2.baseLatency);
+ should(context1.baseLatency, 'high latency context baseLatency')
+ .beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(interactiveLatency);
+ closingPromises.push(context1.close());
+ closingPromises.push(context2.close());
+ // Verify that invalid latencyHint values are rejected.
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext({'latencyHint': 'foo'})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({\'latencyHint\': \'foo\'})')
+ .throw(TypeError);
+ // Verify that no extra options can be passed into the
+ // AudioContextOptions.
+ should(
+ function() {
+ context = new AudioContext('latencyHint')
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext(\'latencyHint\')')
+ .throw(TypeError);
+ Promise.all(closingPromises).then(function() {
+ task.done();
+ });
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'test-audiocontextoptions-sampleRate',
+ description:
+ 'Test creating contexts with non-default sampleRate values.'
+ },
+ function(task, should) {
+ // A sampleRate of 1 is unlikely to be supported on any browser,
+ // test that this rate is rejected.
+ should(
+ () => {
+ context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 1})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 1})')
+ .throw(DOMException, 'NotSupportedError');
+ // A sampleRate of 1,000,000 is unlikely to be supported on any
+ // browser, test that this rate is also rejected.
+ should(
+ () => {
+ context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 1000000})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 1000000})')
+ .throw(DOMException, 'NotSupportedError');
+ // A negative sample rate should not be accepted
+ should(
+ () => {
+ context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: -1})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: -1})')
+ .throw(DOMException, 'NotSupportedError');
+ // A null sample rate should not be accepted
+ should(
+ () => {
+ context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 0})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 0})')
+ .throw(DOMException, 'NotSupportedError');
+ should(
+ () => {
+ context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 24000})
+ },
+ 'context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 24000})')
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ context.sampleRate, 'sampleRate inrange')
+ .beEqualTo(24000);
+ context.close();
+ task.done();
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/constructor-allowed-to-start.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/constructor-allowed-to-start.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f866b5f7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/constructor-allowed-to-start.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>AudioContext state around "allowed to start" in constructor</title>
+<link rel=help href=>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testdriver.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js></script>
+setup({ single_test: true });
+test_driver.bless("audio playback", () => {
+ const ctx = new AudioContext();
+ // Immediately after the constructor the state is "suspended" because the
+ // control message to start processing has just been sent, but the state
+ // should change soon.
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, "suspended", "initial state");
+ ctx.onstatechange = () => {
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, "running", "state after statechange event");
+ // Now create another context and ensure it starts out in the "suspended"
+ // state too, ensuring it's not synchronously "running".
+ const ctx2 = new AudioContext();
+ assert_equals(ctx2.state, "suspended", "initial state of 2nd context");
+ done();
+ };
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/crashtests/currentTime-after-discard.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/crashtests/currentTime-after-discard.html
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index 0000000000..8c74bd0aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/crashtests/currentTime-after-discard.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ <title>
+ Test currentTime after browsing context discard
+ </title>
+ const frame = document.createElement('frame');
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(frame);
+ const ctx = new frame.contentWindow.AudioContext();
+ frame.remove();
+ ctx.currentTime;
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/processing-after-resume.https.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/processing-after-resume.https.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e000ab124f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/processing-after-resume.https.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>Test consistency of processing after resume()</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+const get_node_and_reply = (context) => {
+ const node = new AudioWorkletNode(context, 'port-processor');
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ node.port.onmessage = (event) => resolve({node: node, reply:});
+ });
+const ping_for_reply = (node) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ node.port.onmessage = (event) => resolve(;
+ node.port.postMessage('ping');
+ });
+const assert_consistent = (constructReply, pong, expectedPongTime, name) => {
+ const blockSize = 128;
+ assert_equals(pong.timeStamp, expectedPongTime, `${name} pong time`);
+ assert_equals(pong.processCallCount * blockSize,
+ pong.currentFrame - constructReply.currentFrame,
+ `${name} processed frame count`);
+const modulePath = '/webaudio/the-audio-api/' +
+ 'the-audioworklet-interface/processors/port-processor.js';
+promise_test(async () => {
+ const realtime = new AudioContext();
+ await realtime.audioWorklet.addModule(modulePath);
+ await realtime.suspend();
+ const timeBeforeResume = realtime.currentTime;
+ // Two AudioWorkletNodes are constructed.
