/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { DSCard, PlaceholderDSCard } from "../DSCard/DSCard.jsx"; import { DSEmptyState } from "../DSEmptyState/DSEmptyState.jsx"; import { DSDismiss } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSDismiss/DSDismiss"; import { TopicsWidget } from "../TopicsWidget/TopicsWidget.jsx"; import { SafeAnchor } from "../SafeAnchor/SafeAnchor"; import { FluentOrText } from "../../FluentOrText/FluentOrText.jsx"; import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback } from "react"; import { connect, useSelector } from "react-redux"; const PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED = "discoverystream.onboardingExperience.dismissed"; const INTERSECTION_RATIO = 0.5; const VISIBLE = "visible"; const VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; const WIDGET_IDS = { TOPICS: 1, }; export function DSSubHeader({ children }) { return (


); } export function OnboardingExperience({ children, dispatch, windowObj = global, }) { const [dismissed, setDismissed] = useState(false); const [maxHeight, setMaxHeight] = useState(null); const heightElement = useRef(null); const onDismissClick = useCallback(() => { // We update this as state and redux. // The state update is for this newtab, // and the redux update is for other tabs, offscreen tabs, and future tabs. // We need the state update for this tab to support the transition. setDismissed(true); dispatch(ac.SetPref(PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED, true)); dispatch( ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "BLOCK", source: "POCKET_ONBOARDING", }) ); }, [dispatch]); useEffect(() => { const resizeObserver = new windowObj.ResizeObserver(() => { if (heightElement.current) { setMaxHeight(heightElement.current.offsetHeight); } }); const options = { threshold: INTERSECTION_RATIO }; const intersectionObserver = new windowObj.IntersectionObserver(entries => { if ( entries.some( entry => entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio >= INTERSECTION_RATIO ) ) { dispatch( ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "IMPRESSION", source: "POCKET_ONBOARDING", }) ); // Once we have observed an impression, we can stop for this instance of newtab. intersectionObserver.unobserve(heightElement.current); } }, options); const onVisibilityChange = () => { intersectionObserver.observe(heightElement.current); windowObj.document.removeEventListener( VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange ); }; if (heightElement.current) { resizeObserver.observe(heightElement.current); // Check visibility or setup a visibility event to make // sure we don't fire this for off screen pre loaded tabs. if (windowObj.document.visibilityState === VISIBLE) { intersectionObserver.observe(heightElement.current); } else { windowObj.document.addEventListener( VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange ); } setMaxHeight(heightElement.current.offsetHeight); } // Return unmount callback to clean up observers. return () => { resizeObserver?.disconnect(); intersectionObserver?.disconnect(); windowObj.document.removeEventListener( VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange ); }; }, [dispatch, windowObj]); const style = {}; if (dismissed) { style.maxHeight = "0"; style.opacity = "0"; style.transition = "max-height 0.26s ease, opacity 0.26s ease"; } else if (maxHeight) { style.maxHeight = `${maxHeight}px`; } return (

); } export function IntersectionObserver({ children, windowObj = window, onIntersecting, }) { const intersectionElement = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { let observer; if (!observer && onIntersecting && intersectionElement.current) { observer = new windowObj.IntersectionObserver(entries => { const entry = entries.find(e => e.isIntersecting); if (entry) { // Stop observing since element has been seen if (observer && intersectionElement.current) { observer.unobserve(intersectionElement.current); } onIntersecting(); } }); observer.observe(intersectionElement.current); } // Cleanup return () => observer?.disconnect(); }, [windowObj, onIntersecting]); return
; } export function RecentSavesContainer({ gridClassName = "", dispatch, windowObj = window, items = 3, source = "CARDGRID_RECENT_SAVES", }) { const { recentSavesData, isUserLoggedIn, experimentData: { utmCampaign, utmContent, utmSource }, } = useSelector(state => state.DiscoveryStream); const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const onIntersecting = useCallback(() => setVisible(true), []); useEffect(() => { if (visible) { dispatch( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_INIT, }) ); } }, [visible, dispatch]); // The user has not yet scrolled to this section, // so wait before potentially requesting Pocket data. if (!visible) { return ( ); } // Intersection observer has finished, but we're not yet logged in. if (visible && !isUserLoggedIn) { return