path: root/thunderbird-l10n/gd/localization/gd/messenger/aboutImport.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/gd/localization/gd/messenger/aboutImport.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/gd/localization/gd/messenger/aboutImport.ftl
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index 0000000000..7ed38cbc68
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+import-page-title = Ion-phortaich
+export-page-title = Às-phortaich
+## Header
+import-start = An t-inneal ion-phortaidh
+import-start-title = Ion-phortaich roghainnean no dàta o aplacaid no faidhle.
+import-start-description = Tagh an t-àite far a bheil na tha ri ion-phortadh. Bidh cothrom agad co-dhùnadh dè dìreach an dàta a thèid ion-phortadh às a dhèidh seo.
+import-from-app = Ion-phortaich o aplacaid
+import-file = Ion-phortaich o fhaidhle
+import-file-title = Tagh faidhle airson na tha na bhroinn ion-phortadh.
+import-file-description = Ion-phortaich lethbhreac-glèidhidh de phròifil, leabhar-sheòlaidhean no mìosachan a rinn thu roimhe.
+import-address-book-title = Ion-phortaich faidhle leabhar-sheòlaidhean
+import-calendar-title = Ion-phortaich faidhle mìosachain
+export-profile = Às-phortaich
+## Buttons
+button-back = Air ais
+button-continue = Air adhart
+button-export = Às-phortaich
+button-finish = Coilean
+## Import from app steps
+app-name-thunderbird = Thunderbird
+app-name-seamonkey = SeaMonkey
+app-name-outlook = Outlook
+app-name-becky = Post-lìn Becky!
+app-name-apple-mail = Apple Mail
+source-thunderbird = Ion-phortaich o stàladh eile dhe { app-name-thunderbird }
+source-thunderbird-description = Ion-phortaich roghainnean, criathragan, teachdaireachdan is dàta eile o phròifil { app-name-thunderbird }.
+source-seamonkey = Ion-phortaich o stàladh { app-name-seamonkey }
+source-seamonkey-description = Ion-phortaich roghainnean, criathragan, teachdaireachdan is dàta eile o phròifil { app-name-seamonkey }.
+source-outlook = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-outlook }
+source-outlook-description = Ion-phortaich cunntasan, leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean is teachdaireachdan o { app-name-outlook } .
+source-becky = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-becky }
+source-becky-description = Ion-phortaich leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean is teachdaireachdan o { app-name-becky }.
+source-apple-mail = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-apple-mail }
+source-apple-mail-description = Ion-phortaich o teachdaireachdan o { app-name-apple-mail }.
+source-file2 = Ion-phortaich o fhaidhle
+source-file-description = Tagh faidhle airson leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean, mìosachain no lethbhreac-glèidhidh de phròifil (faidhle ZIP) ion-phortadh.
+## Import from file selections
+file-profile2 = Ion-phortaich lethbhreac-glèidhidh de phròifil
+file-profile-description = Tagh pròifil Thunderbird a rinn thu lethbhreac-glèidhidh dheth roimhe (.zip)
+file-calendar = Ion-phortaich mìosachain
+file-calendar-description = Tagh faidhle sa bheil mìosachain no tachartasan a chaidh às-phortadh (.ics)
+file-addressbook = Ion-phortaich leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean
+file-addressbook-description = Tagh faidhle sa bheil leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean is luchd-aithne a chaidh às-phortadh roimhe
+## Import from app profile steps
+from-app-thunderbird = Ion-phortaich o phròifil { app-name-thunderbird }
+from-app-seamonkey = Ion-phortaich o phròifil { app-name-seamonkey }
+from-app-outlook = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-outlook }
+from-app-becky = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-becky }
+from-app-apple-mail = Ion-phortaich o { app-name-apple-mail }
+profiles-pane-title-thunderbird = Ion-phortaich roghainnean is dàta o phròifil { app-name-thunderbird }.
+profiles-pane-title-seamonkey = Ion-phortaich roghainnean is dàta o phròifil { app-name-seamonkey }.