+ // node1 is constructed before and node2 after the resume() call.
+ const construct1 = get_node_and_reply(realtime);
+ const resume = realtime.resume();
+ const construct2 = get_node_and_reply(realtime);
+ const {node: node1, reply: constructReply1} = await construct1;
+ assert_equals(constructReply1.timeStamp, timeBeforeResume,
+ 'construct time before resume');
+ const {node: node2, reply: constructReply2} = await construct2;
+ assert_greater_than_equal(constructReply2.timeStamp, timeBeforeResume,
+ 'construct time after resume');
+ await resume;
+ // Suspend the context to freeze time and check that the processing for each
+ // node matches the elapsed time.
+ await realtime.suspend();
+ const timeAfterSuspend = realtime.currentTime;
+ const pong1 = await ping_for_reply(node1);
+ const pong2 = await ping_for_reply(node2);
+ assert_consistent(constructReply1, pong1, timeAfterSuspend, 'node1');
+ assert_consistent(constructReply2, pong2, timeAfterSuspend, 'node2');
+ assert_equals(pong1.currentFrame, pong2.currentFrame, 'currentFrame matches');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/promise-methods-after-discard.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/promise-methods-after-discard.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fb3c5a50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/promise-methods-after-discard.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>Test for rejected promises from methods on an AudioContext in a
+ discarded browsing context</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+let context;
+let childDOMException;
+setup(() => {
+ const frame = document.createElement('iframe');
+ document.body.appendChild(frame);
+ context = new frame.contentWindow.AudioContext();
+ childDOMException = frame.contentWindow.DOMException;
+ frame.remove();
+promise_test((t) => promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ childDOMException, context.suspend()),
+ 'suspend()');
+promise_test((t) => promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ childDOMException, context.resume()),
+ 'resume()');
+promise_test((t) => promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError',
+ childDOMException, context.close()),
+ 'close()');
+// decodeAudioData() is tested in audiocontext-detached-execution-context.html
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/resources/not-fully-active-helper.sub.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/resources/not-fully-active-helper.sub.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2654a2a504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/resources/not-fully-active-helper.sub.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<iframe src="{{GET[childsrc]}}">
+const frame = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
+const reply = op => window.parent.postMessage('DONE ' + op, '*');
+window.onmessage = e => {
+ switch ( {
+ case 'REMOVE FRAME':
+ frame.remove();
+ reply(;
+ break;
+ frame.srcdoc = '<html></html>';
+ frame.onload = () => reply(;
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-after-construct.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-after-construct.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..596a825c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-after-construct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>Test AudioContext state updates with suspend() shortly after
+ construction</title>
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+// A separate async_test is used for tracking state change counts so that it
+// can report excess changes after the promise_test for the iteration has
+// completed.
+const changeCountingTest = async_test('State change counting');
+const doTest = async (testCount) => {
+ const ctx = new AudioContext();
+ // Explicitly resume to get a promise to indicate whether the context
+ // successfully started running.
+ const resume = ctx.resume();
+ const suspend = ctx.suspend();
+ let stateChangesDone = new Promise((resolve) => {
+ ctx.onstatechange = () => {
+ ++ctx.stateChangeCount;
+ changeCountingTest.step(() => {
+ assert_less_than_equal(ctx.stateChangeCount,
+ ctx.expectedStateChangeCount,
+ `ctx ${testCount} state change count.`);
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, ctx.expectedState, `ctx ${testCount} state`);
+ });
+ if (ctx.stateChangeCount == ctx.totalStateChangeCount) {
+ resolve();
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ctx.stateChangeCount = 0;
+ ctx.expectedStateChangeCount = 1;
+ ctx.expectedState = 'running';
+ ctx.totalStateChangeCount = 2;
+ let resumeState = 'pending';
+ resume.then(() => {
+ resumeState = 'fulfilled';
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, 'running', 'state on resume fulfilled.');
+ }).catch(() => {
+ // The resume() promise may be rejected if "Attempt to acquire system
+ // resources" fails. The spec does not discuss the possibility of a
+ // subsequent suspend causing such a failure, but accept this as a
+ // reasonable behavior.
