import { _DiscoveryStreamBase as DiscoveryStreamBase, isAllowedCSS, } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamBase/DiscoveryStreamBase"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { CardGrid } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/CardGrid/CardGrid"; import { CollapsibleSection } from "content-src/components/CollapsibleSection/CollapsibleSection"; import { DSMessage } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSMessage/DSMessage"; import { HorizontalRule } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/HorizontalRule/HorizontalRule"; import { Navigation } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/Navigation/Navigation"; import React from "react"; import { shallow } from "enzyme"; import { SectionTitle } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/SectionTitle/SectionTitle"; import { TopSites } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSites"; describe("", () => { it("should allow colors", () => { assert.isTrue(isAllowedCSS("color", "red")); }); it("should allow chrome urls", () => { assert.isTrue( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("chrome://global/skin/icons/info.svg")` ) ); }); it("should allow chrome urls", () => { assert.isTrue( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("chrome://browser/skin/history.svg")` ) ); }); it("should allow allowed https urls", () => { assert.isTrue( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("")` ) ); }); it("should disallow other https urls", () => { assert.isFalse( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("")` ) ); }); it("should disallow other protocols", () => { assert.isFalse( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("")` ) ); }); it("should allow allowed multiple valid urls", () => { assert.isTrue( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url(""), url("chrome://browser/skin/history.svg")` ) ); }); it("should disallow if any invaild", () => { assert.isFalse( isAllowedCSS( "background-image", `url("chrome://browser/skin/history.svg"), url("")` ) ); }); }); describe("", () => { let wrapper; let globals; let sandbox; function mountComponent(props = {}) { const defaultProps = { config: { collapsible: true }, layout: [], feeds: { loaded: true }, spocs: { loaded: true, data: { spocs: null }, }, ...props, }; return shallow( ); } beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); wrapper = mountComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); it("should render something if spocs are not loaded", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ spocs: { loaded: false, data: { spocs: null } }, }); assert.notEqual(wrapper.type(), null); }); it("should render something if feeds are not loaded", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ feeds: { loaded: false } }); assert.notEqual(wrapper.type(), null); }); it("should render nothing with no layout", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.isEmpty(wrapper.children()); }); it("should render a HorizontalRule component", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [{ components: [{ type: "HorizontalRule" }] }], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), HorizontalRule ); }); it("should render a CardGrid component", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [{ components: [{ properties: {}, type: "CardGrid" }] }], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), CardGrid ); }); it("should render a Navigation component", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [{ components: [{ properties: {}, type: "Navigation" }] }], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), Navigation ); }); it("should render nothing if there was only a Message", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [ { components: [{ header: {}, properties: {}, type: "Message" }] }, ], }); assert.isEmpty(wrapper.children()); }); it("should render a regular Message when not collapsible", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ config: { collapsible: false }, layout: [ { components: [{ header: {}, properties: {}, type: "Message" }] }, ], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), DSMessage ); }); it("should convert first Message component to CollapsibleSection", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [ { components: [ { header: {}, properties: {}, type: "Message" }, { type: "HorizontalRule" }, ], }, ], }); assert.equal(wrapper.children().at(0).type(), CollapsibleSection); assert.equal(wrapper.children().at(0).props().eventSource, "CARDGRID"); }); it("should render a Message component", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [ { components: [ { header: {}, type: "Message" }, { properties: {}, type: "Message" }, ], }, ], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), DSMessage ); }); it("should render a SectionTitle component", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [{ components: [{ properties: {}, type: "SectionTitle" }] }], }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".ds-column-grid div").children().at(0).type(), SectionTitle ); }); it("should render TopSites", () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ layout: [{ components: [{ properties: {}, type: "TopSites" }] }], }); assert.equal( wrapper .find(".ds-column-grid div") .find(".ds-top-sites") .children() .at(0) .type(), TopSites ); }); describe("#onStyleMount", () => { let parseStub; beforeEach(() => { parseStub = sandbox.stub(); globals.set("JSON", { parse: parseStub }); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); it("should return if no style", () => { assert.isUndefined(wrapper.instance().onStyleMount()); assert.notCalled(parseStub); }); it("should insert rules", () => { const sheetStub = { insertRule: sandbox.stub(), cssRules: [{}] }; parseStub.returns([ [ null, { ".ds-message": "margin-bottom: -20px", }, null, null, ], ]); wrapper.instance().onStyleMount({ sheet: sheetStub, dataset: {} }); assert.calledOnce(sheetStub.insertRule); assert.calledWithExactly(sheetStub.insertRule, "DUMMY#CSS.SELECTOR {}"); }); }); });