/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function createLinuxResizeTests(aFirstValue, aSecondValue, aMsg) { for (let prop of ResizeMoveTest.PropInfo.sizeProps) { // For e.g 'outerWidth' this will be 'innerWidth'. let otherProp = ResizeMoveTest.PropInfo.crossBoundsMapping[prop]; let first = {}; first[prop] = aFirstValue; let second = {}; second[otherProp] = aSecondValue; new ResizeMoveTest( [first, second], /* aInstant */ true, `${aMsg} ${prop},${otherProp}` ); new ResizeMoveTest( [first, second], /* aInstant */ false, `${aMsg} ${prop},${otherProp}` ); } } createLinuxResizeTests(9, 10, "Resize"); createLinuxResizeTests(10, 0, "Resize revert"); createLinuxResizeTests(10, 10, "Resize repeat"); new ResizeMoveTest( [ { outerWidth: 10 }, { innerHeight: 10 }, { innerWidth: 20 }, { outerHeight: 20 }, { outerWidth: 30 }, ], /* aInstant */ true, "Resize sequence", /* aWaitForCompletion */ true ); new ResizeMoveTest( [ { outerWidth: 10 }, { innerHeight: 10 }, { innerWidth: 20 }, { outerHeight: 20 }, { outerWidth: 30 }, ], /* aInstant */ false, "Resize sequence", /* aWaitForCompletion */ true );