+ resumeState = 'rejected';
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, 'suspended', 'state on resume rejected.');
+ assert_equals(ctx.stateChangeCount, 0);
+ ctx.expectedStateChangeCount = 0;
+ stateChangesDone = Promise.resolve();
+ });
+ suspend.then(() => {
+ assert_not_equals(resumeState, 'pending',
+ 'resume promise should settle before suspend promise.')
+ if (resumeState == 'fulfilled') {
+ ++ctx.expectedStateChangeCount;
+ }
+ ctx.expectedState = 'suspended';
+ assert_equals(ctx.state, 'suspended', 'state on suspend fulfilled.');
+ });
+ await resume;
+ await suspend;
+ await stateChangesDone;
+// Repeat the test because Gecko uses different code when there is more than
+// one AudioContext. The third run provides time to check that no further
+// state changes from the second run are pending.
+for (const testCount of [1, 2, 3]) {
+ promise_test(() => { return doTest(testCount); }, `Iteration ${testCount}`);
+promise_test(async () => changeCountingTest.done(), 'Stop waiting');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-with-navigation.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-with-navigation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9328ae95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audiocontext-interface/suspend-with-navigation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<meta name="timeout" content="long">
+<title>AudioContext.suspend() with navigation</title>
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
+<script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script>
+<script src="/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/back-forward-cache/resources/helper.sub.js"></script>
+'use strict';
+ funcBeforeNavigation: async () => {
+ window.promise_event = (target, name) => {
+ return new Promise(resolve => target[`on${name}`] = resolve);
+ };
+ window.promise_source_ended = (audioCtx) => {
+ const source = new ConstantSourceNode(audioCtx);
+ source.start(0);
+ source.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + 1/audioCtx.sampleRate);
+ return promise_event(source, "ended");
+ };
+ window.suspended_ctx = new AudioContext();
+ // Perform the equivalent of test_driver.bless() to request a user gesture
+ // for when the test is run from a browser. test_driver would need to be
+ // able to postMessage() to the test context, which is not available due
+ // to being called with noopener (for back/forward cache).
+ // Audio autoplay is expected to be allowed when run through webdriver
+ // from `wpt run`.
+ let button = document.createElement('button');
+ button.innerHTML = 'This test requires user interaction.<br />' +
+ 'Please click here to allow AudioContext.';
+ document.body.appendChild(button);
+ button.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ document.body.removeChild(button);
+ suspended_ctx.resume();
+ }, {once: true});
+ // Wait for user gesture, if required.
+ await suspended_ctx.resume();
+ await suspended_ctx.suspend();
+ window.ended_promise = promise_source_ended(suspended_ctx);
+ },
+ funcAfterAssertion: async (pageA) => {
+ const state = await pageA.execute_script(() => suspended_ctx.state);
+ assert_equals(state, 'suspended', 'state after back()');
+ const first_ended = await pageA.execute_script(async () => {
+ // Wait for an ended event from a running AudioContext to provide enough
+ // time to check that the ended event has not yet been dispatched from
+ // the suspended ctx.
+ const running_ctx = new AudioContext();
+ await running_ctx.resume();
+ return Promise.race([
+ ended_promise.then(() => 'suspended_ctx'),
+ promise_source_ended(running_ctx).then(() => 'running_ctx'),
+ ]);
+ });
+ assert_equals(first_ended, 'running_ctx',
+ 'AudioContext of first ended event');
+ await pageA.execute_script(() => {
+ window.suspended_ctx.resume();
+ return ended_promise;
+ });
+ },
+}, 'suspend() with navigation');