+profiles-pane-title-outlook = Ion-phortaich dàta o { app-name-outlook }.
+profiles-pane-title-becky = Ion-phortaich dàta o { app-name-becky }.
+profiles-pane-title-apple-mail = Ion-phortaich teachdaireachdan o { app-name-apple-mail }.
+profile-source = Ion-phortaich o phròifil
+# $profileName (string) - name of the profile
+profile-source-named = Ion-phortaich o phròifil <strong>“{ $profileName }”</strong>
+profile-file-picker-directory = Tagh pasgan pròifile
+profile-file-picker-archive = Tagh faidhle <strong>ZIP</strong>
+profile-file-picker-archive-description = Feumaidh am faidhle a bhith nas lugha na 2GB.
+profile-file-picker-archive-title = Tagh faidhle ZIP (nas lugha na 2GB)
+items-pane-title2 = Tagh na thèid ion-phortadh:
+items-pane-directory = Am pasgan:
+items-pane-profile-name = Ainm na pròifile:
+items-pane-checkbox-accounts = Cunntasan is roghainnean
+items-pane-checkbox-address-books = Leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean
+items-pane-checkbox-calendars = Mìosachain
+items-pane-checkbox-mail-messages = Teachdaireachdan puist
+items-pane-override = Cha tèid sgrìobhadh thairis air dàta làithreach no dàta a tha a cheart-shamhla ann mu thràth.
+## Import from address book file steps
+import-from-addr-book-file-description = Tagh fòram an fhaidhle sa bheil dàta leabhar nan seòladh agad.
+addr-book-csv-file = Faidhle sgaraichte le cromagan no tabaichean (.csv, .tsv)
+addr-book-ldif-file = Faidhle LDIF (.ldif)
+addr-book-vcard-file = Faidhle vCard (.vcf, .vcard)
+addr-book-sqlite-file = Faidhle stòr-dàta SQLite (.sqlite)
+addr-book-mab-file = Faidhle stòr-dàta Mork (.mab)
+addr-book-file-picker = Tagh faidhle leabhar-sheòlaidhean
+addr-book-csv-field-map-title = Maidsich ainmean nan raointean
+addr-book-csv-field-map-desc = Tagh raointean an leabhair-sheòlaidh a fhreagras air na raointean tùsail. Thoir air falbh a’ chromag o raointean nach eil thu airson ion-phortadh.
+addr-book-directories-title = Tagh càit an tèid an dàta a thagh thu ion-phortadh
+addr-book-directories-pane-source = Am faidhle tùsail:
+# $addressBookName (string) - name of the new address book that would be created.
+addr-book-import-into-new-directory2 = Cruthaich pasgan ùr air am bi <strong>“{ $addressBookName }”</strong>
+# $addressBookName (string) - name of the address book to import into
+addr-book-summary-title = Ion-phortaich an dàta a thagh thu dhan phasgan <strong>“{ $addressBookName }”</strong>
+# $addressBookName (string) - name of the address book that will be created.
+addr-book-summary-description = Thèid leabhar-sheòlaidhean ùr a chruthachadh air am bi <strong>“{ $addressBookName }”</strong>.
+## Import from calendar file steps
+import-from-calendar-file-desc = Tagh am faidhle iCalendar (.ics) a bu toil leat ion-phortadh.
+calendar-items-title = Tagh na rudan a thèid ion-phortadh.
+calendar-items-loading = A’ luchdadh nan nithean…
+calendar-items-filter-input =
+ .placeholder = Criathraich na nithean…
+calendar-select-all-items = Tagh na h-uile
+calendar-deselect-all-items = Dì-thagh na h-uile
+calendar-target-title = Tagh càit an tèid na nithean a thagh thu ion-phortadh.
