path: root/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/modular/encoding/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/modular/encoding/ b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/modular/encoding/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8c183335e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/modular/encoding/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cinttypes>
+#include <limits>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <queue>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/common.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/dec_ans.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/dec_bit_reader.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/enc_ans.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/enc_aux_out.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/enc_bit_writer.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/enc_fields.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/entropy_coder.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/fields.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/image_ops.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/context_predict.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/enc_debug_tree.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/enc_ma.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/encoding.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/ma_common.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/options.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/modular/transform/transform.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/toc.h"
+namespace jxl {
+namespace {
+// Plot tree (if enabled) and predictor usage map.
+constexpr bool kWantDebug = false;
+constexpr bool kPrintTree = false;
+inline std::array<uint8_t, 3> PredictorColor(Predictor p) {
+ switch (p) {
+ case Predictor::Zero:
+ return {{0, 0, 0}};
+ case Predictor::Left:
+ return {{255, 0, 0}};
+ case Predictor::Top:
+ return {{0, 255, 0}};
+ case Predictor::Average0:
+ return {{0, 0, 255}};
+ case Predictor::Average4:
+ return {{192, 128, 128}};
+ case Predictor::Select:
+ return {{255, 255, 0}};
+ case Predictor::Gradient:
+ return {{255, 0, 255}};
+ case Predictor::Weighted:
+ return {{0, 255, 255}};
+ // TODO
+ default:
+ return {{255, 255, 255}};
+ };
+} // namespace
+void GatherTreeData(const Image &image, pixel_type chan, size_t group_id,
+ const weighted::Header &wp_header,
+ const ModularOptions &options, TreeSamples &tree_samples,
+ size_t *total_pixels) {
+ const Channel &channel =[chan];
+ JXL_DEBUG_V(7, "Learning %" PRIuS "x%" PRIuS " channel %d", channel.w,
+ channel.h, chan);
+ std::array<pixel_type, kNumStaticProperties> static_props = {
+ {chan, (int)group_id}};
+ Properties properties(kNumNonrefProperties +
+ kExtraPropsPerChannel * options.max_properties);
+ double pixel_fraction = std::min(1.0f, options.nb_repeats);
+ // a fraction of 0 is used to disable learning entirely.
+ if (pixel_fraction > 0) {
+ pixel_fraction = std::max(pixel_fraction,
+ std::min(1.0, 1024.0 / (channel.w * channel.h)));
+ }
+ uint64_t threshold =
+ (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() >> 32) * pixel_fraction;
+ uint64_t s[2] = {static_cast<uint64_t>(0x94D049BB133111EBull),
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9ull)};
+ // Xorshift128+ adapted from xorshift128+-inl.h
+ auto use_sample = [&]() {
+ auto s1 = s[0];
+ const auto s0 = s[1];
+ const auto bits = s1 + s0; // b, c
+ s[0] = s0;
+ s1 ^= s1 << 23;
+ s1 ^= s0 ^ (s1 >> 18) ^ (s0 >> 5);
+ s[1] = s1;
+ return (bits >> 32) <= threshold;
+ };
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ Channel references(properties.size() - kNumNonrefProperties, channel.w);
+ weighted::State wp_state(wp_header, channel.w, channel.h);
+ tree_samples.PrepareForSamples(pixel_fraction * channel.h * channel.w + 64);
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT p = channel.Row(y);
+ PrecomputeReferences(channel, y, image, chan, &references);
+ InitPropsRow(&properties, static_props, y);
+ // TODO(veluca): avoid computing WP if we don't use its property or
+ // predictions.
