path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/k-rate-oscillator-connections.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/k-rate-oscillator-connections.html')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/k-rate-oscillator-connections.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/k-rate-oscillator-connections.html
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/k-rate-oscillator-connections.html
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+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>
+ k-rate AudioParams with inputs for OscillatorNode
+ </title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
+ <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <script>
+ let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
+ // Sample rate must be a power of two to eliminate round-off when
+ // computing time from frames and vice versa. Using a non-power of two
+ // will work, but the thresholds below will not be zero. They're probably
+ // closer to 1e-5 or so, but if everything is working correctly, the
+ // outputs really should be exactly equal.
+ const sampleRate = 8192;
+ // Fairly arbitrary but short duration to limit runtime.
+ const testFrames = 5 * RENDER_QUANTUM_FRAMES;
+ const testDuration = testFrames / sampleRate;
+ audit.define(
+ {label: 'Test 1', description: 'k-rate frequency input'},
+ async (task, should) => {
+ // Test that an input to the frequency AudioParam set to k-rate
+ // works.
+ // Fairly arbitrary start and end frequencies for the automation.
+ const freqStart = 100;
+ const freqEnd = 2000;
+ let refSetup = (context) => {
+ let srcRef = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0});
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.frequency.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ freqEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return srcRef;
+ };
+ let testSetup = (context) => {
+ let srcTest = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0});
+ should(
+ () => srcTest.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return srcTest;
+ };
+ let modSetup = (context) => {
+ let mod = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => mod.offset.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () =>
+ mod.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(freqEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ // This node is going to be connected to the frequency AudioParam.
+ return {frequency: mod};
+ };
+ await testParams(should, {
+ prefix: task.label,
+ summary: 'k-rate frequency with input',
+ setupRefOsc: refSetup,
+ setupTestOsc: testSetup,
+ setupMod: modSetup
+ });
+ task.done();
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {label: 'Test 2', description: 'k-rate detune input'},
+ async (task, should) => {
+ // Test that an input to the detune AudioParam set to k-rate works.
+ // Threshold experimentally determined. It should be probably not
+ // be much larger than 5e-5. or something is not right.
+ // Fairly arbitrary start and end detune values for automation.
+ const detuneStart = 0;
+ const detuneEnd = 2000;
+ let refSetup = (context) => {
+ let srcRef = new OscillatorNode(context, {detune: 0});
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.detune.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => srcRef.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return srcRef;
+ };
+ let testSetup = (context) => {
+ let srcTest = new OscillatorNode(context, {detune: 0});
+ should(
+ () => srcTest.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return srcTest;
+ };
+ let modSetup = (context) => {
+ let mod = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => mod.offset.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => mod.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return {detune: mod};
+ };
+ await testParams(should, {
+ prefix: task.label,
+ summary: 'k-rate detune with input',
+ setupRefOsc: refSetup,
+ setupTestOsc: testSetup,
+ setupMod: modSetup
+ });
+ task.done();
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'Test 3',
+ description: 'k-rate frequency input with a-rate detune'
+ },
+ async (task, should) => {
+ // Test OscillatorNode with a k-rate frequency with input and an
+ // a-rate detune iwth automations.
+ // Fairly arbitrary start and end values for the frequency and
+ // detune automations.
+ const freqStart = 100;
+ const freqEnd = 2000;
+ const detuneStart = 0;
+ const detuneEnd = -2000;
+ let refSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0});
+ // Set up k-rate frequency and a-rate detune
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ 2000, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let testSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0});
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.detune.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let modSetup = (context) => {
+ let mod = {};
+ mod['frequency'] = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => mod['frequency'].offset.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => mod['frequency'].offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ 2000, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return mod;
+ };
+ await testParams(should, {
+ prefix: task.label,
+ summary: 'k-rate frequency input with a-rate detune',
+ setupRefOsc: refSetup,
+ setupTestOsc: testSetup,
+ setupMod: modSetup
+ });
+ task.done();
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'Test 4',
+ description: 'a-rate frequency with k-rate detune input'
+ },
+ async (task, should) => {
+ // Test OscillatorNode with an a-rate frequency with automations and
+ // a k-rate detune with input.
+ // Fairly arbitrary start and end values for the frequency and
+ // detune automations.
+ const freqStart = 100;
+ const freqEnd = 2000;
+ const detuneStart = 0;
+ const detuneEnd = -2000;
+ let refSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {detune: 0});
+ // Set up a-rate frequency and k-rate detune
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ 2000, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let testSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {detune: 0});
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.frequency.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ freqEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let modSetup = (context) => {
+ let mod = {};
+ const name = 'detune';
+ mod['detune'] = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => mod[name].offset.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => mod[name].offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return mod;
+ };
+ await testParams(should, {
+ prefix: task.label,
+ summary: 'k-rate detune input with a-rate frequency',
+ setupRefOsc: refSetup,
+ setupTestOsc: testSetup,
+ setupMod: modSetup
+ });
+ task.done();
+ });
+ audit.define(
+ {
+ label: 'Test 5',
+ description: 'k-rate inputs for frequency and detune'
+ },
+ async (task, should) => {
+ // Test OscillatorNode with k-rate frequency and detune with inputs
+ // on both.
+ // Fairly arbitrary start and end values for the frequency and
+ // detune automations.
+ const freqStart = 100;
+ const freqEnd = 2000;
+ const detuneStart = 0;
+ const detuneEnd = -2000;
+ let refSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0, detune: 0});
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.setValueAtTime(${freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ freqEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef;.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: srcRef.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let testSetup = (context) => {
+ let node = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: 0, detune: 0});
+ should(
+ () => node.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.frequency.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => node.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate',
+ `${task.label}: srcTest.detune.automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return node;
+ };
+ let modSetup = (context) => {
+ let modF = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => modF.offset.setValueAtTime(freqStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ freqStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => modF.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ freqEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modFreq.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ freqEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ let modD = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});
+ should(
+ () => modD.offset.setValueAtTime(detuneStart, 0),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.setValueAtTime(${
+ detuneStart}, 0)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ should(
+ () => modD.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ detuneEnd, testDuration),
+ `${task.label}: modDetune.offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
+ detuneEnd}, ${testDuration})`)
+ .notThrow();
+ return {frequency: modF, detune: modD};
+ };
+ await testParams(should, {
+ prefix: task.label,
+ summary: 'k-rate inputs for both frequency and detune',
+ setupRefOsc: refSetup,
+ setupTestOsc: testSetup,
+ setupMod: modSetup
+ });
+ task.done();
+ });
+ async function testParams(should, options) {
+ // Test a-rate and k-rate AudioParams of an OscillatorNode.
+ //
+ // |options| should be a dictionary with these members:
+ // prefix - prefix to use for messages
+ // summary - message to be printed with the final results
+ // setupRefOsc - function returning the reference oscillator
+ // setupTestOsc - function returning the test oscillator
+ // setupMod - function returning nodes to be connected to the
+ // AudioParams.
+ //
+ // |setupRefOsc| and |setupTestOsc| are given the context and each
+ // method is expected to create an OscillatorNode with the appropriate
+ // automations for testing. The constructed OscillatorNode is returned.
+ //
+ // The reference oscillator
+ // should automate the desired AudioParams at the appropriate automation
+ // rate, and the output is the expected result.
+ //
+ // The test oscillator should set up the AudioParams but expect the
+ // AudioParam(s) have an input that matches the automation for the
+ // reference oscillator.
+ //
+ // |setupMod| must create one or two ConstantSourceNodes with exactly
+ // the same automations as used for the reference oscillator. This node
+ // is used as the input to an AudioParam of the test oscillator. This
+ // function returns a dictionary whose members are named 'frequency' and
+ // 'detune'. The name indicates which AudioParam the constant source
+ // node should be connected to.
+ // Two channels: 0 = reference signal, 1 = test signal
+ let context = new OfflineAudioContext({
+ numberOfChannels: 2,
+ sampleRate: sampleRate,
+ length: testDuration * sampleRate
+ });
+ let merger = new ChannelMergerNode(
+ context, {numberOfInputs: context.destination.channelCount});
+ merger.connect(context.destination);
+ // The reference oscillator.
+ let srcRef = options.setupRefOsc(context);
+ // The test oscillator.
+ let srcTest = options.setupTestOsc(context);
+ // Inputs to AudioParam.
+ let mod = options.setupMod(context);
+ if (mod['frequency']) {
+ should(
+ () => mod['frequency'].connect(srcTest.frequency),
+ `${options.prefix}: modFreq.connect(srcTest.frequency)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ mod['frequency'].start()
+ }
+ if (mod['detune']) {
+ should(
+ () => mod['detune'].connect(srcTest.detune),
+ `${options.prefix}: modDetune.connect(srcTest.detune)`)
+ .notThrow();
+ mod['detune'].start()
+ }
+ srcRef.connect(merger, 0, 0);
+ srcTest.connect(merger, 0, 1);
+ srcRef.start();
+ srcTest.start();
+ let buffer = await context.startRendering();
+ let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
+ let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
+ // The output of the reference and test oscillator should be
+ // exactly equal because the AudioParam values should be exactly
+ // equal.
+ should(actual, options.summary).beCloseToArray(expected, {
+ absoluteThreshold: 0
+ });
+ }
+ </script>
+ </body>