/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; add_setup(async () => { // Disable window occlusion. See bug 1733955 / bug 1779559. if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["widget.windows.window_occlusion_tracking.enabled", false]], }); } }); add_task(async () => { // Open a new browser window to make sure there is no navigation history. const newBrowser = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({}); let event = { direction: SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT, }; ok(!newBrowser.gGestureSupport._shouldDoSwipeGesture(event)); event = { direction: SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_RIGHT, }; ok(!newBrowser.gGestureSupport._shouldDoSwipeGesture(event)); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newBrowser); }); function createSimpleGestureEvent(type, direction) { let event = document.createEvent("SimpleGestureEvent"); event.initSimpleGestureEvent( type, false /* canBubble */, false /* cancelableArg */, window, 0 /* detail */, 0 /* screenX */, 0 /* screenY */, 0 /* clientX */, 0 /* clientY */, false /* ctrlKey */, false /* altKey */, false /* shiftKey */, false /* metaKey */, 0 /* button */, null /* relatedTarget */, 0 /* allowedDirections */, direction, 1 /* delta */ ); return event; } add_task(async () => { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["ui.swipeAnimationEnabled", false]], }); // Open a new browser window and load two pages so that the browser can go // back but can't go forward. const newWindow = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({}); // gHistroySwipeAnimation gets initialized in a requestIdleCallback so we need // to wait for the initialization. await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( // There's no explicit notification for the initialization, so we wait // until `isLTR` matches the browser locale state. newWindow.gHistorySwipeAnimation.isLTR != Services.locale.isAppLocaleRTL ); }); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:mozilla" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, false, "about:mozilla" ); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:about" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, false, "about:about" ); let event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureMayStart", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport._shouldDoSwipeGesture(event); // Assuming we are on LTR environment. is( event.allowedDirections, SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT, "Allows only swiping to left, i.e. backward" ); event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureMayStart", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_RIGHT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport._shouldDoSwipeGesture(event); is( event.allowedDirections, SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT, "Allows only swiping to left, i.e. backward" ); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow); }); add_task(async () => { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["ui.swipeAnimationEnabled", true]], }); // Open a new browser window and load two pages so that the browser can go // back but can't go forward. const newWindow = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({}); if (!newWindow.gHistorySwipeAnimation._isSupported()) { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow); return; } function sendSwipeSequence(sendEnd) { let event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureMayStart", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport.handleEvent(event); event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureStart", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport.handleEvent(event); event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureUpdate", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport.handleEvent(event); event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureUpdate", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport.handleEvent(event); if (sendEnd) { sendSwipeEnd(); } } function sendSwipeEnd() { let event = createSimpleGestureEvent( "MozSwipeGestureEnd", SimpleGestureEvent.DIRECTION_LEFT ); newWindow.gGestureSupport.handleEvent(event); } // gHistroySwipeAnimation gets initialized in a requestIdleCallback so we need // to wait for the initialization. await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( // There's no explicit notification for the initialization, so we wait // until `isLTR` matches the browser locale state. newWindow.gHistorySwipeAnimation.isLTR != Services.locale.isAppLocaleRTL ); }); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:mozilla" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, false, "about:mozilla" ); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:about" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, false, "about:about" ); // Start a swipe that's not enough to navigate sendSwipeSequence(/* sendEnd = */ true); // Wait two frames await new Promise(r => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(r)) ); // The transition to fully stopped shouldn't have had enough time yet to // become fully stopped. ok( newWindow.gHistorySwipeAnimation._isStoppingAnimation, "should be stopping anim" ); // Start another swipe. sendSwipeSequence(/* sendEnd = */ false); // Wait two frames await new Promise(r => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(r)) ); // We should have started a new swipe, ie we shouldn't be stopping. ok( !newWindow.gHistorySwipeAnimation._isStoppingAnimation, "should not be stopping anim" ); sendSwipeEnd(); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow); });