path: root/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jpegli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jpegli/ b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jpegli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ae5483d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jpegli/
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "lib/jpegli/test_utils.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "lib/jpegli/decode.h"
+#include "lib/jpegli/encode.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/byte_order.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/file_io.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/sanitizers.h"
+#if !defined(TEST_DATA_PATH)
+#include "tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h"
+namespace jpegli {
+#if defined(TEST_DATA_PATH)
+std::string GetTestDataPath(const std::string& filename) {
+ return std::string(TEST_DATA_PATH "/") + filename;
+using bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles;
+const std::unique_ptr<Runfiles> kRunfiles(Runfiles::Create(""));
+std::string GetTestDataPath(const std::string& filename) {
+ std::string root(JPEGXL_ROOT_PACKAGE "/testdata/");
+ return kRunfiles->Rlocation(root + filename);
+std::vector<uint8_t> ReadTestData(const std::string& filename) {
+ std::string full_path = GetTestDataPath(filename);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data;
+ fprintf(stderr, "ReadTestData %s\n", full_path.c_str());
+ JXL_CHECK(jxl::ReadFile(full_path, &data));
+ printf("Test data %s is %d bytes long.\n", filename.c_str(),
+ static_cast<int>(data.size()));
+ return data;
+void CustomQuantTable::Generate() {
+ basic_table.resize(DCTSIZE2);
+ quantval.resize(DCTSIZE2);
+ switch (table_type) {
+ case 0: {
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ basic_table[k] = k + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ basic_table[k] = table_type;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ quantval[k] = (basic_table[k] * scale_factor + 50U) / 100U;
+ quantval[k] = std::max(quantval[k], 1U);
+ quantval[k] = std::min(quantval[k], 65535U);
+ if (!add_raw) {
+ quantval[k] = std::min(quantval[k], force_baseline ? 255U : 32767U);
+ }
+ }
+bool PNMParser::ParseHeader(const uint8_t** pos, size_t* xsize, size_t* ysize,
+ size_t* num_channels, size_t* bitdepth) {
+ if (pos_[0] != 'P' || (pos_[1] != '5' && pos_[1] != '6')) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid PNM header.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ *num_channels = (pos_[1] == '5' ? 1 : 3);
+ pos_ += 2;
+ size_t maxval;
+ if (!SkipWhitespace() || !ParseUnsigned(xsize) || !SkipWhitespace() ||
+ !ParseUnsigned(ysize) || !SkipWhitespace() || !ParseUnsigned(&maxval) ||
+ !SkipWhitespace()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (maxval == 0 || maxval >= 65536) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid maxval value.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool found_bitdepth = false;
+ for (int bits = 1; bits <= 16; ++bits) {
+ if (maxval == (1u << bits) - 1) {
+ *bitdepth = bits;
+ found_bitdepth = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_bitdepth) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid maxval value.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ *pos = pos_;
+ return true;
+bool PNMParser::ParseUnsigned(size_t* number) {
+ if (pos_ == end_ || *pos_ < '0' || *pos_ > '9') {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Expected unsigned number.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ *number = 0;
+ while (pos_ < end_ && *pos_ >= '0' && *pos_ <= '9') {
+ *number *= 10;
+ *number += *pos_ - '0';
+ ++pos_;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PNMParser::SkipWhitespace() {
+ if (pos_ == end_ || !IsWhitespace(*pos_)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Expected whitespace.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (pos_ < end_ && IsWhitespace(*pos_)) {
+ ++pos_;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ReadPNM(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, size_t* xsize, size_t* ysize,
+ size_t* num_channels, size_t* bitdepth,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* pixels) {
+ if (data.size() < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "PNM file too small.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PNMParser parser(, data.size());
+ const uint8_t* pos = nullptr;
+ if (!parser.ParseHeader(&pos, xsize, ysize, num_channels, bitdepth)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ pixels->resize( + data.size() - pos);
+ memcpy(&(*pixels)[0], pos, pixels->size());
+ return true;
+std::string ColorSpaceName(J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace) {
+ switch (colorspace) {
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ return "GRAYSCALE";
+ case JCS_RGB:
+ return "RGB";
+ case JCS_YCbCr:
+ return "YCbCr";
+ case JCS_CMYK:
+ return "CMYK";
+ case JCS_YCCK:
+ return "YCCK";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+std::string IOMethodName(JpegliDataType data_type,
+ JpegliEndianness endianness) {
+ std::string retval;
+ if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT8) {
+ return "";
+ } else if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT16) {
+ retval = "UINT16";
+ } else if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ retval = "FLOAT";
+ }
+ if (endianness == JPEGLI_LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
+ retval += "LE";
+ } else if (endianness == JPEGLI_BIG_ENDIAN) {
+ retval += "BE";
+ }
+ return retval;
+std::string SamplingId(const CompressParams& jparams) {
+ std::stringstream os;
+ JXL_CHECK(jparams.h_sampling.size() == jparams.v_sampling.size());
+ if (!jparams.h_sampling.empty()) {
+ size_t len = jparams.h_sampling.size();
+ while (len > 1 && jparams.h_sampling[len - 1] == 1 &&
+ jparams.v_sampling[len - 1] == 1) {
+ --len;
+ }
+ os << "SAMP";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (i > 0) os << "_";
+ os << jparams.h_sampling[i] << "x" << jparams.v_sampling[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return os.str();