null; } let queryParams = `?utm_source=${utmSource}`; // We really only need to add these params to urls we own. if (utmCampaign && utmContent) { queryParams += `&utm_content=${utmContent}&utm_campaign=${utmCampaign}`; } function renderCard(rec, index) { const url = new URL(rec.url); const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(queryParams); if (rec?.id && !url.href.match(/getpocket\.com\/read/)) { url.href = `https://getpocket.com/read/${rec.id}`; } for (let [key, val] of urlSearchParams.entries()) { url.searchParams.set(key, val); } return ( ); } function onMyListClicked() { dispatch( ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: `${source}_VIEW_LIST`, }) ); } const recentSavesCards = []; // We fill the cards with a for loop over an inline map because // we want empty placeholders if there are not enough cards. for (let index = 0; index < items; index++) { const recentSave = recentSavesData[index]; if (!recentSave) { recentSavesCards.push(); } else { recentSavesCards.push( renderCard( { id: recentSave.id, image_src: recentSave.top_image_url, raw_image_src: recentSave.top_image_url, word_count: recentSave.word_count, time_to_read: recentSave.time_to_read, title: recentSave.resolved_title || recentSave.given_title, url: recentSave.resolved_url || recentSave.given_url, domain: recentSave.domain_metadata?.name, excerpt: recentSave.excerpt, }, index ) ); } } // We are visible and logged in. return ( <>
); } export class _CardGrid extends React.PureComponent { renderCards() { const prefs = this.props.Prefs.values; const { items, hybridLayout, hideCardBackground, fourCardLayout, compactGrid, essentialReadsHeader, editorsPicksHeader, onboardingExperience, widgets, recentSavesEnabled, hideDescriptions, DiscoveryStream, } = this.props; const { saveToPocketCard } = DiscoveryStream; const showRecentSaves = prefs.showRecentSaves && recentSavesEnabled; const isOnboardingExperienceDismissed = prefs[PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED]; const recs = this.props.data.recommendations.slice(0, items); const cards = []; let essentialReadsCards = []; let editorsPicksCards = []; for (let index = 0; index < items; index++) { const rec = recs[index]; cards.push( !rec || rec.placeholder ? ( ) : ( ) ); } if (widgets?.positions?.length && widgets?.data?.length) { let positionIndex = 0; const source = "CARDGRID_WIDGET"; for (const widget of widgets.data) { let widgetComponent = null; const position = widgets.positions[positionIndex]; // Stop if we run out of positions to place widgets. if (!position) { break; } switch (widget?.type) { case "TopicsWidget": widgetComponent = ( ); break; } if (widgetComponent) { // We found a widget, so up the position for next try. positionIndex++; // We replace an existing card with the widget. cards.splice(position.index, 1, widgetComponent); } } } let moreRecsHeader = ""; // For now this is English only. if (showRecentSaves || (essentialReadsHeader && editorsPicksHeader)) { let spliceAt = 6; // For 4 card row layouts, second row is 8 cards, and regular it is 6 cards. if (fourCardLayout) { spliceAt = 8; } // If we have a custom header, ensure the more recs section also has a header. moreRecsHeader = "More Recommendations"; // Put the first 2 rows into essentialReadsCards. essentialReadsCards = [...cards.splice(0, spliceAt)]; // Put the rest into editorsPicksCards. if (essentialReadsHeader && editorsPicksHeader) { editorsPicksCards = [...cards.splice(0, cards.length)]; } } const hideCardBackgroundClass = hideCardBackground ? `ds-card-grid-hide-background` : ``; const fourCardLayoutClass = fourCardLayout ? `ds-card-grid-four-card-variant` : ``; const hideDescriptionsClassName = !hideDescriptions ? `ds-card-grid-include-descriptions` : ``; const compactGridClassName = compactGrid ? `ds-card-grid-compact` : ``; const hybridLayoutClassName = hybridLayout ? `ds-card-grid-hybrid-layout` : ``; const gridClassName = `ds-card-grid ${hybridLayoutClassName} ${hideCardBackgroundClass} ${fourCardLayoutClass} ${hideDescriptionsClassName} ${compactGridClassName}`; return ( <> {!isOnboardingExperienceDismissed && onboardingExperience && ( )} {essentialReadsCards?.length > 0 && (
)} {showRecentSaves && ( )} {editorsPicksCards?.length > 0 && ( <>
)} {cards?.length > 0 && ( <> {moreRecsHeader && ( )}
)} ); } render() { const { data } = this.props; // Handle a render before feed has been fetched by displaying nothing if (!data) { return null; } // Handle the case where a user has dismissed all recommendations const isEmpty = data.recommendations.length === 0; return (
{this.props.title && (
{this.props.context && (
)} {isEmpty ? (
) : ( this.renderCards() )}
); } } _CardGrid.defaultProps = { items: 4, // Number of stories to display }; export const CardGrid = connect(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs, DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream, }))(_CardGrid);