import { ContextMenu, ContextMenuItem, _ContextMenuItem, } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenu"; import { ContextMenuButton } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenuButton"; import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; import { INITIAL_STATE, reducers } from "common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; import { Provider } from "react-redux"; import { combineReducers, createStore } from "redux"; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { onUpdate: () => {}, options: [], tabbableOptionsLength: 0, }; const DEFAULT_MENU_OPTIONS = [ "MoveUp", "MoveDown", "Separator", "ManageSection", ]; const FakeMenu = props => { return
; }; describe("", () => { function mountWithProps(options) { const store = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), INITIAL_STATE); return mount( ); } let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should call onUpdate when clicked", () => { const onUpdate = sandbox.spy(); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".context-menu-button").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(onUpdate); }); it("should call onUpdate when activated with Enter", () => { const onUpdate = sandbox.spy(); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".context-menu-button").simulate("keydown", { key: "Enter" }); assert.calledOnce(onUpdate); }); it("should call onClick", () => { const onClick = sandbox.spy(ContextMenuButton.prototype, "onClick"); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find("button").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(onClick); }); it("should have a default keyboardAccess prop of false", () => { const wrapper = mountWithProps(DEFAULT_MENU_OPTIONS); wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton).setState({ showContextMenu: true }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(ContextMenu).prop("keyboardAccess"), false); }); it("should pass the keyboardAccess prop down to ContextMenu", () => { const wrapper = mountWithProps(DEFAULT_MENU_OPTIONS); wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .setState({ showContextMenu: true, contextMenuKeyboard: true }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(ContextMenu).prop("keyboardAccess"), true); }); it("should call focusFirst when keyboardAccess is true", () => { const options = [{ label: "item1", first: true }]; const wrapper = mountWithProps(options); const focusFirst = sandbox.spy(_ContextMenuItem.prototype, "focusFirst"); wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .setState({ showContextMenu: true, contextMenuKeyboard: true }); assert.calledOnce(focusFirst); }); }); describe("", () => { function mountWithProps(props) { const store = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), INITIAL_STATE); return mount( ); } it("should render all the options provided", () => { const options = [ { label: "item1" }, { type: "separator" }, { label: "item2" }, ]; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".context-menu-list").children(), 3); }); it("should not add a link for a separator", () => { const options = [{ label: "item1" }, { type: "separator" }]; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".separator"), 1); }); it("should add a link for all types that are not separators", () => { const options = [{ label: "item1" }, { type: "separator" }]; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(ContextMenuItem), 1); }); it("should not add an icon to any items", () => { const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options: [{ label: "item1", icon: "icon1" }, { type: "separator" }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".icon-icon1"), 0); }); it("should be tabbable", () => { const props = { options: [{ label: "item1", icon: "icon1" }, { type: "separator" }], }; const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".context-menu-item").props().role, "presentation" ); }); it("should call onUpdate with false when an option is clicked", () => { const onUpdate = sinon.spy(); const onClick = sinon.spy(); const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { onUpdate, options: [{ label: "item1", onClick }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); wrapper.find(".context-menu-item button").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(onUpdate); assert.calledOnce(onClick); }); it("should not have disabled className by default", () => { const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options: [{ label: "item1", icon: "icon1" }, { type: "separator" }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".context-menu-item a.disabled"), 0); }); it("should add disabled className to any disabled options", () => { const options = [ { label: "item1", icon: "icon1", disabled: true }, { type: "separator" }, ]; const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".context-menu-item button.disabled"), 1); }); it("should have the context-menu-item class", () => { const options = [{ label: "item1", icon: "icon1" }]; const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".context-menu-item"), 1); }); it("should call onClick when onKeyDown is called with Enter", () => { const onClick = sinon.spy(); const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options: [{ label: "item1", onClick }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); wrapper .find(".context-menu-item button") .simulate("keydown", { key: "Enter" }); assert.calledOnce(onClick); }); it("should call focusSibling when onKeyDown is called with ArrowUp", () => { const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options: [{ label: "item1" }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); const focusSibling = sinon.stub( wrapper.find(_ContextMenuItem).instance(), "focusSibling" ); wrapper .find(".context-menu-item button") .simulate("keydown", { key: "ArrowUp" }); assert.calledOnce(focusSibling); }); it("should call focusSibling when onKeyDown is called with ArrowDown", () => { const props = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { options: [{ label: "item1" }], }); const wrapper = mountWithProps(props); const focusSibling = sinon.stub( wrapper.find(_ContextMenuItem).instance(), "focusSibling" ); wrapper .find(".context-menu-item button") .simulate("keydown", { key: "ArrowDown" }); assert.calledOnce(focusSibling); }); });