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ pixel_type_w pred[kNumModularPredictors];
+ if (tree_samples.NumPredictors() != 1) {
+ PredictLearnAll(&properties, channel.w, p + x, onerow, x, y, references,
+ &wp_state, pred);
+ } else {
+ pred[static_cast<int>(tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(0))] =
+ PredictLearn(&properties, channel.w, p + x, onerow, x, y,
+ tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(0), references,
+ &wp_state)
+ .guess;
+ }
+ (*total_pixels)++;
+ if (use_sample()) {
+ tree_samples.AddSample(p[x], properties, pred);
+ }
+ wp_state.UpdateErrors(p[x], x, y, channel.w);
+ }
+ }
+Tree LearnTree(TreeSamples &&tree_samples, size_t total_pixels,
+ const ModularOptions &options,
+ const std::vector<ModularMultiplierInfo> &multiplier_info = {},
+ StaticPropRange static_prop_range = {}) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumStaticProperties; i++) {
+ if (static_prop_range[i][1] == 0) {
+ static_prop_range[i][1] = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tree_samples.HasSamples()) {
+ Tree tree;
+ tree.emplace_back();
+ tree.back().predictor = tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(0);
+ tree.back().property = -1;
+ tree.back().predictor_offset = 0;
+ tree.back().multiplier = 1;
+ return tree;
+ }
+ float pixel_fraction = tree_samples.NumSamples() * 1.0f / total_pixels;
+ float required_cost = pixel_fraction * 0.9 + 0.1;
+ tree_samples.AllSamplesDone();
+ Tree tree;
+ ComputeBestTree(tree_samples,
+ options.splitting_heuristics_node_threshold * required_cost,
+ multiplier_info, static_prop_range,
+ options.fast_decode_multiplier, &tree);
+ return tree;
+Status EncodeModularChannelMAANS(const Image &image, pixel_type chan,
+ const weighted::Header &wp_header,
+ const Tree &global_tree, Token **tokenpp,
+ AuxOut *aux_out, size_t group_id,
+ bool skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ const Channel &channel =[chan];
+ Token *tokenp = *tokenpp;
+ JXL_ASSERT(channel.w != 0 && channel.h != 0);
+ Image3F predictor_img;
+ if (kWantDebug) predictor_img = Image3F(channel.w, channel.h);
+ "Encoding %" PRIuS "x%" PRIuS
+ " channel %d, "
+ "(shift=%i,%i)",
+ channel.w, channel.h, chan, channel.hshift, channel.vshift);
+ std::array<pixel_type, kNumStaticProperties> static_props = {
+ {chan, (int)group_id}};
+ bool use_wp, is_wp_only;
+ bool is_gradient_only;
+ size_t num_props;
+ FlatTree tree = FilterTree(global_tree, static_props, &num_props, &use_wp,
+ &is_wp_only, &is_gradient_only);
+ Properties properties(num_props);
+ MATreeLookup tree_lookup(tree);
+ JXL_DEBUG_V(3, "Encoding using a MA tree with %" PRIuS " nodes", tree.size());
+ // Check if this tree is a WP-only tree with a small enough property value
+ // range.
+ // Initialized to avoid clang-tidy complaining.
+ uint16_t context_lookup[2 * kPropRangeFast] = {};
+ int8_t offsets[2 * kPropRangeFast] = {};
+ if (is_wp_only) {
+ is_wp_only = TreeToLookupTable(tree, context_lookup, offsets);
+ }
+ if (is_gradient_only) {
+ is_gradient_only = TreeToLookupTable(tree, context_lookup, offsets);
+ }
+ if (is_wp_only && !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ FillImage(static_cast<float>(PredictorColor(Predictor::Weighted)[c]),
+ &predictor_img.Plane(c));
+ }
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ weighted::State wp_state(wp_header, channel.w, channel.h);
+ Properties properties(1);
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT r = channel.Row(y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ pixel_type_w left = (x ? r[x - 1] : y ? *(r + x - onerow) : 0);
+ pixel_type_w top = (y ? *(r + x - onerow) : left);
+ pixel_type_w topleft = (x && y ? *(r + x - 1 - onerow) : left);
+ pixel_type_w topright =
+ (x + 1 < channel.w && y ? *(r + x + 1 - onerow) : top);
+ pixel_type_w toptop = (y > 1 ? *(r + x - onerow - onerow) : top);
+ int32_t guess = wp_state.Predict</*compute_properties=*/true>(
+ x, y, channel.w, top, left, topright, topleft, toptop, &properties,
+ offset);
+ uint32_t pos =
+ kPropRangeFast + std::min(std::max(-kPropRangeFast, properties[0]),
+ kPropRangeFast - 1);
+ uint32_t ctx_id = context_lookup[pos];
+ int32_t residual = r[x] - guess - offsets[pos];
+ *tokenp++ = Token(ctx_id, PackSigned(residual));
