"use strict"; test_newtab({ async before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.improvesearch.handoffToAwesomebar", false, ]); }, test: function test_render_search() { let search = content.document.getElementById("newtab-search-text"); ok(search, "Got the search box"); isnot( search.placeholder, "search_web_placeholder", "Search box is localized" ); }, }); test_newtab({ async before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.improvesearch.handoffToAwesomebar", true, ]); }, test: function test_render_search_handoff() { let search = content.document.querySelector(".search-handoff-button"); ok(search, "Got the search handoff button"); }, }); test_newtab(function test_render_topsites() { let topSites = content.document.querySelector(".top-sites-list"); ok(topSites, "Got the top sites section"); }); test_newtab({ async before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites", false, ]); }, test: function test_render_no_topsites() { let topSites = content.document.querySelector(".top-sites-list"); ok(!topSites, "No top sites section"); }, }); // This next test runs immediately after test_render_no_topsites to make sure // the topsites pref is restored test_newtab(function test_render_topsites_again() { let topSites = content.document.querySelector(".top-sites-list"); ok(topSites, "Got the top sites section again"); }); test_newtab({ async before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.logowordmark.alwaysVisible", false, ]); }, test: function test_render_logo_false() { let logoWordmark = content.document.querySelector(".logo-and-wordmark"); ok(!logoWordmark, "The logo is not rendered when pref is false"); }, }); test_newtab({ async before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.logowordmark.alwaysVisible", true, ]); }, test: function test_render_logo() { let logoWordmark = content.document.querySelector(".logo-and-wordmark"); ok(logoWordmark, "The logo is rendered when pref is true"); }, });