/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; function testRangeAtMarker(macDoc, marker, attribute, expected, msg) { let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue(attribute, marker); is(stringForRange(macDoc, range), expected, msg); } function testUIElement( macDoc, marker, msg, expectedRole, expectedValue, expectedRange ) { let elem = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXUIElementForTextMarker", marker ); is( elem.getAttributeValue("AXRole"), expectedRole, `${msg}: element role matches` ); is(elem.getAttributeValue("AXValue"), expectedValue, `${msg}: element value`); let elemRange = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUIElement", elem ); is( stringForRange(macDoc, elemRange), expectedRange, `${msg}: element range matches element value` ); } function testStyleRun(macDoc, marker, msg, expectedStyleRun) { testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXStyleTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedStyleRun, `${msg}: style run matches` ); } function testParagraph(macDoc, marker, msg, expectedParagraph) { testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXParagraphTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedParagraph, `${msg}: paragraph matches` ); } function testWords(macDoc, marker, msg, expectedLeft, expectedRight) { testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXLeftWordTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedLeft, `${msg}: left word matches` ); testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXRightWordTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedRight, `${msg}: right word matches` ); } function testLines( macDoc, marker, msg, expectedLine, expectedLeft, expectedRight ) { testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXLineTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedLine, `${msg}: line matches` ); testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXLeftLineTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedLeft, `${msg}: left line matches` ); testRangeAtMarker( macDoc, marker, "AXRightLineTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", expectedRight, `${msg}: right line matches` ); } function* markerIterator(macDoc, reverse = false) { let m = macDoc.getAttributeValue( reverse ? "AXEndTextMarker" : "AXStartTextMarker" ); let c = 0; while (m) { yield [m, c++]; m = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( reverse ? "AXPreviousTextMarkerForTextMarker" : "AXNextTextMarkerForTextMarker", m ); } } // Tests consistency in text markers between: // 1. "Linked list" forward navagation // 2. Getting markers by index // 3. "Linked list" reverse navagation // For each iteration method check that the returned index is consistent function testMarkerIntegrity(accDoc, expectedMarkerValues) { let macDoc = accDoc.nativeInterface.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleMacInterface ); // Iterate forward with "AXNextTextMarkerForTextMarker" let prevMarker; let count = 0; for (let [marker, index] of markerIterator(macDoc)) { count++; let markerIndex = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXIndexForTextMarker", marker ); is( markerIndex, index, `Correct index in "AXNextTextMarkerForTextMarker": ${index}` ); if (prevMarker) { let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUnorderedTextMarkers", [prevMarker, marker] ); is( macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXLengthForTextMarkerRange", range ), 1, `[${index}] marker moved one character` ); } prevMarker = marker; testWords( macDoc, marker, `At index ${index}`, ...expectedMarkerValues[index].words ); testLines( macDoc, marker, `At index ${index}`, ...expectedMarkerValues[index].lines ); testUIElement( macDoc, marker, `At index ${index}`, ...expectedMarkerValues[index].element ); testParagraph( macDoc, marker, `At index ${index}`, expectedMarkerValues[index].paragraph ); testStyleRun( macDoc, marker, `At index ${index}`, expectedMarkerValues[index].style ); } is(expectedMarkerValues.length, count, `Correct marker count: ${count}`); // Use "AXTextMarkerForIndex" to retrieve all text markers for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let marker = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerForIndex", i ); let index = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXIndexForTextMarker", marker ); is(index, i, `Correct index in "AXTextMarkerForIndex": ${i}`); if (i == count - 1) { ok( !macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXNextTextMarkerForTextMarker", marker ), "Iterated through all markers" ); } } count = expectedMarkerValues.length; // Iterate backward with "AXPreviousTextMarkerForTextMarker" for (let [marker] of markerIterator(macDoc, true)) { if (count <= 0) { ok(false, "Exceeding marker count"); break; } count--; let index = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXIndexForTextMarker", marker ); is( index, count, `Correct index in "AXPreviousTextMarkerForTextMarker": ${count}` ); } is(count, 0, "Iterated backward through all text markers"); } addAccessibleTask("mac/doc_textmarker_test.html", async (browser, accDoc) => { const expectedValues = await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { return content.wrappedJSObject.EXPECTED; }); testMarkerIntegrity(accDoc, expectedValues); }); // Test text marker lesser-than operator addAccessibleTask( `

hello goodbye world

`, async (browser, accDoc) => { let macDoc = accDoc.nativeInterface.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleMacInterface ); let start = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerForIndex", 1 ); let end = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue("AXTextMarkerForIndex", 10); let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUnorderedTextMarkers", [end, start] ); is(stringForRange(macDoc, range), "ello good"); } ); addAccessibleTask( `goodbye`, async (browser, accDoc) => { let macDoc = accDoc.nativeInterface.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleMacInterface ); let input = getNativeInterface(accDoc, "input"); let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUIElement", input ); is(stringForRange(macDoc, range), "", "string value is correct"); } ); addAccessibleTask( `
`, async (browser, accDoc) => { let box = getNativeInterface(accDoc, "box"); const children = box.getAttributeValue("AXChildren"); is(children.length, 2, "Listbox contains two items"); is(children[0].getAttributeValue("AXValue"), "First item"); is(children[1].getAttributeValue("AXValue"), "Second item"); } ); addAccessibleTask( `
A link should explain clearly what information the reader will get by clicking on that link.
`, async (browser, accDoc) => { let t = getNativeInterface(accDoc, "t"); const children = t.getAttributeValue("AXChildren"); const expectedTitles = [ "A link ", "should", " explain ", "clearly", " what information the ", "reader", " will get by clicking on that link. ", ]; is(children.length, 7, "container has seven children"); children.forEach((child, index) => { is(child.getAttributeValue("AXValue"), expectedTitles[index]); }); } ); addAccessibleTask( `link `, async (browser, accDoc) => { let macDoc = accDoc.nativeInterface.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleMacInterface ); let input = getNativeInterface(accDoc, "input"); let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUIElement", input ); let firstMarkerInInput = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXStartTextMarkerForTextMarkerRange", range ); let leftWordRange = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXLeftWordTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker", firstMarkerInInput ); let str = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXStringForTextMarkerRange", leftWordRange ); is(str, "hello", "Left word at start of input should be right word"); } ); addAccessibleTask(`

hello world

`, async (browser, accDoc) => { let macDoc = accDoc.nativeInterface.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIAccessibleMacInterface ); let p = getNativeInterface(accDoc, "p"); let range = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXTextMarkerRangeForUIElement", p ); let bounds = macDoc.getParameterizedAttributeValue( "AXBoundsForTextMarkerRange", range ); ok(bounds.origin && bounds.size, "Returned valid bounds"); });