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TestImage& input) {
+ os << input.xsize << "x" << input.ysize;
+ os << IOMethodName(input.data_type, input.endianness);
+ if (input.color_space != JCS_RGB) {
+ os << "InputColor" << ColorSpaceName(input.color_space);
+ }
+ if (input.color_space == JCS_UNKNOWN) {
+ os << input.components;
+ }
+ return os;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CompressParams& jparams) {
+ os << "Q" << jparams.quality;
+ os << SamplingId(jparams);
+ if (jparams.set_jpeg_colorspace) {
+ os << "JpegColor" << ColorSpaceName(jparams.jpeg_color_space);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.comp_ids.empty()) {
+ os << "CID";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < jparams.comp_ids.size(); ++i) {
+ os << jparams.comp_ids[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!jparams.quant_indexes.empty()) {
+ os << "QIDX";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < jparams.quant_indexes.size(); ++i) {
+ os << jparams.quant_indexes[i];
+ }
+ for (const auto& table : jparams.quant_tables) {
+ os << "TABLE" << table.slot_idx << "T" << table.table_type << "F"
+ << table.scale_factor
+ << (table.add_raw ? "R"
+ : table.force_baseline ? "B"
+ : "");
+ }
+ }
+ if (jparams.progressive_mode >= 0) {
+ os << "P" << jparams.progressive_mode;
+ } else if (jparams.simple_progression) {
+ os << "Psimple";
+ }
+ if (jparams.optimize_coding == 1) {
+ JXL_CHECK(jparams.progressive_mode <= 0 && !jparams.simple_progression);
+ os << "OptimizedCode";
+ } else if (jparams.optimize_coding == 0) {
+ JXL_CHECK(jparams.progressive_mode <= 0 && !jparams.simple_progression);
+ os << "FixedCode";
+ if (jparams.use_flat_dc_luma_code) {
+ os << "FlatDCLuma";
+ } else if (jparams.omit_standard_tables) {
+ os << "OmitDHT";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!jparams.use_adaptive_quantization) {
+ os << "NoAQ";
+ }
+ if (jparams.restart_interval > 0) {
+ os << "R" << jparams.restart_interval;
+ }
+ if (jparams.restart_in_rows > 0) {
+ os << "RR" << jparams.restart_in_rows;
+ }
+ if (jparams.xyb_mode) {
+ os << "XYB";
+ } else if (jparams.libjpeg_mode) {
+ os << "Libjpeg";
+ }
+ if (jparams.override_JFIF >= 0) {
+ os << (jparams.override_JFIF ? "AddJFIF" : "NoJFIF");
+ }
+ if (jparams.override_Adobe >= 0) {
+ os << (jparams.override_Adobe ? "AddAdobe" : "NoAdobe");
+ }
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ os << "AddMarker";
+ }
+ if (!jparams.icc.empty()) {
+ os << "ICCSize" << jparams.icc.size();
+ }
+ if (jparams.smoothing_factor != 0) {
+ os << "SF" << jparams.smoothing_factor;
+ }
+ return os;
+void SetNumChannels(J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace, size_t* channels) {
+ if (colorspace == JCS_GRAYSCALE) {
+ *channels = 1;
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_RGB || colorspace == JCS_YCbCr) {
+ *channels = 3;
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_CMYK || colorspace == JCS_YCCK) {
+ *channels = 4;
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_UNKNOWN) {
+ JXL_CHECK(*channels <= 4);
+ } else {
+ }
+void RGBToYCbCr(float r, float g, float b, float* y, float* cb, float* cr) {
+ *y = 0.299f * r + 0.587f * g + 0.114f * b;
+ *cb = -0.168736f * r - 0.331264f * g + 0.5f * b + 0.5f;
+ *cr = 0.5f * r - 0.418688f * g - 0.081312f * b + 0.5f;
+void ConvertPixel(const uint8_t* input_rgb, uint8_t* out,
+ J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace, size_t num_channels,
+ JpegliDataType data_type = JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT8,
+ bool swap_endianness = JPEGLI_NATIVE_ENDIAN) {
+ const float kMul = 255.0f;
+ float r = input_rgb[0] / kMul;
+ float g = input_rgb[1] / kMul;
+ float b = input_rgb[2] / kMul;
+ uint8_t out8[MAX_COMPONENTS];
+ if (colorspace == JCS_GRAYSCALE) {
+ const float Y = 0.299f * r + 0.587f * g + 0.114f * b;
+ out8[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Y * kMul));
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_RGB || colorspace == JCS_UNKNOWN) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ out8[c] = input_rgb[std::min<size_t>(2, c)];
+ }
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_YCbCr) {
+ float Y, Cb, Cr;
+ RGBToYCbCr(r, g, b, &Y, &Cb, &Cr);
+ out8[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Y * kMul));
+ out8[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Cb * kMul));
+ out8[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Cr * kMul));
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_CMYK || colorspace == JCS_YCCK) {
+ float K = 1.0f - std::max(r, std::max(g, b));
+ float scaleK = 1.0f / (1.0f - K);
+ r *= scaleK;
+ g *= scaleK;
+ b *= scaleK;
+ if (colorspace == JCS_CMYK) {
+ out8[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round((1.0f - r) * kMul));
+ out8[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round((1.0f - g) * kMul));
+ out8[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round((1.0f - b) * kMul));
+ } else if (colorspace == JCS_YCCK) {
+ float Y, Cb, Cr;
+ RGBToYCbCr(r, g, b, &Y, &Cb, &Cr);
+ out8[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Y * kMul));
+ out8[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Cb * kMul));
+ out8[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(Cr * kMul));
+ }
+ out8[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::round(K * kMul));
+ } else {
+ JXL_ABORT("Colorspace %d not supported", colorspace);
+ }
+ if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT8) {
+ memcpy(out, out8, num_channels);
+ } else if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT16) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ uint16_t val = (out8[c] << 8) + out8[c];
+ val |= 0x40; // Make little-endian and big-endian asymmetric
+ if (swap_endianness) {
+ val = JXL_BSWAP16(val);
+ }
+ memcpy(&out[sizeof(val) * c], &val, sizeof(val));
+ }
+ } else if (data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ float val = out8[c] / 255.0f;
+ if (swap_endianness) {
+ val = BSwapFloat(val);
+ }
+ memcpy(&out[sizeof(val) * c], &val, sizeof(val));
+ }
+ }
+void ConvertToGrayscale(TestImage* img) {
+ if (img->color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE) return;
+ JXL_CHECK(img->data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT8);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < img->pixels.size(); i += 3) {
+ if (img->color_space == JCS_RGB) {
+ ConvertPixel(&img->pixels[i], &img->pixels[i / 3], JCS_GRAYSCALE, 1);
+ } else if (img->color_space == JCS_YCbCr) {
+ img->pixels[i / 3] = img->pixels[i];
+ }
+ }
+ img->pixels.resize(img->pixels.size() / 3);
+ img->color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;
+ img->components = 1;
+void GeneratePixels(TestImage* img) {
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> imgdata = ReadTestData("jxl/flower/flower.pnm");
+ size_t xsize, ysize, channels, bitdepth;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> pixels;
+ JXL_CHECK(ReadPNM(imgdata, &xsize, &ysize, &channels, &bitdepth, &pixels));
+ if (img->xsize == 0) img->xsize = xsize;
+ if (img->ysize == 0) img->ysize = ysize;
+ JXL_CHECK(img->xsize <= xsize);
+ JXL_CHECK(img->ysize <= ysize);
+ JXL_CHECK(3 == channels);
+ JXL_CHECK(8 == bitdepth);
+ size_t in_bytes_per_pixel = channels;
+ size_t in_stride = xsize * in_bytes_per_pixel;
+ size_t x0 = (xsize - img->xsize) / 2;
+ size_t y0 = (ysize - img->ysize) / 2;
+ SetNumChannels(img->color_space, &img->components);
+ size_t out_bytes_per_pixel =
+ jpegli_bytes_per_sample(img->data_type) * img->components;
+ size_t out_stride = img->xsize * out_bytes_per_pixel;
+ bool swap_endianness =
+ (img->endianness == JPEGLI_LITTLE_ENDIAN && !IsLittleEndian()) ||
+ (img->endianness == JPEGLI_BIG_ENDIAN && IsLittleEndian());
+ img->pixels.resize(img->ysize * out_stride);
+ for (size_t iy = 0; iy < img->ysize; ++iy) {
+ size_t y = y0 + iy;
+ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < img->xsize; ++ix) {
+ size_t x = x0 + ix;
+ size_t idx_in = y * in_stride + x * in_bytes_per_pixel;
+ size_t idx_out = iy * out_stride + ix * out_bytes_per_pixel;
+ ConvertPixel(&pixels[idx_in], &img->pixels[idx_out], img->color_space,
+ img->components, img->data_type, swap_endianness);
+ }
+ }
+void GenerateRawData(const CompressParams& jparams, TestImage* img) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < img->components; ++c) {
+ size_t xsize = jparams.comp_width(*img, c);
+ size_t ysize = jparams.comp_height(*img, c);
+ size_t factor_y = jparams.max_v_sample() / jparams.v_samp(c);
+ size_t factor_x = jparams.max_h_sample() / jparams.h_samp(c);
+ size_t factor = factor_x * factor_y;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> plane(ysize * xsize);
+ size_t bytes_per_pixel = img->components;
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
+ int result = 0;
+ for (size_t iy = 0; iy < factor_y; ++iy) {
+ size_t yy = std::min(y * factor_y + iy, img->ysize - 1);
+ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < factor_x; ++ix) {
+ size_t xx = std::min(x * factor_x + ix, img->xsize - 1);
+ size_t pixel_ix = (yy * img->xsize + xx) * bytes_per_pixel + c;
+ result += img->pixels[pixel_ix];
+ }
+ }
+ result = static_cast<uint8_t>((result + factor / 2) / factor);
+ plane[y * xsize + x] = result;
+ }
+ }
+ img->raw_data.emplace_back(std::move(plane));
+ }
+void GenerateCoeffs(const CompressParams& jparams, TestImage* img) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < img->components; ++c) {
+ int xsize_blocks = jparams.comp_width(*img, c) / DCTSIZE;
+ int ysize_blocks = jparams.comp_height(*img, c) / DCTSIZE;
+ std::vector<JCOEF> plane(ysize_blocks * xsize_blocks * DCTSIZE2);
+ for (int by = 0; by < ysize_blocks; ++by) {
+ for (int bx = 0; bx < xsize_blocks; ++bx) {
+ JCOEF* block = &plane[(by * xsize_blocks + bx) * DCTSIZE2];
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ block[k] = (bx - by) / (k + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ img->coeffs.emplace_back(std::move(plane));
+ }
+void EncodeWithJpegli(const TestImage& input, const CompressParams& jparams,
+ j_compress_ptr cinfo) {
+ cinfo->image_width = input.xsize;
+ cinfo->image_height = input.ysize;
+ cinfo->input_components = input.components;
+ if (jparams.xyb_mode) {
+ jpegli_set_xyb_mode(cinfo);
+ }
+ if (jparams.libjpeg_mode) {
+ jpegli_enable_adaptive_quantization(cinfo, FALSE);
+ jpegli_use_standard_quant_tables(cinfo);
+ jpegli_set_progressive_level(cinfo, 0);
+ }
+ jpegli_set_defaults(cinfo);
+ cinfo->in_color_space = input.color_space;
+ jpegli_default_colorspace(cinfo);
+ if (jparams.override_JFIF >= 0) {
+ cinfo->write_JFIF_header = jparams.override_JFIF;
+ }
+ if (jparams.override_Adobe >= 0) {
+ cinfo->write_Adobe_marker = jparams.override_Adobe;
+ }
+ if (jparams.set_jpeg_colorspace) {
+ jpegli_set_colorspace(cinfo, jparams.jpeg_color_space);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.comp_ids.empty()) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ cinfo->comp_info[c].component_id = jparams.comp_ids[c];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!jparams.h_sampling.empty()) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ cinfo->comp_info[c].h_samp_factor = jparams.h_sampling[c];
+ cinfo->comp_info[c].v_samp_factor = jparams.v_sampling[c];
+ }
+ }
+ jpegli_set_quality(cinfo, jparams.quality, TRUE);
+ if (!jparams.quant_indexes.empty()) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ cinfo->comp_info[c].quant_tbl_no = jparams.quant_indexes[c];
+ }
+ for (const auto& table : jparams.quant_tables) {
+ if (table.add_raw) {
+ cinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[table.slot_idx] =
+ jpegli_alloc_quant_table((j_common_ptr)cinfo);
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ cinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[table.slot_idx]->quantval[k] =
+ table.quantval[k];
+ }
+ cinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[table.slot_idx]->sent_table = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ jpegli_add_quant_table(cinfo, table.slot_idx, &table.basic_table[0],
+ table.scale_factor, table.force_baseline);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (jparams.simple_progression) {
+ jpegli_simple_progression(cinfo);
+ JXL_CHECK(jparams.progressive_mode == -1);
+ }
+ if (jparams.progressive_mode > 2) {
+ const ScanScript& script = kTestScript[jparams.progressive_mode - 3];
+ cinfo->scan_info = script.scans;
+ cinfo->num_scans = script.num_scans;
+ } else if (jparams.progressive_mode >= 0) {
+ jpegli_set_progressive_level(cinfo, jparams.progressive_mode);
+ }
+ jpegli_set_input_format(cinfo, input.data_type, input.endianness);
+ jpegli_enable_adaptive_quantization(cinfo, jparams.use_adaptive_quantization);
+ cinfo->restart_interval = jparams.restart_interval;
+ cinfo->restart_in_rows = jparams.restart_in_rows;
+ cinfo->smoothing_factor = jparams.smoothing_factor;
+ if (jparams.optimize_coding == 1) {
+ cinfo->optimize_coding = TRUE;
+ } else if (jparams.optimize_coding == 0) {
+ cinfo->optimize_coding = FALSE;
+ }
+ cinfo->raw_data_in = !input.raw_data.empty();
+ if (jparams.optimize_coding == 0 && jparams.use_flat_dc_luma_code) {
+ JHUFF_TBL* tbl = cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[0];
+ memset(tbl, 0, sizeof(*tbl));
+ tbl->bits[4] = 15;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) tbl->huffval[i] = i;
+ }
+ if (input.coeffs.empty()) {
+ bool write_all_tables = TRUE;
+ if (jparams.optimize_coding == 0 && !jparams.use_flat_dc_luma_code &&
+ jparams.omit_standard_tables) {
+ write_all_tables = FALSE;
+ cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[0]->sent_table = TRUE;
+ cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[1]->sent_table = TRUE;
+ cinfo->ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[0]->sent_table = TRUE;
+ cinfo->ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[1]->sent_table = TRUE;
+ }
+ jpegli_start_compress(cinfo, write_all_tables);
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ jpegli_write_marker(cinfo, kSpecialMarker0, kMarkerData,
+ sizeof(kMarkerData));
+ jpegli_write_m_header(cinfo, kSpecialMarker1, sizeof(kMarkerData));
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(kMarkerData); ++p) {
+ jpegli_write_m_byte(cinfo, kMarkerData[p]);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kMarkerSequenceLen; ++i) {
+ jpegli_write_marker(cinfo, kMarkerSequence[i], kMarkerData,
+ ((i + 2) % sizeof(kMarkerData)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!jparams.icc.empty()) {
+ jpegli_write_icc_profile(cinfo,, jparams.icc.size());
+ }
+ }
+ if (cinfo->raw_data_in) {
+ // Need to copy because jpeg API requires non-const pointers.
+ std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> raw_data = input.raw_data;
+ size_t max_lines = jparams.max_v_sample() * DCTSIZE;
+ std::vector<std::vector<JSAMPROW>> rowdata(cinfo->num_components);
+ std::vector<JSAMPARRAY> data(cinfo->num_components);
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ rowdata[c].resize(jparams.v_samp(c) * DCTSIZE);
+ data[c] = &rowdata[c][0];
+ }
+ while (cinfo->next_scanline < cinfo->image_height) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ size_t cwidth = cinfo->comp_info[c].width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t cheight = cinfo->comp_info[c].height_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t num_lines = jparams.v_samp(c) * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t y0 = (cinfo->next_scanline / max_lines) * num_lines;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lines; ++i) {
+ rowdata[c][i] =
+ (y0 + i < cheight ? &raw_data[c][(y0 + i) * cwidth] : nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t num_lines = jpegli_write_raw_data(cinfo, &data[0], max_lines);
+ JXL_CHECK(num_lines == max_lines);
+ }
+ } else if (!input.coeffs.empty()) {
+ j_common_ptr comptr = reinterpret_cast<j_common_ptr>(cinfo);
+ jvirt_barray_ptr* coef_arrays = reinterpret_cast<jvirt_barray_ptr*>((
+ *cinfo->mem->alloc_small)(
+ comptr, JPOOL_IMAGE, cinfo->num_components * sizeof(jvirt_barray_ptr)));
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ size_t xsize_blocks = jparams.comp_width(input, c) / DCTSIZE;
+ size_t ysize_blocks = jparams.comp_height(input, c) / DCTSIZE;
+ coef_arrays[c] = (*cinfo->mem->request_virt_barray)(
+ comptr, JPOOL_IMAGE, FALSE, xsize_blocks, ysize_blocks,
+ cinfo->comp_info[c].v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ jpegli_write_coefficients(cinfo, coef_arrays);
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ jpegli_write_marker(cinfo, kSpecialMarker0, kMarkerData,
+ sizeof(kMarkerData));
+ jpegli_write_m_header(cinfo, kSpecialMarker1, sizeof(kMarkerData));
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(kMarkerData); ++p) {
+ jpegli_write_m_byte(cinfo, kMarkerData[p]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ jpeg_component_info* comp = &cinfo->comp_info[c];
+ for (size_t by = 0; by < comp->height_in_blocks; ++by) {
+ JBLOCKARRAY ba = (*cinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)(
+ comptr, coef_arrays[c], by, 1, true);
+ size_t stride = comp->width_in_blocks * sizeof(JBLOCK);
+ size_t offset = by * comp->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE2;
+ memcpy(ba[0], &input.coeffs[c][offset], stride);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ size_t stride = cinfo->image_width * cinfo->input_components *
+ jpegli_bytes_per_sample(input.data_type);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> row_bytes(stride);
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < cinfo->image_height; ++y) {
+ memcpy(&row_bytes[0], &input.pixels[y * stride], stride);
+ JSAMPROW row[] = {};
+ jpegli_write_scanlines(cinfo, row, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ jpegli_finish_compress(cinfo);
+bool EncodeWithJpegli(const TestImage& input, const CompressParams& jparams,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* compressed) {
+ uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+ unsigned long buffer_size = 0;
+ jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
+ const auto try_catch_block = [&]() -> bool {
+ jpegli_create_compress(&cinfo);
+ jpegli_mem_dest(&cinfo, &buffer, &buffer_size);
+ EncodeWithJpegli(input, jparams, &cinfo);
+ return true;
+ };
+ bool success = try_catch_block();
+ jpegli_destroy_compress(&cinfo);
+ if (success) {
+ compressed->resize(buffer_size);
+ std::copy_n(buffer, buffer_size, compressed->data());
+ }
+ if (buffer) std::free(buffer);
+ return success;
+void SetScanDecompressParams(const DecompressParams& dparams,
+ j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int scan_number,
+ bool is_jpegli) {
+ const ScanDecompressParams* sparams = nullptr;
+ for (const auto& sp : dparams.scan_params) {
+ if (scan_number <= sp.max_scan_number) {
+ sparams = &sp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sparams == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dparams.quantize_colors) {
+ cinfo->dither_mode = sparams->dither_mode;
+ if (sparams->color_quant_mode == CQUANT_1PASS) {
+ cinfo->two_pass_quantize = FALSE;
+ cinfo->colormap = nullptr;
+ } else if (sparams->color_quant_mode == CQUANT_2PASS) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_RGB);
+ cinfo->two_pass_quantize = TRUE;
+ cinfo->colormap = nullptr;
+ } else if (sparams->color_quant_mode == CQUANT_EXTERNAL) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_RGB);
+ cinfo->two_pass_quantize = FALSE;
+ bool have_colormap = cinfo->colormap != nullptr;
+ cinfo->actual_number_of_colors = kTestColorMapNumColors;
+ cinfo->colormap = (*cinfo->mem->alloc_sarray)(
+ reinterpret_cast<j_common_ptr>(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ cinfo->actual_number_of_colors, 3);
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(cinfo->colormap, 3 * sizeof(JSAMPROW));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kTestColorMapNumColors; ++i) {
+ cinfo->colormap[0][i] = (kTestColorMap[i] >> 16) & 0xff;
+ cinfo->colormap[1][i] = (kTestColorMap[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
+ cinfo->colormap[2][i] = (kTestColorMap[i] >> 0) & 0xff;
+ }
+ if (have_colormap) {
+ if (is_jpegli) {
+ jpegli_new_colormap(cinfo);
+ } else {
+ jpeg_new_colormap(cinfo);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (sparams->color_quant_mode == CQUANT_REUSE) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_RGB);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->colormap);
+ }
+ }
+void SetDecompressParams(const DecompressParams& dparams,
+ j_decompress_ptr cinfo, bool is_jpegli) {
+ cinfo->do_block_smoothing = dparams.do_block_smoothing;
+ cinfo->do_fancy_upsampling = dparams.do_fancy_upsampling;
+ if (dparams.output_mode == RAW_DATA) {
+ cinfo->raw_data_out = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (dparams.set_out_color_space) {
+ cinfo->out_color_space = dparams.out_color_space;
+ if (dparams.out_color_space == JCS_UNKNOWN) {
+ cinfo->jpeg_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ cinfo->scale_num = dparams.scale_num;
+ cinfo->scale_denom = dparams.scale_denom;
+ cinfo->quantize_colors = dparams.quantize_colors;
+ cinfo->desired_number_of_colors = dparams.desired_number_of_colors;
+ if (!dparams.scan_params.empty()) {
+ if (cinfo->buffered_image) {
+ for (const auto& sparams : dparams.scan_params) {
+ if (sparams.color_quant_mode == CQUANT_1PASS) {
+ cinfo->enable_1pass_quant = TRUE;
+ } else if (sparams.color_quant_mode == CQUANT_2PASS) {
+ cinfo->enable_2pass_quant = TRUE;
+ } else if (sparams.color_quant_mode == CQUANT_EXTERNAL) {
+ cinfo->enable_external_quant = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ SetScanDecompressParams(dparams, cinfo, 1, is_jpegli);
+ } else {
+ SetScanDecompressParams(dparams, cinfo, kLastScan, is_jpegli);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_jpegli) {
+ jpegli_set_output_format(cinfo, dparams.data_type, dparams.endianness);
+ }
+void CheckMarkerPresent(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, uint8_t marker_type) {
+ bool marker_found = false;
+ for (jpeg_saved_marker_ptr marker = cinfo->marker_list; marker != nullptr;
+ marker = marker->next) {
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(marker, sizeof(*marker));
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(marker->data, marker->data_length);
+ if (marker->marker == marker_type &&
+ marker->data_length == sizeof(kMarkerData) &&
+ memcmp(marker->data, kMarkerData, sizeof(kMarkerData)) == 0) {
+ marker_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(marker_found);
+void VerifyHeader(const CompressParams& jparams, j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
+ if (jparams.set_jpeg_colorspace) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->jpeg_color_space == jparams.jpeg_color_space);
+ }
+ if (jparams.override_JFIF >= 0) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->saw_JFIF_marker == jparams.override_JFIF);
+ }
+ if (jparams.override_Adobe >= 0) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->saw_Adobe_marker == jparams.override_Adobe);
+ }
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ CheckMarkerPresent(cinfo, kSpecialMarker0);
+ CheckMarkerPresent(cinfo, kSpecialMarker1);
+ }
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(
+ cinfo->comp_info, cinfo->num_components * sizeof(cinfo->comp_info[0]));
+ int max_h_samp_factor = 1;
+ int max_v_samp_factor = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->num_components; ++i) {
+ jpeg_component_info* comp = &cinfo->comp_info[i];
+ if (!jparams.comp_ids.empty()) {
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->component_id == jparams.comp_ids[i]);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.h_sampling.empty()) {
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->h_samp_factor == jparams.h_sampling[i]);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.v_sampling.empty()) {
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->v_samp_factor == jparams.v_sampling[i]);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.quant_indexes.empty()) {
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->quant_tbl_no == jparams.quant_indexes[i]);
+ }
+ max_h_samp_factor = std::max(max_h_samp_factor, comp->h_samp_factor);
+ max_v_samp_factor = std::max(max_v_samp_factor, comp->v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(max_h_samp_factor == cinfo->max_h_samp_factor);
+ JXL_CHECK(max_v_samp_factor == cinfo->max_v_samp_factor);
