path: root/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/toolkit/featuregates/features.ftl
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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/toolkit/featuregates/features.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/toolkit/featuregates/features.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e72d22fa64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/toolkit/featuregates/features.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The title of the experiment should be kept in English as it may be referenced
+# by various online articles and is technical in nature.
+experimental-features-css-masonry2 =
+ .label = CSS: Masonry Layout (hargintza-diseinua)
+experimental-features-css-masonry-description = CSS Masonry Layout eginbide esperimentalaren euskarria gaitzen du. Ikusi <a data-l10n-name="explainer">azalpena</a> eginbidearen goi mailako deskribapen baterako. Iritzia emateko, idatzi iruzkina <a data-l10n-name="w3c-issue">GitHub issue honetan</a> edo <a data-l10n-name="bug">bug honetan</a>.
+# The title of the experiment should be kept in English as it may be referenced
+# by various online articles and is technical in nature.
+experimental-features-web-gpu2 =
+ .label = Web API: WebGPU
+# The title of the experiment should be kept in English as it may be referenced
+# by various online articles and is technical in nature.
+experimental-features-media-jxl =
+ .label = Multimedia: JPEG XL
+experimental-features-media-jxl-description = Eginbide hau gaitzean, { -brand-short-name }(e)k JPEG XL (JXL) formatua onartuko du. Irudi-formatu hobetua da hau eta galerarik gabeko JPEG fitxategi tradizionalak onartzen ditu. Ikusi <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla">1539075 buga</a> xehetasun gehiagorako.
+experimental-features-devtools-compatibility-panel =
+ .label = Garatzaile-tresnak: bateragarritasun-panela
+experimental-features-devtools-compatibility-panel-description = Zure aplikazioaren nabigatzaile-arteko bateragarritasun-egoera xehatuaren informazioa erakusten duen orriaren ikuskatzaileko albo-panela. Ikusi <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla">1584464 buga</a> xehetasun gehiagorako.
+# Do not translate 'SameSite', 'Lax' and 'None'.
+experimental-features-cookie-samesite-none-requires-secure2 =
+ .label = Cookieak: SameSite=None ezartzeak secure atributua behar du
+experimental-features-cookie-samesite-none-requires-secure2-description = "SameSite=None" atributua duten cookiek secure atributua behar dute. Eginbide honek "Cookieak: SameSite=Lax lehenespenez" eginbidea ere behar du.
+# about:home should be kept in English, as it refers to the the URI for
+# the internal default home page.
+experimental-features-abouthome-startup-cache =
+ .label = about:home abioko cachea
+experimental-features-abouthome-startup-cache-description = Abioan lehenespenez kargatzen den hasierako about:home dokumenturako cachea. Honen helburua da abioko errendimendua hobetzea.
+# "Service Worker" is an API name and is usually not translated.
+experimental-features-devtools-serviceworker-debugger-support =
+ .label = Garatzaile-tresnak: zerbitzu-langileen arazketa
+# "Service Worker" is an API name and is usually not translated.
+experimental-features-devtools-serviceworker-debugger-support-description = Zerbitzu-langileen euskarri esperimentala gaitzen du Arazketa panelean. Eginbide honek garatzaile-tresnak motel litzake eta bere memoria-kontsumoa handitu.
+# WebRTC global mute toggle controls
+experimental-features-webrtc-global-mute-toggles =
+ .label = WebRTC mututzea globalki txandakatzea
+experimental-features-webrtc-global-mute-toggles-description = Erabiltzaileei globalki mikrofono eta kamerak mututzea baimentzen dien WebRTC partekatze globaleko adierazleari kontrolak gehitzen dizkio.
+# JS JIT Warp project
+experimental-features-js-warp =
+ .label = JavaScript JIT: Warp
+experimental-features-js-warp-description = Gaitu Warp, JavaScript-en erredinemdua eta memoria-erabilpena hobetzeko proiektua.
+# Search during IME
+experimental-features-ime-search =
+ .label = Helbide-barra: erakutsi emaitzak IME konposizioan
+experimental-features-ime-search-description = Sinbolo konplexuak (Asia Ekialdeko edo Indiako hizkuntza idatzietakoak, adibidez) teklatu bidez idaztea baimentzen duen tresna da IME bat (Input Method Editor). Esperimentu hau gaitzean helbide-barra irekita mantenduko da, bilaketa-emaitzak eta iradokizunak erakutsiz IME erabili ahala testua idazteko. Konturatu IMEak helbide-barrako emaitzen gainetik bistara dezakeela panel bat, hortaz hobespen hau gomendatzen da soilik IMEak mota honetako panela erabiltzen ez duenean.