/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { ASRouter } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://activity-stream/lib/ASRouter.jsm" ); import { BrowserUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const SHOWN_PREF = "browser.search.separatePrivateDefault.ui.banner.shown"; const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "MAX_SEARCH_BANNER_SHOW_COUNT", "browser.search.separatePrivateDefault.ui.banner.max", 0 ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "isPrivateSearchUIEnabled", "browser.search.separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", false ); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { SpecialMessageActions: "resource://messaging-system/lib/SpecialMessageActions.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", }); // We only show the private search banner once per browser session. let gSearchBannerShownThisSession; export class AboutPrivateBrowsingParent extends JSWindowActorParent { constructor() { super(); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("aboutprivatebrowsing", true); } // Used by tests static setShownThisSession(shown) { gSearchBannerShownThisSession = shown; } receiveMessage(aMessage) { let browser = this.browsingContext.top.embedderElement; if (!browser) { return undefined; } let win = browser.ownerGlobal; switch (aMessage.name) { case "OpenPrivateWindow": { win.OpenBrowserWindow({ private: true }); break; } case "OpenSearchPreferences": { win.openPreferences("search", { origin: "about-privatebrowsing" }); break; } case "SearchHandoff": { let urlBar = win.gURLBar; let searchEngine = Services.search.defaultPrivateEngine; let isFirstChange = true; if (!aMessage.data || !aMessage.data.text) { urlBar.setHiddenFocus(); } else { // Pass the provided text to the awesomebar urlBar.handoff(aMessage.data.text, searchEngine); isFirstChange = false; } let checkFirstChange = () => { // Check if this is the first change since we hidden focused. If it is, // remove hidden focus styles, prepend the search alias and hide the // in-content search. if (isFirstChange) { isFirstChange = false; urlBar.removeHiddenFocus(true); urlBar.handoff("", searchEngine); this.sendAsyncMessage("DisableSearch"); urlBar.removeEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.removeEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); } }; let onKeydown = ev => { // Check if the keydown will cause a value change. if (ev.key.length === 1 && !ev.altKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey) { checkFirstChange(); } // If the Esc button is pressed, we are done. Show in-content search and cleanup. if (ev.key === "Escape") { onDone(); } }; let onDone = ev => { // We are done. Show in-content search again and cleanup. this.sendAsyncMessage("ShowSearch"); const forceSuppressFocusBorder = ev?.type === "mousedown"; urlBar.removeHiddenFocus(forceSuppressFocusBorder); urlBar.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); urlBar.removeEventListener("mousedown", onDone); urlBar.removeEventListener("blur", onDone); urlBar.removeEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.removeEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); }; urlBar.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); urlBar.addEventListener("mousedown", onDone); urlBar.addEventListener("blur", onDone); urlBar.addEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.addEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); break; } case "ShouldShowSearch": { let engineName = Services.prefs.getStringPref( "browser.urlbar.placeholderName.private", "" ); let shouldHandOffToSearchMode = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get( "shouldHandOffToSearchMode" ); return [engineName, shouldHandOffToSearchMode]; } case "ShouldShowSearchBanner": { // If this is a pre-loaded private browsing new tab, then we don't want // to display the banner - it might never get displayed to the user // and we won't know, or it might get displayed at the wrong time. // This has the minor downside of not displaying the banner if // you go into private browsing via opening a link, and then opening // a new tab, we won't display the banner, for now, that's ok. if (browser.getAttribute("preloadedState") === "preloaded") { return null; } if (!lazy.isPrivateSearchUIEnabled || gSearchBannerShownThisSession) { return null; } gSearchBannerShownThisSession = true; const shownTimes = Services.prefs.getIntPref(SHOWN_PREF, 0); if (shownTimes >= lazy.MAX_SEARCH_BANNER_SHOW_COUNT) { return null; } Services.prefs.setIntPref(SHOWN_PREF, shownTimes + 1); return new Promise(resolve => { Services.search.getDefaultPrivate().then(engine => { resolve(engine.name); }); }); } case "SearchBannerDismissed": { Services.prefs.setIntPref( SHOWN_PREF, lazy.MAX_SEARCH_BANNER_SHOW_COUNT ); break; } case "ShouldShowPromo": { return BrowserUtils.shouldShowPromo( BrowserUtils.PromoType[aMessage.data.type] ); } case "SpecialMessageActionDispatch": { lazy.SpecialMessageActions.handleAction(aMessage.data, browser); break; } case "IsPromoBlocked": { return !ASRouter.isUnblockedMessage(aMessage.data); } } return undefined; } }