/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PlacesUIUtils: "resource:///modules/PlacesUIUtils.sys.mjs", }); let gTestListeners = new Set(); export class LinkHandlerParent extends JSWindowActorParent { static addListenerForTests(listener) { gTestListeners.add(listener); } static removeListenerForTests(listener) { gTestListeners.delete(listener); } receiveMessage(aMsg) { let browser = this.browsingContext.top.embedderElement; if (!browser) { return; } let win = browser.ownerGlobal; let gBrowser = win.gBrowser; switch (aMsg.name) { case "Link:LoadingIcon": if (!gBrowser) { return; } if (aMsg.data.canUseForTab) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); if (tab.hasAttribute("busy")) { tab.setAttribute("pendingicon", "true"); } } this.notifyTestListeners("LoadingIcon", aMsg.data); break; case "Link:SetIcon": // Cache the most recent icon and rich icon locally. if (aMsg.data.canUseForTab) { this.icon = aMsg.data; } else { this.richIcon = aMsg.data; } if (!gBrowser) { return; } this.setIconFromLink(gBrowser, browser, aMsg.data); this.notifyTestListeners("SetIcon", aMsg.data); break; case "Link:SetFailedIcon": if (!gBrowser) { return; } if (aMsg.data.canUseForTab) { this.clearPendingIcon(gBrowser, browser); } this.notifyTestListeners("SetFailedIcon", aMsg.data); break; case "Link:AddSearch": if (!gBrowser) { return; } let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); if (!tab) { break; } if (win.BrowserSearch) { win.BrowserSearch.addEngine(browser, aMsg.data.engine); } break; } } notifyTestListeners(name, data) { for (let listener of gTestListeners) { listener(name, data); } } clearPendingIcon(gBrowser, aBrowser) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(aBrowser); tab.removeAttribute("pendingicon"); } setIconFromLink( gBrowser, browser, { pageURL, originalURL, canUseForTab, expiration, iconURL, canStoreIcon } ) { let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); if (!tab) { return; } if (canUseForTab) { this.clearPendingIcon(gBrowser, browser); } let iconURI; try { iconURI = Services.io.newURI(iconURL); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); return; } if (iconURI.scheme != "data") { try { Services.scriptSecurityManager.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal( browser.contentPrincipal, iconURI, Services.scriptSecurityManager.ALLOW_CHROME ); } catch (ex) { return; } } if (canStoreIcon) { try { lazy.PlacesUIUtils.loadFavicon( browser, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), Services.io.newURI(pageURL), Services.io.newURI(originalURL), expiration, iconURI ); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } } if (canUseForTab) { gBrowser.setIcon(tab, iconURL, originalURL); } } }