/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "common/ActorConstants.sys.mjs"; import { actionCreators as ac } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; export const ASRouterUtils = { addListener(listener) { if (global.ASRouterAddParentListener) { global.ASRouterAddParentListener(listener); } }, removeListener(listener) { if (global.ASRouterRemoveParentListener) { global.ASRouterRemoveParentListener(listener); } }, sendMessage(action) { if (global.ASRouterMessage) { return global.ASRouterMessage(action); } throw new Error(`Unexpected call:\n${JSON.stringify(action, null, 3)}`); }, blockById(id, options) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID, data: { id, ...options }, }); }, modifyMessageJson(content) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.MODIFY_MESSAGE_JSON, data: { content }, }); }, executeAction(button_action) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.USER_ACTION, data: button_action, }); }, unblockById(id) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.UNBLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID, data: { id }, }); }, blockBundle(bundle) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.BLOCK_BUNDLE, data: { bundle }, }); }, unblockBundle(bundle) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.UNBLOCK_BUNDLE, data: { bundle }, }); }, overrideMessage(id) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ type: msg.OVERRIDE_MESSAGE, data: { id }, }); }, sendTelemetry(ping) { return ASRouterUtils.sendMessage(ac.ASRouterUserEvent(ping)); }, getPreviewEndpoint() { if ( global.document && global.document.location && global.document.location.href.includes("endpoint") ) { const params = new URLSearchParams( global.document.location.href.slice( global.document.location.href.indexOf("endpoint") ) ); try { const endpoint = new URL(params.get("endpoint")); return { url: endpoint.href, snippetId: params.get("snippetId"), theme: this.getPreviewTheme(), dir: this.getPreviewDir(), }; } catch (e) {} } return null; }, getPreviewTheme() { return new URLSearchParams( global.document.location.href.slice( global.document.location.href.indexOf("theme") ) ).get("theme"); }, getPreviewDir() { return new URLSearchParams( global.document.location.href.slice( global.document.location.href.indexOf("dir") ) ).get("dir"); }, };