/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // This is loaded by head.js, so has the same globals, hence we import the // globals from there. /* import-globals-from common.js */ /* exported EVENT_ANNOUNCEMENT, EVENT_REORDER, EVENT_SCROLLING, EVENT_SCROLLING_END, EVENT_SHOW, EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED, EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED, EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_COMPLETE, EVENT_HIDE, EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED, EVENT_SELECTION, EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE, EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE, EVENT_FOCUS, EVENT_DOCUMENT_RELOAD, EVENT_VIRTUALCURSOR_CHANGED, EVENT_ALERT, EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, UnexpectedEvents, waitForEvent, waitForEvents, waitForOrderedEvents, waitForStateChange, stateChangeEventArgs */ const EVENT_ANNOUNCEMENT = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_ANNOUNCEMENT; const EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_COMPLETE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_COMPLETE; const EVENT_HIDE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_HIDE; const EVENT_REORDER = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_REORDER; const EVENT_SCROLLING = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SCROLLING; const EVENT_SCROLLING_START = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SCROLLING_START; const EVENT_SCROLLING_END = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SCROLLING_END; const EVENT_SELECTION = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SELECTION; const EVENT_SELECTION_WITHIN = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SELECTION_WITHIN; const EVENT_SHOW = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SHOW; const EVENT_STATE_CHANGE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_STATE_CHANGE; const EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED; const EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED; const EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED; const EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED; const EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE; const EVENT_NAME_CHANGE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_NAME_CHANGE; const EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE; const EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE; const EVENT_FOCUS = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_FOCUS; const EVENT_DOCUMENT_RELOAD = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_DOCUMENT_RELOAD; const EVENT_VIRTUALCURSOR_CHANGED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_VIRTUALCURSOR_CHANGED; const EVENT_ALERT = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_ALERT; const EVENT_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED; const EVENT_LIVE_REGION_ADDED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_LIVE_REGION_ADDED; const EVENT_LIVE_REGION_REMOVED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_LIVE_REGION_REMOVED; const EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED; const EVENT_INNER_REORDER = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_INNER_REORDER; const EventsLogger = { enabled: false, log(msg) { if (this.enabled) { info(msg); } }, }; /** * Describe an event in string format. * @param {nsIAccessibleEvent} event event to strigify */ function eventToString(event) { let type = eventTypeToString(event.eventType); let info = `Event type: ${type}`; if (event instanceof nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent) { let stateStr = statesToString( event.isExtraState ? 0 : event.state, event.isExtraState ? event.state : 0 ); info += `, state: ${stateStr}, is enabled: ${event.isEnabled}`; } else if (event instanceof nsIAccessibleTextChangeEvent) { let tcType = event.isInserted ? "inserted" : "removed"; info += `, start: ${event.start}, length: ${event.length}, ${tcType} text: ${event.modifiedText}`; } info += `. Target: ${prettyName(event.accessible)}`; return info; } function matchEvent(event, matchCriteria) { if (!matchCriteria) { return true; } let acc = event.accessible; switch (typeof matchCriteria) { case "string": let id = getAccessibleDOMNodeID(acc); if (id === matchCriteria) { EventsLogger.log(`Event matches DOMNode id: ${id}`); return true; } break; case "function": if (matchCriteria(event)) { EventsLogger.log( `Lambda function matches event: ${eventToString(event)}` ); return true; } break; default: if (matchCriteria instanceof nsIAccessible) { if (acc === matchCriteria) { EventsLogger.log(`Event matches accessible: ${prettyName(acc)}`); return true; } } else if (event.DOMNode == matchCriteria) { EventsLogger.log( `Event matches DOM node: ${prettyName(event.DOMNode)}` ); return true; } } return false; } /** * A helper function that returns a promise that resolves when an accessible * event of the given type with the given target (defined by its id or * accessible) is observed. * @param {Number} eventType expected accessible event * type * @param {String|nsIAccessible|Function} matchCriteria expected content * element id * for the event * @param {String} message Message to prepend to logging. * @return {Promise} promise that resolves to an * event */ function waitForEvent(eventType, matchCriteria, message) { return new Promise(resolve => { let eventObserver = { observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic !== "accessible-event") { return; } let event = subject.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleEvent); if (EventsLogger.enabled) { // Avoid calling eventToString if the EventsLogger isn't enabled in order // to avoid an intermittent crash (bug 1307645). EventsLogger.log(eventToString(event)); } // If event type does not match expected type, skip the event. if (event.eventType !== eventType) { return; } if (matchEvent(event, matchCriteria)) { EventsLogger.log( `Correct event type: ${eventTypeToString(eventType)}` ); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "accessible-event"); ok( true, `${message ? message + ": " : ""}Recieved ${eventTypeToString( eventType )} event` ); resolve(event); } }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(eventObserver, "accessible-event"); }); } class UnexpectedEvents { constructor(unexpected) { if (unexpected.length) { this.unexpected = unexpected; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "accessible-event"); } } observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic !== "accessible-event") { return; } let event = subject.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleEvent); let unexpectedEvent = this.unexpected.find( ([etype, criteria]) => etype === event.eventType && matchEvent(event, criteria) ); if (unexpectedEvent) { ok(false, `Got unexpected event: ${eventToString(event)}`); } } stop() { if (this.unexpected) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "accessible-event"); } } } /** * A helper function that waits for a sequence of accessible events in * specified order. * @param {Array} events a list of events to wait (same format as * waitForEvent arguments) * @param {String} message Message to prepend to logging. * @param {Boolean} ordered Events need to be recieved in given order. * @param {Object} invokerOrWindow a local window or a special content invoker * it takes a list of arguments and a task * function. */ async function waitForEvents( events, message, ordered = false, invokerOrWindow = null ) { let expected = events.expected || events; // Next expected event index. let currentIdx = 0; let unexpectedListener = events.unexpected ? new UnexpectedEvents(events.unexpected) : null; let results = await Promise.all( expected.map((evt, idx) => { const [eventType, matchCriteria] = evt; return waitForEvent(eventType, matchCriteria, message).then(result => { return [result, idx == currentIdx++]; }); }) ); if (unexpectedListener) { let flushQueue = async win => { // Flush all notifications or queued a11y events. win.windowUtils.advanceTimeAndRefresh(100); // Flush all DOM async events. await new Promise(r => win.setTimeout(r, 0)); // Flush all notifications or queued a11y events resulting from async DOM events. win.windowUtils.advanceTimeAndRefresh(100); // Flush all notifications or a11y events that may have been queued in the last tick. win.windowUtils.advanceTimeAndRefresh(100); // Return refresh to normal. win.windowUtils.restoreNormalRefresh(); }; if (invokerOrWindow instanceof Function) { await invokerOrWindow([flushQueue.toString()], async _flushQueue => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval, no-undef await eval(_flushQueue)(content); }); } else { await flushQueue(invokerOrWindow ? invokerOrWindow : window); } unexpectedListener.stop(); } if (ordered) { ok( results.every(([, isOrdered]) => isOrdered), `${message ? message + ": " : ""}Correct event order` ); } return results.map(([event]) => event); } function waitForOrderedEvents(events, message) { return waitForEvents(events, message, true); } function stateChangeEventArgs(id, state, isEnabled, isExtra = false) { return [ EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, e => { e.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent); return ( e.state == state && e.isExtraState == isExtra && isEnabled == e.isEnabled && (typeof id == "string" ? id == getAccessibleDOMNodeID(e.accessible) : getAccessible(id) == e.accessible) ); }, ]; } function waitForStateChange(id, state, isEnabled, isExtra = false) { return waitForEvent(...stateChangeEventArgs(id, state, isEnabled, isExtra)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility functions ported from events.js. /** * This function selects all text in the passed-in element if it has an editor, * before setting focus to it. This simulates behavio with the keyboard when * tabbing to the element. This does explicitly what synthFocus did implicitly. * This should be called only if you really want this behavior. * @param {string} id The element ID to focus */ function selectAllTextAndFocus(id) { const elem = getNode(id); if (elem.editor) { elem.selectionStart = elem.selectionEnd = elem.value.length; } elem.focus(); }