+ wp_state.UpdateErrors(r[x], x, y, channel.w);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tree.size() == 1 && tree[0].predictor == Predictor::Gradient &&
+ tree[0].multiplier == 1 && tree[0].predictor_offset == 0 &&
+ !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ FillImage(static_cast<float>(PredictorColor(Predictor::Gradient)[c]),
+ &predictor_img.Plane(c));
+ }
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT r = channel.Row(y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ pixel_type_w left = (x ? r[x - 1] : y ? *(r + x - onerow) : 0);
+ pixel_type_w top = (y ? *(r + x - onerow) : left);
+ pixel_type_w topleft = (x && y ? *(r + x - 1 - onerow) : left);
+ int32_t guess = ClampedGradient(top, left, topleft);
+ int32_t residual = r[x] - guess;
+ *tokenp++ = Token(tree[0].childID, PackSigned(residual));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (is_gradient_only && !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ FillImage(static_cast<float>(PredictorColor(Predictor::Gradient)[c]),
+ &predictor_img.Plane(c));
+ }
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT r = channel.Row(y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ pixel_type_w left = (x ? r[x - 1] : y ? *(r + x - onerow) : 0);
+ pixel_type_w top = (y ? *(r + x - onerow) : left);
+ pixel_type_w topleft = (x && y ? *(r + x - 1 - onerow) : left);
+ int32_t guess = ClampedGradient(top, left, topleft);
+ uint32_t pos =
+ kPropRangeFast +
+ std::min<pixel_type_w>(
+ std::max<pixel_type_w>(-kPropRangeFast, top + left - topleft),
+ kPropRangeFast - 1);
+ uint32_t ctx_id = context_lookup[pos];
+ int32_t residual = r[x] - guess - offsets[pos];
+ *tokenp++ = Token(ctx_id, PackSigned(residual));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tree.size() == 1 && tree[0].predictor == Predictor::Zero &&
+ tree[0].multiplier == 1 && tree[0].predictor_offset == 0 &&
+ !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ FillImage(static_cast<float>(PredictorColor(Predictor::Zero)[c]),
+ &predictor_img.Plane(c));
+ }
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT p = channel.Row(y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ *tokenp++ = Token(tree[0].childID, PackSigned(p[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tree.size() == 1 && tree[0].predictor != Predictor::Weighted &&
+ (tree[0].multiplier & (tree[0].multiplier - 1)) == 0 &&
+ tree[0].predictor_offset == 0 && !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ // multiplier is a power of 2.
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ FillImage(static_cast<float>(PredictorColor(tree[0].predictor)[c]),
+ &predictor_img.Plane(c));
+ }
+ uint32_t mul_shift = FloorLog2Nonzero((uint32_t)tree[0].multiplier);
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT r = channel.Row(y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ PredictionResult pred = PredictNoTreeNoWP(channel.w, r + x, onerow, x,
+ y, tree[0].predictor);
+ pixel_type_w residual = r[x] - pred.guess;
+ JXL_DASSERT((residual >> mul_shift) * tree[0].multiplier == residual);
+ *tokenp++ = Token(tree[0].childID, PackSigned(residual >> mul_shift));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!use_wp && !skip_encoder_fast_path) {
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ Channel references(properties.size() - kNumNonrefProperties, channel.w);
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT p = channel.Row(y);
+ PrecomputeReferences(channel, y, image, chan, &references);
+ float *pred_img_row[3];
+ if (kWantDebug) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ pred_img_row[c] = predictor_img.PlaneRow(c, y);
+ }
+ }
+ InitPropsRow(&properties, static_props, y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ PredictionResult res =
+ PredictTreeNoWP(&properties, channel.w, p + x, onerow, x, y,
+ tree_lookup, references);
+ if (kWantDebug) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ pred_img_row[i][x] = PredictorColor(res.predictor)[i];
+ }
+ }
+ pixel_type_w residual = p[x] - res.guess;
+ JXL_ASSERT(residual % res.multiplier == 0);
+ *tokenp++ = Token(res.context, PackSigned(residual / res.multiplier));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const intptr_t onerow = channel.plane.PixelsPerRow();
