"use strict"; async function before({ pushPrefs }) { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config", JSON.stringify({ collapsible: true, enabled: true, hardcoded_layout: true, }), ]); } test_newtab({ before, test: async function test_render_hardcoded_topsites() { const topSites = await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => content.document.querySelector(".ds-top-sites") ); ok(topSites, "Got the discovery stream top sites section"); }, }); test_newtab({ before, test: async function test_render_hardcoded_learnmore() { const learnMoreLink = await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => content.document.querySelector(".ds-layout .learn-more-link > a") ); ok(learnMoreLink, "Got the discovery stream learn more link"); }, });