import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { _ConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog } from "content-src/components/ConfirmDialog/ConfirmDialog"; import React from "react"; import { shallow } from "enzyme"; describe("", () => { let wrapper; let dispatch; let ConfirmDialogProps; beforeEach(() => { dispatch = sinon.stub(); ConfirmDialogProps = { visible: true, data: { onConfirm: [], cancel_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-delete-history-button", confirm_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-cancel-button", eventSource: "HIGHLIGHTS", }, }; wrapper = shallow( ); }); it("should render an overlay", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(".modal-overlay").exists()); }); it("should render a modal", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(".confirmation-dialog").exists()); }); it("should not render if visible is false", () => { ConfirmDialogProps.visible = false; wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".confirmation-dialog"), 0); }); it("should display an icon if we provide one in props", () => { const iconName = "modal-icon"; // If there is no icon in the props, we shouldn't display an icon assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(`.icon-${iconName}`), 0); = iconName; wrapper = shallow( ); // But if we do provide an icon - we should show it assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(`.icon-${iconName}`), 1); }); describe("fluent message check", () => { it("should render the message body sent via props", () => { Object.assign(, { body_string_id: ["foo", "bar"], }); wrapper = shallow( ); let msgs = wrapper.find(".modal-message").find("p"); assert.equal(msgs.length,; msgs.forEach((fm, i) => assert.equal( fm.prop("data-l10n-id"),[i] ) ); }); it("should render the correct primary button text", () => { Object.assign(, { confirm_button_string_id: "primary_foo", }); wrapper = shallow( ); let doneLabel = wrapper.find(".actions").childAt(1); assert.ok(doneLabel.exists()); assert.equal( doneLabel.prop("data-l10n-id"), ); }); }); describe("click events", () => { it("should emit AlsoToMain DIALOG_CANCEL when you click the overlay", () => { let overlay = wrapper.find(".modal-overlay"); assert.ok(overlay.exists()); overlay.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.propertyVal(dispatch.firstCall.args[0], "type", at.DIALOG_CANCEL); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: at.DIALOG_CANCEL }); }); it("should emit UserEvent DIALOG_CANCEL when you click the overlay", () => { let overlay = wrapper.find(".modal-overlay"); assert.ok(overlay); overlay.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.isUserEventAction(dispatch.secondCall.args[0]); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.UserEvent({ event: at.DIALOG_CANCEL, source: "HIGHLIGHTS" }) ); }); it("should emit AlsoToMain DIALOG_CANCEL on cancel", () => { let cancelButton = wrapper.find(".actions").childAt(0); assert.ok(cancelButton); cancelButton.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.propertyVal(dispatch.firstCall.args[0], "type", at.DIALOG_CANCEL); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: at.DIALOG_CANCEL }); }); it("should emit UserEvent DIALOG_CANCEL on cancel", () => { let cancelButton = wrapper.find(".actions").childAt(0); assert.ok(cancelButton); cancelButton.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.isUserEventAction(dispatch.secondCall.args[0]); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.UserEvent({ event: at.DIALOG_CANCEL, source: "HIGHLIGHTS" }) ); }); it("should emit UserEvent on primary button", () => { Object.assign(, { body_string_id: ["foo", "bar"], onConfirm: [ ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DELETE_URL, data: "" }), ac.UserEvent({ event: "DELETE" }), ], }); wrapper = shallow( ); let doneButton = wrapper.find(".actions").childAt(1); assert.ok(doneButton); doneButton.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.isUserEventAction(dispatch.secondCall.args[0]); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith(dispatch,[1]); }); it("should emit AlsoToMain on primary button", () => { Object.assign(, { body_string_id: ["foo", "bar"], onConfirm: [ ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DELETE_URL, data: "" }), ac.UserEvent({ event: "DELETE" }), ], }); wrapper = shallow( ); let doneButton = wrapper.find(".actions").childAt(1); assert.ok(doneButton); doneButton.simulate("click"); // Two events are emitted: UserEvent+AlsoToMain. assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith(dispatch,[0]); }); }); });