path: root/thunderbird-l10n/uk/chrome/uk/locale/uk/calendar/
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Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/uk/chrome/uk/locale/uk/calendar/')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/uk/chrome/uk/locale/uk/calendar/ b/thunderbird-l10n/uk/chrome/uk/locale/uk/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e3b66197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/uk/chrome/uk/locale/uk/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Strings here are used to create events and tasks with start and end times
+# based on email content.
+# None of the strings are displayed in the user interface.
+# You don't have to fill all from.*, until.*, *.prefix and *.suffix patterns.
+# It's ok to leave some empty.
+# Please consider declensions and gender if your language has them.
+# Don't just translate directly. The number of variants doesn't have to be
+# the same as in en-US. All of 0, 1, 2, etc is allowed in patterns except alphabet
+# pattern. You can and should add language specific variants.
+# There are two different ways to find a start time text in email:
+# 1) it matches a from.* pattern and does not have end.prefix or end.suffix next to it
+# 2) it matches until.* pattern and has start.prefix or start.suffix next to it
+# Similar inverse logic applies to end times.
+# These rules enable using prefix and suffix values with only start.* or only until.*
+# patterns localized for some languages and thus not having to repeat the same
+# values in both.
+# Patterns are partially space-insensitive.
+# "deadline is" pattern will find both "deadlineis" and "deadline is"
+# but "deadlineis" won't find "deadline is" or "deadline is".
+# Therefore you should include all spaces that are valid within a pattern.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front are extracted as start times
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+start.prefix =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these are extracted as start times
+start.suffix = by | until | to | - | till | til | and
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front are extracted as end times
+end.prefix = by | until | to | - | till | til | and | due: | due | ends | deadline is | deadline:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these are extracted as end times
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+end.suffix =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front won't be used
+# specify full words here
+no.datetime.prefix = last week | sent | email | e-mail | instead of | > | unfortunately | in | not
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these won't be used
+no.datetime.suffix = floor | flr | : | email | e-mail | > | % | usd | dollars | $
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# must not be empty! = сьогодні
+from.tomorrow = завтра
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+until.tomorrow =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time = %1$Sst | %1$Snd | %1$Srd | %1$Sth
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x =
+from.noon = опівдні
+until.noon =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time
+from.hour = at %1$S | around %1$S | %1$S - | %1$S to
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe
+until.hour = - %1$S | to %1$S | until %1$S | by %1$S
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 = %1$S am | %1$S a.m
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe =
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 = %1$S pm | %1$S p.m | %1$S p
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.before):
+# denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour
+from.half.hour.before = о пів на %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.before):
+# denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour
+until.half.hour.before =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.after):
+# denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour
+from.half.hour.after = %1$S і 30 хв.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.after):
+# denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour
+until.half.hour.after =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.minutes):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59
+from.hour.minutes = %1$S:%2$S | at %1$S%2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.minutes):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59
+until.hour.minutes =
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 = %1$S:%2$S am | %1$S:%2$S a.m
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 = %1$S:%2$S pm | %1$S:%2$S p.m | %1$S:%2$S p
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# #2 = matches monthname = %1$S %2$S | %2$S %1$S | %2$S %1$Sst | %2$S %1$Snd | %2$S %1$Srd | %2$S %1$Sth | %1$Sst of %2$S | %1$Snd of %2$S | %1$Srd of %2$S | %1$Sth of %2$S
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12 = %2$S/%1$S
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers = %2$S/%1$S/%3$S | %3$S/%2$S/%1$S | %3$S-%2$S-%1$S
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers = %1$S %2$S %3$S | %1$Sst %2$S %3$S | %1$Snd %2$S %3$S | %1$Srd %2$S %3$S | %1$Sth %2$S %3$S | %2$S %1$S, %3$S | %3$S-%2$S-%1$S
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.*):
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.minutes):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.minutes = %1$S minutes | %1$S min | %1$S mins
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.hours):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.hours = %1$S hour | %1$S hours
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.days):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.days = %1$S days
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+month.1 = січень | січ | січ.
+month.2 = лютий | лют | лют.
+month.3 = березень | бер | бер.
+month.4 = квітень | кві | кві.
+month.5 = травень | тра | тра.
+month.6 = червень | чер | чер.
+month.7 = липень | лип | лип.
+month.8 = серпень | сер | сер.
+month.9 = вересень | вер | вер.
+month.10 = жовтень | жов | жов.
+month.11 = листопад | лис | лис.
+month.12 = грудень | гру | гру.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.*):
+# used to derive start date based on weekdays mentioned
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.0):
+# Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here.
+from.weekday.0 = неділя | неділі
+from.weekday.1 = понеділок | понеділка
+from.weekday.2 = вівторок | вівторка
+from.weekday.3 = середа | середи
+from.weekday.4 = четвер | четверга
+from.weekday.5 = п'ятниця | п'ятниці
+from.weekday.6 = субота | суботи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.*):
+# used to derive end date based on weekdays mentioned
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.0):
+# Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here.
+until.weekday.0 =
+until.weekday.1 =
+until.weekday.2 =
+until.weekday.3 =
+until.weekday.4 =
+until.weekday.5 =
+until.weekday.6 =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (number.*):
+# used within other patterns to understand dates where day of month isn't written with digits
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+number.0 = нуль
+number.1 = перший | першого
+number.2 = другий | другого
+number.3 = третій | третього
+number.4 = четвертий | четвертого
+number.5 = п'ятий | п'ятого
+number.6 = шостий | шостого
+number.7 = сьомий | сьомого
+number.8 = восьмий | восьмого
+number.9 = дев'ятий | дев'ятого
+number.10 = десятий | десятого
+number.11 = одинадцятий | одинадцятого
+number.12 = дванадцятий | дванадцятого
+number.13 = тринадцятий | тринадцятого
+number.14 = чотирнадцятий | чотирнадцятого
+number.15 = п'ятнадцятий | п'ятнадцятого
+number.16 = шістнадцятий | шістнадцятого
+number.17 = сімнадцятий | сімнадцятого
+number.18 = вісімнадцятий | вісімнадцятого
+number.19 = дев'ятнадцятий | дев'ятнадцятого
+number.20 = двадцятий | двадцятого
+number.21 = двадцять перший | двадцять першого
+number.22 = двадцять другий | двадцять другого
+number.23 = двадцять третій | двадцять третього
+number.24 = двадцять четвертий | двадцять четвертого
+number.25 = двадцять п'ятий | двадцять п'ятого
+number.26 = двадцять шостий | двадцять шостого
+number.27 = двадцять сьомий | двадцять сьомого
+number.28 = двадцять восьмий | двадцять восьмого
+number.29 = двадцять дев'ятий | двадцять дев'ятого
+number.30 = тридцятий | тридцятого
+number.31 = тридцять перший | тридцять першого
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alphabet):
+# list all lower and uppercase letters if your language has an alphabet
+# otherwise leave it empty
+alphabet = абвгдеєжзиіїйклмнопрстуфхцчшщьюяАБВГДЕЄЖЗИІЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЮЯ