import { DSImage } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSImage/DSImage"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; describe("Discovery Stream ", () => { it("should have a child with class ds-image", () => { const img = mount(); const child = img.find(".ds-image"); assert.lengthOf(child, 1); }); it("should set proper sources if only `source` is available", () => { const img = mount(); assert.equal( img.find("img").prop("src"), "" ); }); it("should set proper sources if `rawSource` is available", () => { const testSizes = [ { mediaMatcher: "(min-width: 1122px)", width: 296, height: 148, }, { mediaMatcher: "(min-width: 866px)", width: 218, height: 109, }, { mediaMatcher: "(max-width: 610px)", width: 202, height: 101, }, ]; const img = mount( ); assert.equal( img.find("img").prop("src"), "" ); assert.equal( img.find("img").prop("srcSet"), [ " 296w", " 592w", " 218w", " 436w", " 202w", " 404w", ].join(",") ); }); it("should fall back to unoptimized when optimized failed", () => { const img = mount( ); img.setState({ isSeen: true, containerWidth: 640, containerHeight: 480, }); img.instance().onOptimizedImageError(); img.update(); assert.equal( img.find("img").prop("src"), "" ); }); it("should render a placeholder image with no source and recent save", () => { const img = mount(); img.setState({ isSeen: true }); img.update(); assert.equal(img.find("div").prop("className"), "placeholder-image"); }); it("should render a broken image with a source and a recent save", () => { const img = mount(); img.setState({ isSeen: true }); img.instance().onNonOptimizedImageError(); img.update(); assert.equal(img.find("div").prop("className"), "broken-image"); }); it("should render a broken image without a source and not a recent save", () => { const img = mount(); img.setState({ isSeen: true }); img.instance().onNonOptimizedImageError(); img.update(); assert.equal(img.find("div").prop("className"), "broken-image"); }); it("should update loaded state when seen", () => { const img = mount( ); img.instance().onLoad(); assert.propertyVal(img.state(), "isLoaded", true); }); describe("DSImage with Idle Callback", () => { let wrapper; let windowStub = { requestIdleCallback: sinon.stub().returns(1), cancelIdleCallback: sinon.stub(), }; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(); }); it("should call requestIdleCallback on componentDidMount", () => { assert.calledOnce(windowStub.requestIdleCallback); }); it("should call cancelIdleCallback on componentWillUnmount", () => { wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount(); assert.calledOnce(windowStub.cancelIdleCallback); }); }); });