+# $targetCalendar (string) - name of the new calendar that would be created
+calendar-import-into-new-calendar2 = Cruthaich mìosachan ùr air am bi <strong>“{ $targetCalendar }”</strong>
+# $itemCount (number) - count of selected items (tasks, events) that will be imported
+# $targetCalendar (string) - name of the calendar the items will be imported into
+calendar-summary-title =
+ { $itemCount ->
+ [one] Ion-phortaich { $itemCount } nì dhan mhìosachan “{ $targetCalendar }”
+ [two] Ion-phortaich { $itemCount } nì dhan mhìosachan “{ $targetCalendar }”
+ [few] Ion-phortaich { $itemCount } nithean dhan mhìosachan “{ $targetCalendar }”
+ *[other] Ion-phortaich { $itemCount } nì dhan mhìosachan “{ $targetCalendar }”
+ }
+# $targetCalendar (string) - name of the calendar that will be created
+calendar-summary-description = Thèid mìosachan ùr a chruthachadh air am bi “{ $targetCalendar }”
+## Import dialog
+# $progressPercent (string) - percent formatted progress (for example "10%")
+progress-pane-importing2 = Ag ion-phortadh… { $progressPercent }
+# $progressPercent (string) - percent formatted progress (for example "10%")
+progress-pane-exporting2 = Ag às-phortadh… { $progressPercent }
+progress-pane-finished-desc2 = Deiseil.
+error-pane-title = Mearachd
+error-message-zip-file-too-big2 = Tha am faidhle a thagh thu nas motha na 2GB. Às-tharraing e an toiseach is dèan ion-phortadh on phasgan far an deach às-tharraing an àite sin.
+error-message-extract-zip-file-failed2 = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle ZIP às-tharraing. Às-tharraing thu fhèin e an toiseach is dèan ion-phortadh on phasgan far an deach às-tharraing an àite sin.
+error-message-failed = Dh’fhàillig an t-ion-phortadh gu h-obann, dh’fhaoidte gum bi barrachd fiosrachaidh ri fhaighinn air consoil nam mearachdan.
+error-failed-to-parse-ics-file = Cha deach dad a lorg san fhaidhle as urrainn dhuinn às-phortadh.
+error-export-failed = Dh’fhàillig an t-às-phortadh gu h-obann, dh’fhaoidte gum bi barrachd fiosrachaidh ri fhaighinn air consoil nam mearachdan.
+error-message-no-profile = Cha deach pròifil a lorg.
+## <csv-field-map> element
+csv-first-row-contains-headers = Tha ainmean nan raointean sa chiad ràgh
+csv-source-field = Raon an tùis
+csv-source-first-record = A’ chiad chlàr
+csv-source-second-record = An dàrna clàr
+csv-target-field = Raon leabhar nan seòladh
+## Export tab
+export-profile-title = Às-phortaich cunntasan, teachdaireachdan, leabhraichean-sheòlaidhean is roghainnean ann am faidhle ZIP.
+export-profile-description = Ma tha a’ phròifil làithreach agad nas motha na 2GB, mholamaid dhut lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh dheth thu fhèin.
+export-open-profile-folder = Fosgail pasgan na pròifil
+export-file-picker2 = Às-phortaich mar fhaidhle ZIP
+export-brand-name = { -brand-product-name }
+## Summary pane
+summary-pane-title = An dàta a tha ri ion-phortadh
+summary-pane-start = Tòisich air an ion-phortadh
+summary-pane-warning = Feumaidh tu { -brand-product-name } ath-thòiseachadh an dèidh dhan ion-phortadh coileanadh.
+summary-pane-start-over = Ath-thòisich inneal an ion-phortaidh
+## Footer area
+footer-help = Cobhair a dhìth?
+footer-import-documentation = Ion-phortaich an docamaideadh
+footer-export-documentation = Às-phortaich an docamaideadh
+footer-support-forum = Fòram na taice
+## Step navigation on top of the wizard pages
+step-list =
+ .aria-label = Na ceuman airson ion-phortadh
+step-confirm = Dearbh
+# Variables:
+# $number (number) - step number
+step-count = { $number }