import { EOYSnippet } from "content-src/asrouter/templates/EOYSnippet/EOYSnippet"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from "@fluent/bundle"; import { LocalizationProvider, ReactLocalization } from "@fluent/react"; import schema from "content-src/asrouter/templates/EOYSnippet/EOYSnippet.schema.json"; const DEFAULT_CONTENT = { text: "foo", donation_amount_first: 50, donation_amount_second: 25, donation_amount_third: 10, donation_amount_fourth: 5, donation_form_url: "https://submit.form", button_label: "Donate", }; describe("EOYSnippet", () => { let sandbox; let wrapper; function mockL10nWrapper(content) { const bundle = new FluentBundle("en-US"); for (const [id, value] of Object.entries(content)) { if (typeof value === "string") { bundle.addResource(new FluentResource(`${id} = ${value}`)); } } const l10n = new ReactLocalization([bundle]); return { wrappingComponent: LocalizationProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { l10n }, }; } /** * mountAndCheckProps - Mounts a EOYSnippet with DEFAULT_CONTENT extended with any props * passed in the content param and validates props against the schema. * @param {obj} content Object containing custom message content (e.g. {text, icon, title}) * @returns enzyme wrapper for EOYSnippet */ function mountAndCheckProps(content = {}, provider = "test-provider") { const props = { content: Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CONTENT, content), provider, onAction: sandbox.stub(), onBlock: sandbox.stub(), sendClick: sandbox.stub(), }; const comp = mount( , mockL10nWrapper(props.content) ); // Check schema with the final props the component receives (including defaults) assert.jsonSchema(comp.children().get(0).props.content, schema); return comp; } beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); wrapper = mountAndCheckProps(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should have the correct defaults", () => { wrapper = mountAndCheckProps(); // SendToDeviceSnippet is a wrapper around SubmitFormSnippet const { props } = wrapper.children().get(0); const defaultProperties = Object.keys( prop =>[prop].default ); assert.lengthOf(defaultProperties, 4); defaultProperties.forEach(prop => assert.propertyVal(props.content, prop,[prop].default) ); }); it("should render 4 donation options", () => { assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find("input[type='radio']"), 4); }); it("should have a data-metric field", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find("form[data-metric='EOYSnippetForm']").exists()); }); it("should select the second donation option", () => { wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ selected_button: "donation_amount_second" }); assert.propertyVal( wrapper.find("input[type='radio']").get(1).props, "defaultChecked", true ); }); it("should set frequency value to monthly", () => { const form = wrapper.find("form").instance(); assert.equal(form.querySelector("[name='frequency']").value, "single"); form.querySelector("#monthly-checkbox").checked = true; wrapper.find("form").simulate("submit"); assert.equal(form.querySelector("[name='frequency']").value, "monthly"); }); it("should block after submitting the form", () => { const onBlockStub = sandbox.stub(); wrapper.setProps({ onBlock: onBlockStub }); wrapper.find("form").simulate("submit"); assert.calledOnce(onBlockStub); }); it("should not block if do_not_autoblock is true", () => { const onBlockStub = sandbox.stub(); wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ do_not_autoblock: true }); wrapper.setProps({ onBlock: onBlockStub }); wrapper.find("form").simulate("submit"); assert.notCalled(onBlockStub); }); it("should report form submissions", () => { wrapper = mountAndCheckProps(); const { sendClick } = wrapper.props(); wrapper.find("form").simulate("submit"); assert.calledOnce(sendClick); assert.equal( sendClick.firstCall.args[0].target.dataset.metric, "EOYSnippetForm" ); }); it("it should preserve URL GET params as hidden inputs", () => { wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ donation_form_url: "", }); const hiddenInputs = wrapper.find("input[type='hidden']"); assert.propertyVal( hiddenInputs.find("[name='utm_source']").props(), "value", "desktop-snippet" ); assert.propertyVal( hiddenInputs.find("[name='amp;utm_medium']").props(), "value", "snippet" ); assert.propertyVal( hiddenInputs.find("[name='amp;utm_campaign']").props(), "value", "donate" ); assert.propertyVal( hiddenInputs.find("[name='amp;utm_term']").props(), "value", "7556" ); }); describe("locale", () => { let stub; let globals; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); stub = sandbox.stub().returns({ format: () => {} }); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set({ Intl: { NumberFormat: stub } }); }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); }); it("should use content.locale for Intl", () => { // triggers component rendering and calls the function we're testing wrapper.setProps({ content: { locale: "locale-foo", donation_form_url: DEFAULT_CONTENT.donation_form_url, }, }); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, "locale-foo", sinon.match.object); }); it("should use navigator.language as locale fallback", () => { // triggers component rendering and calls the function we're testing wrapper.setProps({ content: { locale: null, donation_form_url: DEFAULT_CONTENT.donation_form_url, }, }); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, navigator.language, sinon.match.object); }); }); });