/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(3); /* import-globals-from ../../mochitest/layout.js */ loadScripts({ name: "layout.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR }); // Note that testTextNode, testChar and testTextRange currently don't handle // white space in the code that doesn't get rendered on screen. To work around // this, ensure that containers you want to test are all on a single line in the // test snippet. async function testTextNode(accDoc, browser, id) { await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, id, 0, -1); } async function testChar(accDoc, browser, id, idx) { await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, id, idx, idx + 1); } async function testTextRange(accDoc, browser, id, start, end) { const r = await invokeContentTask( browser, [id, start, end], (_id, _start, _end) => { const htNode = content.document.getElementById(_id); let [eX, eY, eW, eH] = [ Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0, 0, ]; let traversed = 0; let localStart = _start; let endTraversal = false; for (let element of htNode.childNodes) { // ignore whitespace, but not embedded elements let isEmbeddedElement = false; if (element.length == undefined) { let potentialTextContainer = element; while ( potentialTextContainer && potentialTextContainer.length == undefined ) { potentialTextContainer = element.firstChild; } if (potentialTextContainer && potentialTextContainer.length) { // If we can reach some text from this container, use that as part // of our range. This is important when testing with intervening inline // elements. ie.
            element = potentialTextContainer;
          } else if (element.firstChild) {
            isEmbeddedElement = true;
          } else {
        if (element.length + traversed < _start) {
          // If our start index is not within this
          // node, keep looking.
          traversed += element.length;
          localStart -= element.length;

        let rect;
        if (isEmbeddedElement) {
          rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
        } else {
          const range = content.document.createRange();
          range.setStart(element, localStart);

          if (_end != -1 && _end - traversed <= element.length) {
            // If the current node contains
            // our end index, stop here.
            endTraversal = true;
            range.setEnd(element, _end - traversed);
          } else {
            range.setEnd(element, element.length);

          rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();

        const oldX = eX == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? 0 : eX;
        const oldY = eY == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? 0 : eY;
        eX = Math.min(eX, rect.x);
        eY = Math.min(eY, rect.y);
        eW = Math.abs(Math.max(oldX + eW, rect.x + rect.width) - eX);
        eH = Math.abs(Math.max(oldY + eH, rect.y + rect.height) - eY);

        if (endTraversal) {
        localStart = 0;
        traversed += element.length;
      return [Math.round(eX), Math.round(eY), Math.round(eW), Math.round(eH)];
  let hyperTextNode = findAccessibleChildByID(accDoc, id);

  // Add in the doc's screen coords because getBoundingClientRect
  // is relative to the document, not the screen. This assumes the doc's
  // screen coords are correct. We use getBoundsInCSSPixels to avoid factoring
  // in the DPR ourselves.
  let x = {};
  let y = {};
  let w = {};
  let h = {};
  accDoc.getBoundsInCSSPixels(x, y, w, h);
  r[0] += x.value;
  r[1] += y.value;
  if (end != -1 && end - start == 1) {
    // If we're only testing a character, use this function because it calls
    // CharBounds() directly instead of TextBounds().
    testTextPos(hyperTextNode, start, [r[0], r[1]], COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE);
  } else {
    testTextBounds(hyperTextNode, start, end, r, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE);

 * Test the text range boundary for simple LtR text



Привіт Світ

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing simple LtR text"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p1"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p2"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p3"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); }, { iframe: true, } ); /** * Test the partial text range boundary for LtR text */ addAccessibleTask( `


Привіт Світ

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing partial ranges in LtR text"); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 0, 4); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 2, 8); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 12, 17); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 0, 4); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 2, 8); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 6, 11); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test the text boundary for multiline LtR text */ addAccessibleTask( `

Привіт Світ
Привіт Світ

Привіт Світ
Я ще трохи тексту в другому рядку

hello world I'm on line one
and I'm a separate line two with slightly more text

hello world
hello world

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing multiline LtR text"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p5"); // await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p6"); // w/o cache, fails width (a 259, e 250), w/ cache wrong w, h in iframe (line wrapping) await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p7"); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test the text boundary for simple RtL text */ addAccessibleTask( `



لل لللل لل

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing simple RtL text"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p1"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p2"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p3"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test the text boundary for multiline RtL text */ addAccessibleTask( `

لل لللل لل
لل لللل لل

لل لللل لل
لل لل لل لل ل لل لل لل

hello world I'm on line one
and I'm a separate line two with slightly more text

hello world
hello world

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing multiline RtL text"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); //await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p5"); // w/ cache fails x, w - off by one char // await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p6"); // w/o cache, fails width (a 259, e 250), w/ cache fails w, h in iframe (line wrapping) await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p7"); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test the partial text range boundary for RtL text */ addAccessibleTask( `


لل لللل لل

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing partial ranges in RtL text"); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 0, 4); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 2, 8); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p1", 12, 17); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 0, 4); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 2, 8); await testTextRange(accDoc, browser, "p2", 6, 10); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test simple vertical text in rl and lr layouts */ addAccessibleTask( `


hello world



hello world


`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing vertical-rl"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p1"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p2"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p3"); info("Testing vertical-lr"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p5"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p6"); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test multiline vertical-rl text */ addAccessibleTask( `


hello world
hello world

你好世界 你好世界

hello world
hello world hello world

`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing vertical-rl multiline"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p1"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p2"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p3"); // await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p4"); // off by 4 with caching, iframe }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test text with embedded chars */ addAccessibleTask( `

hello world


hello world
hello world


hello world
`, async function (browser, accDoc) { info("Testing embedded chars"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p1"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "p2"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "d3"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "d4"); await testTextNode(accDoc, browser, "d5"); }, { topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test bounds after text mutations. */ addAccessibleTask( `