+ int referenced_tables[NUM_QUANT_TBLS] = {};
+ for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->num_components; ++i) {
+ jpeg_component_info* comp = &cinfo->comp_info[i];
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->width_in_blocks ==
+ DivCeil(cinfo->image_width * comp->h_samp_factor,
+ max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE));
+ JXL_CHECK(comp->height_in_blocks ==
+ DivCeil(cinfo->image_height * comp->v_samp_factor,
+ max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE));
+ referenced_tables[comp->quant_tbl_no] = 1;
+ }
+ for (const auto& table : jparams.quant_tables) {
+ JQUANT_TBL* quant_table = cinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[table.slot_idx];
+ if (!referenced_tables[table.slot_idx]) {
+ JXL_CHECK(quant_table == nullptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(quant_table != nullptr);
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(quant_table, sizeof(*quant_table));
+ for (int k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; ++k) {
+ JXL_CHECK(quant_table->quantval[k] == table.quantval[k]);
+ }
+ }
+void VerifyScanHeader(const CompressParams& jparams, j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->input_scan_number > 0);
+ if (cinfo->progressive_mode) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Ss != 0 || cinfo->Se != 63);
+ } else {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Ss == 0 && cinfo->Se == 63);
+ }
+ if (jparams.progressive_mode > 2) {
+ JXL_CHECK(jparams.progressive_mode < 3 + kNumTestScripts);
+ const ScanScript& script = kTestScript[jparams.progressive_mode - 3];
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->input_scan_number <= script.num_scans);
+ const jpeg_scan_info& scan = script.scans[cinfo->input_scan_number - 1];
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comps_in_scan == scan.comps_in_scan);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ++i) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->cur_comp_info[i]->component_index ==
+ scan.component_index[i]);
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Ss == scan.Ss);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Se == scan.Se);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Ah == scan.Ah);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->Al == scan.Al);
+ }
+ if (jparams.restart_interval > 0) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->restart_interval == jparams.restart_interval);
+ } else if (jparams.restart_in_rows > 0) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->restart_interval ==
+ jparams.restart_in_rows * cinfo->MCUs_per_row);
+ }
+ if (jparams.progressive_mode == 0 && jparams.optimize_coding == 0) {
+ if (cinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_RGB) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ } else if (cinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].dc_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].dc_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].ac_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].ac_tbl_no == 1);
+ } else if (cinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_CMYK) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[3].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[3].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ } else if (cinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCCK) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].dc_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].dc_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[3].dc_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[1].ac_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[2].ac_tbl_no == 1);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->comp_info[3].ac_tbl_no == 0);
+ }
+ if (jparams.use_flat_dc_luma_code) {
+ JHUFF_TBL* tbl = cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[0];
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(tbl, sizeof(*tbl));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
+ JXL_CHECK(tbl->huffval[i] == i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void UnmapColors(uint8_t* row, size_t xsize, int components,
+ JSAMPARRAY colormap, size_t num_colors) {
+ JXL_CHECK(colormap != nullptr);
+ std::vector<uint8_t> tmp(xsize * components);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
+ JXL_CHECK(row[x] < num_colors);
+ for (int c = 0; c < components; ++c) {
+ tmp[x * components + c] = colormap[c][row[x]];
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(row,, tmp.size());
+void ReadOutputPass(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, const DecompressParams& dparams,
+ TestImage* output) {
+ JDIMENSION xoffset = 0;
+ JDIMENSION yoffset = 0;
+ JDIMENSION xsize_cropped = cinfo->output_width;
+ JDIMENSION ysize_cropped = cinfo->output_height;
+ if (dparams.crop_output) {
+ xoffset = xsize_cropped = cinfo->output_width / 3;
+ yoffset = ysize_cropped = cinfo->output_height / 3;
+ jpeg_crop_scanline(cinfo, &xoffset, &xsize_cropped);
+ JXL_CHECK(xsize_cropped == cinfo->output_width);
+ }
+ output->xsize = xsize_cropped;
+ output->ysize = ysize_cropped;
+ output->components = cinfo->out_color_components;
+ if (cinfo->quantize_colors) {
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(cinfo->colormap, cinfo->out_color_components *
+ sizeof(cinfo->colormap[0]));
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->out_color_components; ++c) {
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(
+ cinfo->colormap[c],
+ cinfo->actual_number_of_colors * sizeof(cinfo->colormap[c][0]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!cinfo->raw_data_out) {
+ size_t stride = output->xsize * output->components;
+ output->pixels.resize(output->ysize * stride);
+ output->color_space = cinfo->out_color_space;
+ if (yoffset > 0) {
+ jpeg_skip_scanlines(cinfo, yoffset);
+ }
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < output->ysize; ++y) {
+ JSAMPROW rows[] = {
+ reinterpret_cast<JSAMPLE*>(&output->pixels[y * stride])};
+ JXL_CHECK(1 == jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo, rows, 1));