+ Channel references(properties.size() - kNumNonrefProperties, channel.w);
+ weighted::State wp_state(wp_header, channel.w, channel.h);
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < channel.h; y++) {
+ const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT p = channel.Row(y);
+ PrecomputeReferences(channel, y, image, chan, &references);
+ float *pred_img_row[3];
+ if (kWantDebug) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ pred_img_row[c] = predictor_img.PlaneRow(c, y);
+ }
+ }
+ InitPropsRow(&properties, static_props, y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < channel.w; x++) {
+ PredictionResult res =
+ PredictTreeWP(&properties, channel.w, p + x, onerow, x, y,
+ tree_lookup, references, &wp_state);
+ if (kWantDebug) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ pred_img_row[i][x] = PredictorColor(res.predictor)[i];
+ }
+ }
+ pixel_type_w residual = p[x] - res.guess;
+ JXL_ASSERT(residual % res.multiplier == 0);
+ *tokenp++ = Token(res.context, PackSigned(residual / res.multiplier));
+ wp_state.UpdateErrors(p[x], x, y, channel.w);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kWantDebug && WantDebugOutput(aux_out)) {
+ aux_out->DumpImage(
+ ("pred_" + ToString(group_id) + "_" + ToString(chan)).c_str(),
+ predictor_img);
+ }
+ *tokenpp = tokenp;
+ return true;
+Status ModularEncode(const Image &image, const ModularOptions &options,
+ BitWriter *writer, AuxOut *aux_out, size_t layer,
+ size_t group_id, TreeSamples *tree_samples,
+ size_t *total_pixels, const Tree *tree,
+ GroupHeader *header, std::vector<Token> *tokens,
+ size_t *width) {
+ if (image.error) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid image");
+ size_t nb_channels =;
+ 2, "Encoding %" PRIuS "-channel, %i-bit, %" PRIuS "x%" PRIuS " image.",
+ nb_channels, image.bitdepth, image.w, image.h);
+ if (nb_channels < 1) {
+ return true; // is there any use for a zero-channel image?
+ }
+ // encode transforms
+ GroupHeader header_storage;
+ if (header == nullptr) header = &header_storage;
+ Bundle::Init(header);
+ if (options.predictor == Predictor::Weighted) {
+ weighted::PredictorMode(options.wp_mode, &header->wp_header);
+ }
+ header->transforms = image.transform;
+ // This doesn't actually work
+ if (tree != nullptr) {
+ header->use_global_tree = true;
+ }
+ if (tree_samples == nullptr && tree == nullptr) {
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Bundle::Write(*header, writer, layer, aux_out));
+ }
+ TreeSamples tree_samples_storage;
+ size_t total_pixels_storage = 0;
+ if (!total_pixels) total_pixels = &total_pixels_storage;
+ // If there's no tree, compute one (or gather data to).
+ if (tree == nullptr) {
+ bool gather_data = tree_samples != nullptr;
+ if (tree_samples == nullptr) {
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(tree_samples_storage.SetPredictor(
+ options.predictor, options.wp_tree_mode));
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(tree_samples_storage.SetProperties(
+ options.splitting_heuristics_properties, options.wp_tree_mode));
+ std::vector<pixel_type> pixel_samples;
+ std::vector<pixel_type> diff_samples;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> group_pixel_count;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> channel_pixel_count;
+ CollectPixelSamples(image, options, 0, group_pixel_count,
+ channel_pixel_count, pixel_samples, diff_samples);
+ std::vector<ModularMultiplierInfo> dummy_multiplier_info;
+ StaticPropRange range;
+ tree_samples_storage.PreQuantizeProperties(
+ range, dummy_multiplier_info, group_pixel_count, channel_pixel_count,
+ pixel_samples, diff_samples, options.max_property_values);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_channels; i++) {
+ if (![i].w || ![i].h) {
+ continue; // skip empty channels
+ }
+ if (i >= image.nb_meta_channels &&
+ ([i].w > options.max_chan_size ||
+[i].h > options.max_chan_size)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ GatherTreeData(image, i, group_id, header->wp_header, options,
+ gather_data ? *tree_samples : tree_samples_storage,
+ total_pixels);
+ }
+ if (gather_data) return true;
+ }
+ JXL_ASSERT((tree == nullptr) == (tokens == nullptr));
+ Tree tree_storage;
+ std::vector<std::vector<Token>> tokens_storage(1);
+ // Compute tree.
