/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests that the NO_BROWSERS_FOUND page has a button to redirect to the * selection page when only file migrators are found. */ add_task(async function test_only_file_migrators() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["signon.management.page.fileImport.enabled", true]], }); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); sandbox.stub(MigrationUtils, "availableMigratorKeys").get(() => { return []; }); await withMigrationWizardDialog(async prefsWin => { let dialog = prefsWin.document.querySelector("#migrationWizardDialog"); let wizard = dialog.querySelector("migration-wizard"); let shadow = wizard.openOrClosedShadowRoot; let deck = shadow.querySelector("#wizard-deck"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForMutationCondition( deck, { attributeFilter: ["selected-view"] }, () => { return ( deck.getAttribute("selected-view") == "page-" + MigrationWizardConstants.PAGES.NO_BROWSERS_FOUND ); } ); let chooseImportFileButton = shadow.querySelector( "#choose-import-from-file" ); let changedToSelectionPage = BrowserTestUtils.waitForMutationCondition( deck, { attributeFilter: ["selected-view"] }, () => { return ( deck.getAttribute("selected-view") == "page-" + MigrationWizardConstants.PAGES.SELECTION ); } ); chooseImportFileButton.click(); await changedToSelectionPage; // No browser migrators should be listed. let browserMigratorItems = wizard.querySelectorAll( `panel-item[type="${MigrationWizardConstants.MIGRATOR_TYPES.BROWSER}"]` ); Assert.ok(!browserMigratorItems.length, "No browser migrators listed."); // Check to make sure there's at least one file migrator listed. let fileMigratorItems = wizard.querySelectorAll( `panel-item[type="${MigrationWizardConstants.MIGRATOR_TYPES.FILE}"]` ); Assert.ok(!!fileMigratorItems.length, "Listed at least one file migrator."); }); });