/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; extensions.registerModules({ devtools: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-devtools.js", scopes: ["devtools_child"], paths: [["devtools"]], }, devtools_inspectedWindow: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-devtools-inspectedWindow.js", scopes: ["devtools_child"], paths: [["devtools", "inspectedWindow"]], }, devtools_panels: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-devtools-panels.js", scopes: ["devtools_child"], paths: [["devtools", "panels"]], }, devtools_network: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-devtools-network.js", scopes: ["devtools_child"], paths: [["devtools", "network"]], }, // Because of permissions, the module name must differ from both namespaces. menusInternal: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-menus.js", scopes: ["addon_child"], paths: [["contextMenus"], ["menus"]], }, menusChild: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-menus-child.js", scopes: ["addon_child", "devtools_child"], paths: [["menus"]], }, omnibox: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-omnibox.js", scopes: ["addon_child"], paths: [["omnibox"]], }, tabs: { url: "chrome://browser/content/child/ext-tabs.js", scopes: ["addon_child"], paths: [["tabs"]], }, });