+ if (tree == nullptr) {
+ EntropyEncodingData code;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> context_map;
+ std::vector<std::vector<Token>> tree_tokens(1);
+ tree_storage =
+ LearnTree(std::move(tree_samples_storage), *total_pixels, options);
+ tree = &tree_storage;
+ tokens = &tokens_storage[0];
+ Tree decoded_tree;
+ TokenizeTree(*tree, &tree_tokens[0], &decoded_tree);
+ JXL_ASSERT(tree->size() == decoded_tree.size());
+ tree_storage = std::move(decoded_tree);
+ if (kWantDebug && kPrintTree && WantDebugOutput(aux_out)) {
+ PrintTree(*tree, aux_out->debug_prefix + "/tree_" + ToString(group_id));
+ }
+ // Write tree
+ BuildAndEncodeHistograms(HistogramParams(), kNumTreeContexts, tree_tokens,
+ &code, &context_map, writer, kLayerModularTree,
+ aux_out);
+ WriteTokens(tree_tokens[0], code, context_map, writer, kLayerModularTree,
+ aux_out);
+ }
+ size_t image_width = 0;
+ size_t total_tokens = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_channels; i++) {
+ if (i >= image.nb_meta_channels &&
+ ([i].w > options.max_chan_size ||
+[i].h > options.max_chan_size)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ([i].w > image_width) image_width =[i].w;
+ total_tokens +=[i].w *[i].h;
+ }
+ if (options.zero_tokens) {
+ tokens->resize(tokens->size() + total_tokens, {0, 0});
+ } else {
+ // Do one big allocation for all the tokens we'll need,
+ // to avoid reallocs that might require copying.
+ size_t pos = tokens->size();
+ tokens->resize(pos + total_tokens);
+ Token *tokenp = tokens->data() + pos;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_channels; i++) {
+ if (![i].w || ![i].h) {
+ continue; // skip empty channels
+ }
+ if (i >= image.nb_meta_channels &&
+ ([i].w > options.max_chan_size ||
+[i].h > options.max_chan_size)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeModularChannelMAANS(
+ image, i, header->wp_header, *tree, &tokenp, aux_out, group_id,
+ options.skip_encoder_fast_path));
+ }
+ // Make sure we actually wrote all tokens
+ JXL_CHECK(tokenp == tokens->data() + tokens->size());
+ }
+ // Write data if not using a global tree/ANS stream.
+ if (!header->use_global_tree) {
+ EntropyEncodingData code;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> context_map;
+ HistogramParams histo_params;
+ histo_params.image_widths.push_back(image_width);
+ BuildAndEncodeHistograms(histo_params, (tree->size() + 1) / 2,
+ tokens_storage, &code, &context_map, writer, layer,
+ aux_out);
+ WriteTokens(tokens_storage[0], code, context_map, writer, layer, aux_out);
+ } else {
+ *width = image_width;
+ }
+ return true;
+Status ModularGenericCompress(Image &image, const ModularOptions &opts,
+ BitWriter *writer, AuxOut *aux_out, size_t layer,
+ size_t group_id, TreeSamples *tree_samples,
+ size_t *total_pixels, const Tree *tree,
+ GroupHeader *header, std::vector<Token> *tokens,
+ size_t *width) {
+ if (image.w == 0 || image.h == 0) return true;
+ ModularOptions options = opts; // Make a copy to modify it.
+ if (options.predictor == static_cast<Predictor>(-1)) {
+ options.predictor = Predictor::Gradient;
+ }
+ size_t bits = writer ? writer->BitsWritten() : 0;
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ModularEncode(image, options, writer, aux_out, layer,
+ group_id, tree_samples, total_pixels, tree,
+ header, tokens, width));
+ bits = writer ? writer->BitsWritten() - bits : 0;
+ if (writer) {
+ "Modular-encoded a %" PRIuS "x%" PRIuS
+ " bitdepth=%i nbchans=%" PRIuS " image in %" PRIuS " bytes",
+ image.w, image.h, image.bitdepth,,
+ bits / 8);
+ }
+ (void)bits;
+ return true;
+} // namespace jxl