import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { _Card as Card, PlaceholderCard, } from "content-src/components/Card/Card"; import { combineReducers, createStore } from "redux"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { INITIAL_STATE, reducers } from "common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; import { cardContextTypes } from "content-src/components/Card/types"; import { ContextMenuButton } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenuButton"; import { LinkMenu } from "content-src/components/LinkMenu/LinkMenu"; import { Provider } from "react-redux"; import React from "react"; import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme"; let DEFAULT_PROPS = { dispatch: sinon.stub(), index: 0, link: { hostname: "foo", title: "A title for foo", url: "", type: "history", description: "A description for foo", image: "", guid: 1, }, eventSource: "TOP_STORIES", shouldSendImpressionStats: true, contextMenuOptions: ["Separator"], }; let DEFAULT_BLOB_IMAGE = { path: "/testpath", data: new Blob([0]), }; function mountCardWithProps(props) { const store = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), INITIAL_STATE); return mount( ); } describe("", () => { let globals; let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); wrapper = mountCardWithProps(DEFAULT_PROPS); }); afterEach(() => { DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.reset(); globals.restore(); }); it("should render a Card component", () => assert.ok(wrapper.exists())); it("should add the right url", () => { assert.propertyVal( wrapper.find("a").props(), "href", ); // test that pocket cards get a special open_url href const pocketLink = Object.assign({},, { open_url: "", type: "pocket", }); wrapper = mount( ); assert.propertyVal(wrapper.find("a").props(), "href", pocketLink.open_url); }); it("should display a title", () => assert.equal(wrapper.find(".card-title").text(),; it("should display a description", () => assert.equal( wrapper.find(".card-description").text(), )); it("should display a host name", () => assert.equal(wrapper.find(".card-host-name").text(), "foo")); it("should have a link menu button", () => assert.ok(wrapper.find(".context-menu-button").exists())); it("should render a link menu when button is clicked", () => { const button = wrapper.find(".context-menu-button"); assert.equal(wrapper.find(LinkMenu).length, 0); button.simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(LinkMenu).length, 1); }); it("should pass dispatch, source, onUpdate, site, options, and index to LinkMenu", () => { wrapper .find(".context-menu-button") .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const { dispatch, source, onUpdate, site, options, index } = wrapper .find(LinkMenu) .props(); assert.equal(dispatch, DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.equal(source, DEFAULT_PROPS.eventSource); assert.ok(onUpdate); assert.equal(site,; assert.equal(options, DEFAULT_PROPS.contextMenuOptions); assert.equal(index, DEFAULT_PROPS.index); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu if overridden by individual card", () => { const link = Object.assign({},; link.contextMenuOptions = ["CheckBookmark"]; wrapper = mountCardWithProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link })); wrapper .find(".context-menu-button") .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const { options } = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.equal(options, link.contextMenuOptions); }); it("should have a context based on type", () => { wrapper = shallow(); const context = wrapper.find(".card-context"); const { icon, fluentID } = cardContextTypes[]; assert.isTrue(context.childAt(0).hasClass(`icon-${icon}`)); assert.isTrue(context.childAt(1).hasClass("card-context-label")); assert.equal(context.childAt(1).prop("data-l10n-id"), fluentID); }); it("should support setting custom context", () => { const linkWithCustomContext = { type: "history", context: "Custom", icon: "icon-url", }; wrapper = shallow( ); const context = wrapper.find(".card-context"); const { icon } = cardContextTypes[]; assert.isFalse(context.childAt(0).hasClass(`icon-${icon}`)); assert.equal( context.childAt(0).props().style.backgroundImage, "url('icon-url')" ); assert.isTrue(context.childAt(1).hasClass("card-context-label")); assert.equal(context.childAt(1).text(), linkWithCustomContext.context); }); it("should parse args for fluent correctly", () => { const title = '"fluent"'; const link = {, title }; wrapper = mountCardWithProps({ ...DEFAULT_PROPS, link }); let button = wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton).find("button"); assert.equal(button.prop("data-l10n-args"), JSON.stringify({ title })); }); it("should have .active class, on card-outer if context menu is open", () => { const button = wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton); assert.isFalse( wrapper.find(".card-outer").hasClass("active"), "does not have active class" ); button.simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); assert.isTrue( wrapper.find(".card-outer").hasClass("active"), "has active class" ); }); it("should send OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE if we clicked on a download", () => { const downloadLink = { type: "download", url: "", }; wrapper = mountCardWithProps( Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: downloadLink }) ); const card = wrapper.find(".card"); card.simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); assert.calledThrice(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.equal( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, at.OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE ); assert.deepEqual( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].data, downloadLink ); }); it("should send OPEN_LINK if we clicked on anything other than a download", () => { const nonDownloadLink = { type: "history", url: "", }; wrapper = mountCardWithProps( Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: nonDownloadLink }) ); const card = wrapper.find(".card"); const event = { altKey: "1", button: "2", ctrlKey: "3", metaKey: "4", shiftKey: "5", }; card.simulate( "click", Object.assign({}, event, { preventDefault: () => {} }) ); assert.calledThrice(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.equal(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, at.OPEN_LINK); }); describe("card image display", () => { const DEFAULT_BLOB_URL = "blob://test"; let url; beforeEach(() => { url = { createObjectURL: globals.sandbox.stub().returns(DEFAULT_BLOB_URL), revokeObjectURL: globals.sandbox.spy(), }; globals.set("URL", url); }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); }); it("should display a regular image correctly and not call revokeObjectURL when unmounted", () => { wrapper = shallow(); assert.isUndefined(wrapper.state("cardImage").path); assert.equal(wrapper.state("cardImage").url,; assert.equal( wrapper.find(".card-preview-image").props().style.backgroundImage, `url(${wrapper.state("cardImage").url})` ); wrapper.unmount(); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should display a blob image correctly and revoke blob url when unmounted", () => { const link = Object.assign({},, { image: DEFAULT_BLOB_IMAGE, }); wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.state("cardImage").path, DEFAULT_BLOB_IMAGE.path); assert.equal(wrapper.state("cardImage").url, DEFAULT_BLOB_URL); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".card-preview-image").props().style.backgroundImage, `url(${wrapper.state("cardImage").url})` ); wrapper.unmount(); assert.calledOnce(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should not show an image if there isn't one and not call revokeObjectURL when unmounted", () => { const link = Object.assign({},; delete link.image; wrapper = shallow(); assert.isNull(wrapper.state("cardImage")); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".card-preview-image"), 0); wrapper.unmount(); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should remove current card image if new image is not present", () => { wrapper = shallow(); const otherLink = Object.assign({},; delete otherLink.image; wrapper.setProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: otherLink })); assert.isNull(wrapper.state("cardImage")); }); it("should not create or revoke urls if normal image is already in state", () => { wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setProps(DEFAULT_PROPS); assert.notCalled(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should not create or revoke more urls if blob image is already in state", () => { const link = Object.assign({},, { image: DEFAULT_BLOB_IMAGE, }); wrapper = shallow(); assert.calledOnce(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); wrapper.setProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link })); assert.calledOnce(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should create blob urls for new blobs and revoke existing ones", () => { const link = Object.assign({},, { image: DEFAULT_BLOB_IMAGE, }); wrapper = shallow(); assert.calledOnce(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); const otherLink = Object.assign({},, { image: { path: "/newpath", data: new Blob([0]) }, }); wrapper.setProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: otherLink })); assert.calledTwice(url.createObjectURL); assert.calledOnce(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should not call createObjectURL and revokeObjectURL for normal images", () => { wrapper = shallow(); assert.notCalled(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); const otherLink = Object.assign({},, { image: "https://other/image", }); wrapper.setProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: otherLink })); assert.notCalled(url.createObjectURL); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); }); describe("image loading", () => { let link; let triggerImage = {}; let uniqueLink = 0; beforeEach(() => { global.Image.prototype = { addEventListener(event, callback) { triggerImage[event] = () => Promise.resolve(callback()); }, }; link = Object.assign({},; link.image += uniqueLink++; wrapper = shallow(); }); it("should have a loaded preview image when the image is loaded", () => { assert.isFalse(wrapper.find(".card-preview-image").hasClass("loaded")); wrapper.setState({ imageLoaded: true }); assert.isTrue(wrapper.find(".card-preview-image").hasClass("loaded")); }); it("should start not loaded", () => { assert.isFalse(wrapper.state("imageLoaded")); }); it("should be loaded after load", async () => { await triggerImage.load(); assert.isTrue(wrapper.state("imageLoaded")); }); it("should be not be loaded after error ", async () => { await triggerImage.error(); assert.isFalse(wrapper.state("imageLoaded")); }); it("should be not be loaded if image changes", async () => { await triggerImage.load(); const otherLink = Object.assign({}, link, { image: "https://other/image", }); wrapper.setProps(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { link: otherLink })); assert.isFalse(wrapper.state("imageLoaded")); }); }); describe("placeholder=true", () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(); }); it("should render when placeholder=true", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should add a placeholder class to the outer element", () => { assert.isTrue(wrapper.find(".card-outer").hasClass("placeholder")); }); it("should not have a context menu button or LinkMenu", () => { assert.isFalse( wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton).exists(), "context menu button" ); assert.isFalse(wrapper.find(LinkMenu).exists(), "LinkMenu"); }); it("should not call onLinkClick when the link is clicked", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(wrapper.instance(), "onLinkClick"); const card = wrapper.find(".card"); card.simulate("click"); assert.notCalled(spy); }); }); describe("#trackClick", () => { it("should call dispatch when the link is clicked with the right data", () => { const card = wrapper.find(".card"); const event = { altKey: "1", button: "2", ctrlKey: "3", metaKey: "4", shiftKey: "5", }; card.simulate( "click", Object.assign({}, event, { preventDefault: () => {} }) ); assert.calledThrice(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); // first dispatch call is the AlsoToMain message which will open a link in a window, and send some event data assert.equal(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, at.OPEN_LINK); assert.deepEqual( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].data.event, event ); // second dispatch call is a UserEvent action for telemetry assert.isUserEventAction(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.secondCall.args[0]); assert.calledWith( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.secondCall, ac.UserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: DEFAULT_PROPS.eventSource, action_position: DEFAULT_PROPS.index, }) ); // third dispatch call is to send impression stats assert.calledWith( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.thirdCall, ac.ImpressionStats({ source: DEFAULT_PROPS.eventSource, click: 0, tiles: [{ id:, pos: DEFAULT_PROPS.index }], }) ); }); it("should provide card_type to telemetry info if type is not history", () => { const link = Object.assign({},; link.type = "bookmark"; wrapper = mount(); const card = wrapper.find(".card"); const event = { altKey: "1", button: "2", ctrlKey: "3", metaKey: "4", shiftKey: "5", }; card.simulate( "click", Object.assign({}, event, { preventDefault: () => {} }) ); assert.isUserEventAction(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.secondCall.args[0]); assert.calledWith( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch.secondCall, ac.UserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: DEFAULT_PROPS.eventSource, action_position: DEFAULT_PROPS.index, value: { card_type: link.type }, }) ); }); it("should notify Web Extensions with WEBEXT_CLICK if props.isWebExtension is true", () => { wrapper = mountCardWithProps( Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { isWebExtension: true, eventSource: "MyExtension", index: 3, }) ); const card = wrapper.find(".card"); const event = { preventDefault() {} }; card.simulate("click", event); assert.calledWith( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_CLICK, { source: "MyExtension", url:, action_position: 3, }) ); }); }); }); describe("", () => { it("should render a Card with placeholder=true", () => { const wrapper = mount( ); assert.isTrue(wrapper.find(Card).props().placeholder); }); });