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(
+ rows[0], sizeof(JSAMPLE) * cinfo->output_components * output->xsize);
+ if (cinfo->quantize_colors) {
+ UnmapColors(rows[0], cinfo->output_width, cinfo->out_color_components,
+ cinfo->colormap, cinfo->actual_number_of_colors);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cinfo->output_scanline < cinfo->output_height) {
+ jpeg_skip_scanlines(cinfo, cinfo->output_height - cinfo->output_scanline);
+ }
+ } else {
+ output->color_space = cinfo->jpeg_color_space;
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ size_t xsize = cinfo->comp_info[c].width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t ysize = cinfo->comp_info[c].height_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> plane(ysize * xsize);
+ output->raw_data.emplace_back(std::move(plane));
+ }
+ while (cinfo->output_scanline < cinfo->output_height) {
+ size_t iMCU_height = cinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE;
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->output_scanline == cinfo->output_iMCU_row * iMCU_height);
+ std::vector<std::vector<JSAMPROW>> rowdata(cinfo->num_components);
+ std::vector<JSAMPARRAY> data(cinfo->num_components);
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ size_t xsize = cinfo->comp_info[c].width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t ysize = cinfo->comp_info[c].height_in_blocks * DCTSIZE;
+ size_t num_lines = cinfo->comp_info[c].v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE;
+ rowdata[c].resize(num_lines);
+ size_t y0 = cinfo->output_iMCU_row * num_lines;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lines; ++i) {
+ rowdata[c][i] =
+ y0 + i < ysize ? &output->raw_data[c][(y0 + i) * xsize] : nullptr;
+ }
+ data[c] = &rowdata[c][0];
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(iMCU_height ==
+ jpeg_read_raw_data(cinfo, &data[0], iMCU_height));
+ }
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo->total_iMCU_rows ==
+ DivCeil(cinfo->image_height, cinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE));
+void CopyCoefficients(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jvirt_barray_ptr* coef_arrays,
+ TestImage* output) {
+ output->xsize = cinfo->image_width;
+ output->ysize = cinfo->image_height;
+ output->components = cinfo->num_components;
+ output->color_space = cinfo->out_color_space;
+ j_common_ptr comptr = reinterpret_cast<j_common_ptr>(cinfo);
+ for (int c = 0; c < cinfo->num_components; ++c) {
+ jpeg_component_info* comp = &cinfo->comp_info[c];
+ std::vector<JCOEF> coeffs(comp->width_in_blocks * comp->height_in_blocks *
+ for (size_t by = 0; by < comp->height_in_blocks; ++by) {
+ JBLOCKARRAY ba = (*cinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)(comptr, coef_arrays[c],
+ by, 1, true);
+ size_t stride = comp->width_in_blocks * sizeof(JBLOCK);
+ size_t offset = by * comp->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE2;
+ memcpy(&coeffs[offset], ba[0], stride);
+ }
+ output->coeffs.emplace_back(std::move(coeffs));
+ }
+// Verifies that an image encoded with libjpegli can be decoded with libjpeg,
+// and checks that the jpeg coding metadata matches jparams.
+void DecodeAllScansWithLibjpeg(const CompressParams& jparams,
+ const DecompressParams& dparams,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& compressed,
+ std::vector<TestImage>* output_progression) {
+ jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo = {};
+ const auto try_catch_block = [&]() {
+ jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo);
+ jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo,, compressed.size());
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, kSpecialMarker0, 0xffff);
+ jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, kSpecialMarker1, 0xffff);
+ }
+ jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, /*require_image=*/TRUE));
+ cinfo.buffered_image = TRUE;
+ SetDecompressParams(dparams, &cinfo, /*is_jpegli=*/false);
+ VerifyHeader(jparams, &cinfo);
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo));
+ // start decompress should not read the whole input in buffered image mode
+ JXL_CHECK(!jpeg_input_complete(&cinfo));
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.output_scan_number == 0);
+ int sos_marker_cnt = 1; // read header reads the first SOS marker
+ while (!jpeg_input_complete(&cinfo)) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.input_scan_number == sos_marker_cnt);
+ if (dparams.skip_scans && (cinfo.input_scan_number % 2) != 1) {
+ int result = JPEG_SUSPENDED;
+ while (result != JPEG_REACHED_SOS && result != JPEG_REACHED_EOI) {
+ result = jpeg_consume_input(&cinfo);
+ }
+ if (result == JPEG_REACHED_SOS) ++sos_marker_cnt;
+ continue;
+ }
+ SetScanDecompressParams(dparams, &cinfo, cinfo.input_scan_number,
+ /*is_jpegli=*/false);
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_start_output(&cinfo, cinfo.input_scan_number));
+ // start output sets output_scan_number, but does not change
+ // input_scan_number
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.output_scan_number == cinfo.input_scan_number);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.input_scan_number == sos_marker_cnt);
+ VerifyScanHeader(jparams, &cinfo);
+ TestImage output;
+ ReadOutputPass(&cinfo, dparams, &output);
+ output_progression->emplace_back(std::move(output));
+ // read scanlines/read raw data does not change input/output scan number
+ if (!cinfo.progressive_mode) {
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.input_scan_number == sos_marker_cnt);
+ JXL_CHECK(cinfo.output_scan_number == cinfo.input_scan_number);
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_finish_output(&cinfo));
+ ++sos_marker_cnt; // finish output reads the next SOS marker or EOI
+ if (dparams.output_mode == COEFFICIENTS) {
+ jvirt_barray_ptr* coef_arrays = jpeg_read_coefficients(&cinfo);
+ JXL_CHECK(coef_arrays != nullptr);
+ CopyCoefficients(&cinfo, coef_arrays, &output_progression->back());
+ }
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo));
+ return true;
+ };
+ JXL_CHECK(try_catch_block());
