import { mount } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from "@fluent/bundle"; import { LocalizationProvider, ReactLocalization } from "@fluent/react"; import schema from "content-src/asrouter/templates/SimpleBelowSearchSnippet/SimpleBelowSearchSnippet.schema.json"; import { SimpleBelowSearchSnippet } from "content-src/asrouter/templates/SimpleBelowSearchSnippet/SimpleBelowSearchSnippet.jsx"; const DEFAULT_CONTENT = { text: "foo" }; describe("SimpleBelowSearchSnippet", () => { let sandbox; let sendUserActionTelemetryStub; function mockL10nWrapper(content) { const bundle = new FluentBundle("en-US"); for (const [id, value] of Object.entries(content)) { if (typeof value === "string") { bundle.addResource(new FluentResource(`${id} = ${value}`)); } } const l10n = new ReactLocalization([bundle]); return { wrappingComponent: LocalizationProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { l10n }, }; } /** * mountAndCheckProps - Mounts a SimpleBelowSearchSnippet with DEFAULT_CONTENT extended with any props * passed in the content param and validates props against the schema. * @param {obj} content Object containing custom message content (e.g. {text, icon}) * @returns enzyme wrapper for SimpleSnippet */ function mountAndCheckProps(content = {}, provider = "test-provider") { const props = { content: { ...DEFAULT_CONTENT, ...content }, provider, sendUserActionTelemetry: sendUserActionTelemetryStub, onAction: sandbox.stub(), }; assert.jsonSchema(props.content, schema); return mount( , mockL10nWrapper(props.content) ); } beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sendUserActionTelemetryStub = sandbox.stub(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should render .text", () => { const wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ text: "bar" }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".body").text(), "bar"); }); it("should render .icon (light theme)", () => { const wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ icon: "", }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".icon-light-theme").prop("src"), "" ); }); it("should render .icon (dark theme)", () => { const wrapper = mountAndCheckProps({ icon_dark_theme: "", }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".icon-dark-theme").prop("src"), "" ); }); });