`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testTextNode(docAcc, browser, "p"); const p = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "p"); info("Appending a character to text leaf"); let textInserted = waitForEvent(EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED, p); await invokeContentTask(browser, [], () => { content.document.getElementById("p").firstChild.data = "ab"; }); await textInserted; await testTextNode(docAcc, browser, "p"); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test character bounds on the insertion point at the end of a text box. */ addAccessibleTask( ``, async function (browser, docAcc) { const input = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "input"); testTextPos(input, 1, [0, 0], COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test character bounds after non-br line break. */ addAccessibleTask( `
`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 3); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test character bounds in a pre with padding. */ addAccessibleTask( `
`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testTextNode(docAcc, browser, "t"); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 3); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test text bounds with an invalid end offset. */ addAccessibleTask( `


`, async function (browser, docAcc) { const p = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "p"); testTextBounds(p, 0, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0], COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: !true } ); /** * Test character bounds in an intervening inline element with non-br line breaks */ addAccessibleTask( `
`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 0); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 3); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 7); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 10); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test character bounds in an intervening inline element with margins * and with non-br line breaks */ addAccessibleTask( `
`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 0); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 3); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 7); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 10); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } ); /** * Test text bounds in a textarea after scrolling. */ addAccessibleTask( ` `, async function (browser, docAcc) { // We can't use testChar because Range.getBoundingClientRect isn't supported // inside textareas. const textarea = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "textarea"); textarea.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleText); const oldY = {}; textarea.getCharacterExtents( 4, {}, oldY, {}, {}, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); info("Moving textarea caret to c"); await invokeContentTask(browser, [], () => { const textareaDom = content.document.getElementById("textarea"); textareaDom.focus(); textareaDom.selectionStart = 4; }); await waitForContentPaint(browser); const newY = {}; textarea.getCharacterExtents( 4, {}, newY, {}, {}, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); ok(newY.value < oldY.value, "y coordinate smaller after scrolling down"); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: !true } ); /** * Test magic offsets with GetCharacter/RangeExtents. */ addAccessibleTask( ``, async function (browser, docAcc) { const input = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "input", [nsIAccessibleText]); info("Setting caret and focusing input"); let caretMoved = waitForEvent(EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED, input); await invokeContentTask(browser, [], () => { const inputDom = content.document.getElementById("input"); inputDom.selectionStart = inputDom.selectionEnd = 1; inputDom.focus(); }); await caretMoved; is(input.caretOffset, 1, "input caretOffset is 1"); let expectedX = {}; let expectedY = {}; let expectedW = {}; let expectedH = {}; let magicX = {}; let magicY = {}; let magicW = {}; let magicH = {}; input.getCharacterExtents( 1, expectedX, expectedY, expectedW, expectedH, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); input.getCharacterExtents( nsIAccessibleText.TEXT_OFFSET_CARET, magicX, magicY, magicW, magicH, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); Assert.deepEqual( [magicX.value, magicY.value, magicW.value, magicH.value], [expectedX.value, expectedY.value, expectedW.value, expectedH.value], "GetCharacterExtents correct with TEXT_OFFSET_CARET" ); input.getRangeExtents( 1, 3, expectedX, expectedY, expectedW, expectedH, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); input.getRangeExtents( nsIAccessibleText.TEXT_OFFSET_CARET, nsIAccessibleText.TEXT_OFFSET_END_OF_TEXT, magicX, magicY, magicW, magicH, COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); Assert.deepEqual( [magicX.value, magicY.value, magicW.value, magicH.value], [expectedX.value, expectedY.value, expectedW.value, expectedH.value], "GetRangeExtents correct with TEXT_OFFSET_CARET/END_OF_TEXT" ); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, remoteIframe: !true } ); /** * Test wrapped text and pre-formatted text beginning with an empty line. */ addAccessibleTask( `

ab cd


`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testChar(docAcc, browser, "wrappedText", 0); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "wrappedText", 1); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "wrappedText", 2); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "wrappedText", 3); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "wrappedText", 4); // We can't use testChar for emptyFirstLine because it doesn't handle white // space properly. Instead, verify that the first character is at the top // left of the text leaf. const emptyFirstLine = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "emptyFirstLine", [ nsIAccessibleText, ]); const emptyFirstLineLeaf = emptyFirstLine.firstChild; const leafX = {}; const leafY = {}; emptyFirstLineLeaf.getBounds(leafX, leafY, {}, {}); testTextPos( emptyFirstLine, 0, [leafX.value, leafY.value], COORDTYPE_SCREEN_RELATIVE ); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, remoteIframe: !true } ); /** * Test character bounds in an intervening inline element with non-br line breaks */ addAccessibleTask( `
`, async function (browser, docAcc) { await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 0); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 3); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 7); await testChar(docAcc, browser, "t", 10); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, } );