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
+void DecodeWithLibjpeg(const CompressParams& jparams,
+ const DecompressParams& dparams, j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ TestImage* output) {
+ if (jparams.add_marker) {
+ jpeg_save_markers(cinfo, kSpecialMarker0, 0xffff);
+ jpeg_save_markers(cinfo, kSpecialMarker1, 0xffff);
+ }
+ if (!jparams.icc.empty()) {
+ jpeg_save_markers(cinfo, JPEG_APP0 + 2, 0xffff);
+ }
+ jpeg_read_header(cinfo, /*require_image=*/TRUE));
+ if (!jparams.icc.empty()) {
+ uint8_t* icc_data = nullptr;
+ unsigned int icc_len;
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_read_icc_profile(cinfo, &icc_data, &icc_len));
+ JXL_CHECK(icc_data);
+ jxl::msan::UnpoisonMemory(icc_data, icc_len);
+ JXL_CHECK(0 == memcmp(, icc_data, icc_len));
+ free(icc_data);
+ }
+ SetDecompressParams(dparams, cinfo, /*is_jpegli=*/false);
+ VerifyHeader(jparams, cinfo);
+ if (dparams.output_mode == COEFFICIENTS) {
+ jvirt_barray_ptr* coef_arrays = jpeg_read_coefficients(cinfo);
+ JXL_CHECK(coef_arrays != nullptr);
+ CopyCoefficients(cinfo, coef_arrays, output);
+ } else {
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_start_decompress(cinfo));
+ VerifyScanHeader(jparams, cinfo);
+ ReadOutputPass(cinfo, dparams, output);
+ }
+ JXL_CHECK(jpeg_finish_decompress(cinfo));
+void DecodeWithLibjpeg(const CompressParams& jparams,
+ const DecompressParams& dparams,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& compressed,
+ TestImage* output) {
+ jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo = {};
+ const auto try_catch_block = [&]() {
+ jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo);
+ jpeg_mem_src(&cinfo,, compressed.size());
+ DecodeWithLibjpeg(jparams, dparams, &cinfo, output);
+ return true;
+ };
+ JXL_CHECK(try_catch_block());
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
+void DumpImage(const TestImage& image, const std::string fn) {
+ JXL_CHECK(image.components == 1 || image.components == 3);
+ jxl::FileWrapper f(fn.c_str(), "wb");
+ size_t bytes_per_sample = jpegli_bytes_per_sample(image.data_type);
+ uint32_t maxval = (1u << (8 * bytes_per_sample)) - 1;
+ char type = image.components == 1 ? '5' : '6';
+ fprintf(f, "P%c\n%" PRIuS " %" PRIuS "\n%u\n", type, image.xsize, image.ysize,
+ maxval);
+ fwrite(, 1, image.pixels.size(), f);
+double DistanceRms(const TestImage& input, const TestImage& output,
+ size_t start_line, size_t num_lines, double* max_diff) {
+ size_t stride = input.xsize * input.components;
+ size_t start_offset = start_line * stride;
+ auto get_sample = [&](const TestImage& im, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
+ size_t idx) -> double {
+ size_t bytes_per_sample = jpegli_bytes_per_sample(im.data_type);
+ bool is_little_endian =
+ (im.endianness == JPEGLI_LITTLE_ENDIAN ||
+ (im.endianness == JPEGLI_NATIVE_ENDIAN && IsLittleEndian()));
+ size_t offset = start_offset + idx * bytes_per_sample;
+ JXL_CHECK(offset < data.size());
+ const uint8_t* p = &data[offset];
+ if (im.data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT8) {
+ static const double mul8 = 1.0 / 255.0;
+ return p[0] * mul8;
+ } else if (im.data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_UINT16) {
+ static const double mul16 = 1.0 / 65535.0;
+ return (is_little_endian ? LoadLE16(p) : LoadBE16(p)) * mul16;
+ } else if (im.data_type == JPEGLI_TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ return (is_little_endian ? LoadLEFloat(p) : LoadBEFloat(p));
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ };
+ double diff2 = 0.0;
+ size_t num_samples = 0;
+ if (max_diff) *max_diff = 0.0;
+ if (!input.pixels.empty() && !output.pixels.empty()) {
+ num_samples = num_lines * stride;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) {
+ double sample_orig = get_sample(input, input.pixels, i);
+ double sample_output = get_sample(output, output.pixels, i);
+ double diff = sample_orig - sample_output;
+ if (max_diff) *max_diff = std::max(*max_diff, 255.0 * std::abs(diff));
+ diff2 += diff * diff;
+ }
+ } else {
+ JXL_CHECK(!input.raw_data.empty());
+ JXL_CHECK(!output.raw_data.empty());
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < input.raw_data.size(); ++c) {
+ JXL_CHECK(c < output.raw_data.size());
+ num_samples += input.raw_data[c].size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input.raw_data[c].size(); ++i) {
+ double sample_orig = get_sample(input, input.raw_data[c], i);
+ double sample_output = get_sample(output, output.raw_data[c], i);
+ double diff = sample_orig - sample_output;
+ if (max_diff) *max_diff = std::max(*max_diff, 255.0 * std::abs(diff));
+ diff2 += diff * diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::sqrt(diff2 / num_samples) * 255.0;
+double DistanceRms(const TestImage& input, const TestImage& output,
+ double* max_diff) {
+ return DistanceRms(input, output, 0, output.ysize, max_diff);
+void VerifyOutputImage(const TestImage& input, const TestImage& output,
+ size_t start_line, size_t num_lines, double max_rms,
+ double max_diff) {
+ double max_d;
+ double rms = DistanceRms(input, output, start_line, num_lines, &max_d);
+ printf("rms: %f, max_rms: %f, max_d: %f, max_diff: %f\n", rms, max_rms,
+ max_d, max_diff);
+ JXL_CHECK(rms <= max_rms);
+ JXL_CHECK(max_d <= max_diff);
+void VerifyOutputImage(const TestImage& input, const TestImage& output,
+ double max_rms, double max_diff) {
+ JXL_CHECK(output.xsize == input.xsize);
+ JXL_CHECK(output.ysize == input.ysize);
+ JXL_CHECK(output.components == input.components);
+ JXL_CHECK(output.color_space == input.color_space);
+ if (!input.coeffs.empty()) {
+ JXL_CHECK(input.coeffs.size() == input.components);
+ JXL_CHECK(output.coeffs.size() == input.components);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < input.components; ++c) {
+ JXL_CHECK(output.coeffs[c].size() == input.coeffs[c].size());
+ JXL_CHECK(0 == memcmp(input.coeffs[c].data(), output.coeffs[c].data(),
+ input.coeffs[c].size()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ VerifyOutputImage(input, output, 0, output.ysize, max_rms, max_diff);
+ }
+} // namespace jpegli