import { AboutWelcomeDefaults } from "aboutwelcome/lib/AboutWelcomeDefaults.jsm"; import { MultiStageProtonScreen } from "content-src/aboutwelcome/components/MultiStageProtonScreen"; import { AWScreenUtils } from "lib/AWScreenUtils.jsm"; import React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; describe("MultiStageAboutWelcomeProton module", () => { let sandbox; let clock; beforeEach(() => { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { clock.restore(); sandbox.restore(); }); describe("MultiStageAWProton component", () => { it("should render MultiStageProton Screen", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should render secondary section for split positioned screens", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "split", title: "test title", hero_text: "test subtitle", }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".welcome-text h1").text(), "test title"); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".section-secondary h1").text(), "test subtitle" ); assert.equal(wrapper.find("main").prop("pos"), "split"); }); it("should render secondary section with content background for split positioned screens", () => { const BACKGROUND_URL = "chrome://activity-stream/content/data/content/assets/confetti.svg"; const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "split", background: `url(${BACKGROUND_URL}) var(--mr-secondary-position) no-repeat`, split_narrow_bkg_position: "10px", title: "test title", }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.ok( wrapper .find("div.section-secondary") .prop("style") .background.includes("--mr-secondary-position") ); assert.ok( wrapper.find("div.section-secondary").prop("style")[ "--mr-secondary-background-position-y" ], "10px" ); }); it("should render with secondary section for split positioned screens", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "split", title: "test title", hero_text: "test subtitle", }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".welcome-text h1").text(), "test title"); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".section-secondary h1").text(), "test subtitle" ); assert.equal(wrapper.find("main").prop("pos"), "split"); }); it("should render with no secondary section for center positioned screens", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "center", title: "test title", }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".section-secondary").exists(), false); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".welcome-text h1").text(), "test title"); assert.equal(wrapper.find("main").prop("pos"), "center"); }); it("should not render multiple action buttons if an additional button does not exist", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.isFalse(wrapper.find(".additional-cta").exists()); }); it("should render an additional action button with primary styling if no style has been specified", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, additional_button: { label: "test additional button", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.isTrue(wrapper.find(".additional-cta.primary").exists()); }); it("should render an additional action button with secondary styling", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, additional_button: { label: "test additional button", style: "secondary", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".additional-cta.secondary").exists(), true); }); it("should render an additional action button with primary styling", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, additional_button: { label: "test additional button", style: "primary", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".additional-cta.primary").exists(), true); }); it("should render an additional action with link styling", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "split", title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, additional_button: { label: "test additional button", style: "link", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".additional-cta.cta-link").exists(), true); }); it("should render an additional button with vertical orientation", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { position: "center", title: "test title", primary_button: { label: "test primary button", }, additional_button: { label: "test additional button", style: "secondary", flow: "column", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".additional-cta-container[flow='column']").exists(), true ); }); it("should not render a progress bar if there is 1 step", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", progress_bar: true, }, isSingleScreen: true, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".steps.progress-bar").exists(), false); }); it("should render a progress bar if there are 2 steps", () => { const SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", progress_bar: true, }, totalNumberOfScreens: 2, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".steps.progress-bar").exists(), true); }); }); describe("AboutWelcomeDefaults for proton", () => { const getData = () => AboutWelcomeDefaults.getDefaults(); async function prepConfig(config, evalFalseScreenIds) { let data = await getData(); if (evalFalseScreenIds?.length) { data.screens.forEach(async screen => { if (evalFalseScreenIds.includes( { screen.targeting = false; } }); data.screens = await AWScreenUtils.evaluateTargetingAndRemoveScreens( data.screens ); } return AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact({, ...config, }); } beforeEach(() => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true); sandbox.stub(AWScreenUtils, "evaluateScreenTargeting").returnsArg(0); // This is necessary because there are still screens being removed with // `removeScreens` in `prepareContentForReact()`. Once we've migrated // to using screen targeting instead of manually removing screens, // we can remove this stub. sandbox .stub(global.AWScreenUtils, "removeScreens") .callsFake((screens, callback) => AWScreenUtils.removeScreens(screens, callback) ); }); it("should have 'pin' button by default", async () => { const data = await prepConfig({ needPin: true }, [ "AW_EASY_SETUP", "AW_WELCOME_BACK", ]); assert.propertyVal( data.screens[0].content.primary_button.action, "type", "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR" ); }); it("should have 'pin' button if we need default and pin", async () => { const data = await prepConfig( { needDefault: true, needPin: true, }, ["AW_EASY_SETUP", "AW_WELCOME_BACK"] ); assert.propertyVal( data.screens[0].content.primary_button.action, "type", "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR" ); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[0], "id", "AW_PIN_FIREFOX"); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[1], "id", "AW_SET_DEFAULT"); assert.lengthOf(data.screens, getData().screens.length - 3); }); it("should keep 'pin' and remove 'default' if already default", async () => { const data = await prepConfig({ needPin: true }, [ "AW_EASY_SETUP", "AW_WELCOME_BACK", ]); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[0], "id", "AW_PIN_FIREFOX"); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[1], "id", "AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS"); assert.lengthOf(data.screens, getData().screens.length - 4); }); it("should switch to 'default' if already pinned", async () => { const data = await prepConfig({ needDefault: true }, [ "AW_EASY_SETUP", "AW_WELCOME_BACK", ]); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[0], "id", "AW_ONLY_DEFAULT"); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[1], "id", "AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS"); assert.lengthOf(data.screens, getData().screens.length - 4); }); it("should switch to 'start' if already pinned and default", async () => { const data = await prepConfig({}, ["AW_EASY_SETUP", "AW_WELCOME_BACK"]); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[0], "id", "AW_GET_STARTED"); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[1], "id", "AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS"); assert.lengthOf(data.screens, getData().screens.length - 4); }); it("should have a FxA button", async () => { const data = await prepConfig({}, ["AW_WELCOME_BACK"]); assert.notProperty(data, "skipFxA");[0].content, "secondary_button_top"); }); it("should remove the FxA button if pref disabled", async () => { global.Services.prefs.getBoolPref.returns(false); const data = await prepConfig();, "skipFxA", true); assert.notProperty(data.screens[0].content, "secondary_button_top"); }); it("should remove the caption if deleteIfNotEn is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").value("de"); const data = await prepConfig({ id: "DEFAULT_ABOUTWELCOME_PROTON", template: "multistage", transitions: true, background_url: "chrome://activity-stream/content/data/content/assets/confetti.svg", screens: [ { id: "AW_PIN_FIREFOX", content: { position: "corner", help_text: { deleteIfNotEn: true, string_id: "mr1-onboarding-welcome-image-caption", }, }, }, ], }); assert.notProperty(data.screens[0].content, "help_text"); }); }); describe("AboutWelcomeDefaults for MR split template proton", () => { const getData = () => AboutWelcomeDefaults.getDefaults(true); beforeEach(() => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true); }); it("should use 'split' position template by default", async () => { const data = await getData(); assert.propertyVal(data.screens[0].content, "position", "split"); }); it("should not include noodles by default", async () => { const data = await getData(); assert.notProperty(data.screens[0].content, "has_noodles"); }); }); describe("AboutWelcomeDefaults prepareMobileDownload", () => { const TEST_CONTENT = { screens: [ { id: "AW_MOBILE_DOWNLOAD", content: { title: "test", hero_image: { url: "", }, cta_paragraph: { text: {}, action: {}, }, }, }, ], }; it("should not set url for default qrcode svg", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.AppConstants, "isChinaRepack").returns(false); const data = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact( TEST_CONTENT ); assert.propertyVal( data.screens[0].content.hero_image, "url", "" ); }); it("should set url for cn qrcode svg", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.AppConstants, "isChinaRepack").returns(true); const data = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact( TEST_CONTENT ); assert.propertyVal( data.screens[0].content.hero_image, "url", "" ); }); }); describe("AboutWelcomeDefaults prepareContentForReact", () => { it("should not set action without screens", async () => { const data = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact({ ua: "test", }); assert.propertyVal(data, "ua", "test"); assert.notProperty(data, "screens"); }); it("should set action for import action", async () => { const TEST_CONTENT = { ua: "test", screens: [ { id: "AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS", content: { primary_button: { action: { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", }, }, }, }, ], }; const data = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact( TEST_CONTENT ); assert.propertyVal(data, "ua", "test"); assert.propertyVal( data.screens[0], "source", "test" ); }); it("should not set action if the action type != SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", async () => { const TEST_CONTENT = { ua: "test", screens: [ { id: "AW_IMPORT_SETTINGS", content: { primary_button: { action: { type: "SHOW_FIREFOX_ACCOUNTS", data: {}, }, }, }, }, ], }; const data = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact( TEST_CONTENT ); assert.propertyVal(data, "ua", "test"); assert.notPropertyVal( data.screens[0], "source", "test" ); }); it("should remove theme screens on win7", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.AppConstants, "isPlatformAndVersionAtMost") .returns(true); sandbox .stub(global.AWScreenUtils, "removeScreens") .callsFake((screens, screen) => AWScreenUtils.removeScreens(screens, screen) ); const { screens } = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact({ screens: [ { content: { tiles: { type: "theme" }, }, }, { id: "hello" }, { content: { tiles: { type: "theme" }, }, }, { id: "world" }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(screens, [{ id: "hello" }, { id: "world" }]); }); it("shouldn't remove colorway screens on win7", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.AppConstants, "isPlatformAndVersionAtMost") .returns(true); sandbox .stub(global.AWScreenUtils, "removeScreens") .callsFake((screens, screen) => AWScreenUtils.removeScreens(screens, screen) ); const { screens } = await AboutWelcomeDefaults.prepareContentForReact({ screens: [ { content: { tiles: { type: "colorway" }, }, }, { id: "hello" }, { content: { tiles: { type: "theme" }, }, }, { id: "world" }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(screens, [ { content: { tiles: { type: "colorway" }, }, }, { id: "hello" }, { id: "world" }, ]); }); }); });